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Multi-Objective Optimization. Evolutionary to Hybrid Framework PDF

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Jyotsna K. Mandal Somnath Mukhopadhyay (cid:129) Paramartha Dutta Editors Multi-Objective Optimization Evolutionary to Hybrid Framework 123 Editors Jyotsna K.Mandal Paramartha Dutta University of Kalyani VisvaBharati University Kalyani, West Bengal, India Bolpur, Santiniketan,West Bengal, India SomnathMukhopadhyay AssamUniversity Silchar, Assam, India ISBN978-981-13-1470-4 ISBN978-981-13-1471-1 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1471-1 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2018947473 ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2018 Foreword Multi-objective optimization problems have two or more (usually conflicting) objectives that we aim to solve simultaneously. The solution to these problems involves finding a set of solutions (rather than only one) representing the best possible trade-offs among the objectives, such that no objective can be improved without worsening another. In spite of the existence of a number of mathematical programmingtechniquesthathavebeenexplicitlydesignedtosolvemulti-objective optimization problems, such techniques have several limitations, which has moti- vated the use of evolutionary algorithms, giving rise to an area known as evolu- tionary multi-objective optimization. The first evolutionary multi-objective algorithm was published in 1985, but it was until the late 1990s that this research area started to gain popularity. Over the last 20 years, this discipline has given rise to a wide variety of algorithms, methodologies and applications that span practically all areas of knowledge. This book brings together a very interesting collection of applications of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and hybrid approaches in a variety of disciplines, including bioinformatics, networking, image processing, medicine and finance.Thisbookshouldbeofinteresttoresearchersandstudentswithorwithout experience in evolutionary multi-objective optimization, who will certainly benefit from the novel applications and concepts discussed in this volume. Mexico City, México Carlos A. Coello Coello April 2018 CINVESTAV-IPN Editorial Preface In our day-to-day real life, we have to take decisions on the basis of various associatedfactors.Arrivingatadecisionbecomesevenmorechallengingifonehas to deal with factors apparently contradictory to one another. In such a situation, addressing one factor falls short of being meaningful without addressing the other factors even though conflicting. The issue of multi-/many-objective framework typically deals with an environment where we have to consider simultaneous optimization of more than one factor/objective to arrive at a comprehensive conclusion/inference. In such cases, we try to achieve a collection of solutions, typically referred to as Pareto front, where a typical solution element in the front does neither dominate nor is dominated by another. ThiseditedbookvolumeentitledMulti-ObjectiveOptimization:Evolutionaryto Hybrid Framework is a collection of fourteen chapters contributed by leading researchers in the field. The chapters were initially peer-reviewed by the Editorial Review Board members spanning over many countries across the globe. In that sense,thepresentendeavourisaresultantofcontributionsfromseriousresearchers in the relevant field and subsequently duly peer-reviewed by pioneer scientists. A brief description of each of the chapters is as follows: Chapter “Non-dominated Sorting Based Multi/Many-Objective Optimization: Two Decades of Research and Application” gives an exhaustive analysis and picture of non-dominated sorting-based multi-/many-objective optimization algo- rithms proposed in the last two decades of research and application. Authors have mentioned that for more than two decades, non-dominated sorting has been a cornerstone in most successful multi-/many-objective optimization algorithms. In this chapter, they have discussed the effect of non-dominated sorting in multi- and many-objectivescenarios.Thereafter,theyhavepresentedsomeofthemostwidely used optimization algorithms involving non-dominated sorting, where they have discussed their extentand ubiquity across many scientificdisciplines. Finally,they havegoneoversomeofthestate-of-the-artcombinationsofnon-dominatedsorting with other optimization techniques. Chapter “Mean-EntropyModel ofUncertainPortfolioSelectionProblem”deals with the portfolio selection problem, which is a single-period invest model where aninvestorhastoselectanddistributeavailablecapitalamongvarioussecuritiesto achieve the target investment. Authors have proposed in this study a bi-objective portfolio selection model, which maximizes the average return and minimizes theinvestmentriskofthesecurities.Intheproposedmodel,theaveragereturnand the risk are represented, respectively, by the mean and entropy of the uncertain