1176 II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis Capillary Electrophoresis S.F.Y. LiandY. S.Wu, NationalUniversityof freesolutionelectrophoresiswithin-linemonitoring, Singapore,Singapore thefullpotentialwithrespecttocolumnperformance ^ wasnot yetattained.Also,complexityininstrumen- Copyright 2000AcademicPress tal design deterred follow-up by ordinary elec- trophoresispractitioners. Introduction A milestonefor column-basedelectrophoresiswas setintheearly1980s,whenJorgensonetal.introduc- The migration of charged particles under the inSu- ed capillary zone electrophoresis(CZE) with on-col- enceofanelectricReldwasdiscoveredandcharacter- umnopticaldetection.Theyfoundthatwiththeinner ized theoretically more than 100 years ago by diameter of the capillaries scaled down to 80(cid:1)m, Kolrausch et al. Foreseeing the possibility of separ- voltages as high as 30kV could be applied without ation of charged species through the application of incurringoverheating problems.Thusthe separation avoltage,theterm‘electrophoresis’wascoinedsoon time for most charged species, from small molecules after.However,earlyattemptstouseelectrophoresis to macromolecules, was shortened to less than as an analytical tool were persistently frustrated by 30min, which is comparable to modern chromato- theexistenceofJouleheating,whichactstodiscount graphic methods. For the Rrst time outstanding the electrophoreticeffect. Thus a way of combatting column efRciencies of several hundred thousand the thermal effect during the electrophoretic process plates was routinely obtained. The unprecedented was needed. By 1950s, Tiselius et al. found that performance,relatively simple instrumentation,con- avarietyofsubstancessuchasagaroseandpolymeric current with the widespread availability of fused gels could serve as stabilizing agents in electro- silica capillary columns by the mid-1980s quickly phoretic analysis owing to their anticonvective aroused the interests of both electrophoresis practi- properties.Thiseventuallyledtothecreationofslab tionersandchromatographers,thusmakingcapillary gelelectrophoresis,whichhasbecomeafundamental electrophoresis(CE)oneofthemostexcitingresearch technique for the study of proteins, DNA fragments areas.Today,ithasbecome anindispensablebranch and other biomacromolecules in life sciences and of modern separation science. The powerful separ- biotechnology. Notwithstanding its great success, ation ability of CE was exempliRed in an early slab gel electrophoresis has its drawbacks with re- electropherogram concerning the resolution of de- spect to speed and automation when compared rivated peptides originated from egg white lysozyme with contemporary chromatographic techniques (Figure 1). such as high performance liquid chromatography This article serves as an introduction to CE. It (HPLC). coversthe basic principles,variousaspects of instru- A straightforward way to speed up an electro- mentation,separationmodesandmajorapplications. phoreticseparationprocessistoapplyhigherelectric Some future trends of CE are discussed in the Rnal Relds,andthisnecessitatessystemsabletoreleasethe section. heatgeneratedmore efRciently. Electrophoresiswith a tube as a separation channel is hence an attractive Fundamentals choice since the desired surface-to-volume ratio can be achieved by simply reducing the tube radius. Per- ElectrophoreticMigrationofIons formingelectrophoresisbasedonthetubeformathas an added advantage in that simultaneous detection The uniform motion of an ion under an electric may be implemented in a way analogous to HPLC, Reld can be recognized as a result of balancing thus rendering the entire procedure fast and auto- electromotive and frictional forces of the ion in matic.RunningelectrophoresiswithatubeconRgura- solution: tion was initiated by Hjerten as early as the 1960s, andfurtherattemptedbyVirtanenetal.andMikkers qE"6(cid:1)r(cid:2)u [1] etal.in1970s.Duringthisperiod,theadoptedinner diameters of tubes were in the range of 0.2}3mm, where q is the effective charge of the ion concerned, and thermal effects conRned the applied voltage to EiselectricReld,whileristheion’sStokesradius,(cid:2)is around 1000}2000V, which was of the same order the dynamic viscosity of the solution, and u is the as in typical slab gel electrophoresis. As a conse- linear velocity of the ion. The important parameter, quence, despite these pioneering efforts to perform electrophoretic mobility ((cid:3)), is deRned as the ion’s II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis 1177 Rxed. Hence electrophoretic mobility, the inherent attributeofanionisdirectlyreSectedbyitsmigration time. This provides the theoretical basis of using migration time as a means of identifying an ion in CE. ElectroosmoticFlow(EOF) Electroosmosisis a fundamental electrokinetic effect involving movement of the bulk solution against a charged solid surface under the inSuence of an electric Reld. In the case of CE, the capillary inner wall usually carries negative charges due to the de- protonation of silanol groups. For the part of the liquid adjacent to the capillary wall, build-up of cations takes place to counterbalance the negative chargesonthecapillarysurface.AccordingtoStern’s double layer model the solution containing net ca- tionscanbedividedintotworegions,namelyarigid layer and a diffuse double layer. The rigid layer is immediately adjacent to the capillary wall, so the cationswithinitarelargelyimmobilizedowingtothe strong electrostatic interaction with the wall. The diffuselayerisslightlyawayfromthewall,hencethe Figure1 Capillary zone electrophoresis separation of fluor- cations inside are mobile. Upon the application of escamine-labelledpeptidesobtainedfromatrypticdigestof re- avoltage,thesecationstogetherwiththeirsurround- ducedandcarboxymethylatedeggwhitelysozyme.