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N-Person Game Theory Concepts and Applications by Anatol Rapoport ANN ARBOR THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS Copyright © by The University of Michigan 1970 All rights reserved SBN 472-00117-5 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 79-83451 Published in the United States of America by The University of Michigan Press and simultaneously in Don Mills, Canada, by Longmans Canada Limited Manufactured in the United States of America Preface This book is a sequel to Two-Person Game Theory: The Essential Ideas (University of Michigan Press, 1966). It is addressed to the same audience: to people with little mathematical background but with an appetite for rig- orous analysis of the purely logical structure of strategic conflict situations. In the preface to Two-Person Game Theory I explained why I found it necessary to separate the expositions of Two-person and N-person game theory. The former can be presented with a minimum of (mostly familiar) math- ematical notation; the latter cannot. I remain convinced that unfamiliar mathematical notation scares at least as many people away from mathematical treatments of im- portant subjects as the difficulty of follOwing mathe- matical reasoning. The situation in the study of Russian is somewhat similar but with an important difference. Many people think that Russian is difficult to learn be- cause it is written in an unfamiliar alphabet. Russian is, to be sure, comparatively difficult for non-Slavic speak- ers, but certainly not because of its non-Latin alphabet. The Cyrillic alphabet can be learned in an hour. The difficulties stem largely from the fact that Russian is a more inflected language than the modem Germanic and Romance languages, so that there is more grammar to learn. I wish I could say the same for mathematics: that the difficulties of notation are trivial and that only the difficulties of mathematical "grammar" (mode of reason- ing) need to be overcome. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Mathematical notation and mathematical reasoning are much more intertwined than alphabet and grammar; 6 N-Person Game Theory so that one cannot really learn to read mathematical nota- tion without acquiring a certain degree of mathematical maturity. The interdependence between mathematical notation and mathematical logic suggests the task of mathematical pedagogy: one must constantly emphasize the essential connections between the symbols and the concepts for which they stand. This emphasis is particularly impor- tant in set theory, one of the mathematical pillars on which N-person game theory rests. When the reader has learned to associate quickly the concepts with their rep- resentations, he is well on the way toward understanding set-theoretic reasoning and has mastered one half of the conceptual repertoire that underlies game theory. The other half is the notion of multi-dimensional space as the set of all possible n-tuples of numbers. In Two-person game theory, this notion presents no difficulty. There be- ing only two players, all possible payoffs of a game are pairs of numbers, representable on two-dimensional dia- grams. If n = 3, we can still resort to projections of three- dimensional figures. For n > 3, visual intuition fails. One must learn to think in terms of visually unrepresentable «spaces." Here again, once one has learned to "read" properly, the conceptual difficulties begin to resolve themselves quite rapidly. The Introduction is a summary of mathematical con- cepts that I believe to be sufficient for understanding the essential ideas of N-person game theory. The ideas them- selves (mostly in a purely logical context) are presented in Part I. «Applications" are discussed in Part II. The In- troduction to Part II will hopefully forestall misunder- standing concerning the meaning of «applicatiOns" in the context of game theory. More will be said on this matter in the last two chapters. The scope of the book covers the essential ideas de- veloped in the original formulation of N-person game theory by Von Neumann and Morgenstern and the sub- Preface 7 sequent extensions by the present generation of game theoreticians. In their book Games and Decisions, Luce and Raiffa have already covered practically all of the significant advances up to 1957. Since then, two more volumes of Contributions to the Theory of Games (An- nals of Mathematics Studies series, Princeton University Press) have appeared, as well as many separate journal articles, some proceedings of conferences on game theory, and numerous memoranda and preprints. These were my main sources. The reader will note that the authors cited are pre- dominantly American and Israeli. This reHects the con- tinued interest in the United States and in Israel in the application potential of game theoretic ideas to social science. There is also a large Russian literature; but, to the extent that I have examined it, it is of interest only to the mathematical specialist, and so falls outside the scope of this book. I take pleasure in thanking the University of Michigan Press for continued encouragement. I am indebted to Professors R. M. Thrall and to William F. Lucas for their critical reading of the manuscript and for many helpful suggestions. My heartfelt gratitude goes once more to Claire Adler, who has given invaluable editorial assistance, and to Dorothy Williams Malan for help in the preparation of the manuscript. Contents Introduction: Some Mathematical Tools 11 Part I. Basic Concepts 1. Levels of Game-theoretic Analysis 45 2. Three-level Analysis of Elementary Games 68 3. Individual and Group Rationality 87 4. The Von Neumann-Morgenstern Solution 93 5. The Shapley Value 106 6. The Bargaining Set 114 7. The Kernel 125 8. Restrictions on Realignments 137 9. Games in Partition Function Form 145 10. N-Person Theory and Two-Person Theory Com- pared 158 11. Harsanyi's Bargaining Model 170 Part II. Applications Introduction to Part II 183 12. A Small Market 186 13. Large Markets 196 14. Simple Games and Legislatures 207 15. Symmetric and Quota Games 222 16. Coalitions and Power 234 10 N-Person Game Theory 17. Experiments Suggested by N-Person Game Theory 254 18. "So Long Sucker": A DO-it-yourself Experiment 271 19. The Behavioral Scientist's View 284 20. Concluding Remarks 301 Notes 311 References 317 Index 321

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