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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19960015539: Transonic Turbulent Flow Predictions With Two-Equation Turbulence Models PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19960015539: Transonic Turbulent Flow Predictions With Two-Equation Turbulence Models

/ NASA Contractor Report 198444 ICOMP-96--02; CMOTT-96-01 Transonic Turbulent Flow Predictions With New Two-Equation Turbulence Models William W. Liou and Tsan-Hsing Shih Institute for Computational Mechanics in Propulsion and Center for Modeling of Turbulence and Transition Cleveland, Ohio January 1996 Prepared for Lewis Research Center Under Cooperative Agreement NCC3-370 NationalAeronauticsand Space Administration TRANSONIC TURBULENT FLOW PREDICTIONS WITH NEW TWO-EQUATION TURBULENCE MODELS William W. Liou* and Tsan-Hsing Shih** Center .far Modeling o/Turbulence and Tran4ition ICOMP, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio Abstract are closely related to these factors. Therefore, accu- Solutions of the Favre-averaged Navier-Stokes rate predictions of transonic flows with embedded shock equations for two well-documented transonic turbulent waves can help improve the efficiency of many impor- flows are compared in detail with existing experimental tant fluid machines. The location and the strength of data in this paper. While the boundary layer in the first the shock wave in a transonic flow is determined by the case remains attached, a region of extensive flow separa- interaction between the shock waves and the boundary tion has been observed in the second case. Two recently layer. With a sufficiently fine grid, modern numerical developed k - _, two-equation, eddy-viscosity models schemes, such as the various TVD schemes and the new are used to model the turbulence field. These mod- a-# scheme 1, etc., can capture the shock wave satisfac- els satisfy the realizability constraints of the Reynolds torily. Therefore, a successful prediction of such flows stresses. Comparisons with the measurements are made hinges largely upon the physical modeling of the inter- for the wall pressure distribution, the mean streamwise action process. In this paper, two new eddy-viscosity velocity profiles and turbulent quantities. Reasonably turbulence models are used to predict transonic turbu- good agreement is obtained with the experimental data. lent separated flows. These two-equation models, one a low-Reynolds number model and the other a high- I. Introduction Reynolds number model, satisfy the realizability con- In this paper, the accuracy and the range of appli- straints of the Reynolds stresses. The value of the coef- cability of two new two-equation turbulence models for ficient for the eddy viscosity is determined by the mean transonic shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions are flow deformation rate and the turbulence quantities. assessed. Generally, when regions of subsonic Mach The models, therefore, can be particularly suitable for number and regions of supersonic Mach number both flows with large or sudden flow deformation. exist in a flow, the flow is said to be transonic. Tran- Two transonic flows with embedded shock waves are sonic flow fields may be found in internal flows, for calculated in this paper. In the first, an internal tran- example, in engine compressor passages and external sonic flow field is generated by using floor-mounted, flows, for example, around airfoils. Other than a few two-dimensional bump models 2, Fig. 1, and the flow exceptional cases, where fluid machines were specifi- is symmetric. The flow was observed to be incipiently cally designed for shock-free compression, the transi- separated. The quasi-normal shock extends across the tion from supersonic to subsonic flows invariably oc- tunnel and the flow is choked. The flow was iden- curred through shock waves. The location and the tified as ONERA Bump A in the EUROVAL effort s, strength of the shock wave impact significantly the a program devoted to the validation of computational characteristics of a fluid machine involving the tran- fluid dynamics (CFD) codes with special attention di- sonic flow. For example, the major part of the loss asso- rected toward the validation of turbulence models. In ciated with a compressor blade passage and the loading the second configuration studied here 4, Fig. 2, a cir- on an airfoil cular cylinder aligned with the flow direction is used to generate the external transonic flow field. In this *Senior Research Associate, Institute for Computa- case, the shock, which terminates before reaching the tional Mechanics