(Adaptedwith inghydratingwaterwillmigratetowardsthecathode. permission from Jorgenson JW and Lukacs KD (1981) Zone The cohesive nature of water causes the whole solu- electrophoresisinopen-tubularglasscapillaries:preliminarydata onperformance.JournalofHighResolutionChromatographyand tion inside the capillary to be dragged forward, ChromatographicCommunications4:230}231.) generating a net Sow across the capillary. This is named the electroosmotic Sow (EOF). The magni- tude of the EOF can be described via the Helmultz linear velocity per unit of electric Reld: equation: u q (cid:4)(cid:5) (cid:3)" " [2] (cid:3) " [4] E 6(cid:1)r(cid:2) eo 4(cid:1)(cid:2) From eqn [2], it can be seen that the ion’s effec- where (cid:4) is the dielectric constant of the buffer solu- tive charge, its size and the viscosity of the solution tion, (cid:6) is the zeta-potential across the diffuse layer, decide ionic mobility. Thus in a given system ionic and (cid:2) is the viscosity of the electrolyte. Unlike con- mobility is an intrinsic property of an ion. Usually ventional electrophoresis where EOF is regarded as ionic mobility cannot be directly derived from unfavourable and thus usually suppressed, in CE it eqn [2], as the parameters are not easily accessible has several importantpositive implications. quantities. Instead it can be measured based on rel- First, the existence of an EOF offers a simple and evantexperimentaldata,i.e.howlonganiontakesto highly efRcient way of driving a separation system. travel through a certain distance under a deRnite Thezeta-potentialisuniformlydistributedwithinan electric Reld, as follows: extremely narrowcylindricalregion alongthe whole capillary so the bulk electrolyte solution u L 1 L 1 L (cid:1)L is pumped out of the capillary with virtually no (cid:3)" " eff(cid:1) " eff(cid:1) " eff tot [3] E t E t V/L V(cid:1)t pressure drop (Figure 2). A ‘plug-like’ Sow is ob- m m tot m tained, which subsequently contributes to high col- where L and L are the effective migration length umn performance. This is advantageous over the eff tot (frominlettodetectionwindow)andtotalmigration conventional pumping methods such as in HPLC, length,respectively,Vistheappliedvoltage,andt is where the pressure-based Sow always introduces m themigrationtime oftheion. ForaCEsystemoper- aparabolicproRlethusaddingto thelossof column ated undera constantvoltage, L ,L and V are all efRciency. eff tot 1178 II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis broadening in CE include longitudinal diffusion, in- jection-related volume overloading, thermal effects,electrodispersion,walladsorption,etc.These bandbroadeningmechanisms are deemed to be ran- dom and independent events, so that the concept of summation of variances can be used to evaluate the contributionsofindividualfactorstotheoverallband broadeningeffect, that is: (cid:7)2 "(cid:7)2 #(cid:7)2 #(cid:7)2 #(cid:7)2 #(cid:7)2 #(cid:7)2 [6] Figure2 The generation of electroosmotic flow (EOF) in a tot diff inj therm wall electr other silicacapillary. A brief description of these band broadening factors is given below. Second, the presence of EOF affects the apparent mobilities of ions (Figure 3). In any electrophoretic Longitudinal diffusion In the course of electro- separationsystemwhereEOFisnotfullysuppressed, phoretictransportationofan analytebandalongthe theobservedmobilityofachargedspecieswillbethe capillary, the sample molecules will inevitably have resultantof its effective electrophoreticmobilityand a tendency to enter the surrounding buffer solution EOF: because of the apparent concentration difference, leading to a wider and more dilute sample band. (cid:3) "(cid:3) #(cid:3) [5] AccordingtoEinstein’sdiffusionequation,banddis- obs ep eo persiondue to longitudinaldiffusionis a functionof diffusion coefRcient and time: Under normal conditions,with EOF directs towards the cathode, obviously cations will be accelerated, (cid:7)2 "2D t [7] whileanionswill be decelerated.If the magnitudeof diff m the EOF exceeds the mobilities of the anions, the Under an ideal situation, longitudinal diffusion be- anionswill beswepttowardsthedetectionside,thus comes the only unavoidable band broadening pro- allowing the simultaneous analysis of cationic and cess. Therefore it deRnes the maximum attainable anionic species. As the magnitude and direction of column efRciency in CE. Based on chromatographic EOFwillaffect howlongtheanalytesstayinsidethe theory, the maximum obtainable theoretical plates separation capillary, manipulation of EOF often