securities.Theexpectedvalueandthetriangularentropyoftheuncertainsecurities are determined to represent the mean and entropy, respectively. The proposed model is solved with two different classical multi-objective solution techniques: (i) weighted sum method and (ii) weighted metric method. Both the techniques generate a single compromise solution. To generate a set of non-dominated solu- tions,fortheproblem,twodifferentmulti-objectivegeneticalgorithms(MOGAs)— (i) non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) and (ii) multi-objective evolutionaryalgorithmbasedondecomposition(MOEA/D)—areused.Finally,the performances of the MOGAs are analysed and compared based on different per- formance metrics. InChapter“IncorporatingGeneOntologyInformationinGeneExpressionData Clustering Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization: Application in Yeast Cell Cycle Data”, authors have described how microarray technology has made it possibletosimultaneouslymonitortheexpressionlevelsofalargenumberofgenes over different experimental conditions or time points. In this chapter, authors have presented an approach for combining experimental gene expression information and biological information in the form of gene ontology (GO) knowledge through multi-objective clustering. The method combines the expression-based and GO-basedgenedissimilarities.Moreover,themethodsimultaneouslyoptimizestwo objectivefunctions—onefromgeneexpressionpointofviewandanotherfromGO point of view. Authors have demonstrated the performance of the proposed tech- niqueonreal-lifegeneexpressiondatasetofyeastcellcycle.Theyhavealsostudied here the biological relevance of the produced clusters to demonstrate the effec- tiveness of the proposed technique. In Chapter “Interval-Valued Goal Programming Method to Solve Patrol Manpower Planning Problem for Road Traffic Management Using Genetic Algorithm”, an interval-valued goal programming (IVGP) method is proposed for modelling and solving patrolmen deployment problem in traffic control system in an inexact environment. Here, the objective functions are to be optimized and represented as goals by assigning target intervals for the achievement of objective values and incorporating interval coefficients to objective parameter sets to reach satisfactory solution in decision horizon. Authors have also defined a performance measuring function to represent different kinds of objectives that are inherently fractional in form in decision premises by transforming it into linear equivalent to avoid computational difficulty with fractional objectives in course of searching solution to the problem. After that they have converted interval arithmetic rules, interval-valuedgoalsintogoalsasinconventionalGPtoformulatestandardmodel of the problem. Authors have designed the executable model by an extended GP methodology for solving the traffic control problem. They have demonstrated the proposed approach via a case example of the metropolitan city, Kolkata, West Bengal, in India. InChapter“Multi-objectiveOptimizationtoImproveRobustnessinNetworks”, authors have proposed a new approach to address the budget-constrained multi-objective optimization problem of determining the set of new edges (of given size) that maximally improve multiple robustness measures. Authors have presentedtheexperimentalresultstoshowthataddingtheedgessuggestedbytheir approach significantly improves network robustness, compared to the existing algorithms. The networks whichthey have presentedcanmaintain high robustness during random or targeted node attacks. Chapter “On Joint Maximization in Energy and Spectral Efficiency in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks” addresses a joint spectral efficiency (SE)–energy efficiency (EE) optimization problem in a single secondary user (SU) and primary user (PU) network under the constraints of sensing reliability, coop- erative SE for primary network and transmission power constraints. Differential evolution (DE) is explored by the authors to handle this nonlinear optimization problem and to find the optimal set of values for the sensing duration, cooperation andtransmissionpowerofSU.Thetrade-offbetweenEE–SEisshownthroughthe simulation. In Chapter “Multi-Objective Optimization Approaches in Biological Learning System on Microarray Data”, authors have provided a comprehensive review of variousmulti-objectiveoptimizationtechniquesusedinbiologicallearningsystems dealing with the microarray or RNA sequence data. In this regard, the task of designing a multi-class cancer classification system employing a multi-objective optimization technique is addressed first. Next, they have discussed how a gene regulatory network can be built from the perspective of multi-objective optimiza- tion problem. The next application deals with fuzzy clustering of categorical attributesusingamulti-objectivegeneticalgorithm.Afterthis,howmicroarraydata can be automatically clustered using a multi-objective differential evolution is addressed. Then, the applicability of multi-objective