Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–12(2005) Printed3February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Modelling galaxy clustering in a high resolution simulation of structure formation Lan Wang1,2⋆, Cheng Li2,3,4, Guinevere Kauffmann2, Gabriella De Lucia2 1Department of Astronomy, Peking University,Beijing 100871, China 2Max–Planck–Institut fu¨r Astrophysik, Karl–Schwarzschild–Str. 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany 3Centerfor Astrophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China 4The Partner Group of MPI fu¨rAstrophysik, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Nandan Road 80, Shanghai 200030, China 7 0 Accepted 2006??????.Received2006??????;inoriginalform2006?????? 0 2 n ABSTRACT a We use the Millennium Simulation, a 10 billion particle simulation of the growth of J cosmic structure, to constructa new model of galaxyclustering. We adopt a method- 4 ology that falls midway between the traditional semi-analytic approach and the halo 2 occupationdistribution(HOD)approach.Inourmodel,weadoptthepositionsandve- locitiesofthe galaxiesthatarepredictedbyfollowingtheorbitsandmerginghistories 2 ofthe substructuresinthe simulation.Ratherthanusingstarformationandfeedback v ‘recipes’tospecifythephysicalpropertiesofthegalaxies,weadoptparametrizedfunc- 6 tionstorelatethesepropertiestothequantityM ,definedasthemassofthehalo 4 infall attheepochwhenthegalaxywaslastthecentraldominantobjectinitsownhalo.We 5 testwhethertheseparametrizedrelationsallowustorecoverthebasicstatisticalprop- 3 0 erties of galaxies in the semi-analytic catalogues, including the luminosity function, 6 the stellar mass function and the shape and amplitude of the two-point correlation 0 function evaluated in different stellar mass and luminosity ranges. We then use our / model to interpret recent measurements of these quantities from Sloan Digital Sky h Survey data. We derive relations between the luminosities and the stellar masses of p galaxies in the local Universe and their host halo masses. Our results are in excellent - o agreement with recent determinations of these relations by Mandelbaum et al using r galaxy-galaxyweak lensing measurements from the SDSS. t s a Keywords: galaxies:fundamentalparameters–galaxies:haloes–galaxies:distances : and redshifts – cosmology: theory – cosmology: dark matter – cosmology: large-scale v i structure X r a 1 INTRODUCTION whichaimstoprovideapurelystatisticaldescriptionofhow dark matter haloes are populated bygalaxies. According to the current standard paradigm, galaxies form and reside inside extended dark matter haloes. Three dif- TypicalHODmodels areconstructedbyspecifying the ferent approaches have been used to model the link be- number of galaxies N that populate a dark matter halo tween the properties of galaxies and the dark matter of mass M as well as the distribution of galaxies within haloes in which they are found. One approach is to carry thesehaloes(Kauffmann et al.1997;Peacock & Smith2000; out N-body + hydrodynamical simulations that include Seljak 2000; Benson et al. 2000; Berlind & Weinberg 2002; both gas and dark matter(Katz et al. 1996; Pearce et al. Berlind et al. 2003). More recent models haveconcentrated 2001; Whiteet al. 2001; Yoshikawa et al. 2001). Another ontheso-calledconditionalluminosityfunctionΦ(L|M)dL, approach is to combine N-body simulations with simple which gives the number of galaxies of luminosity L that prescriptions, taken directly from semi-analytic models of reside in a halo of mass M(Yang et al. 2003). Most HOD galaxyformation(Kauffmann et al.1999),totrackgascool- models also distinguish between “central” galaxies, located ing andstar formation in galaxies. Thethird method is the at the centres of dark matter haloes and “satellite” galax- so called Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) approach, ies, which are usually assumed to have the same density profile as the dark matter within the halo. Physically, this is supposed to reflect the fact that gas cools and accu- mulates at the halo centres until the halo merges with a ⋆ Email:[email protected] larger structure. With this approach, the models can be (cid:13)c 2005RAS 2 L.Wang, C.Li, G.Kauffmann, G. De Lucia used to explore the parameters that are required to match butforsatellitegalaxies,itisthemassofthehalowhenthe