in Propulsion. Member AIAA tunnel wall, is sufficiently strong to induce an extensive **Technical Leader, CMOTT, Institute for Comu- region of flow separation. The axisymmetric configara- tational Mechanics in Propulsion. tion is relatively free from side-wall interference with the turbulent boundary layer and is particularly suit- able for the evaluation of model performance in the prediction of strong viscous-inviscid interactions with flowseparationT.his particular flow was also selected where 2 as a test case for transonic separated flows in the 1980 vii = 2(# + #t)S 0 - ]k6ij AFSOR-HTTM-Stanford conference 5 and was identi- fied as Case 8611. p,denotesthemean molecularviscosityand Siidenotes These two cases, although relatively simple, contain themean strainratetensor,i.e., fundamentally essential characteristics that are impor- tant in the design process of, for example, wings, en- &j= 1 + ui, -)1 6 (3) gine compressors and turbines. Therefore, successful predictions of these flows can have profound industrial The turbulent Reynolds stresses are modeled via the importance. turbulent eddy viscosity, St. In all of the models used To provide an objective comparison of the model in this study, the turbulent eddy viscosity is determined performance, care has been taken to obtain solutions by the turbulent kinetic energy, k, and the dissipation on sufficiently refined computational grids so that the rate, _, i.e., observed difference in the results can be attributed di- k2 rectly to the turbulence models used in the calculations. = Cj.p T (4) In the following sections, the turbulence models k and e are obtained from the solution of their respec- and the numerical platform used in this study are de- tive model transport equations, f_ is the wall damping scribed. The results of flow calculations are then com- function for the eddy-viscosity. For reference, these pared with those obtained by using two existing two- models are described briefly in the following. equation models, e.g., Chien's model 6 (CH) and the standard k - _ model (SKE). Turbulence Models II. Analysis In Shih et.alz,a generalconstitutiverelationbe- tween theReynolds stressesand themean flowdefor- Mean Flow Equations mation ratewas derivedby usingtheinvarianceprin- The flow properties are decomposed into two parts: cipleofLumley. The model satisfietshe realizability amean value and afluctuation with respect to the mean constraints:forexample, the energy component value. That is, shouldalwaysbe positive.Note thatthestandardk- = p + p" (1.a) model withC_,= 0.09isan unrealizablemodel. Forex- ample,_ becomes negativewhen 'Q,-i-Ui + u_ (1.b) Snk 1 i_= p + p" (l.c) m > __ (5) E 0.27" _h= T + T' (1.d) Therefore, the value of C_ should not be a constant for = E + E' (1.e) a realizable model. In Shih et. alz, the realizability constraints have led to, where p,p, T, E, Ui denote Reynolds-averaged density 1 and pressure, mass-weighted-averaged temperature, to- (6) tal energy, and velocity, respectively. It is customary to Ao+A.U(') use both the Reynolds average and the mass-weighted where average in the decomposition process for compressible turbulent flows to simplify the final form of the mean U(') = ¢SijSij + flijflij flow equations. The governing equations for the mean _ij = _i1 - 2eiikwk flow may be obtained by substitution of flow properties in the form of eq.(1) into the Navier-Stokes equations followed by a Reynolds average of the equations. The flij is the mean rotation rate viewed in a rotating ref- mean flow equations become, erence frame with the angular velocity wk. The param- eter A8 is determined by p,,+ = o (2.a) 1 A, ----Vr6cos¢, ¢ = -_arccos(vr6W) (pUi)4 + (pUiUj + rij + p60),j = 0 (2.b) (7) Sii Sj kSk w- s3 s= (pE),t + (pUiE + pUi + qT,i + T_jUj + qk.i),i = 0 (2.c) The new formulation of C,, with an explicit depen- Kolmogorov eddies by using both direct numerical sim- dence on the mean strain rate, cam be used to render ulation results and an asymptotic analysis of near wail a model realizable. It is also in accord with the exper- turbulence. According to their analysis, this turbulent imental observation that the value of C_ can be dif- limit point is located at ferent for different flows. The value of A0 is set equal 6u to 4.08 . It is determined by examining the log-law of Yn= -- (10) U,r the inertial sublayer. The corresponding value of C_ is 0.09. As was noted by Shih et. a_, the resulting for- At thislimitpoint, mulation for C_, also worked very well for homogeneous shear flows. The first model tested here is the Shih and kn= 0.25u_ and en= 0.251 u_ (Ii) v Lumley model 9, modified by including the new formu- lation of C_ (Yang et. all°). The second model by Shih In practice, the boundary conditions are enforced at the et. a_, on the other hand, has applied the variable C_, wall. With the application of eqns.