be- (N) can be derived as follows: comesacoreissueforeffecting asatisfactoryresolu- tion.SincetheformationofEOFinvolvestwophases (capillarywallandrunningbuffer),anymodiRcation N"L2" L2 " L2 totheirchemistrieswillbringaboutachangeinEOF. (cid:7)2 2Dmt 2Dm(cid:1)(L/v) L2 (cid:3)V Causesof BandBroadening " " [8] 2D (cid:1)[(L (cid:1)L )/(cid:3)V] 2D m eff tot m Asinachromatographicprocess,inelectrophoresisit is necessary to contain the ionic species within nar- Thus the maximum column efRciency in CE is pro- row bands while creating sufRcient mobility differ- portional to the mobility and voltage, while ences.Hownarrowabandisdependsnotonlyonthe inversely proportional to the diffusion coefRcient. various dispersive factors inherent to the elec- Considering that mobilities of ions range trophoreticprocess, but also on how well the whole between10(cid:1)4and10(cid:1)3cm2V(cid:1)1s(cid:1)1,diffusioncoefR- process is performed. The common causes of band cients from 10(cid:1)7 to 10(cid:1)5cm2s(cid:1)1, and an applied voltage up to 104V, the attainable theoretical platenumberwouldbeintheorderof105}106,which is much higher than any conventional HPLC ap- proach. Eqn [8] also suggests that in principle CE shouldbewellsuitedfortheseparationofhigh-mass charged particles such as biopolymers, since their diffusion coefRcients are extremely low. This has been demonstrated in the most successful resolution Figure3 EffectofEOFontheapparentmobilitiesofanionsand ofDNAfragmentsandproteinswhereplatenumbers cations. of 106 have been reached. It should be emphasized II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis 1179 thateqn [8]isonlyvalidunderthepreconditionthat equivalent to the superimposition of a parabolic longitudinal diffusion plays a predominant role proRle to the otherwise plug-like ion boundaries among the various band broadeningmechanisms. In and bulk Sow, as any temperature gradient will be other words, to achieve the maximum column efR- translatedintoviscosityandmobilitygradientsinthe ciency, the electrophoretic separation should be car- solution.TominimizetheinSuenceofthermaleffects ried out in such a way that all the other potential on the overall column efRciency, it is imperative to band dispersions are curbed well below the magni- limit the heat generation while maximizing the heat tude of the longitudinaldiffusion effect. dissipation. In this regard, the use of narrow bore capillaries is particularly recommended because it Injection related volume overload During sample favours the above two aspects simultaneously. Ac- injection,aRnitevolumeofsampleisplacedontothe cording to eqn [10], for a certain CE system, heat capillary.Thelengthofthisstartingplugwillcontrib- generationmayalsobecontrolledthroughbalancing ute directly to the Rnal band width. Treating the the buffer compositionand separation potential. originalbandasrectangularinshape,thevarianceof this plug can be expressedby: Wall adsorption effect The capillary surface, like most solid surfaces, never behaves in a completely (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:7)2 " linj 2 [9] inertmannertoforeigncompounds.InHPLC,it has inj 12 been well known that peak anomalies are often the result of some speciRc interaction (e.g. hydrogen wherelinjistheinitialpluglength.Asaruleofthumb, bonding) between the residual silanol groups and loss of efRciency due to any extraneous dispersion analytes. While similar adverse effects cannot be factor should be kept within 10% of the maximum ruled out, in CE the problem is exacerbated by the theoretical column efRciency. Assuming a fact that under a typical operation condition, the moderateplatenumberintheorderof105asdeRned silanolgroupsalongthewallaremostlydeprotonated by longitudinal diffusion, it can be easily estimated to give a negatively charged capillary surface. When that the acceptable injection length should be a few an analyte with a positive charge travels along the millimetres. For the commonly employed capillaries capillary, the electrostatic force will tend to attract withinnerdiameterbetween50and75(cid:1)m,theabove the analytes onto the wall, causing additional band length is equivalent to only a few nanolitres.So it is broadening. This is a feature of the analysis of pro- obvious that CE’s high column efRciency will pose teins owing to their low diffusion coefRcients and very stringent restriction on the sample size. Any multiple charge sites. SigniRcant efforts have been attempttoincreasetheinjectionvolumeinanaimto made to tackle this problem, mostly through the enhance detection sensitivity may result in a signiR- suppression of EOF or complete reversal of the cant loss of column efRciency. charge status of the capillary wall. Thermal gradient effect An electrophoretic pro- Electrodispersion Electrodispersion is the result of cess is always accompanied by certain amount of Ohm’s law during the electrophoretic separation. It thermal effects due to the passage of a current mayappearintwoinstances.First,iftheconductivity through the resistive medium (Joule heating). For of the injection plug is larger than that of the buffer a CE system,the electrical power (P) responsiblefor solution, an