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Multiscale Dynamics Simulations Nano and Nano-bio-Systems in Complex Environments PDF

389 Pages·2022·14.841 MB·English
by  Salahub
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Multiscale Dynamics Simulations Nano and Nano-bio Systems in Complex Environments 1 0 0 P F 8- 6 6 4 6 1 9 3 8 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d M. org | Pc. 2 10:32:25 ps://pubs.rs 02htt 2/2on 1/221 10 d on ber 2 em ownload4 Septe D2 n o d e h s bli u P View Online Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series Editor-in-chief: Jonathan Hirst, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK 1 0 0 P F 8- Advisory board: 6 46 Dongqing Wei, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 6 91 Jeremy Smith, Oakridge National Laboratory, USA 3 8 1 8 97 Titles in the series: 9/ 3 1: Knowledge-based Expert Systems in Chemistry: Not Counting on 0 1 0. Computers 1 oi: 2: Non-Covalent Interactions: Theory and Experiment d PM. c.org | 3: SEilnugsilvee-IoTnheSromlvoadtiyonna:mEixcpQeruimanetnittiaelsand Theoretical Approaches to 2 10:32:25 ps://pubs.rs 45::CiCnooSmmilppicuuottaattiioonnaallQNuaannotsucmienCcheemistry:MolecularStructureandProperties 02htt 6: Reaction Rate Constant Computations: Theories and Applications 2/2on 7: Theory of Molecular Collisions 11/2021 8: In Silico Medicinal Chemistry: Computational Methods to Support d on ber 2 Drug Design ownloade4 Septem 109::CSCioamtmaulpylaustitisantgioEnnalzyBmioepRheysaicctsivoitfy:MCeommbprauntaetiPornoatleiMnsethods in Enzyme D2 on 11:ColdChemistry: Molecular Scattering andReactivity Near Absolute Zero d e 12: Theoretical Chemistry for Electronic Excited States h s bli 13: Attosecond Molecular Dynamics u P 14: Self-organized Motion: Physicochemical Design based on Nonlinear Dynamics 15: Knowledge-based Expert Systems in Chemistry: Artificial Intelligence in Decision Making 16: London Dispersion Forces in Molecules, Solids and Nano-structures: An Introduction to Physical Models and Computational Methods 17: Machine Learning in Chemistry: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence 18: Tunnelling in Molecules: Nuclear Quantum Effects from Bio to Physical Chemistry View Online 19: Understanding Hydrogen Bonds: Theoretical and Experimental Views 20: Computational Techniques for Analytical Chemistry and Bioanalysis 21: Effects of Electric Fields on Structure and Reactivity: New Horizons in Chemistry 1 00 22: Multiscale Dynamics Simulations: Nano and Nano-bio Systems in P 8-F Complex Environments 6 6 4 6 1 9 3 8 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d M. org | Pc. 2 10:32:25 ps://pubs.rs 02htt 2/2on 1/221 10 d on ber 2 em ownload4 Septe D2 n o d e h s bli u P How to obtain future titles on publication: Astandingorderplanisavailableforthisseries.Astandingorderwillbring delivery of each new volume immediately on publication. For further information please contact: BookSalesDepartment,RoyalSocietyofChemistry,ThomasGrahamHouse, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UK Telephone: þ44 (0)1223 420066, Fax: þ44 (0)1223 420247 Email: [email protected] Visit our website at www.rsc.org/books View Online 1 0 0 P F 8- 6 6 4 6 1 9 3 8 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d M. org | Pc. 2 10:32:25 ps://pubs.rs 02htt 2/2on 1/221 10 d on ber 2 em ownload4 Septe D2 n o d e h s bli u P View Online Multiscale Dynamics Simulations 1 00 Nano and Nano-bio Systems in Complex P F 68- Environments 6 4 6 1 9 3 8 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 0.1 Edited by 1 oi: d PM. c.org | DUneinvenrsiistyRo.f CSaallgaahryu,bCanada 2 10:32:25 ps://pubs.rs Eanmdail: [email protected] 02htt 2/2on Dongqing Wei 1/221 10 Shanghai Jiao Tong University,China d on ber 2 Email: [email protected] em