(10) and (11), the formulation during the development of the model. turbulent time scale near a wall, similar to the velocity A: Shih and Lumley Model 9 - KE1 and length scales, is determined by the Kolmogorov time scale. Therefore, there is no unphysical singularity The model equations for k and e in KE1 model are, in the current model e equation. pk, + = + - p U ,j - pe (S.a) B: Shill et. al Model s - KE2 A new form of model equation for the turbulent dissipation rate was proposed by Shih et. ala. The (s.b) equation for the mean-square vorticity fluctuation was _2 first examined by using an order of magnitude anal- - C2f_p-_ + vmU_,jkU_,_k ysis. The truncated low-order equation is then mod- where eled through physical reasoning. The modeled equa- C1-1.44, C2=1.92, _re---1.3 tion for the mean-square vorticity fluctuation can be transformed into an equation for the turbulent dissipa- f: = 1- 0.22exp [- 2 Rt = -- tion rate in the limit of high Reynolds number. The resulting model equation for g is, The damping function is defined by _2 (9) +puj , = ,J]a+C pS - C:p-k + ], = [1. - exp(-(alR_ H-a3Rk ÷ asRk))] ] (12) where where O,1: 1.7 X 10-3, a3 = 10-9, as = 5 x 10-1° C_ = max{0.43, 5--_}, (_ = 1.2, C: = 1.9 Rk = pvfky Sk S= _, _l=_ # Note that the value a_ has been modified due to the ap- In Shih et. aIa, the new modeled dissipation rate equa- plication of the new formulation of variable C_ which tion has been coupled with the standard model equa- is bounded by 0.09 in the current application. This tions for k, eq.(8.a), to form a two-equation model. Be- modified Shih and Lumley model 9 has been shown to cause _ appears in the denominator of the sink term, predict well a variety of flows in Yang et. aP°. The this new dissipation rate equation will not become sin- near-wall boundary conditions for the turbulent quan- gular even if k vanishes. C_, is defined by eq.(6). Near tities are determined by examining the Kolmogorov be- the wall, a compressible wail-function was applied. havior of near-wall turbulence proposed by Shih and u 1 Lumley °. They have shown that energetic eddies re- -- In(y +) Jr C (13) duce to "Kolmogorov eddies" at a finite distance from the wall and all the wall parameters are characterized u is the Van Driest transformed velocity defined as, by Kolmogorov microscales. Therefore, an estimate can be obtained for the turbulent kinetic energy and its dis- A+U, A sipation rate at the location where large eddies become u = vrB[arcsin(_).- /) - arcsin(-_)] (14) where extends from 0.5 chords upstream of the leading edge (x = 0) of the bump to 0.128 m downstream of the A = q--_-_B- 2cpT_ D = V:_ + B trailing edge of the bump. At the computational in- Yw ' PTt ' let, the stagnation conditions were prescribed and the mean velocity in the transverse direction was assumed The heat flux near the wall is defined as, zero. At the exit, the back pressure was prescribed. Mass conservation was also ensured at the exit. For q = q_ + U v (15) Case 8611, the bump is 20.32 cm in length (=C). The computational domain extends from -2C to 3.5C. At The turbulent quantities are defined as, the computational inlet, the known experimental stag- nation conditions and the flow Mach number (=0.875) k = r_lp (r,,,Ip) 3n (16) were prescribed. For both cases, low levels of turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate were prescribed at the inlet. The value of y+(= u_.YlV_) for the first grid point The computational domains were covered with non- away from the wall, where the wail-function is ap- orthogonal surface-fitted meshes, with grid clustering plied,is about 30. Although the validity of the wall- at the shock location and near the wall. Several dif- function boundary conditions in complex separated ferent meshes were used to ensure grid-independence, flows is somewhat ambiguous, previous work seems to by varying both the number of grid nodes and the grid show that it can provide reasonably accurate predic- clustering. For ONERA Bump A, it was found that tions for a wide range of flows 11,12. the isentropic wall Mach number changed by less than It should be noted that except for the mean flow vol- 0.2% for two grids (180x60 and 160×60). For low- ume dilatation, no explicit compressibility effect models Reynolds number models, a mesh of 180x70 nodes was have been included in any of the models in the calcula- found sufficient to provide a grid-independent solution. tions