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BOLTS FROM THE BLUE The hidden toll of lightning. and why it on the rise RACISM IN SCIENCE ‘Truth about life as an ethnic minority researcher cien IS wpe Why some symptoms can persist for months wena jne 27-3 2020 YOUR THINKING BODY Why consciousness isn’t all in the mind WHEN LIFE LEARNED TO SWIM Evidence of oldest moving cells pee SHOULD | GET AN ANTIBODY TEST? / EXPANDING EXOPLANETS / FIRST DINO EGGS / ELECTRIC DUST ON MARS / DISNEY SCIENCE ‘Science and technology news www.newscientistcom USjobsin science News ‘ante he nossa Oasupnaseaietsheb ‘hegirtenessominge? saa instance Themarybarestatho thermo ees “7 egintoswin ABGbllon aol ‘icoss may bet atest nseresotrern ce 28a rom the be henatentihinng srawhyesonsere eiernaty sere ov tong ta “hastange soto ‘rata perros 9 Shui getan arb es? Epaniegomones s0sre/ sence "2Wiped ean Ee st caddy spt art Features “Yuri boy Wreitrestococouress, yeartanisithevhdestry Virtual events What happened atthe bigbang? Treretalastenystst an ooper reves wy eoetng ‘hecardhorsor ebay 'Shebngtuconrtneboget steesothe cosmos Thusoy Shiyatomastiom er donde ‘newscientist.com/events ‘Theartof statistics Leagan Danis Soegihaer roast esta rapier wereedn orto ‘rier fe a ‘Trastoy25)ayst6om newscientist.com/events EP ‘Quantum wernes Sean arlene my wer reton shopnewsletis.com anew cet eaneon0 Video ‘Themany worlds of ‘quantum mechanics SeanCarteleesitmay bethemostneacpora ea aantumpnscs tate word ‘Seow sottranwo. Essential guide Theistnabrandnenseres, turtsen Gide Tore ‘ety nesrewsyses rrenemstenerorcaaress ‘mune tomain ws Bounds sng casemate emt Sem aie ‘A.user’s GUIDE shop.newscientist.com ‘worldwide shipping available sriyeecoce eset pr Oe doses 31) Newsletter Fix the Planet Overwhelmed by climate change? You'renot alone Fortunately, there are reasons for hope in science and. technology around the world. Sign up to our monthly climate newsletter and welll email you a dispatch about an idea, project, person, company or breakthrough that could speed Us up on the road to zero emissions. Join New Scientist chief reporter Adam Vaughan as he brings ‘you scientific reasons to be optimistic that catastrophic climate ‘change isn*tinevitable. Get a monthly dose of climate optimism, delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up at newscientist.com/fix i The leader A cruel and unusual illness ‘Acknowledging strange symptoms of coronavirus is vital to curbing its spread ‘TruRhasdhes theUSandAusrala —Thatthesymptomsdonttaly _tashorlstofeommonsymptoms lg. Whatarethse?Coniigsymptoms withinformation published by ofa was arguabythemontelletve way Thatisaccordngtoadviesfromeach gudelinesisproblematc Notonly_toideifyandactonnew cases. Countryshealibody Howanthesime doestleavethousndscfpeopiewho "Butnowwehaveevidence that Acasealect peoplesdifeentyinarelwiliuleoraohelpandsuppon, symptoms can bevariedandwemust facheountry"Theansweris-tdotsn'. ilabojeoardsesoureforstoconiain makesurewehelpthosewhoarest “Thelspanty saveecionot thespreadofthevirus Ulwests or enen montheaterbeing how litle we ive known about the Infected cro unles we ofa symplomsofeords.untlaow. “Strangesymptomsinclude _—_rengaise-andpubise-allsympeam What wena thought ofa ‘exhaustion, numbness, Toughtonby the coronaire don't Tespimtor/deeseelsintatamuch extreme welght loss, standa chance of entiying those ‘oreformidableenemy teankil brain fog andrashes” ‘whomay have aught norder a vinatwopronged attack through testtnemandurcetbercontacts rovolingourlmmunesysiems Whenpeoplestaredsharng unusual asthe Uatempsio sels filerng Snddlsrupingblood doting page®). symptomsonforumsatthestatofthe teatandtrcesehemeto prevent “Andforsome people covi9, (utbrenkisunderstandablethat they usecond wate ofeases ee age) resultineymptomsthateanbestange, weredsmissedby some Peoplewereiteeemsll-dvsedthat the country