isotachophoresiseffect will occur to di- the generation of heat can be estimated through the lutetheoriginalbandtill theconductivityisequalto following equation: the surrounding buffer. Second, during the separ- ation,an analyte zone is ‘submerged’ into the buffer P"V(cid:1)I"V2"V2(cid:1)r2(cid:8)c [10] solution. Any mismatch of its mobility with its co- R L ions in the buffer will render the local electric Reld where V is the applied voltage, r and L are capillary different from that in the normal running buffer. If inner radius and length, respectively, while (cid:8) and themobilityofthesampleionislargerthanthatofits c are respectively the molar conductivity and co-ions,thenthere will be a lower electrical Reld for the concentration of the electrolyte solution. While theanalytezone.Thusanysampleionsdiffusingout heat generation is uniform for the whole electrolyte ofthezonewillexperienceahigherelectricReld,and solution,heatdissipationisapparentlynot:thenearer theseionswillspeedupalongthemigrationdirection. the electrolyte is to the capillary wall, the faster is This causes the ions at the rear to re-enter the zone, the heat transferred out to the surroundings. Con- whereastheionsatthefrontwilldriftawayfromthe sequently,atemperaturegradientisgenerallypresent zone.Theaccumulativeeffectofsuchphenomenonis in the radial direction of the capillary, which is the formation of a tailing band showing a sharp 1180 II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis supplyis connectedvia the platinumelectrodes.Fol- lowing the introduction of sample at the capillary inlet, a high voltage is applied, thus driving the analytes to travel inside the capillary with different velocities.Somewhereclosetothecapillaryoutlet,an on-linedetectorisinstalledtomonitortheseparation process. The resulting signals are fed to the data acquisition device, and Rnally the result is presented in the form of an electropherogram. Figure4 Mobilitymismatch-inducedbandbroadening. Apart from these fundamental components, com- mercialCEinstrumentsarecommonlyequippedwith some dedicated facilities, such as an autosampler, trailingboundarybutabroadenedleadingboundary. pressure regulating unit, capillary thermostatting, By a similar argument, if the analyte ion is of lower and comprehensive supporting software. These mobilitythantheco-ion,afrontingbandisexpected addedfunctionsallowasequentialanalysisofdiffer- (Figure 4).Thehigherthesampleconcentrationcom- entsamplesunderprespeciRedconditions,thusensur- pared to the buffer concentration, the more pro- ing better reproducibility, accuracy and higher nouncedarethenonuniformitieswithrespecttocon- throughput. Two modern commercial systems are ductivity and Reld strength, and eventually more se- shown in Figure 6. vere is the band asymmetry. From the above discussion it is obvious that, to HighVoltagePower Supply preventpossiblelossofcolumnefRciencyduetoelec- trodispersion, the conductivity of the injection plug A high voltage power source delivering stable DC and the actual sample concentrationshouldbe sufR- potential of $30kV will satisfy the requirement of ciently low. Theoretical study had shown that, to most CE applications. Many power supplies offer conRne the electrodispersion-related band broaden- additional features such as polarity switching, con- ing at a level comparable to longitudinal diffusion, stant potential/current setting, and an interlocked thesampleconcentrationshouldbetwoordersbelow the buffer concentration. To some extent, it is the electrodispersion that limits the mass loadability of a CE system. Instrumentation CE can be performed with relatively simple instru- mentation as depicted in Figure 5. A capillary con- taininganappropriateseparationmediumspanstwo buffer reservoirs, to which the high voltage power Figure6 CommercialCEsystems.(A)BenchtopCEsystem. Figure5 Instrumental setup of a capillary electrophoresis Photographcourtesy of Bio-Rad Laboratories.(B) Portable CE system. system.PhotographcourtesyofCEResourcesPte.Ltd. II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis 1181 antielectrical shock loop. In the commercial CE in- injection volumes of individual components can struments, the power supply is designed with digital be calculated throughthe following equation: communicationcapability,sothat moreinformation suchasacurrentcurvecanbetrackedandretrieved, ((cid:3)#(cid:3) )(cid:1)r2Vt V " i eo [12] and the applied voltage can be programmed. inj L SeparationCapillary where (cid:3),(cid:3) are the mobilities of the analyte and i eo Although capillaries made of glass or polymer EOF,respectively,andVistheinjectionvoltage.For (e.g.TeSonorNylon)havefoundoccasionalapplica- electrokineticinjectiontheinjectedamountsofdiffer- tion,fusedsilicacapillariesareusedpredominantlyin ent analytes are dictated by the mobilities of the CE,largelyduetotheirstrength,Sexibilityandmost respective analytes. Thus it is different from hy- importantlytheirexcellentUVtransparency.Usually drodynamic injection, where the sample plug is of the fused silica capillary is coated with a layer of entirelythe samecompositionas the original sample polyimide to enhance its durability. For on-column