performed in this study. Similarly, for Case 8611, 180x70 for the models em- The results of calculations using these two realiz- ploying wall-function and 180x80 for the low-Reynolds able models, which are presented in a later section, number models were found sufficient to ensure grid- have been compared with those obtained by using the independence. About forty to fifty grid points are typi- standard k - _ model (SKE) and Chien's (CH) low- cally located inside the boundary layer. In the following Reynolds number k - _ model. The SKE and CH mod- section, the solutions obtained with the fine meshes are els are representative of the high- and low-Reynolds presented. number types of model, respectively. They are chosen IV. Results and Discussions here for comparison due to their simplicity and stabil- ity. In the following, the numerical solution procedure In this section, the results obtained by using KE1 is described. and KE2 models are presented and compared with the experiments. III. Nmmerical Solutions ONERA Bump A The Favre-averaged Navier-Stokes equations and the model transport equations have been solved nu- As was mentioned earlier, at the exit the back pres- merically by using the COMTUR code developed by sure was imposed. With the experimental value of 0.641 Huang and Coakley la. Briefly, it uses a line-by-line (P/PT), it was found that the predicted shock locations Gauss-Seidel algorithm and Roe's approximate Rie- were different. Consequently, the models' capability in mann solver. Yee's MINMOD TVD scheme was applied predicting the flow structures in the interaction region in all the computations. The mean and the turbulence can be obscured due to their difference in predicting the equations are solved in a sequential manner. All the shock locations. To obtain a meaningful comparison of calculations have been carried out with the same initial the model predictions, it has been suggested a that the and boundary conditions, including those for k and _. experimental exit pressure be perturbed for the individ- Since the model bump mounted on the top wall is uai model so that the calculated isentropic wall Mach the same as the one mounted on the bottom wall, see number on the bump wall is 1.047 at x=0.158 m. This Fig. 1, only the lower half of the channel is computed in allows a fair comparison of the model predictions of ONERA Bump A. Symmetry conditions were imposed the interaction process without any influence resulting along the centerline of the channel. The chord length from a mismatch of the shock location. The computed of the floor bump is 0.2 m. The computational domain centerline Mach numbers have been compared with the measuremeanntd are shown in Fig. 3. With the ad- interaction region, the turbulent Reynolds shear stress justed exit pressure, the computed and measured shock were not well predicted. It should be noted, however, locations agree well. The computed shocks are quite that experimental uncertainly can be higher for mea- sharp, reconfirming the ability of the TVD scheme in suring stresses than for mean velocity. Also, the turbu- lent structures are more sensitive to shocks than is the capturing shock waves in the inviscid region. The two mean flow. high-Reynolds number models, SKE and KE2 mod- els, predicted slightly higher post-shock expansion than Case 8611 the two low-Reynolds number models, CH and KE1 A sketch of the flow is shown in Fig. 2. The ex- models, in the immediate post-shock region. All of periment has shown a large region of flow separation them, however, lie below the the measurement. This immediate downstream of the shock due to the effects appears to indicate three-dimensional effects related to of shock/turbulent boundary-layer interaction and the the thickening of the boundary layers on the side-wall geometry of the floor model. As noted earlier, this flow of the wind tunnel, causing the acceleration of the flow configuration is particularly suitable for the study of in the center of the channel. transonic turbulent separated flows, since the axisym- Figure 4 shows the comparison of the predicted metric flow model provides a flow that is relatively free and measured wall pressure distributions. KE2 model from three-dimensional and tunnel wall effects. In fact, shows the best agreement with the measured values in the experiments have been repeated later in a larger the post-shock region, followed by SKE, KE1, and CH facility and the reported changes in the shock loca- models. All the model predictions of the wall pressure tions are within 1% chord. The data were acquired asymptote to avalue higher than the measurement. at a