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Amniotic Fluid VolumeAmniotic Fluid Volume Assessment PDF

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Preview Amniotic Fluid VolumeAmniotic Fluid Volume Assessment

AAAAmmmmnnnniiiioooottttiiiicccc FFFFlllluuuuiiiidddd VVVVoooolllluuuummmmeeee AAsssseessssmmeenntt :: HHooww ttoo aanndd WWhhyy:: 1199 YYeeaarrss ooff SSttuuddiieess E.F. (Pat) Magann MD FAACCOOGG FRAANZCCOOGG Division Director MFM DEPT OB/GYN UAMS LLiittttllee RRoocckk, AARR OObbjjeeccttiivveess – To understand the role of amniotic fluid volume determination in the targeted US and antenatal testing. – To understand the relationship between an ulltrasoundd estiimatedd amniiotiic fflluiidd vollume andd a dye-determine or directly measured amniotic fflluuiidd vvoolluummee – To determine which method of estimating the aammnniioottiicc fflluuiidd vvoolluummee, tthhee AAFFII oorr tthhee SSDDPP iiss aa better predictor or pregnancy outcomes. (cid:122) UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff AArrkkaannssaass ffoorr MMeeddiiccaall SScciieenncceess University of Mississippi WWhhaatt iiss AAmmnniioottiicc fflluuiidd?? Amniotic cavity (cid:122) DDiiaallyyssaattee ooff mmaatteerrnnaall aanndd ffeettaall bblloooodd (cid:122)(cid:122) Fetal urine (cid:122) FFetall swallllowiing (cid:122) Fetal respiration (cid:122) Fetal skin (cid:122) AAmmnniioonn – CChhoorriioonn (cid:122)(cid:122) WWWWhhhheeeennnn aaaannnndddd WWWWhhhhyyyy ddddoooo wwwweeee EEEEvvvvaaaalllluuuuaaaatttteeee AAFF VVoolluummee iinn PPrreeggnnaannccyy Use of AF volume at the time of the (cid:122) anatomic survey – Oligohydramnios – Hydramnios Pregnancies at-risk for an adverse outcome (cid:122) – Chronically stressed fetus – BPP – Modified BPP AAFF VVoolluummee AAsssseessssmmeenntt Precise measurement (cid:122) – Dye-determined volume – Measurement at the time time of cesarean delivery Estimate of AF volume (cid:122) – AFI – SDP – Subjective assessment EEssttiimmaattee ooff AAFF VVoolluummee AFI (cid:122) – AAbbddoommeenn ddiivviiddeedd iinnttoo 44 qquuaaddrraannttss – LVP of fluid in each of 4 quadrants is summed – OOlliiggoo 00-55, nnoorrmmaall 55-2200. HHyyddrraammnniiooss >> 2200 SDP (cid:122) – LLVVPP wiitthh hhoriizonttall measurementt off 11 cm – Oligo < 2, normal 2-8, Hydramnios > 8

Objectives – To understand the role of amniotic fluid volume determination in the targeted US and antenatal testing. – To understand the relationship between an
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