solution. To avoid sample injection bias, hydro- optical detection a small segment of this coating dynamic injection is preferred. However, in some needs to be removed to provide the detection win- circumstances hydrodynamic injection may be im- dow. The most commonly used CE capillaries have practicable (e.g. owing to the high viscosity or low inner diameter between 20 and 75(cid:1)m, outer dia- permeability of the separation medium). Elec- meter 100}400(cid:1)m and are about 30}100cm in trokinetic injection is then the only viable option, length. suchas incapillarygel electrophoresis.Onthe other hand, sometimes electrokinetic injection may be ex- SampleInjection ploitedinfavourofCEoperation.Forexample,itcan ToachievehighcolumnefRciencyandgoodquantit- be employed to diminish the interference of the ative results, sample injection must be performed in sample matrix if the components concerned are of areproduciblemanner.Sincetheinjectionvolumein low mobilities. Moreover, if the sample is of low CEisinthe nanolitrerange,whichprecludestheuse conductivity, then sample enrichment during elec- of conventional injection methods, alternative ap- trokineticinjectionispossiblebytakingadvantageof proaches have to be pursued. Hydrodynamic injec- the sample-stackingeffect. tionandelectrokineticinjectionhaveturnedouttobe the most widely employed sampling techniques. Detection Hydrodynamicinjectionintroducesasamplebased InCE, sampleseparationis accomplishedinan elec- onapressuredifferenceinthetwosidesofthecapil- trolyte solution, so detection strategies analogous to lary.Foralaboratory-builtinstrument,thisisrealized HPLC are adopted. Compared with HPLC, CE col- bysimplyliftingupthesamplevialtogetherwiththe umn efRciencies are at least one order of magnitude capillary inlet for a certain period of time (typically higher,whichsuggeststhat solutebandswill be nar- a few seconds).The hydrodynamicforce will siphon row and the average concentration of the analyte a band of sample solution into the capillary. For zoneisseveraltimeshigherthanforHPLC.Asfaras commercialinstruments,thepressuredropiscreated aconcentration-sensitivedetectorconcerned,thisim- byeitherapplyingpressureattheinletside,orimpos- pliesalargerdetectionsignaloutput.However,sofar ingavacuumattheoutletvial.Theinjectionvolume for CE the concentration sensitivity is usually lower can be calculated based on Poiseuille’s law: thanitsHPLCcounterparts.Thisapparentcontradic- tion stems mainly from the small sample size, (cid:9)P(cid:1)r4t (cid:10)g(cid:1)r4(cid:9)ht which poses great difRculties for detection. The fun- V " " [11] inj 8(cid:2)L 8(cid:2)L damental detection schemes in CE fall into three categories: optical (UV absorptive and Suorescent) where (cid:9)P and (cid:9)h are the pressure and height differ- detection,electrochemicaldetection,andvarioushy- ences,respectively,whiler,t,(cid:2)andLrepresentcapil- phenating techniques (typically mass spectrometric lary inner radius, injection time, solution viscosity detection).Thesensitivitiesofthe different detection and capillary total length, respectively. methods are compared in Figure 7. Electrokineticinjectionisbasedonthetransporta- tionofsampleionsbyelectrophoreticmovementand UV adsorbance This is the most commonly used EOF. Normally a lower voltage than that for separ- detection method for CE, mainly because of its sim- ationpurposeisappliedforacertainamountoftime plicity. It is frequently implemented by modifying to allow analytes to migrate into the capillary. The a HPLC-type UV detector. The normal Sow cell is 1182 II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis Figure7 ComparisonofsensitivitiesofvariousCEdetectionmethods.(AdaptedwithpermissionfromLandersJP(ed.)Handbookof CapillaryElectrophoresis,2ndedn,chap.10,pp.425}448.BocaRaton,FL:CRCPress.) removed and the capillary is mounted directly be- focusingofexcitationlightandmoreeffectivecollec- tweentheincidentlensandphotocell,inconjunction tion of emission light. An important development in with a corresponding aperture. Such on-column de- CESuorescencedetectionistheintroductionoflaser- tection conRguration, though easy to execute, pro- based excitation sources. Owing to its outstanding vides only a moderate detection sensitivity with the coherence, a powerful laser source can be focused lowerdetectionlimitsaround10(cid:1)5to10(cid:1)6molL(cid:1)1, into an extremely sharp beam to illuminate the core as it is associated with two major problems. First, partofthecapillary,thusproducingemissionlightof since the capillary is illuminated radially, the max- high intensity. As a result, detection limits of imumopticalpathisequivalenttotheinnerdiameter 10(cid:1)9}10(cid:1)11molL(cid:1)1 can be obtained routinely, of the capillary. This severely reduces the achievable whichisatleasttwoordersofmagnitudemoresensi- absorbance according to Lambert}Beer’s law. Sec- tivethantheconventionalapproach.Singlemolecule ond,duetoitsuniquecylindricalgeometry,thecapil- detection has been demonstrated by Rne-tuning the lary tends to act like a lens to defocus the incoming CE system and utilizing laser-induced Suorescence light, thus posing difRculties in light orientation