freestream Mach number of 0.875. At this Mach Figure 5 shows the predicted and measured distri- number, the flow separates at x/C_ 0.7 and the reat- butions of the boundary-layer displacement thickness tachment occurs at x/C_ 1.1. The griding of the com- on the bump wall. A method proposed by Stock and putational domain is basically the same as those in the Haase 14has been used in determining the displacement previous case. Again, the fine grid solutions are pre- thickness. Overall, the low-Reynolds number CH and sented. KE1 models return fairly good agreement with the mea- Figure 8 shows the Mach number contours using surement. SKE and KE2 models predict higher peak the SKE model. The increment between the contour values, suggesting a greater sensitivity to the shock. fines is a constant value of 0.05. A supersonic pocket is The larger displacement of the boundary layer pre- formed above the bump surface and the shock has been dicted by the SKE and KE2 models in the immedi- captured very well. The shock is curved, suggesting ate post-shock region has led to the lower wall pres- that the computational mesh is sufficiently fine. sure, Fig. 4, or higher isentropic wall Mach number. The measured and the computed surface pressure In the recovery region, all the models show excessive distributions are compared in Fig. 9. The KE2 model's boundary-layer displacement. This suggests that the prediction on a coarser grid (160×60) has also been models would return higher centerline Mach numbers shown for comparison. There is no significant difference and lower wall pressures than the measurements, which between the fine- and coarse-grid solutions. The high- are not observed in Figs. 3 and 4. Since the experi- Reynolds number KE2 model gives the best prediction mental flow is confined in the spanwise direction, this of the wall pressure near the shock location. The shock apparent inconsistency may also be attributed to the predicted by the CH model is located downstream of three-dimensional effects mentioned earlier. the experimental shock. In the region of flow sepa- Measured and computed streamwise mean veloc- ration, the CH model underestimates the level of the ity profiles are shown in Fig. 6. The model predic- viscous/inviscid interaction and gives the highest pres- tions agree well with the measured profiles upstream of sure rise among all the models tested. Compared with the interaction region, x=0.15 m. The mean velocity the CH model, the KE1 model has shown a significant profiles in the interaction region, say, x=0.155 m and improvement. The KE2 model predicts rather well the x=0.16 m, were found very sensitive to the shock loca- wall pressure in this region. This model also shows a tions. Downstream of this region, all the models give significant improvement over the SKE model. To quan- reasonable predictions of the mean velocity profiles. tify the comparison, at the trailing edge of the bump, In Fig. 7, the Reynolds shear stress predictions are x/C=l, the differences between the predicted and mea- compared with the data. The shear stress profiles up- sured wall pressure are about 1.6%, -0.1%, 4.3%, and stream and downstream of the interaction region have 2.8% for the KE1, KE2, CH, and SKE models, respec- been reasonably well predicted by all the model. In the tively. Comparisons of the computed and measured able models perform better than the selected existing streamwise mean velocity profiles are shown in Fig. models of the same type. The performance differences, 10. The model predictions agree reasonably well with however, are not significant. For the case with strong the measurements upstream of the interaction region, shock/turbulent boundary-layer interactions, the high- x/C=0.563. In the region of flow separation, x/C=0.75, Reynolds number model of Shih et. a/6 has shown the 0.875, and 1.0, The KE2 model seems to predict a greatest sensitivity to the interaction process and given boundary layer that is more sensitive to the effect of the a far better prediction for the wall pressure distribution shock than the other models tested and the CH model and the shock location than the other models tested. In gives slightly better predictions. The KE2 model has addition, the two high-Reynolds number models tested predicted afaster flow recovery than the other models. here, i.e., the Shih et. a_ model and the standard k- Figure 11 shows the computed and measured Reynolds model, have predicted better overall performance than shear stress profiles. Near the shock wave, x/C=0.75, the two low-Reynolds number models. the KE2 model has correctly predicted the peak value Acknowledgements of the Reynolds shear stress. The predicted location of the peak, however, is slightly higher than the mea- The authors would like to thank Dr. P.G. Huang at surement. Further downstream, the flow predicted by MCAT Inc. Mountain View, CA, for helpful discussions the KE2 model relaxes rather quickly. At x/C=1.375, and comments. the KE2 model has predicted a better profile distribu- References tion and peak level predictions than the other mod- els. The turbulent kinetic energy profiles are compared 1 Chang, S.