ownload4 Septe D2 n o d e h s bli u P View Online 1 0 0 P F 8- 6 6 4 6 1 9 3 8 1 8 7 9 9/ TheoreticalandComputationalChemistrySeriesNo.22 3 0 1 10. PrintISBN:978-1-83916-178-0 oi: PDFISBN:978-1-83916-466-8 d M. org | EPrPiUnBtIISSSBNN::2907481--13-18831916-467-5 Pc. 2 10:32:25 ps://pubs.rs EAleccattraolongicueISrSeNco:r2d04fo1r-3t1h9iXsbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary 02htt rTheRoyalSocietyofChemistry2022 2/2on 1/221 Allrightsreserved 10 d on ber 2 Apartfromfairdealingforthepurposesofresearchfornon-commercialpurposesorfor em ownload4 Septe pAbrecitvr1ae9pte8ro8sdtauundcdeyd,t,hcresittCoicroiepsdmyroiorgrhttrraeanvnisdemwRi,tetaleasdt,epdeinrRmaiginthtyetsdfoRuremngduoelrartbtihoyenasCn2oy0pm0y3rei,agtnhhsti,,sDwpueitsbhilgoincuasttaitohnnedmpPraaioyternnotst D2 n permissioninwritingofTheRoyalSocietyofChemistryorthecopyrightowner,orinthe o d caseofreproductioninaccordancewiththetermsoflicencesissuedbytheCopyright e sh LicensingAgencyintheUK,orinaccordancewiththetermsofthelicencesissuedbythe bli appropriateReproductionRightsOrganizationoutsidetheUK.Enquiriesconcerning u P reproductionoutsidethetermsstatedhereshouldbesenttoTheRoyalSocietyof Chemistryattheaddressprintedonthispage. Whilstthismaterialhasbeenproducedwithallduecare,TheRoyalSocietyofChemistry cannotbeheldresponsibleorliableforitsaccuracyandcompleteness,norforany consequencesarisingfromanyerrorsortheuseoftheinformationcontainedinthis publication.Thepublicationofadvertisementsdoesnotconstituteanyendorsementby TheRoyalSocietyofChemistryorAuthorsofanyproductsadvertised.Theviewsand opinionsadvancedbycontributorsdonotnecessarilyreflectthoseofTheRoyalSocietyof Chemistrywhichshallnotbeliableforanyresultinglossordamagearisingasaresultof relianceuponthismaterial. TheRoyalSocietyofChemistryisacharity,registeredinEnglandandWales, Number207890,andacompanyincorporatedinEnglandbyRoyalCharter (RegisteredNo.RC000524),registeredoffice:BurlingtonHouse,Piccadilly, LondonW1J0BA,UK,Telephone:þ44(0)2074378656. Forfurtherinformationseeourwebsiteatwww.rsc.org PrintedintheUnitedKingdombyCPIGroup(UK)Ltd,Croydon,CR04YY,UK 8 0 0 P F 8- 6 46 Preface 6 1 9 3 8 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: Over the past decade, great strides have been taken in developing quantum d M. org | mechanical (QM) electronic structure methodologies, notably those using Pc. density functional theory (DFT) and its parameterized version DF tight 2 10:32:46 ps://pubs.rs bnhiaynbmdriiidcnsgsc((MhDeFDmT),Bes)s,o(mQmMoelt/eiMmcuMelsa)rianmncdelucehdmiannbgiecdapdloi(lnaMgriMzma)toifdooenrclseetfffoieetclrdtessat(fMotrhMempdooyllne),caumvlaaircrisoduoysf- 02htt moreandmorecomplexnano-andnano–biosystemsembeddedincomplex 1/22/221 on environments with good accuracy. Most recently, some of these methods 10 have benefitted from extraordinary acceleration afforded by incorporating d on ber 2 thelatestadvancesinmachinelearning(ML).Thisbookaimstosummarize em Download24 Septe tslohtuwisdeipderstohgberueftsiesfl,dowctuiotshpinroognslpoyenern.koTeuhygehmauhettihhstooordrsoichlaoalgvbiecaabclekegbnrroeauasknktdehdrtootousgipthrusoavttiehdtaehtseuhvffiaavrceiioeaunlst- n o technical details of the new methods to provide a meaningful learning ex- d he perience for the next generation of method developers and coders and to s bli providetheirperspectiveonpotentialfuturedevelopmentsoverthenextfive u P to ten years. A few key applications are described, but the focus is on the methodologies. Leading experts have contributed in the following subfields: 1) DFT/MM-MD In Chapter 1, Andreas Ko¨ster from Cinvestav, Mexico City has co- ordinated the writing of co-authors from the deMon2k community to provideanin-depthaccountofthetheoryforQM/MMimplementation in deMon2k within the framework of auxiliary density functional