Editor Multimedia, Leung Communication and Computing Focusing its attention on modern communication and computer technology, the a M n Application 2014 International Conference on Multimedia, Communication and Computing u d Application (MCCA2014) was held 16-17 October, 2014 in Xiamen, China. This lt C i volume represents the collection of all the papers presented at MCCA2014. The m o contributions provide not only many new and feasible technologies to old prob- m e lems, but also serve as an introduction to on-going research which represents the d p i future of communication and computer technology around the world. As such, this u a book will be of interest to researchers and professionals in fields such as multi- tin , C media studies, computing, communication and ICT. g o m A p m p u l i n c a ic t a i o t i n o n Editor: Ally Leung an informa business MultiMedia, CoMMuniCation and CoMputing appliCation 9781138027756_FM.indd 1 25/04/15 1:59 AM TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA, COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING APPLICATION, XIAMEN, CHINA, 15–16 OCTOBER 2014 Multimedia, Communication and Computing application Editor ally leung Advanced Science and Industry Research Center, Hong Kong 9781138027756_FM.indd 3 25/04/15 1:59 AM CRC Press/Balkema is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK Typeset by diacriTech, Chennai, India All rights reserved. No part of this publication or the information contained herein may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written prior permission from the publisher. Although all care is taken to ensure integrity and the quality of this publication and the information herein, no responsibility is assumed by the publishers nor the author for any damage to the property or persons as a result of operation or use of this publication and/or the information contained herein. Published by: CRC Press/Balkema P.O. Box 11320, 2301 EH Leiden, The Netherlands e-mail: Pub.NL@taylorandfrancis.com www.crcpress.com – www.taylorandfrancis.com ISBN: 978-1-138-02775-6 (Hardback) ISBN: 978-1-315-69051-3 (eBook PDF) 9781138027756_FM.indd 4 30/04/15 8:22 PM Multimedia, Communication and Computing Application – Leung (Ed.) © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02775-6 table of contents preface xi organizing committees xiii 1. Communication systems and engineering an evolved elastic resource virtualization algorithm for oFdMa-based wireless networks 3 J. Wei, K. Yang, G. Zhang & Z. Hu one full-diversity coding communication network transmission scheme for two users and four antennas 9 G.Q. Zhang, M.Q. Zou, X.H. Li & H.W. Zhang Secure communications using different type of chaotic systems 13 G. Obregón-Pulido, Alan Gasca & G. Solis-Perales power allocation and packet scheduling for energy harvesting communication systems 17 Y. Su, J. Yang & Q.H. Yang id-based user off-line password authentication for mobile memory cards 23 N. Li, J.J. Duan & Z.L. Deng Suppression of es layer clutter in HFSWR using a vertically polarized antenna array 29 L. Zhao, Y.Z. Liu & H.K. Liu the influence of angle parameters on ultraviolet communication system in the atmospheric turbulence 33 Y. Wang a generic size neural network based on Fpga 37 E. Guzman-Ramírez, M.P. García, J.L. Barahona & O. Pogrebnyak an improved utilization of solar node based on leaCH protocol 41 W.L. Bai, W.X. Jiang, W.W. Yang & Y.M. Zhang Research on the novel non-uniform array structure 45 X.Q. Hu, Y.B. Liu & X.L. Jiao an enhanced congestion avoidance mechanism for compound tCp 51 Y.C. Chan & Y.S. Lee High-speed radix-4 FFt processor based on Fpga 55 C. Li & X.F. Li Markov chain-based attack on the CSMa/Ca mechanism 59 W. Wang & W.H. Zhao Multiple-attribute vertical handoff algorithm based on adjusting weights and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation 65 W.S. Sun, Y. Zhou, T. Chen & J.S. Yao performance evaluation in papR for SiM-oFdM systems 69 X.B. Zou, Q.L. Ma & J.Q. Xie Fuzzy association algorithm and computer simulation of target’s information from radar and aiS 73 Q.P. Chen, C.C. Lin, H. Lin, M. Guo, X.L. Zhang & S.S. Zhu v 9781138027756_FM.indd 5 25/04/15 1:59 AM data migration research between relational database and nonrelational database 77 D. Li & Y.F. Chen Research on supporting technology of digital archives resource sharing and management system in the cloud computing environment 83 H.M. Xiao, L. Chen, J.J. Cheng & M.M. Zhou a scheduling