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Multithreaded Computer Architecture: A Summary of the State of the ART PDF

411 Pages·1994·9.905 MB·English
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MULT ITHREADED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE: A SUMMARY OF THE STATE OF THE ART THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE MULT ITHREADED COMPUTER ARCH ITECTU RE: A SUMMARY OF THE STATE OF THE ART EDITED BY Robert A. Iannucci Exa Corporation Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA • Guang R. Gao McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada • Robert H. Halstead, Jr. Digital Equipment Corporation Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA • Burton Smith Tera Computer Company Seattle, Washington, USA KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS Boston/London/Dordrecht Distributors for North America: Kluwer Academic Publishers 101 Philip Drive Assinippi Park Norwell, Massachusetts 02061 USA Distributors for all other countries: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group Distribution Centre Post Office Box 322 3300 AH Dordrecht, THE NETHERLANDS Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Multithreaded computer architecture: a summary of the state of the art / edited by Robert A. Iannucci ... [et al.]. p. cm. -- (Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science ; 0281) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7923-9477-1 (alk. paper) 1. Computer architecture. I. Iannucci, Robert A., 1955- II. Series: Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science ; SECS 0281. QA76.9.A73M85 1994 004' . 32--dc20 94-21605 CIP Copyright © 1994 by Kluwer Academic Publishers All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Assinippi Park, Norwell, Massachusetts 02061 Printed on acidjree paper. CONTENTS PREFACE xiii PART I: BACKGROUND AND ISSUES 1 MULTITHREADED ARCHITECTURES: PRINCIPLES, PROJECTS, AND ISSUES Jack B. Dennis and Guang R. Gao 1 1 Introduction 1 2 Microprocessor Evolution: Principles and Challenges 3 3 Multithreaded Program Execution Models 15 4 HEP: The Heterogeneous Element Processor System 18 5 A Dataflow Architecture 24 6 Monsoon 30 7 Other Multithreaded Architecture Projects 36 8 Issues in Multithreaded Architecture 42 9 Conclusions 58 REFERENCES 60 2 ARCHITECTURAL AND IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES FOR MULTITHREADING (PANEL DISCUSSION) Robert A. Iannucci 73 1 Introduction 73 2 Summary of the Discussion 74 3 Conclusion 77 vi MULTITHREADED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE 3 ISSUES IN THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INSTRUCTION PROCESSORS FOR MULTICOMPUTERS (POSITION STATEMENT) William J. Dally 79 1 Multicomputers and Multithreading 79 2 Implementation Issues 80 3 Pointers to Related Papers 82 REFERENCES 82 4 PROGRAMMING, COMPILATION, AND RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT ISSUES FOR MULTITHREADING (PANEL DISCUSSION) Robert H. Halstead, Jr. 83 1 Introduction 83 2 Summary of the Discussion 84 3 Conclusion 88 5 PROGRAMMING, COMPILATION AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ISSUES FOR MULTITHREADING (POSITION STATEMENT) Rishiyur S. Nikhil 89 1 Multithreaded Architectures Enable General Purpose Parallel Programming 89 2 Multithreaded Architectures Will Run Multicomputer Soft- ware Well (or Better) 90 3 Sources of Parallelism 91 4 Compilation and Resource Management 92 5 Conclusion 94 REFERENCES 94 6 MULTITHREADING: FUNDAMENTAL LIMITS, POTENTIAL GAINS, AND ALTERNATIVES David E. Culler 97 1 Introduction 97 2 Multithreading to Tolerate Latency 100 Contents Vll 3 Network Limits on Multithreading 108 4 Active Messages and Split-C 114 5 Multithreading to Support Dynamic Parallelism 123 6 Summary 133 REFERENCES 135 PART II: KEY ELEMENTS 7 LOW-COST SUPPORT .FOR FINE-GRAIN SYNCHRONIZATION IN MULTIPROCESSORS David Kranz, Beng-Hong Lim, Anant Agarwal and Donald Yeung 139 1 Introduction 140 2 A Low-Cost Approach to Fine-Grain Synchronization 142 3 Programming Language Issues 144 4 Alewife Implementation 146 5 Performance Results 154 6 Related Work 161 7 Conclusions 163 REFERENCES 164 8 ARCHITECTURAL AND IMPLEMENTATION TRADEOFFS IN THE DESIGN OF MULTIPLE CONTEXT PROCESSORS James Laudon, Anoop Gupta and Mark Horowitz 167 1 Introduction 167 2 Interleaved Multiple-Context Processor Proposal 170 3 Evaluation Methodology 174 4 Performance Results 181 5 Implementation Issues 189 6 Conclusions 196 REFERENCES 197 Vlll MULTITHREADED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE 9 NAMED STATE AND EFFICIENT CONTEXT SWITCHING Peter R. Nuth and William J. Dally 201 1 Introduction 201 2 Multithreaded Processors 203 3 The Named-State Register File 204 4 Register Utilization 207 5 Implementation 208 6 Performance 209 7 Conclusion 211 REFERENCES 211 10 IDEAS FOR THE DESIGN OF MULTITHREADED PIPELINES Amos R. Omondi 213 1 Introduction 213 2 Architecture 214 3 Implementation 225 4 Conclusion 248 REFERENCES 249 PART III: SYSTEMS 11 INTEGRATED SUPPORT FOR HETEROGENEOUS PARALLELISM Gail Alverson, Bob Alverson, David Callahan, Brian Koblenz, Allan Porterfield, and Burton Smith 253 1 Introduction 253 2 Related Systems 255 3 Overview of the Tera Architecture 262 4 Very Fine-grained Parallelism 263 5 Fine-grained Parallelism 265 6 Medium-Grained Parallelism 271 7 Coarse-Grain Parallelism 276 8 Summary 279 Contents ix REFERENCES 280 12 AN ARCHITECTURE FOR GENERALIZED SYNCHRONIZATION AND FAST SWITCHING Kattamuri Ekanadham, Steve Gregor, Kei Hiraki, Robert A. Iannucci and Ragunathan Rajkumar 285 1 Introduction 285 2 Architectural Highlights 287 3 System Description 289 4 Compilation and Resonrce Management 296 5 Hardware Design 299 6 Support for Real-Time Systems 307 7 Conclusions 313 REFERENCES 315 13 CONCURRENT EXECUTION OF HETEROGENEOUS THREADS IN THE SUPER-ACTOR MACHINE Herbert H.J. Hum, Guang R. Gao 317 1 Introduction 317 2 The Super-Actor Execution Model 321 3 The Architecture of the Super-Actor Machine 333 4 SAXPY Revisited 342 5 Conclusion 347 REFERENCES 348 PART IV: ANALYSIS 14 ANALYSIS OF MULTITHREADED MICROPROCESSORS UNDER MULTIPROGRAMMING David E. Culler, Michial Gunter, James C. Lee 351 1 Introduction 352 2 Analytical Model 353 3 Method of Analysis 355 4 Multithreaded Cache Behavior 357 x MULTITHREADED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE 5 Unfairness of Switch-on-miss Multithreading 363 6 Processor Utilization 365 7 Conclusions 367 REFERENCES 370 15 EXPLOITING LOCALITY IN HYBRID DATAFLOW PROGRAMS Walid A. Najjar, A. P. Wim Bohm, W. Marcus Miller 373 1 Introduction 373 2 Nature and Impact of Locality 374 3 Thread Locality in Dataflow Execution 376 4 Conclusion 385 REFERENCES 385 INDEX 389

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