and (LIF) detection. A major drawback of Suorescence collection.Asaconsequence,signalnoiseandnonlin- detection is that the number of analytes with native earity are further aggravated. By bending the capil- SuorescenceisfarlessthanthatwithUVabsorbance. laryintoZ-shapeorcreatingabubblefeatureonthe Therefore,tomakeuseofthis highlysensitivedetec- capillary body, the optical pathlength can be con- tion scheme, derivatization of analytes by tagging siderably increased. These efforts, coupled with with a Suorescent group is often needed. improved detection optics, enhance the detection limits to 10(cid:1)7molL(cid:1)1. The capillary can also be Indirect photometric detection For compounds connected to an HPLC-type Sow cell (pathlength without any chrophormore, indirect detection offers &1mm) as in the HP system. asimple,effectivewaytotakeadvantageofthe con- venienceofon-columnopticaldetection.HereaUV- Fluorescence detection Fluorescence detection is so absorbing or Suorescent compound with the same farthemostsensitivedetectionmodeavailabletoCE sign as the sample ions is added to the running due to the fact that the measurement is performed buffer to provide a stable background. During the against a ‘dark’ background,and Suorescence inten- electrophoretic separation, the sample ions will dis- sityislesspathlengthdependentbutdirectly propor- place a certain amount of background ions due to tional to excitation power. On-column Suorescent electroneutrality requirements. Thus the passage of detection can also be realized throughadaptation of a sample zone through the detection window will anHPLC-typedetector.Onceagain,duetothepres- appearasanegativepeak.Inprinciple,thequantiRca- ence of the lens effect of the capillary, improvement tionofasampleinsuchawayinvolvesdifferentiating of the detection optics is necessary to ensure better asignalfromtwolargeresponses,hencethedetection II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis 1183 sensitivity is lower than that for direct photometric fabricate microelectrodes and mount them into an detection. To achieve an acceptable detection limit, extremely small space, usually deRned by the separ- the background concentration should be kept low. ation capillary. While the current state-of-the-art Undersuchcircumstance,anymismatchofmobilities allows the preparation of microelectrodes with di- betweenthesampleionsandbackgroundco-ionswill mensionsdownto several (cid:1)m, the installationof the give rise to a considerable electrodispersion, hence microsensing elements to the detection region is leading to severely distorted peaks. Therefore, a task requiring complicated microfabrication tech- selectingasuitableCEbackgroundisofspecialsignif- niques and great patience. All three types of electro- icance for the implementation of indirect optical chemicaldetectionhaveshowntheirfeasibilityinCE detection. with typical detection limits in the range of 10(cid:1)7}10(cid:1)9molL(cid:1)1. Electrochemicaldetection Inelectrochemicaldetec- tion, sample bands are monitored in terms of an Hyphenation with mass spectrometry Following electrical signal. Depending on the application, the thegreatsuccessininterfacingHPLCwithmassspec- measured quantity can be conductivity, voltage or trometry,itisalogicalmovetoexplorethepotential current. Accordingly it is referred to as conduc- of CE-MS. For a successful implementation of timetry,potentiometryoramperometry,respectively. CE-MS,keepingaproperelectricalcontactattheMS Unlike optical detection in which the measurement side is essential. This has been achieved through output depends strongly upon the available volume, a variety of means, such as contacting via coaxial inelectrochemicaldetectionthesignalrelatesonlyto sheathSow, or througha liquid junction. Sheathless the part of solution that is directly contacting the contact has been realized by attaching the metal- electrode surfaces. Thus, wherever volume insufR- coated separation capillary tip directly to the ion ciency precludes the employmentof photometricde- sourceemitter.Forsampleionizationandtransporta- tection,e.g.incasewhereultra-narrowborecapillary tion,theelectrosprayionizationinterface(ESI)ispre- is used to facilitate fast separation, electrochemical dominantlyadopted, mainly because ESI is operated detection may still be a viable choice. Moreover, as underalmostatmosphericpressure,thusnotconSict- long as the analyte is electrochemically active, the ing with CE separation. Moreover, ESI ionization detection can be performed directly without involv- workswith electrostatically induced nebulization,in ing derivatization, as it may be for photometric which compounds are ionized with different charge detection. Due to these advantages, electrochemical status depending on their relative molecular masses detection gradually gains its popularity in CE andshapes.Inprinciple,thisallowsdeterminationof practice. relative molecular mass for a large range of com- There are two major difRculties involvedwith im- pounds, from small molecules to large biopolymers plementing electrochemical detection for CE. The (such as proteins and polysaccharides). Thus it is Rrstcomesfromthefactthat,itisnoteasytomakean