strategy of cloud resource with low consumption based on ga 89 W.H. Hu, Y.L. Zhang & Q. Zheng item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on MapReduce 95 W.H. Hu, F. Yang & Z.W. Feng a nutch-based method of real-time theme searching for massive data 101 Q. Wu, Y. Yu, L. Wu & Y. Yao Research and improvement of multiple pattern matching algorithm in linux intrusion detection 105 F.Y. Wang & H.T. Chen Research and improvement of apriori algorithm based on the matrix decomposition affairs 109 Q. Wu & Y. Yao analysis of Sdn security applications 113 Y.F. Yang, Y. Chi, D. Li & W. Zhang the study and design of dynamic deploy in honeynet 119 K.H. Zhang two layers trusted identities in cyberspace 123 B. Huang parallel signal processing software 127 X. Li, J.S. Du, J.T. Hu & X. Bi BiC-based speaker segmentation using multi-feature combination 133 J.L. Chen & C.S. Cai 2. Multimedia processing and artificial intelligence a novel trust management based on cloud model for wireless sensor networks 139 C. Yan object tracking by fusing multi-feature based on infrared particle filter 145 Y.W. Chong, Z.W. Wang, Y.Y. Wang, R. Chen & Y. Li the performance characteristics of color language on the digital photography using warmed color works for case analysis 151 S.H. Wu, J.H. Chen & M.Y. liu High speed network camera based on linear CCd 155 C. Li & X.F. Li evaluation of impact of various writing tools on individual electro-encephalogram (eeg) characteristics of designer 159 S.H. Wu, J.H. Chen, H.F. Lee & K.S. Yao application of Radio Frequency identification technology in information system for warehouse management 163 S.Y. Zhu, J.Y. Liu, L.H. Zhao & X.Y. Wang a remote user authentication method based on the voiceprint characteristics 167 H.W. Wang & J.J. Li vi 9781138027756_FM.indd 6 25/04/15 1:59 AM the design and implementation of topic detection based on domain ontology 171 Q.H. Hu & Y. Luo aCe algorithm in the application of video forensics 177 S. Jia, C.H. Feng, Z.Q. Xu, Y.Y. Xu & T. Wang Modified fuzzy clustering with partial supervision algorithm in classification and recognition of pulmonary nodules 185 Q.P. Li, H. Liu & Z.Y. Su Feature selection for phoneme recognition using a cooperative game theory based framework 191 J. Ujwala Rekha, K. Shahu Chatrapati & A. Vinaya Babu a solution to the reconstruction of a realistic knee model based on Ct images 197 J.F. Li, J.X. Chen, R.F. Li, H.W. He & J.Q. Mo Clustering method of pedestrian body based on nonparametric estimation 201 W. Jin, B. Li, H.B. Qu & J.Q. Wang an image registration algorithm based on Fourier-Mellin transform and feature point matching 207 X.R. Wang & Y. Ding an improved edge-detection algorithm according to wavelet transform 217 Y.Z. Yang, H. Xu & Y. Ding a mutation-based fault injection method for C program 223 H. Song, Y.W. Wang, G.N. Qian & Y.Z. Gong Comparison of different soft decision bit metrics for non-square 32-ary QaM constellation 227 C. Li, Y.P. Cheng, Y.M. Zhang & Y.Z. Huang the measurement method of human body bust based on Kinect depth image 231 Y.W. Chong, Y.Y. Wang, S.M. Pan, Z.W. Wang, H.Q. Dai & Y. Li image denoising method of edge-preserving based sparse representations 237 S.K. Liu, Y.F. Chen, K. Zhao & L.B. Zhao intelligent human–computer interaction in document retrieval system 243 Y.E. Lv document retrieval based on multi-ontology 247 Y.E. Lv Human action recognition based on fusion of slow features 251 P.F. Wang, G.Q. Xiao & X.Q. Tang Study on improved id3 algorithm and its application in golF decision tree 257 Q.X. Meng, X.D. Liu & L. Liu Visualizing seismic waves through Sdp graphs matrix for discriminating of earthquake and explosion 263 H.M. Huang, Y. Tian, C.J. Zhao, X.B. Liu & X.H. Shi Research on the progress of physiological signal-based method for fatigue driving risks detection 269 K.J. Sun, X.X. Yang, L. Yang, J.X. Cui, S. Zhang & Y. Lu automatic detection of iR ship on the basis of variance statistic 273 Y. Chen, S.H. Wang, G.P. Wang, W.L. Chen & J.L. Wu a dual-window detection scheme considered motion direction based on optical flow consistency for frame deletion detection 277 W.T. Zhang, C.H. Feng & Z.Q. Xu a SVM-based spectrum sensing method 285 X.P. Zhai & Q.M. Liu vii 9781138027756_FM.indd 7 25/04/15 1:59 AM infrared thermal wave image segmentation based on genetic algorithm and maximal between-class variance 291 D.D. Wang, W. Zhang, S.J. Tao, G. Tian & Z.W. Yang a ship emphasized bag-of-words model for ship