dbitatingandlongived(eepogesd) inasateofhypervglancesboutthelr slloficaly sss hve symptoms ‘helistincodesezhausion numbness, eathandfewweregetingtesed—in Eectvecontac tracing wll equle dlurhoay extemewelghtlosbrain theUKatlast-cspecalynotthose Isteningtothosewho ares to ‘og musdepalnandrashes, wimodésoundingcompsints Sticking potetothersfomasiaarfate & Mstia N tist ‘ceo a ei susorsenr Sicemcnnes ‘ncn item = New Scientist Podcast The New Scientist Weekly podcast Episode 22 out Friday 26 June Our weekly podcast has become the must-listen science show, bringing you the most important, surprising or just plain weird events and discoveries of the week. lfyoumissed the earlier episodes you can stil listen in to hear about: Episode 21 Episode 20 Episode 19 Episode 18 Howtoprevetfutrepandemics, Humanaypicmatectce, HowtheLKectitwrengon _Sendngthecaveon rate howoutrorsmghtwggera cackngrudearlusenand coronaviusmysiery and ctangehe raf commercal hibersterthesate pista comtetngcorramns Chronicle ar Geta ‘goretrardandstaa sae Iematerandratemescece manfornaton Thrbagsmusialdcbut —fromearnawus Hosted by New Scientist's Rowan Hooper and Penny Sarchet, new episodes are out each Friday, Follow us on Twitter @newscientistpod Pivscorcdcans DE rcity NP Caiperodcante 1 Sher News Coronavirus Sodalastancing strat Watton UK pone around hee dye ater thepeson ist developed symplomeandordered ates Newly published minutes sow that he UX government ScsentiieAdvsory Groupie Emergence ACH) saidamanth ago tat the contac racing ‘peraton ould vey apy become overwhelmed? there verestilhighnumbersofnew “Only 73 percent of people who tested postive in England were ‘successfully contacted” covd9 infections. Archie, ‘therewerearound0}000 new ‘aes across the Ue day inthe past wee. theUX governments been reportingaound000 0 ‘oo confirmed cases ay "Therepoducionnumber—the erage number ofother people (neinfced person passes the Contact-tracing issues Seer Sppeastobeat-2t0-4percent i i F Both estimates ogee Englandis continuing to remove coronavirus restrictions but efforts to Botts ze ‘rack and stop infections are stil struggling, reports Adam Vaughan ‘here ave een ns ofl Tocaloutreak, suchas atameat LasTmonthKprimeminiter announcedon:Shune-an _postwewee succesfully plantin Anglesey Whe raising Borsohnscnssidingand apponchtingpuruedby _Gontaedasimla proportion theprospectofslocliokown vwouldhavea"worbeating” __manyothercountiesThespp __tothelaunchweckInitalentact_ by authorities Contactaacingsyseminjune. isuniielyiolaunchuntl winter, Iskeytoestablshingthepersons Nevertheless most indicatorsof Butasnonestentalshopsbeqan Ukministesindcated reeentclseconiacs Siar thevirursprevalenceareshowing reopeninginfngland.thepsst SatsndandNortemlrelandcontacttracngopertionsin decline Figures weekrom tweekhasseentwomsjrblows arepursuingthelcownapps in Wales SalandandNorhern _anongoing fice forNatonal, Tocontacttacingetorshere. thecurentabsenceofsuchapps, Idandaretyet publishing _‘Statstesstudy suggest tata, inktheUKgovemment theUKstensofthourandsof comparabe static. sstimatedaveragec3.000 iichedanoverdueNatioral _-humancontattracershaveben | Eglandsschemehasntyet__peopl-ecldingthose inca HealthSericeappdesignedto tiemptngtobrakthevinarsrlemeddtaonitespeedot_homesandhoypals, inEngland automaticaly dee possible chaioftanamiasion Howeve, operation femthepoitatwhich hae 19inthe rst wo weeks Instancsofvinistansmission newiguresshow tat Engands someoncordersatexttownen off down {rom 45.0018 betweenpeoplealeratrislon Testand'raceacheme,thebiggstthercoseconactraretoldto thes wowee of Ms. theldeofWighioundisuseof oftheUKsfournatons stil” slate Aquckturaroundis On Tuesday Johnson announced Bhetocthedtodetectmary falingtoconiactaroundaquarter vialtoconinthevinsspread thal the smete socal dancing 'Phonesrunningtheapp-Theapp ofpeopletesing postive. ‘Onecontactacerforthe rulewouldbereducedtotmetrein vesorginalyduetoberaledout