applicabletoalltypesofCEanalytes.Asforthemass electrochemicaldetectorfunctionwellinthepresence analyser, the high efRciency of CE separation de- ofahighvoltage,becausetheseparationvoltagewill mands a mass analyser with a fast scan rate. The producenoisethatswampstheminuteresponseofthe time-of-Sight (TOF) mass spectrometer is probably analytes. Thus, decoupling of the separation electric the most promising candidate, but the quadrupole Reld from the detection system has to be done to massspectrometeriscurrentlytheworkhorseforCE- facilitatethemeasurement.Theinsulationofthesep- MSowingtoitscommercialavailabilityandrelative- arationvoltagecanberealizedbyintroducingafrac- ly low cost. Its insufRcient scan speed may be com- tureoragapstructureinthecapillarythroughwhich pensated partially through the manipulation of the the electrical grounding is made, such that the seg- electric Reld, i.e. when a certain analyte is migrating ment behind the fracture or the gap can be used for out of the capillary, the applied voltage can be re- theaccommodationoftheelectrochemicalelectrodes. duced temporarily, such that the analyte of interest Alternatively, to shield off the high voltage, the de- will remain in the ionization chamber for a longer tecting elements may be mounted immediately out- time. With careful optimization of parameters, CE- side the outlet of the separation capillary. A more MShasshowndetectionlimitsintheattomolerange elegantwayistoetchthecapillaryendtogeneratean (10(cid:1)18molmass). enlarged conical cuvette from where the detecting electrodesareinstalled.Inthiswaytheinterferenceof Separation Formats of CE high voltage can be eliminated because the electric Reld decays very rapidly before the enlarged conical One of the advantages of CE is that many types of part. The second difRculty stems from the need to separation can be performed with the instrument 1184 II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis describedinFigure 2.Thisismadepossiblebysimply CapillaryGelElectrophoresis(CGE) altering the separation medium inside the capillary For this format, polymeric networks are present andutilizinganappropriatebuffersystem.Thecom- alongtheelectrophoreticpathwayofanalytes,which monly employed separation formats in CE can be causes chargedspecies to be resolved onthe basis of divided into the following. theirphysicalsizesratherthancharge-to-massratios. Accordinglythisseparationprocessisalsocommonly known as ‘molecular sieving’. It is particularly suit- CapillaryZoneElectrophoresis(CZE) ablefortheseparationofbiomacromoleculesconsist- ing of numerous repeat charge units, such as DNA Among the various CE formats CZE is the simplest fragments,SDS-denaturedproteins and polysacchar- andmost popular.Here a homogenousfree solution ides(Figure 8).CGEmaybeconsideredasanadapta- isemployedtomaintainaconstantelectricReldalong tionoftraditionalgelelectrophoresisintoitscapillary the capillary. Ionic species are separated inside this format. However, traditional gel electrophoresis use supporting solution according to their different onlycross-linkedpolyacrylamide(socalled‘chemical charge-mass ratios, thus forming segregate zones. gel’), while for CGE both cross-linked polymer gels The desired separation selectivity can be achieved and various polymer solutions can be employed to by simply optimizing the parameters of the carrier createthesievingpores.Theuseofpolymersolutions electrolyte particularly pH, as well as ionic instead of chemical gels facilitates renewing of the strength and the type and concentration of various sieving medium by simply Sushing out the original EOF modiRers. A number of secondary equilibria solution,and reRlling with another.It also alleviates are available to strengthen the separation selectivity sometechnicalproblemsassociatedwithchemicalgel further. such as gel shrinkage, bubble formation and matrix Although CZE is commonly performed with an collapse, hence improving the separation repro- aqueousbuffer,itcanalsobeimplementedinanon- ducibility. aqueous medium by using organic solvents and compatible conductive salts. The effect of replacing water with an organic solvent in CE can be under- stood from the fact that organic solvents possess signiRcantly different viscosities and dielectric con- stants compared with water. Thus, changes in the magnitude of EOF and migration behaviours of charged analytes are expected in non-aqueous CE, which can be seen from eqns [2] and [4]. Further- more, organic solvents differ in their capacity to stabilize equilibria. Thus, in organic media, the chargestatusoforganicanalytescanbedramatically different from that in an aqueous medium, hence leadingtoquitedifferentseparationselectivity.Addi- tionally, it is evidenced that organic media are ca- pableofpromotingcertainmechanismssuchasinclu- sion interaction and ion-pair formation, which en- hance possibilities of achieving the desired separ- ation.Moreover,withawaterdominatedbuffer,itis verydifRculttoconductCEseparationsofhydropho- bic analytes.Undersuchcircumstances,switchingto a non-aqueous buffer system would provide an efR- cient solution. Finally, it is noted that, when an or- ganic medium