simultaneouslythegalaxyluminosityfunctionaswellasthe galaxy was first accreted by a larger structure. the luminosity, colour and morphology dependences of the This approach has the advantage of the semi-analytic correlationfunction(van den Bosch et al.2003;Zehavi et al. models in that it provides very accurate positions and ve- 2005;Yanget al.2005).OtherpapershaveusedHODmod- locities for all the galaxies in the simulation. It maintains els to explore the detailed shape of two-point correlation the simplicity of the HOD approach, because it bypasses function(Zehaviet al. 2004) as well as higher order correla- theneedtoincorporatedetailedtreatmentofstarformation tion functions(Wang et al. 2004). and feedback processes. Our aim in developing these mod- N-body simulations can now be carried out with els is to use them as a means of constraining the relation high enough resolution to track the histories of indi- between galaxy physical properties and halo mass directly vidual substructures (subhaloes) within the surrounding from observational data, not as a means of understanding halo(Springel et al. 2001). It is thus becomes possible to thephysicsof galaxy formation. specifythepositionsandvelocitiesofgalaxies withinahalo The paper is organized as follow: we first introduce in a dynamically consistent way, rather than assuming a the Millennium Run and the methodology used for iden- profileor form for thevelocity distribution. Galaxy cluster- tifyinghaloes,subhaloesandgalaxiesinthissimulation.We ing statistics that are computed using the full information thenstudytherelationbetweenluminosity/stellarmassand available from these high resolution simulations should in M in mock galaxy catalogues constructed using these infall principle bemore accurate and robust. simulations. In Sec. 4 we introduce a parametrization for Caution must be exercised, however, when only using these relations and show that we are able to recover ba- subhaloes as tracers of galaxies in high resolution simula- sicstatisticalquantitiessuchasthegalaxyluminosity/mass tions, as has been recently done by Vale& Ostriker (2004, functionandtheshapeandamplitudeofthetwo-pointcor- 2005); Conroy et al. (2005). In standard models of galaxy relation function in differentluminosity/mass bins.Wealso formation, when a galaxy is accreted by a larger system investigate the the effect of changing the parameters of the suchasacluster,itssurroundinggasisshock–heatedtohigh relation on the luminosity function and correlation func- temperatures. Star formation then terminates as the inter- tion. In Sec. 5 we apply the method to real data on the nalgassupplyofthegalaxyisusedup.Thestellarmassesof clustering of galaxies as a function of luminosity and stel- satellite galaxies only change by a small amount after they lar mass(Li et al. 2006) derived from the Sloan Digital Sky are accreted, while their luminosities dim due to aging of Survey (SDSS). Finally, we discuss our results and present theirstars. Incontrast,thedark matterhaloes surrounding ourconclusions. the satellites gradually lose mass as their outer regions are tidally stripped (DeLucia et al. 2004). Near the centres of the halos, most of the substructures have been completely 2 THE SIMULATION destroyed.Gao et al.(2004)haveshownthattheradialdis- tribution of subhaloes is much less centrally concentrated The Millennium Simulation(Springelet al. 2005) used in than the radial distribution of galaxies predicted by simu- this study, is the largest simulation of cosmic structure lations that follow the full orbital and merging histories of growthcarried outsofar.Thecosmological parametersval- these systems. 1 ues in the simulation are consistent with recent determina- In this paper, we make use of the Millennium Simula- tionsfromacombinedanalysisofthe2dFGRS(Colless et al. tion,a10billionparticlesimulationofthegrowthofcosmic 2001)andfirstyearWMAPdata(Spergel et al.2003).Aflat structure,toconstructanewmodelofgalaxyclustering.We ΛCDM cosmology is assumed with Ωm =0.25, Ωb =0.045, adoptamethodologythatfallsinbetweenthesemi-analytic h = 0.73, ΩΛ = 0.75, n = 1, and σ8 = 0.9. The simulation approach, which tracks galaxy formation ‘ab initio’ within follows N =21603 particles of mass 8.6×108h−1M from ⊙ thesimulation,andtheHODapproach,whichonlyprovides redshift z =127 to the present day, within a comoving box astatisticaldescriptionofhowgalaxiesarerelatedtotheun- of 500h−1Mpc on a side. derlying dark matter density distribution. In our approach, Full particle data are stored at 64 output times. For weadopt thepositions and velocities of thegalaxies aspre- each output, haloes are identified using a friends-of-friends dicted by following the orbits and merging histories of the (FOF) group-finder. Substructures (or subhaloes) within a substructuresin thesimulation. Ratherthanusingstarfor- FOF halo are located using the SUBFIND algorithm of mation and feedback ‘recipes’ tocalculate howthephysical Springel et al.