detection in SaR images 297 S.H. Wan, Q. Huang, P.Q. Jin & L.H. Yue the novel algorithm of dial pointer recognition based on image processing 303 J. Zhai, N.M. Wang & Z. Chai pll-based adaptive power line interference canceller for eCg signal 307 T.J. Li & T.H. Li Study on fuzzy neural network controller for automatic voltage regulator 311 M.H. Wang & Y.Q. Yu Constrained-optimization-based extreme learning machine with incremental learning 315 R.F. Xu, Z.Y. Wang & S.J. Lee an improved image distortion correction algorithm 319 S.T. Lv, Y. Ding & H.L. Wei 3. Information, electronic and mechanical engineering theoretical study on gaWBS in a highly nonlinear fiber 327 J. Wang Study of the watermarking algorithm based on the mix of time domain 333 H.Y. Fang, X.Q. Zhao & A.H. Guo a method to facilitate automatic test cases generation based on inverse functions 339 W. Xiong, J.F. Huang, X.Z. Zhang & Y.Z. Gong a method of stub generation for i/o functions in automatic test 343 Y.W. Yang, Y.W. Wang & Y.Z. Gong Multi-features based classification for automatic summarization 347 H.Y. Li, R.F. Liu, W.R. Xu & R.S. Shi Construction of uighur-Chinese parallel corpus 353 J.L. Song & L. Dai design and realization of vehicle driving simulation system based on ogRe 357 H.H. Li, P. Zhang & X.D. Sun design and simulation of parallel distributed iiR filter based on Fpga 363 D.X. Sun, X.F. Li life parameters study on the barrel of a machine gun 369 Y.H. Shan, L.D. Tan, S.Q. Shan & Z.G. Nie load bearing analysis of the wing-fuselage connector with different structures 373 L. Hua, F.S. Wang, J. Liu & Z.F. Yue Qualitative analysis of the effect of stress coupling on fatigue life of welding zone 377 J.X. Kang, H.S. Gao, J. Liu, F.S. Wang & Z.F. Yue a novel dual passband lowpass filter based on u-shaped dgS 381 H.Q. He, M.Q. Li, Y. Ding, H.X. Chang & F.L. Zhao the strategy of reactive power optimization considering cost of reactive power regulation in wind farms with dFigs 385 Y.Q. Xu, Y. Nie, D.D. Liu & N. Wang viii 9781138027756_FM.indd 8 25/04/15 1:59 AM Research on application of multi-agent immune algorithm in reactive power optimization distribution network under the condition of distributed generation 391 Y.Q. Xu, Y. Nie & D.D. Liu using virtual instruments and real-time simulation techniques for off-line tuning of electro-hydraulic rotational speed regulators 397 D.D. Ion-Guta autonomous vehicle: from a cognitive perspective 401 X.L. Zhu & S.M. Tang demand response and economic dispatch of power systems considering large-scale plug-in hybrid electric vehicles/electric vehicles 407 J.Y. Hu, B. Li, C. Liu, L. Xia & C.H. Li High-precision parameters estimation of electric power harmonic on the basis of all phase technology L.J. Li & Y. Li 411 Coordination of multi-agent systems with high-order dynamic N. Na, Y.X. Zhang & T. Wang 415 Quantitative study of oil ingress in honeycomb structure by using pulse thermography D.P. Chen, G. Zhang, X.L. Zhang & X.L. Li 421 a kind of automatic pulse wave collection device connected to the air sac on wrist A.R. Wang, W.W. Wang, Y.M. Yang, S. Zhang, X.W. Li & L. Yang 427 4. Management engineering and computer application a robust forward-secure threshold signature schemes based on polynomial secret sharing without a trusted dealer 433 D.J. Lu, Y. Wang & X.Q. Zhang Fuzzy hazmat transport network problem with random transport risk 439 Y. Ge, Y.B. Xu & Y.S. Xie Multi-objective hazmat transport network problem with random and fuzzy factors 445 Y. Ge, Y.S. Xie & B.X. Song Research and implementation of early-warning of remote environmental monitoring based on iot 451 Y.F. Li & L.Q. Tian theoretical analysis on high-end equipment manufacturing growing: from the view of 3d-spiral technology collaborative innovation 455 K. Li, B. Yu, & Q.J. Li Research on digital publishing logistics standardization system and assessment model 461 X.H. Wang, Y.P. Du, Y.B. Zhang & W.M. Zhang Research on the relationship between the regional information industry development and the quality of economic growth in China 465 Y. Liu & Y. Peng impacts and countermeasures on the industrial security of inflow of foreign direct investment to Shandong 473 P.Z. Wang & J. Qian the empirical research about relations between brand image, brand experience and customer value 479 J.B. Tu Cost optimization model of exponential Weibull distribution accelerated life simulation 483 Y. Wang, D.J. Lu & X.Q. Zhang ix 9781138027756_FM.indd 9 25/04/15 1:59 AM