is utilized for CZE separations, the electrophoretic current is reduced considerably. As a result, even though capillaries of relatively wide inner diameter are employed, Joule heating is at Figure8 CGE separation of poly(uridine 5(cid:11)-phosphate). amanageablelevel,thusenablingtheenhancementof (AdaptedwithpermissionfromYinHF,LuxJAandSchomburgG (1990) Production of polyacrylamide gel filled capillaries for detection sensitivity through the usage of wide bore capillarygelelectrophoresis(CGE):influenceofcapillarysurface capillaries. In short,non-aqueousCZE is an attract- pretreatmentonperformaceandstability.JournalofHighResolu- ive means for extending the applicability of CE. tionChromatography15:624}627.) II/ELECTROPHORESIS/CapillaryElectrophoresis 1185 CapillaryIsotachophoresis(CITP) ampholyteswith isoelectric pointsin a certain range andincloseproximitytoeachother.Suchamixture InCITP,aleadingelectrolyteofhighermobilitythan is commonly formed by a series of synthetic poly- anyofthesamplecomponentsisRlledintothesepar- amino polycarboxylic acids. The capillary is Rlled ationcapillary and outlet reservoir,while a termina- with the carrier ampholyte solution and a small ting electrolyte of lower mobility than any of the amount of sample, and dipped into the buffer reser- sample components is placed in the inlet reservoir. voirs that contain acid and base, respectively. Under The sample is applied from the capillary inlet. This the electric Reld, different ampholytes will migrate arrangement ensures that there will be no mixing of along the capillary until they reach positions corre- sample with the two electrolytes during the whole sponding to their pI values, where they stand still. electrophoretic process. As a consequence, upon CollectivelyastablepHgradientisformedacrossthe applicationofanelectric Reld,themainchangehap- capillary. The sample components, too, will migrate pens inside the sample band itself, i.e. the sample untiltheyRndpositionsequivalenttotheirpIvalues. components tend to ‘queue up’ according to their When such a steady state is obtained, an immobiliz- effectivemobilityorders.Thesecomponentsarerelo- ation step (by utilizing electrophoretic movement or catedwithcorrespondingchangesintheirconcentra- pressure) is performed, and the separated analyte tions and band lengths. Ultimately a series of con- bands will be forced out and passed through the secutive ‘pure zones’ containing only the individual detector. If the carrier ampholyte mixture is well substancesareformed.Thisisthesteadystateasthere prepared and a sufRcient time is allowed for the willbenomorechangesforthesampleexceptthatall electricfocusingprocess,averyhighcolumnefRcien- thezoneswillcontinuetomigrateoutofthecapillary cy can be realized. with an identical velocity (hence the term ‘iso- tachophoresis’). Unlike the other types of CE separ- ation,in CITPthe concentrationof aspeciRczoneis MicellarElectrokineticChromatography(MEKC) predetermined by the concentration of the leading Neutralspeciescanneverberesolvedwithtraditional electrolyte and the relative mobility of the ion of electrophoretic techniques since they have no elec- interest with respectto the leading electrolyte, while trophoreticmobility.AfterthebirthofCE,thisprob- the sample amount is reSected by the zone length. lemwassolvedbyTerabeetal.throughtheaddition Due to the unique stepwise increase in electric Reld of a charged surfactant to the running buffer. Typi- starting from the leading electrolyte side, which cally a negatively charged surfactant is added at prevents a component from drifting off its own a concentration above its critical micelle concentra- band, sharp boundaries can be maintained more tion (CMC). Under such circumstances, micelles are readily. Therefore CITP can be implemented using formed, which allow neutral compounds to be re- tubes of relatively large i.d. (e.g. 0.2}0.8mm). tained based on their hydrophobicities. Under an Nevertheless, CITP as an analytical tool has largely electrical Reld, the negatively charged micelles move lostitspopularitysincetheadventofCZE,probably toward the anode side, while a strong EOF moves due to the fact that a thorough knowledge of the toward the cathode side (Figure 9). As EOF usually sample is required before the separation. Further- exceeds the electrophoretic mobility of micelles, the more, the isotachopherogramis usuallystep-shaped, micelles will eventually be swept out in the same and the steps are not time related, thus rendering automatic identiRcation and quantiRcation difRcult. CITP is often applied as a sample pre-concentration step before CZE separations to enhance detection sensitivity. CapillaryIsoelectricFocusing(CIEF) Thisisanotherexampleofanadaptationofaconven- tionalelectrophoresisprincipletoacapillaryformat. CIEF exploits differences in isoelectric points (pIs), auniquecharacteristicofamphotericcompoundsun- derwhichitsacidicandbasicgroupsdissociatetoan equal extent, so that the whole molecule exhibitsno net charge. It is only suitable for the separation of compounds like amino acids, peptides and proteins. The operation of CIEF relies on a mixture of carrier Figure9 SeparationmechanismofMEKC.