(2001).Afterfindingallhaloesandsubhaloes propertiesofthegalaxiessuchastheirluminositiesorstellar at all output snapshots, merging trees are built describing masses evolve with time, we adopt parametrized functions indetailhowthesesystemsmergeandgrow astheuniverse to relate these properties to the quantity Minfall, defined evolves. Since structures merge hierarchically in CDM uni- as the mass of the halo at the epoch when the galaxy was verses, for any given halo, there can be several progenitors, lastthecentraldominantobject.Forcentralgalaxies atthe butingeneraleachhaloorsubhaloonlyhasonedescendant. present day, Minfall is simply the present day halo mass, Merger trees are thus constructed by defining a unique de- scendantforeachhaloandsubhalo.Throughthosemerging trees, we are able to follow thehistory of haloes/subhaloes, 1 NotethatthesimulationsanalyzedbyConroyetal.(2005)are as well as thegalaxies inside them. significantlyhigherresolutionthantheones analyzedinthispa- Once a halo appears in the simulation, it is assumed per,butaremuchsmallerinvolume.Asdiscussedintheirpaper, the problem of disrupted subhaloes is not likely to be a signifi- that a galaxy begins to form within it. As the simulation cantproblemforgalaxies intherangeofluminositiesconsidered evolves,thehalomaymergewithalargerstructureandbe- intheiranalysis. comeasubhalo,whilethegalaxybecomesasatellitegalaxy. (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 Modelling galaxy clustering 3 Figure1. Relationsbetweenstellarmass,baryonicmassandMinfallcalculatedfromthesemi-analyticgalaxycatalogues.Opencircles represent central galaxies and triangles are for satellite galaxies. Error bars indicate the 95 percentiles of the mass distribution at the givenvalueofMinfall.Dashedlinesshowthedoublepowerlawparametrizedfittothemedianvalueofrelationsforthegalaxysample aswhole. The galaxy’s position and velocity are specified by the po- ( to sition and velocity of the most bound particle of its host study how galaxy properties such as stellar mass, baryonic halo/subhalo. Even if the subhalo hosting the galaxy is mass (i.e. stellar mass+ cold gas mass) and luminosity tidally disrupted, the position and velocity of the galaxy is depend on M , the mass of the halo in which the infall still traced through this most bound particle. We will refer galaxywaslastacentralobject.Weconstructparametrized tothesegalaxies withoutsubhaloesas“orphaned”systems. relations between these quantities and M that match infall Galaxies thus only disappear from the simulation if they the relations found in the mock catalogue. We then show mergewithanothergalaxy.Thetimetakenforanorphaned that our parametrization allows us to recover both the galaxytomergewiththecentralobjectisgivenbythetime luminosity/mass functions of the simulated galaxies and taken for dynamical friction to erode its orbit, causing it the shape, amplitude and mass/luminosity dependence of to spiral into the centre and merge. The satellite orbits are the two-point correlation functions. Croton et al. (2006) thus tracked directly until the subhalo is disrupted; there- have shown that their catalogues provide a good match to after, the time taken for the galaxy to reach the centre is the observed galaxy luminosity function and the clustering calculated using thestandard Chandrasekhar formula. properties of galaxies, so we believe that it is a reasonable In this paper, we will parameterize quantities such as to use these catalogues as a way of motivating and testing galaxyluminosityandstellarmassasafunctionofthequan- oursimple parametrizations. tity M , which is defined as the virial mass of the halo infall In Fig. 1 we plot the relations between M and hostingthegalaxyattheepochwhenitwaslastthecentral infall galaxy of its own halo. The Millennium simulation cata- galaxy stellar mass (Mstars) and baryonic mass (Mbaryon). Weshowresultsforpresent-daycentralgalaxiesinblueand logues includehaloes downtoaresolution limit of20 parti- cles,whichyieldsaminimumhalomassof2×1010h−1M⊙. satellite galaxies in red. Error bars indicate the 95th per- centiles of the distributions. As we will show, the relations Inourstudy,weonlyconsidergalaxieswithM greater than 1010.5h−1M⊙.