-C., "The method of space-time conserva- in Fig. 12. In the interaction region, the KE2 model tion element and solution element-A new approach overpredicts the location of the peak turbulence energy. for solving the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations," Due to the relatively fast flow recovery predicted by To appear in J. Corny. Phys. 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A., "Transonic, 0.09, indicating the fact that the flow has been affected turbulent boundary-layer separation generated on by the bump. The distribution at x/C=0.75 shows an axisymmetric flow model," AIAA Journal, 24, that the KE1 and KE2 models react rather differently 437-443 (1986). to the shock/turbulent boundary-layer interaction pro- s The 1980-81 AFSOR-tITTM-Standford Confer- cess. Since there is no upper limit when the variable C_ formulation is used with the KE2 model, the maximum ence on Complex Turbulent Flows: Comparison of Computalon and Experiment. Edited by S. J. Kline, value of C_ is about 0.25, which occurs when either the BJ. J. CantweU, and G. M. Lilley (1981). mean strain rate or the turbulence energy vanishes. As is shown in Fig. 13, this occurs in the outer part of 6 Chien, K.-Y., "Predictions of channel and boundary boundary layer from x/C=0.875 to 1.375. layer flows with a low Reynolds number turbulence model," AIAA Journal, 20, 33-38 (1982). V. Smnmary 7 Shih, T. H., Zhu, J., and Lumley, J. L., "A new Two new realizable, k - e, eddy-viscosity models have been assessed in the calculations of two transonic Reynolds stress algebraic equation model," NASA TM 106644 (1994). Accepted for publication in flows with weak and strong shock/turbulent boundary- Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.. layer interactions. For calculations with the same type of models, i.e., high- vs. low-Reynolds number mod- s Shill, T. H., Liou, W. W., Shabbir, A., Yang, Z., els, the same initial, boundary conditions and compu- and Zhu, J., "A new k - ¢ eddy viscosity model for tational meshes were used. high Reynolds number turbulent flows," Computers For the weak interaction case, the two new realiz- Fluids, 24, 227-238 (1995). 9 Shih,T. H. and Lumley, J. L., "Kolmogorov behav- ment, Florence, Italy, 1993. ior of near-wall turbulence and its application in 12 Huang, P. G. and Liou, W. W., "Numerical calcu- turbulence modeling," Comp. 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A sketch for ONERA Bump A. 1.5 ........i.............._.........-..........:............._.............._.............f.i................. 13 i i I _P i :; Mo,. 1.1 O.9 _..__ ....i............i......._.._..o.._._..o...... i i 0.7 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 X Figure 3. Variation of Mach number along the centerline. ONERA Bump A 0.70 __--ami__S__2_ -______:-___ 0.60 _ _ _ ! _ P/PT o._ ....... ;........ _.... ............ I............ ........... -.......... _-......... ................_...............i.............i..............i................;............. ".............._.............. -iiii.;P OAo .........._..............; ............i..............i..............._..............=..............i............... 0.3] 0.10 0,15 0.20 0.25 0.30 x(m) Figure 4. Variation of isentropic wall Mach number. ONERA Bump A O.OO4 0.0_ OQ i 6"(111)0111 ',, , _--.I-. _ -o _: _:_ ......4..-..-.-.-..= ..........l..............i................+............._............. o.%._o _ t ,,:., 0.15 _ 0.25 X Figure 5. Variation of boundary-layer displacement thickness. ONERA Bump A O.OLOx---0.15 f 0"16 i_ 0.21 0.2, 0.008 I o o._ ---- ,_+w+ i" °+f+J j 0.002 y(m) =_ / 0.000 = I I J j . j m . I 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 U/U_ Figure 6. Streamwise mean velocity profiles. ONERA Bump A. 0.24 0.0100.008-0-.-0-0--6X-----S'0I"_1÷5w--F-CH_I,_2.w0.F1K55EI _Im+,_ 0.16 , .17 ..i.21 + y(m) i _":,-,, o.oo2 f"_ _' _ 0 0.000 I ....... ,I ,.I ..,.I ,, I ..,,,,.,°1 0.000 O.OOS0.000 0.0050.000 0.0050.000 0.0050.000 0.0050.000 0.005 -uv/U_2 Figure 7. Comparison of Reynolds shear stress profiles. ONERA Bump A. 8

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