Duringtheschemessecond _schemetaldNew Sent that England froma ly. isituations NroertheURin ay. week fom4tor0funeonly73per theyweretypiely phoning whereothersftyessuresare TheUKgovermentwilnow centotthessgppeoplewhotsted pepletotelltemtheyhadtsed Inplce Wihoutsich measure, pvotintendtobulda new app dence considered by AGE Felingom software that ibe Dally coronavirus news round-up ‘igs thatthe shorter distance tad int Googleand Apps ‘Online every weekday at pm BST {aries benwentiwoandotimes ‘oblle operating systems twas newscast com/coronavira tet theriskftranemiton. ‘News Coronavirus Beating severe covid-19 We are beginning to understand how the virus kills - and how to stop it ‘utwewillneedlotsfother ‘weatmentstohelpusturnthe ‘dec severecova9. “Many ofthe coronavirus rug tvalsrofarhvelooked stantial ‘medicines that may stopthevins ffomrepiating, Whlesome of these appearto shorten the length ‘ofthe hats infects persons ‘nonetasyebeenshownto reducemoraliy Tosavethelves ‘ofthonewhoare serious we ‘eed treatments that acl the ‘acs of severe cova which ‘rurefterthevibasavady ‘plated within the body, idence suggests that tevin lulsthroughatwo prongedatack thal perurtsbothourimmane ‘defences and our loot dotting ‘stem Covidg wat italy Senasarespiatry ness, bot tomeofthose who deframit ‘apeiencenot onl ng fale burabobear aac aoe, ney damageandother ‘conditons eausedby Hood dts "Thegood ewsisthatsevel existingand novel eatmentsto fhe oeh ofthowe impacts ae beingimestgnedandsomeare already inuse"Wethinkweknow ‘hemectanismsforhow al)” sayschrlsMaadows.an intensive (aredoctratcuysandst ‘Thomas hospitals tustin London. rratment snow directed gains those mechani gly ‘owardsreducing inflammation lots think we are prety osetoworkingiallout” “The coronaire enters our body throughcels ning the ‘ose ormouthby atchingomto moecleon thelrsurace called Ine Sdent enone oronaves parties (alom) onthe surace stacgc ‘be aceareepor.insome people, ‘evinus spreads down nto the lung where elisa bearthe ACEzrecpor Hereltcauses {ntammaton andlekageof ud {xo the lunges itereing, with breathing Thiscanlenda personsxypentewlstoflland ‘ean they require treatment ‘wth supplementary axygen ora ‘eto Aut even wth inenstve Suppor. death rates forcovid9 patients receiving venison ave een elaiey high ‘romeaty inthe outbreak, doctor suspectedthat part ofthe problem wasinhow the immune Sstemreastotheviras ‘Normally ourimmuneces ight offvusesorbactera btinsome ‘oer they overeat pamping ot toomany cytokines chemicals thatrecrutyetmoreimmne ‘tllsingvidous cle own es ‘jokin siorm. “Theres ldand Taammatorycelsooding ino wheresrshoulbe says ‘Meson. "This ving, {raping ir witin the ong” ‘Thephenomencn basen en ‘belts intaing nthe sas ‘oronirusoulbreakof2003 Sndinatypeot bia. Drugs iththe potenti to bodkthejokinenormarebeing Investigated but dexamethasone lathe ft demonstrated ues ‘Steroids have ben sed orate tocalmthefmamne system cotherkinds ofan intammation, ‘utitwau'cerainthat they ‘wouldbepincoid9 "tefistrendomsed fal of deramethasoneasfound that lowersthe death ateinventaed ‘ov patents tom 028 per ‘cent. "Theeurivalbenefitiecear nding sodexamethasone ‘houldnoweecome tandardof ‘ae saldoneofthe researchers, Deter Horby atthe Universo (Oxford ina statement. ‘Tefindingis good news but Isxtenoughon tsown Other ‘roupsarelookingformaysto {ake thewaycomagleadsto unwanted blood doting and theres hope hat existng blood thinning medicines could bel. ‘Cling inthe bodys normaly Lighay conoledtoensurethat Dood Hows ely through our blood vessels yet he alipiest Injury tigers acascadeot hencal ecto that ors thie uid into apg Cytokine sions Medical School in Germany Aswollasthese vise dot, sutopsieshavefound smallblood ‘esselsintelungssufised wih alle clts, Thee weresotimes flood vessel wal whch Deramethaconeand heparin rebengestd ‘oreatingeows19

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