(Note that M is simpinlyfatlhle virial between Minfall and Mstars/ Mbaryon are well described infall by a double power law. The crossover point between the massofthehosthaloforcentralgalaxiesatthepresentday.) two power laws is at a halo mass of ∼ 3 × 1011h−1M , This results in a total sample of 11761178 galaxies within ⊙ which corresponds to a galaxy with stellar mass of around thesimulation volume. 1010h−1M .Inlessmassivehaloes,supernovafeedbackacts ⊙ to prevent gas from cooling and forming stars as efficiently asinhigh masshaloes. Inmassivehaloes, thecooling times 3 THE RELATIONS BETWEEN MINFALL, becomelongerandasmallerfractionofthebaryonsarepre- STELLAR MASS AND LUMINOSITY IN dicted to cool and form stars. In addition, in the models of THE SEMI-ANALYTIC GALAXY Croton et al. (2006), heating from AGN also acts to sup- CATALOGUES press cooling onto high mass galaxies. In the following two sections we use the semi- Fig. 2 shows that the distribution of Mstars at a analytic galaxy catalogues constructed from the given value of M is well-described by a log-normal infall Millennium simulation by (Croton et al. 2006) function. The width of the lognormal depends weakly on (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 4 L.Wang, C.Li, G.Kauffmann, G. De Lucia Figure 2. The distribution in stellar mass for different Minfall binsincreasingfrom1010.5h−1M⊙(left)to1014.0h−1M⊙(right). Solidanddashedlinesareforcentralandsatellitegalaxies(note Figure 3. The same as in Fig. 1, but luminosity (represented that they lie on top of each other for three lower mass bins). by magnitude of bj band) is plotted as a function of Minfall. Dotted lines indicate the Gaussian fits to the distributions that Dashed(dotted) linesshow thedoublepowerlawfits totherela- areusedinourparametrizedmodel. tionforcentral(satellite)galaxies. 4 PARAMETRIZATIONS AND TESTS halo mass with a maximum dispersion σ of 0.2 dex at M = 1010.5h−1M and a minimum σ of 0.1 dex at 4.1 Functional form infall ⊙ M = 1011.5h−1M . The relations depend very little infall ⊙ We use a two–power–law model of the following form to fit on whether the galaxy is a central or satellite system. The themedian valueof therelations between Mstars, Mbaryon, dispersion around the relations is also similar for the two L and M : infall types(in Fig. 2, the solid and dashed lines for central and 2 satellite galaxies lie almost ontop of each other).Thesimi- x= ×k, larity in theMinfall- Mstars relations between satellite and (MiMnf0all)−α+(MiMnf0all)−β centralsmayberegardedassomethingofacoincidence.Al- though thereis little changein thestellar/baryonic compo- where x denotes Mstars,Mbaryon or L, and the relation be- nentofthegalaxyafteritfalls intoalargerstructure,halos tween luminosity L and bj band magnitude is given by: of the same mass at different times have different circular Mbj −5logh=−2.5logL velocities and hence different cooling and and star forma- We fit these relations for central and satellite galaxies sep- tion efficiencies. Aswewill show later, weobtain betterfits arately,as well asfor thegalaxy population asawhole. We to the observational data if we allow the relations between will later test whether separate fits to the central galaxies central and satellites galaxies to differ. and satellites make significant difference to our results. We Fig. 3 shows the relation between luminosity and alsoassumethatthedispersionaroundthemedianvaluehas M .Italsocanbefitbyadoublepowerlaw,butthedif- infall a lognormal form. ference between central and satellite galaxies is much more Table 1 lists the parameters of the best–fitting models obvious.AtagivenvalueofM centralgalaxiesaremore luminous than satellites becaiunsfealtlhey are forming stars at for the relations between Minfall and Mstars, Mbaryon and L. The models havefiveparameters. higher rates and their stellar mass-to-light ratios are lower. The difference between central and satellite galaxies be- (i) M0 is thecritical mass/luminosity