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National Waste Report 2010 PDF

386 Pages·2010·9.02 MB·English
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National Waste Report 2010 NationalWaste Report 2010 National Waste Report 2010 ii National Waste Report 2010 (March 2010) © Copyright vests in the Commonwealth of Australia and each Australian State and Territory. ISBN (Electronic) 978-1-921173-53-0 ISBN (CD) 978-1-921173-61-5 This work is copyright. It has been produced by the Environment Protection and Heritage Council (EPHC). Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be re-produced by any process without prior permission from the NEPC Service Corporation. Requests and enquiries concerning re-production and rights should be addressed to the Executive Officer, NEPC Service Corporation, Level 5, 81 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are factually correct, the Environment Protection and Heritage Council does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication. iii Contents Foreword v Introduction 1 Chapter 1—Context 5 1.1 The Australian context 5 1.2 Global context 8 Chapter 2—Resource recovery and waste management in Australia today 19 2.1 National 21 2.2 New South Wales 41 2.3 Victoria 58 2.4 Queensland 70 2.5 Western Australia 85 2.6 South Australia 99 2.7 Tasmania 111 2.8 Australian Capital Territory 123 2.9 Northern Territory 130 2.10 What does Australia waste and recycle? 140 Chapter 3—Impacts and opportunities 149 3.1 Landfills 150 3.2 Resource recovery and recycling 163 3.3 Hazardous waste and hazardous substances 171 3.4 Organic waste 187 3.5 Litter 196 3.6 Marine debris 202 Chapter 4—How Australians manage waste 209 4.1 History of waste management and resource recovery in Australia 210 4.2 Values, choices and education 217 4.3 Waste and recycling in the Australian economy 228 4.4 Policy and regulation 237 4.5 Taking responsibility for products and materials 254 4.6 Regional and remote areas 264 4.7 Infrastructure and technology—current and future 278 Chapter 5—Improving the data 293 Appendices 303 Glossary 357 Abbreviations 362 Units of measurement 363 Index 364 iv National Waste Report 2010 v Foreword Welcome to Australia’s first comprehensive national report on waste management and recycling. The release of the National Waste Report 2010, which will be updated every three years, signals a new era of information sharing across government and industry. Just as the State of the Environment Report provides a comprehensive assessment of our environment, the National Waste Report provides information on waste management, identification of costs and opportunities, recycling trends and implications for sustainability. There are three major challenges with Australia’s waste. We must generate less waste; we must re-use and recycle more effectively; and we must keep as much hazardous waste out of our environment as possible. Managing waste is not just about protecting our environment and our health. It is also about contributing to our country’s long term economic growth and creating opportunities for jobs growth and innovation as we move towards a low emissions future. Despite our best intentions and efforts, the amount of waste we produced increased by 31 per cent between 2003 and 2007. Waste sent to landfill can contain valuable resources which should be recycled. It can also contain potentially dangerous chemicals, metals and other components which we must manage safely. This report shows that there are still gaps in our knowledge that need to be filled to implement aspects of the landmark National Waste Policy. The policy, launched in November 2009, has been endorsed by all governments. We can do better, and the findings in the National Waste Report will help us. An informed community can deal with its waste more effectively, and better information will help us measure improvement over time. The National Waste Report 2010 provides a strong basis for policy and action. It details the amount and nature of waste we have generated, both nationally and for each state and territory. It also provides an overview of the laws and policies that influence how we handle our waste, so that federal, state and local jurisdictions can better collaborate to determine more unified and effective solutions. Future reports will use increasingly sophisticated techniques for data gathering and analysis. Between reports, all governments, organisations and individuals with experience and expertise in the field will be able to work together and share their knowledge. The publication of this landmark report was made possible by the efforts of state and territory governments, local governments, businesses, interest groups and other major stakeholders, who joined with the Environment Protection and Heritage Council to pool their information. I thank them for their contribution and I commend this report to you. The Hon Peter Garrett AM MP Chairman Environment Protection and Heritage Council 1 Introduction In November 2008, Australia’s environment The information in this report will assist ministers agreed to prepare the first comprehensive governments, businesses and the community to national report on resource recovery and waste make sound policies and decisions, and will help management. Just prior to this, the Senate report individuals to contribute to waste minimisation in Management of Australia’s waste streams had meaningful and achievable ways. concluded that Australia lacks fundamental information on most aspects of waste generation Scope and management, including physical, financial, economic and social aspects, and needs adequate The report covers analytical tools to process such information. • municipal solid waste (MSW)—that is, household On 5 November 2009, Australia’s environment and council waste ministers, through the Environment Protection • commercial and industrial waste (C&I)—that is, and Heritage Council (EPHC), released the National waste from business, educational institutions Waste Policy: Less waste, more resources. The policy and government sets out a comprehensive agenda for national • construction and demolition waste (C&D)—that co-ordinated action on waste across six areas, and is, waste from residential, civil and commercial marks a fundamental shift in the approach to waste construction and demolition activity,* and management and resource recovery. • hazardous waste. A key strategy under the policy is the development It does not cover gaseous, liquid or radioactive and publication of three-yearly reports on current waste, and it does not explicitly cover biosolids and future trends in waste and resource recovery. (the solid waste from sewage treatment plants), These reports will be supported by access to although data presented for some jurisdictions integrated national core data that are accurate, include disposal figures for biosolids. Waste and meaningful, up-to-date and accessible. recycling in Australia’s external territories are The National Waste Report 2010 presents a outside the scope of this report. contemporary national picture of resource recovery The report presents information on several issues and waste management in Australia. It documents faced by those who make policy for urban, regional what is known about the status of and trends and remote Australia: in resource recovery and waste management in • the amount of waste generated and the make-up Australia, particularly in the light of trends in waste of that waste; generation. Based on key statistical information, it provides our best understanding of the main • the impacts and benefits of waste, including aspects of the waste system and how it works. those associated with landfills, resource recovery, It reviews the current state of infrastructure and hazardous waste and hazardous substances, explores some scenarios for the future, including organic waste, litter and marine debris; innovative technologies that may be harnessed to enhance our waste management practices. * This excludes construction waste from owner/occupier renovations, which is classified as part of the municipal waste stream. 