the- ory(ADFT).Workingequationsaregiven,andapracticaltoolforinput preparationispresented.QM/MMmagneticshieldingandexcitedstate calculations are emphasized. TheoreticalandComputationalChemistrySeriesNo.22 MultiscaleDynamicsSimulations:NanoandNano-bioSystemsinComplexEnvironments EditedbyDennisR.SalahubandDongqingWei rTheRoyalSocietyofChemistry2022 PublishedbytheRoyalSocietyofChemistry,www.rsc.org viii View Online Preface ix Chapter2fromtheCalabriagroup(NinoRussoetal.)illustratesthe state of the art of computational enzymology with several examples of the performance of cluster models and QM/MM methods along with MD, tracing the free energy through the many steps of enzymatically- 8 00 catalyzedreactions.Enzymaticpromiscuityandcovalentinhibitionare P 8-F highlighted. 66 2) DFT/MMpol-MD 4 16 SergeiNoskovandhisUniversityofCalgaryco-authorssetthequestion 9 83 for Chapter 3, ‘‘Is explicit inclusion of polarization on the horizon?’’. 1 78 They examine the performance of stand-alone MMpol, and QM/MM, 9 9/ highlighting particular challenges for the parametrization of polariz- 3 0 1 ableforcefields,thetreatmentofQM/MMboundariesandfreeenergy 0. oi:1 sampling. Reference is made to recent ML techniques that could be M. org | d hboelnpifcualnghoyindgrafsoer,wilalruds.trTawteotchaesestasttuedoifesth, ethaertC.IC transporter and car- Pc. 2 10:32:46 ps://pubs.rs deleeCclhatraoLpnatnedrdyen4a(Otmarkisceassyi)unasnthodenccoao-nwdtoeerexktpeordfsipvgoeuliaidnreitzoaubsthletehsrwuorourrgolhdun‘o‘dmfineagtthtso.oAdsuocilreo´engliiceeens; 02htt tosimulatethedynamicsoflargemolecularsystemsafterperturbation 2/2on of their electron clouds by an external stimulus.’’ They couple QMPol 1/221 with real-time, time-dependent DFT (RT-TDDFT) implemented in 10 ed on mber 2 dSpeMecotrna2akndancdo,llimsioosntsrweictehnhtliyg,hi-nencleurdgey pEahrtriecnlefessatrenuncolweaarmdeynnaabmleictso. ownload4 Septe 3) sDtFuTdBy/fMorMs-yMstDems of unprecedented complexity. D2 n Moving to even larger, more complex systems, beyond the purview of o d DFT, Mathias Rapacioli, Fernand Spiegelman and Nathalie Tarrat e h blis (Toulouse) (Chapter 5) situate DFTB in the context of traditional tight u binding techniques, on the one hand, and DFT, on the other, and P review various hybrid schemes involving higher- and lower-level methods. The dynamics and thermodynamics of metal nanoparticles arehighlighted,extendingtocomplexenvironmentsfoundinsolution and at surfaces. In Chapter 6, Samuele Giannini (Jochen Blumberger group at Uni- versity College, London) and co-workers explore charge transport in nanoscale materials with a mixed quantum/classical non-adiabatic molecular dynamics method termed fragment orbital-based surface hopping(FOB-SH).Concernssuchastrivialcrossingdetectionandthe removalofspuriouschargetransferduetodecoherencecorrectionsare addressed. The transport mechanisms across high-mobility planes of molecular crystals are elucidated. Mechanistic insight into nano-catalyzed reactions in complex en- vironmentsisthegoalespousedinChapter7byTingyuLei,Xingchen Liu and Xiaodong Wen (Taiyuan and Beijing). They reach it with two different methodologies DFTB/MM-MD and DFTB nanoreactor-MD, shedding light on important reactions for the upgrading of oil sands, View Online x Preface the synthesis of graphene by the detonation of carbonaceous material and Fischer–Tropsch synthesis with Fe nanoparticles. 4) Solvation/Embedding models Chapter 8, by Tomasz Wesolowski (Geneva) ‘‘concerns Frozen Density 8 00 Embedding Theory (FDET), in which the optimal embedded wave- P 8-F function is obtained from constrained minimization of the 66 Hohenberg–Kohn energy functional.’’ A comprehensive and detailed 4 16 overview of the formalism with working equations is given for vari- 9 83 ational and non-variational approaches, going far beyond the original 1 78 embedding of DFT, with extensions for excited states and underlying 9 9/ pragmatic approximations. 