at which the slope comes very small at large values of M . This can be of the relation changes. When we fit satellite and central infall understood as a simple consequence of hierarchical struc- galaxies separately, we find almost exactly the same values ture formation: massive haloes were formed more recently forthisparameter(evenforluminosity,thedifferenceisless than less massive haloes and subhaloes with large masses than20%).WethereforefixM0 at thebest-fitvaluefor the are likely to havebeen accreted relatively recently.Massive galaxy sample as a whole. satellite galaxies have therefore not been satellites for long (ii) α and β describe the slope of the relations at high and thus have mass-to-light ratios that are more similar to and low valuesof M . infall theircentralcounterparts.InadditiontheCrotonetalmod- (iii) k is a normalization constant. els include a “radio AGN mode” of feedback, which acts to (iv) We have calculated the interval in logMstars, suppress cooling onto the most massive galaxies. This also logM and logL that encloses the central 68% of the baryon acts to reduce the difference between central and satellite probability distribution for 8 different values of logM infall galaxy colours and mass-to-light ratios. from 1010.5h−1M⊙ to 1014h−1M⊙, with step 0.5 dex. We (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 Modelling galaxy clustering 5 Table 1. Best-fit parameter values for the relations between Minfall and Mstars, Mbaryon and L as derived from the semi-analytic galaxycatalogues ofCrotonetal.(2006). M0(h−1M⊙) α β log(k) σ χ˜2 Mstars total 3.16×1011 0.39 1.92 10.35 0.156 0.0146 central 3.16×1011 0.39 1.96 10.35 0.148 0.0240 satellite 3.16×1011 0.39 1.83 10.34 0.167 0.0057 Mbaryon total 3.61×1011 0.36 1.59 10.44 0.147 0.0415 central 3.61×1011 0.35 1.59 10.46 0.133 0.0542 satellite 3.61×1011 0.37 1.59 10.40 0.162 0.0273 L(Mbj) total 1.49×1011 0.36 1.90 7.14 0.215 0.0360 central 1.49×1011 0.31 1.99 7.25 0.169 0.1250 satellite 1.49×1011 0.46 1.81 6.90 0.189 0.0359 thencalculatetheaverageofthese8valuesandthevalueof relationforbothkindsofgalaxies,weobtainthered-dashed σ quoted in Table 1 is 0.5 times this number. curve in Fig. 5, which is even more discrepant. Our results suggestthatinordertoreproducetheclusteringdependence Theresultingmodelfitsareplottedasdashedanddot- onluminosityinamoreexactway,onewouldneedtointro- ted lines in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3. Thequality of thefit is given duceanadditionaldependenceoftheL−M relationon infall in thelast column of Table 1 and is calculated as: theparametert ,thetimewhenthegalaxywaslastthe infall χ˜2 = (xfit−xSAM)2 central object of its own halo. This does not appear to be X xSAM necessaryinordertoreproducethestellarmassdependence where x represents Mstars, Mbaryon, L for each re- ofgalaxyclustering.Thereasonforthisdifferenceisbecause lation, and the sum is over the 8 mass bins with the optical light from galaxies, unlike their stellar mass, is 1010.5h−1M 6M 61014.0h−1M . heavily influenced by the contribution from the youngest ⊙ infall ⊙ stars,which havelifetimes whichareshort compared tothe age of the Universe. Once a galaxy becomes a satellite, it 4.2 Tests will fade in luminosity even thoughits stellar mass remains approximately constant. For the sake of simplicity, we will Thenextstepistoseewhethertheseparametrizedrelations not introduce t as an additional parameter in this pa- allowustorecoverthebasicstatisticalpropertiesofthesim- infall per, but we will come back to this in future work in which ulated galaxy catalogue, such as the mass/luminosity func- we consider thecolour-dependence of galaxy clustering. tion and the mass/luminosity dependence of the two point correlation function. When fitting to the quantities Mstar and M , we do not distinguish between central and baryon 4.3 The effect of “Orphan” Galaxies satellite galaxies because the relations are almost the same for both.When fittingto galaxy luminosity, we doallow α, ThemajorityofHODmodelsintheliteratureonlyconsider β,kandσtovarybetweencentralandsatellitegalaxies,but dark matter haloes and subhaloes that can be identified at M0 remains fixed for both. Note that the positions and the thepresenttime.Satellitegalaxieswithoutsurroundingsub- velocities of the galaxies are exactly the same as specified haloes are thus omitted from the analysis. We now