2 National Waste Report 2010 • how we manage waste, including a brief history • lessons learned from overseas product of waste management; the values and choices stewardship/extended producer responsibility displayed by Australians in relation to resource schemes; recovery and waste generation; policies and • the degrees to which people value their regulations; strategies such as extended participation in kerbside and workplace recycling; producer responsibility; how the waste and • current waste and resource recovery data and resource recovery markets operate; regional and the potential value of a new national waste remote area issues; and waste infrastructure data system. and technology; • data gathering about waste and recycling Parameters of the data in Australia. The National Waste Report 2010 is a first step towards establishing baseline data and developing Sources a strong and comprehensive knowledge base There is no single, definitive, national information on waste management and resource recovery in source on resource recovery and waste Australia. It seeks to present key information for management in Australia, largely due to the fact each jurisdiction, provide a clear understanding that the Australian waste industry is regulated of national trends and their implications for mainly by states and territories rather than by one sustainability, and respond to the community’s central body. The information in this report has been desire for information about how sustainability can drawn from a range of published sources, including be incorporated more fully into daily life. • information from Australian Government agencies The authors of this report have taken a ‘slice in time’ including the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) approach, focusing on the data set for the 2006–07 • information from state, territory and financial year, for which the fullest information local governments was available when the report was being prepared. • various industry information sources, and Much of this information was first gathered • Waste and Recycling in Australia—three reports by Hyder Consulting in 2008 and revised, in prepared by Hyder Consulting: consultation with state and territory governments, during 2009. Other material from various sources – one published in 2006, covering the period supplements the Hyder information. 2002–03 – one published in 2008 covering the period The fact that waste and recycling data are 2006–07, and generated in variable ways by a range of agencies – one published in 2009 updating data for inevitably means that there are wide disparities in 1 2006–07 and providing additional data. the detail, geographic coverage, scale, time frames and scope of the data. Within those limitations, Several analyses were commissioned to supplement every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and strengthen current knowledge. These covered of the information presented. Comprehensive data the following topics: were not always available, and readers should • capacity of landfills until 2030, and their cost exercise a degree of caution when using the and performance; information in the report. • current and future innovations, trends and opportunities in the technology and practices that are utilised in waste and resource recovery; • employment related to landfill disposal of waste and to alternatives such as recycling; • climate change aspects of resource recovery and waste management; 3 † Main findings of the report: a summary Waste, resource recovery and recycling in • Landfill standards in Australia have improved in Australia the past 20 years, but controls could be further improved, particularly for small-to-medium • There have been major changes to the way sized landfills. society manages waste in the last two decades. • Recycling and waste generation have Organic waste both increased. • Organic waste accounts for 62% of total MSW, • The recycling and waste sector is valued at C&I and C&D waste disposed to landfill. between $7 and $11.5 billion. • 32% of available organic waste is recycled. National waste generation profile Social—values and behaviour • 43 777 000 tonnes of waste were generated in Australia in 2006–07. • 99% of households undertake recycling and re-use. Projected waste generation • 80% of employees would like to see more recycling in the workplace. • If waste generation grows at 4.5% per annum, Australia will generate 81 072 593 tonnes of • Lack of information, facilities and services waste in 2020–21. present barriers to additional recycling. • National litter levels are trending downwards. Per capita recycling and landfill disposal • Per capita, Australia generated around 2080 kg Regional, remote and Indigenous communities (2.08 tonnes) of waste in 2006–07, of which • Almost 33% of Australians live in regional and 1080 kg (1.08 tonnes) was recycled. remote Australia and about 30% of waste is sent to landfills which service these areas. National recycling profile • There are particular challenges in providing • In 2006–07, 22 707 000 tonnes or 52% of recycling and waste management services to Australia’s waste was recycled regional, remote and Indigenous communities. • Of this quantity, – 42% was from the construction and Hazardous substances and hazardous waste demolition (C&D) waste stream • The estimated quantity of hazardous waste – 36% was from the commercial and industrial generated in Australia doubled between (C&I) waste stream, and 2002 and 2006 to around 1.19 million – 22% was from the municipal solid waste tonnes per annum, but this figure is (MSW) stream. not comprehensive. • An average of 30 000 tonnes of hazardous Waste composition waste is exported from Australia annually. • Organic material made up 72% of the municipal solid waste sent to landfill in Australia Product Stewardship in 2006–07. • Product stewardship is an approach for managing the impacts of a product or material Landfill disposal profile during and at end-of-life. • 48% of Australian waste was landfilled in 2006–07. Data and classification • Australia has sufficient unused physical landfill • Data collection at present does not provide capacity in most of the larger urban centres comprehensive national data on waste but this may be constrained by social and and recycling. environmental factors. † These principal findings are also in the National Waste Overview published in November 2009, and can be found at <http://www.ephc.gov.au/taxonomy/term/86

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