particle swarm optimization techniques in identifying the gene markers is explored. The next application con- centrates on feature selection for microarray data using a multi-objective binary particle swarm optimization technique. Thereafter, a multi-objective optimization approach is addressed for producing differentially coexpressed module during the progression of the HIV disease. In addition, they have represented a comparative studybasedontheliteraturealongwithhighlightingtheadvantagesandlimitations ofthemethods.Finally,theyhavedepictedanewdirectiontobio-inspiredlearning system related to multi-objective optimization. The main goal of the Chapter “Application of Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques in Biomedical Image Segmentation—A Study” is to give a compre- hensive study of multi-objective optimization techniques in biomedical image analysis problem. This study mainly focusses on the multi-objective optimization techniquesthatcanbeusedtoanalysedigitalimages,especiallybiomedicalimages. Here, some of the problems and challenges related to images are diagnosed and analysed with multiple objectives. It is a comprehensive study that consolidates some of the recent works along with future directions. In Chapter “Feature Selection Using Multi-Objective Optimization Technique for Supervised Cancer Classification”, a new multi-objective blended particle swarm optimization (MOBPSO) technique is proposed for the selection of signif- icant and informative genes from the cancer datasets. To overcome local trapping, authors have integrated here a blended Laplacian operator. The concept is also implemented for differential evolution, artificial bee colony, genetic algorithm and subsequently multi-objective blended differential evolution (MOBDE), multi-objective blended artificial bee colony (MOBABC) and multi-objective blendedgenetic algorithm (MOBGA) toextract therelevantgenesfromthecancer datasets.Theproposedmethodologyutilizestwoobjectivefunctionstosortoutthe geneswhicharedifferentiallyexpressedfromclasstoclassaswellasprovidesgood results for the classification of disease. In Chapter “Extended Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (ENSGA-II) for Multi-Objective Optimization Problem in Interval Environment”, authors have proposed an efficient algorithm for solving a multi-objective optimization problem withintervalobjectives.Forthispurpose,theyhavedevelopedanextendedversion of existing NSGA-II algorithm (ENSGA-II) for fixed objectives in an interval environment with the help of interval ranking and interval metric. In this connec- tion, they have proposed non-dominated sorting based on interval ranking, interval-valued crowding distance and crowded tournament selection of solutions with respect to the values of interval objectives. In Chapter “A Comparative Study on Different Versions of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Simultaneous Gene Selection and Sample Categorization”, authors have studied different versions of multi-objective genetic algorithm for simultaneousgeneselectionandsamplecategorization.Here,authorshaveselected optimal gene subset, and sample clustering is performed simultaneously using multi-objectivegeneticalgorithm(MOGA).Theyhaveemployeddifferentversions ofMOGAtochoosetheoptimalgenesubset,wherethenaturalnumberofoptimal clusters of samples is automatically obtained at the end of the process. The pro- posedmethodsusenonlinearhybriduniformcellularautomataforgeneratinginitial population, tournament selection strategy, two-point crossover operation and a suitablejumpinggenemutationmechanismtomaintaindiversityinthepopulation. They have used mutual correlation coefficient, and internal and external cluster validation indices as objective functions to find out the non-dominated solutions. In Chapter “A Survey on the Application of Multi-Objective Optimization Methods in Image Segmentation”, authors have provided a comprehensive survey on multi-objective optimization (MOO), which encompasses image segmentation problems. Here, the segmentation models are categorized by the problem formu- lationwithrelevantoptimizationscheme.Thesurveytheyhavedonealsoprovides the latest direction and challenges of MOO in image segmentation procedure. In Chapter “Bi-objective Genetic Algorithm with Rough Set Theory for Important Gene Selection in Disease Diagnosis”, a bi-objective genetic algorithm with rough set theory has been proposed for important gene selection in disease diagnosis. Here, two criteria are combined, and a novel bi-objective genetic algo- rithm is proposed for gene selection, which effectively reduces the dimensionality ofthehugevolumeofgenedatasetwithoutsacrificinganymeaningfulinformation. The proposed method uses nonlinear uniform hybrid cellular automata for gener- ating initial population and a unique jumping gene mechanism for mutation to maintain diversity in the population. It explores rough set theory and Kullback– Leiblerdivergence methodtodefinetwoobjective functions, whichareconflicting in