explore inthesemi-analyticgalaxycatalogues;theparametrizedre- theeffect of these ’orphan’ satellite galaxies on our results. lationsbetweengalaxymass/luminosityandM simply The left panel of Fig. 6 compares the L−M rela- infall infall provideuswithaalternativewayofspecifyingtheproperties tion for orphan satellites with the results obtained for cen- of the galaxies. tral galaxies and satellite galaxies that have retained their Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the results of our test. Sym- subhaloes.TherightpanelofFig.6showstherelativecontri- bols show results calculated directly from thesemi-analytic bution of central galaxies, satellite galaxies with subhaloes galaxy catalogues and lines are from our parametrized and orphan satellites without subhaloes to the luminosity model. The stellar mass function is well reproduced, and function of the galaxies in the semi-analytic catalogue. As wecan also recoverthecorrelation fordifferent stellarmass can be seen, orphan satellites have lower luminosities at a bins: 109h−1M , 1010.5h−1M and 1011.5h−1M (Fig. 4). givenvalueofM thaneithercentralgalaxiesorsatellite ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ infall For luminosity, the parametrized model is not quiteas suc- galaxies withsubhaloes–i.e.orphangalaxies aretheoldest cessful.Althoughtheluminosityfunctioniswell-reproduced, galaxies with thehighest mass-to-light ratios in thesimula- there are some discrepancies in the dependence of the tion. In addition, we see that the contribution of these or- clustering amplitude on luminosity (solid-blue curve in phansatellitesishighestatthefaintestlumninosities.Fig.7 Fig. 5). Part of the reason for this discrepancy is that our exploresthecontributionoftheorphansatellitestothecor- parametrization of the L−M relation has somewhat relation function in three different bins of absolute magni- infall larger χ2 than the Mstars−Minfall relation (see Table.1). tude. The solid curves show the result for all the galaxies Inaddition,inordertoreproducetheclusteringtrendsasa while the dashed red curves show the result when the or- functionofluminosity,itiscriticaltofittherelationforcen- phan satellites are omitted. As can be seen, the orphaned tralandforsatellitesgalaxiesseparately.Ifweapplyasingle satellites contribute heavily to the correlation function of (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 6 L.Wang, C.Li, G.Kauffmann, G. De Lucia Figure 4. Results from the comparison of the parametrized model and the semi-analytic galaxy catalogue. The left panel shows the stellar mass function. The right panel shows correlation functions for three different stellar mass bins: 109h−1M⊙, 1010.5h−1M⊙ and 1011.5h−1M⊙.Symbolsareforthesemi–analyticgalaxycatalogue. Solidlinesareforourparametrizedmodels. Figure 5. Same as Fig. 4, except for the luminosity function (left) and the correlation function as a function of absolute magnitude (right). Symbols are the semi-analytic results, error bars in the right panel are the boot strap error of correlation length for the semi- analyticmodel. Solidlinesareforparametrized modelswhererelations forcentral galaxies andsatellitegalaxies arefitseparately. The dashedlinesareformodelswherethefitisforthegalaxypopulationasawhole. faintgalaxiesonscalesoflessthan1Mpc.Omissionofthese chosentoassumethatthevisiblegalaxiessurviveevenafter systems causes the amplitude of the correlation function to their subhalo falls below the resolution limit of the simu- be underestimated by more than an order of magnitude at lation. It is possible that we over-estimate the number of separations of0.1Mpcforgalaxies with−18<M <−17. these objects because we do not include tidal stripping on bj the stellar component. However, we believe that ”orphan” We note that there are uncertainties in our treat- galaxies (at least part of them) are needed in order to ex- ment of orphan galaxies in the simulation. Some of these plainobservationalresults.FromFig.7weseethatwhen”or- galaxies may indeed be destroyed or significantly reduced phan”galaxiesareexcluded,thecorrelationsignaldecreases in mass by tidal stripping effects. Indeed, the existence at small scales, at odds with observational results(see later of a significant intra-cluster light component does sug- in Fig.9 and Fig.10). In this work we consider all the ’or- gest tidal effects or mergers do unbind some