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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20150003433: Method and Apparatus for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20150003433: Method and Apparatus for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials

(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) 1111111111111111111inuuu1111111111u ~ (12) United States Patent (lo) Patent No.: (cid:9) US 8,928,316 B2 Goldfine et al. (45) Date of Patent: (cid:9) Jan. 6, 2015 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 324/519, 658, 661, 686, 718, 754.28; NON-DESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION OF 702/35, 38, 47, 52, 57-59, 127, 182, MATERIALS 702/183, 185; 73/760, 763, 774, 780, 73/862.626, 335.04 (75) Inventors: Neil J. Goldfine, Newton, MA (US); See application file for complete search history. Andrew P. Washabaugh, Chula Vista, CA (US); Robert Lyons, Pelham, MA (56) References Cited (US); Zachary Thomas, Cambridge, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS MA (US); David A. Jablonski, Whitman, MA (US); Christopher 4,348,635 A * 9/1982 (cid:9) Wright et al . (cid:9) ................. (cid:9) 324/559 Martin, Concord, MA (US) 4,814,690 A 3/1989 (cid:9) Melcher et al. 5,015,951 A (cid:9) * 5/1991 (cid:9) Melcher (cid:9) ........................ (cid:9) 324/232 (73) Assignee: JENTEK Sensors, Inc., Waltham, MA (Continued) (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (*) Notice: (cid:9) Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this ASTM WK8211 "Standard Guide for Nondestructive Testing of patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Polymer Matrix Composites Used in Aerospace Applications," Des- U.S.C. 154(b) by 411 days. ignation: E2533-09, (Jul. 2009). (21) Appl. No.: 13/297,933 (Continued) (22) Filed: (cid:9) Nov. 16, 2011 Primary Examiner Hoai-An D Nguyen (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Hamilton, Brook, Smith & (65) (cid:9) Prior Publication Data Reynolds, P.C. US 2012/0126803 Al (cid:9) May 24, 2012 (57) ABSTRACT Methods and apparatus for characterizing composite materi- Related U.S. Application Data als for manufacturing quality assurance (QA), periodic (60) Provisional application No. 61/414,008, filed on Nov. inspection during the useful life, or for forensic analysis/ 16, 2010, provisional application No. 61/524,520, material testing. 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(58) Field of Classification Search USPC ......... 324/216, 228, 237-240, 456, 500, 512, 8 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets 100 ~ 11G Ensvum,;nt ttt- (cid:9) 113 (cid:9) 116 (cid:9) 119 ~prnc¢a5pr ~ ..Enterface (cid:9) triemorY (cid:9) Interface ~ it& 1G9 it7 hd R (cid:9) "wgnal Hardware (cid:9) Generator Motion 11R ecorder F, ue 14G 143 Motion (cid:9) Sensor Encoder (cid:9) 120 nneters rest anaea at (cid:9) tN US 8,928,316 B2 Page 2 (56) (cid:9) References Cited Goldfine, "Uncalibrated, Absolute Property Estimation and Mea- surement Optimization for Conducting and Magnetic Media Using U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Imposed w-k Magnetometry," Doctoral Thesis, Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, pp. 1-139, (Sep. 1990). 5,345,514 A * 9/1994 Mandavieh et al. (cid:9) .......... 382/152 Goldfine, et al., "Eddy Current Sensor Networks for Aircraft Fatigue 5,453,689 A 9/1995 Goldfine et al. 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Fig. 26(cid:9) Fig. 2C (cid:9) U.S. Patent (cid:9) Jan. 6 2015 (cid:9) Sheet 3 of 12 US 8,928,316 B2 , I Grw Fig. 3 (cid:9) 400 420 I Fig. 4A Fig. 4B ~ 420 Fig. 4C (cid:9) Fig. 4D (cid:9) U.R. Patent Jan 6 2013 (cid:9) Sheet 4 of 12 (cid:9) US 8,928, 16 G2 }\\ ~ \%\ \\ƒ ~ \\ ~ ~ \ ca LO , , ? ) LL LL ~ ~ N (cid:9) U.S. Patent Jan. 6, 2015 (cid:9) Sheet 5 of 12 (cid:9) US 8,928,316 B2 600 10.0 MHz - Wgnftdo v (cid:9) i 0movin g 605 601 (cid:9) 1 §: airTM L (cid:9) Thal Variation During tational Scan il,V (cid:9) X4 W, k-o", mss: 610 10,00 MHz - Phase VS, X axis 410-flow MARV average) (cid:9) (cid:9) 603 605 ,.4 fi bers X,v f, 601 (cid:9) 4S, "Op fibers $s N .4h lop 1~`. qF £nk (cid:9) U.S. Patent (cid:9) Jan. 6, 2015 (cid:9) Sheet 6 of 12 US 8,928,316 B2 705 Process impedance response Identify fiber wraps from response 711 709 NO Within specfficabon? Reject test object 1 YES 713 (cid:9) NO More for-ations? End 715 YES Position sensor at net location Fig. 7 U.S. Patent (cid:9) Jan. 6, 2015 (cid:9) Sheet 7 of 12 (cid:9) US 8,928,316 B2 800 Start 801 803 Processing the impedances to obtain a current property image 805 Registering the current property image with a baseline property image 807 Differencing the registered images 809 Determining an amount of damage based on the property change End Fig. 8 U.S. Patent (cid:9) Jan. 6, 2015 (cid:9) Sheet 8 of 12 (cid:9) US 8,928,316 B2 900 to Ft 901 905 (cid:9) ............ Processing the first impedances to obtain a first property image characterizing the composite overwr 907 " Processing the second impedances to obtain a second property image characterizing the liner 909 Analyzing the first and second property images to identify damage. End Fig. 9

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