3 0 1 The powerful integral equation formulation of molecular solvation 0. oi:1 represented by the 3D-RISM-KH theory is exposed in Chapter 9 by M. org | d DatiipoannskasrucRhoyaasndmAunltdiprilye-tKimovea-lsetnepkoM(EDdmaonndtond),issinipcalutidviengpianrntioclve- Pc. 2 10:32:46 ps://pubs.rs dsmyysontlaeemmcusilcesis.nicSnltuapdtreeo-otemf-itnahpaep-caitnrivtgemsbiuitneltsdisiancnagdlestihstieemseuloelnacttripoicnrodstoefuionbrlebsuiloarf-yaeacrneisdn, nnwaaannteoor-- 02htt porous materials. 2/2on 5) Atomistic MD in complex environments 1/221 Choosing reaction coordinates (RC) to study the dynamics of complex 10 ed on mber 2 nDaonnog–-QbiiongsyWsteeim(Sshraenmghaaini)saaddcreenstsrathlicshcahllaelnlegneg.eXiinaoC-QhainpgterG1u0aninatnhde ownload4 Septe fleraamsteswqourakreosf manualtlyi-sRisCmumetbhroedlla(WsaEmLpSlAinMg),.pSruocpcoessisngfoarntehwewsteuigdhyteodf D2 n transmembrane ion permeation mechanisms is highlighted. o d 6) Machine learning approaches e h blis ML is now pervasive in science. We close the book with two chapters u that should provide entries into the rapidly-growing ML literature. P In Chapter 11 Jutta Rogel (Berlin) and Mark Tuckerman (New York and Shanghai) provide ‘‘a framework for combining ML for local structure classification with the definition of a global classifier space as a basis for enhanced sampling of structural transformations in condensed-phase systems.’’ Path collective variables are defined, yielding insight into mechanisms for such complex phenomena as solid–solid phase transitions in transition metals. Finally, in Chapter 12, Abbas Khan, Byu-Ri Sim and Dong-Qing Wei (Shanghai) show how an array of ML tools can be fruitfully applied to the analysis of MD trajectories. An extensive table compares the advantages of the most prominent techniques. Applications to drug– target interactions, infrared spectra and ligand binding energies are highlighted. In the original proposal for this book, we expressed our main motivation as promoting cross-talk among the various subfields by gathering chapters from leading experts in a single volume. Our second, co-equal, motivation View Online Preface xi was to provide newcomers with a comprehensive menu of multiscale mod- elingoptionssothattheycanbettercharttheircourseinthenano/bioworld. The extent to which our motivations have been satisfied will be judged by you, the reader. We are grateful to all of the authors who took up the chal- 8 00 lenge and produced such outstanding chapters. Any shortcomings of the P 8-F volume are ours alone. 66 The dimensional stretch of systems treated in the book ranges from 4 16 attoseconds to microseconds and beyond, from picometers to micrometers 9 83 andbeyond.Ofcourse,notallofthetechniquesarefullyintegrated,butthe 1 78 knowledge gained from multiscale, multi-methodological approaches does, 9 9/ wethink, definethestateofthe artforstudyingthedynamicsofnano-and 3 0 1 nano–bio systems in complex environments. Extensions of such methods, 0. oi:1 and entirely new approaches, will undoubtedly carry us to even larger and M. org | d lonWgeerasrceaglerastienfuyletaorsthtoe cRoomyael.SWoceielotyokoffoCrhweamrdisttroy’tshiHs!elen Armes, Connor Pc. 2 10:32:46 ps://pubs.rs Sfceehspestpiioopnnaartdlo,spuLrpeopwdouisrcttPiaoesna.rtchTeehaabnnokdoskaAlwmsoeinntotaKtHhuremoaudugldehhyathfaoenrdvtahhreeioirrutesfarismetenfpdoslrypfraroonmdduccpoirnnog-- 02htt exemplary page proofs. 2/2on 1/221 Dennis R. Salahub, University of Calgary, Canada 10 d on ber 2 Dong-Qing Wei, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China em ownload4 Septe D2 n o d e h s bli u P

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