nature and are used to approximate a set of Pareto optimal solutions. Chapter“Multi-ObjectiveOptimizationandCluster-wiseRegressionAnalysisto EstablishInput-OutputRelationshipsofaProcess”dealswithanapproachwhichis used to establish input–output relationships of a process utilizing the concepts of multi-objectiveoptimizationandcluster-wiseregressionanalysis.Atfirst,aninitial Pareto front is obtained for a given process using a multi-objective optimization technique. Then, these Pareto optimal solutions are applied to train a neuro-fuzzy system (NFS). The training of the NFS is implemented using a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm. Now, for generating a modified Pareto front, the trained NFS is used in MOEA for evaluating the objective function values. In this way, a new set of trade-off solutions is formed. These modified Pareto optimal solutions are then clustered using a clustering algorithm. Cluster-wise regression analysis is then carried out to determine input–output relationships of the process. These relationshipsarefoundtobesuperiorintermsofprecisiontothoseoftheequations obtainedusingconventionalstatisticalregressionanalysisoftheexperimentaldata. Contributions available in the fourteen chapters, after being meticulously reviewed, reflect some of the latest sharing of some serious researches of the concerned field. The editors want to avail this opportunity to express their sincere gratitude to all the contributors for their efforts in this regard without which this editedvolumecouldhavenevercometoareality.Theeditorssincerelyfeelthatthe success of such an effort in the form of edited volume can be academically meaningfulonlywhenitiscapableofdrawing significantcontributions fromgood researchers in the relevant field. The editors also thank the reviewers who are leading researchers in the domain for spending their time from their busy schedules to give valuable suggestions to improve the quality of the contributed articles. Last but not least, the editors are inclinedtoexpresstheirsincerethankstoSpringerNature,Singapore,forbeingthe publishing partner. But for their acceptance to publish this volume would never have been possible in the present standard. Enjoy reading it. Kalyani, India Jyotsna K. Mandal Silchar, India Somnath Mukhopadhyay Bolpur, Santiniketan, India Paramartha Dutta Contents Non-dominated Sorting Based Multi/Many-Objective Optimization: Two Decades of Research and Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Haitham Seada and Kalyanmoy Deb Mean-Entropy Model of Uncertain Portfolio Selection Problem. . . . . . . 25 Saibal Majumder, Samarjit Kar and Tandra Pal Incorporating Gene Ontology Information in Gene Expression Data Clustering Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization: Application in Yeast Cell Cycle Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Anirban Mukhopadhyay Interval-Valued Goal Programming Method to Solve Patrol Manpower Planning Problem for Road Traffic Management Using Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Bijay Baran Pal Multi-objective Optimization to Improve Robustness in Networks. . . . . 115 R. Chulaka Gunasekara, Chilukuri K. Mohan and Kishan Mehrotra On Joint Maximization in Energy and Spectral Efficiency in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Santi P. Maity and Anal Paul Multi-Objective Optimization Approaches in Biological Learning System on Microarray Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 SauravMallik,TapasBhadra,SoumitaSeth,SanghamitraBandyopadhyay and Jianjiao Chen Application of Multiobjective Optimization Techniques in Biomedical Image Segmentation—A Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Shouvik Chakraborty and Kalyani Mali Feature Selection Using Multi-Objective Optimization Technique for Supervised Cancer Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 P. Agarwalla and S. Mukhopadhyay Extended Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (ENSGA-II) for Multi-Objective Optimization Problem in Interval Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Asoke Kumar Bhunia, Amiya Biswas and Ali Akbar Shaikh A Comparative Study on Different Versions of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Simultaneous Gene Selection and Sample Categorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Asit Kumar Das and Sunanda Das ASurveyontheApplicationofMulti-ObjectiveOptimizationMethods in Image Segmentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Niladri Sekhar Datta, Himadri Sekhar Dutta, Koushik Majumder, Sumana Chatterjee and Najir Abdul Wasim Bi-objectiveGeneticAlgorithmwithRoughSetTheoryforImportant Gene Selection in Disease Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Asit Kumar Das and Soumen Kumar Pati Multi-Objective Optimization and Cluster-Wise Regression Analysis to Establish Input–Output Relationships of a Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Amit Kumar Das, Debasish Das and Dilip Kumar Pratihar

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