of the stars phan’systems as part of satellite subsamples. in satellite galaxies(Arnaboldi 2004; Feldmeier et al. 2004; Zibetti et al. 2005). In face of these uncertainties, we have (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 Modelling galaxy clustering 7 Figure 6. L−Minfall relations(left) and luminosity functions(right) for different types of galaxies from the semi-analytic galaxy catalogue: central galaxies (solid lines), satellite galaxies with subhaloes (dashed lines), satellite galaxies without subhaloes (dotted lines).Thedashed-dotted lineintheright-handpanel showsthetotalluminosityfunctionforallgalaxies. Figure7.Correlationfunctionsforthreeluminositybinsincluding(solidlines)andnotincluding(dashedlines)orphansatellitegalaxies. 4.4 Changes in the input parameters end of the mass function. A change in scatter σ has simi- lar effect to a change in α, and influences the amplitude of Oneadvantageofourparametrizedapproachisthatwecan themassfunctionatthehighmassend.Thisisbecausethe understand the effect of changing each different parameter mass function is relatively flat at low masses and declines and thus gain intuition about what changes are necessary steeply at high masses, so an increasing amount of scatter tobringthemodelsintotheclosestpossibleagreementwith in theMstars−Minfall relation will havea strongeffect on theobservationaldata.Thisisdifferentinspirittoexploring thenumberof high mass galaxies. parameter space in the semi-analytic models, because the parameters in these models are tied to the physical recipes forstarformationandfeedbackratherthantherelationbe- tween halo mass and galaxy properties, which is the focus of our approach. The lower panels in Fig. 8 show the effect of the In the upper panel of Fig. 8, we show how changing same parameter changes on the amplitude of the correla- each of the parameters affects the stellar mass function. tion function evaluated on scales of r = 0.33h−1 Mpc and Note that the normalization constant k is always adjusted r = 5.30h−1 Mpc. We see that a parameter change that in order to keep the amplitude of the mass function at causes an increase in the number of galaxies of given mass, Mstars=1011M⊙ fixed.ChangingM0affectsthemassscale will cause a corresponding decrease in theclustering ampli- of thetransition between the two power laws as well as the tude of these systems. This is easy to understand. In order amplitude of the mass function at both low and at high tohavemoregalaxiesofagivenmassinthesimulation,they masses. Changes to α affect the shape of themass function must be shifted into lower mass haloes and these low mass atthehighmassend,whilechangestoβaffectthelowmass haloes are more weakly clustered. (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 8 L.Wang, C.Li, G.Kauffmann, G. De Lucia Figure 8. The effect of changing parameters on the stellar mass function(upper panels) and correlation at scales of r=0.33h−1Mpc andr=5.30h−1Mpc(lowerpanels). ThesolidlinesrepresentthebestfitmodelfortheMstars−Minfall relation. 5 APPLICATION TO SDSS Tocompare ourmodels with theobservations, we need toeitherconvertw(rp)totherealspacecorrelationfunction In this section, we apply our models to observational data ξ(r),ortocalculate w(rp)from ourmodelgalaxy catalogue from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Recent large scale red- directly.Wetested themethod presented byHawkins et al. shift surveyssuchas2dfGRS(Colless et al.2001)andSloan (2003)forconvertingw(rp)toξ(r)onscaleslessthanaround DigitalSkySurvey(SDSS;York et al.(2000))providegalaxy 30h−1Mpc. We find that the conversion amplifies the error samples that are large enough to measure the luminosity andtheresultsforthelowluminosityandlowmassbinsare dependence of galaxy clustering accurately (Norberg et al. then too noisy to provide good constraints on our models. 2002a,b; Zehaviet al. 2005). In this paper, we make use of Therefore,wederivew(rp)fromourcataloguebyintegrating the recent measurements of the projected correlation func- thereal space correlation function ξ(r): tion w(rp) by Li et al. (2006). These authors calculated swt(erllpa)rnmoatsosnulsyinagsaasfaumncptlieonofogfaglaaxlaiexsyclounmstirnuocstietyd,fbroumt atlhsoe w(rp)=2Z0∞ξ(prp2+rk2)drk =2Zrp∞ξ(r) r2rd−rrp2 SDSS Data Release 2 (DR2) data. The methods for esti- p matingthestellar massesaredescribedinKauffmann et al. We truncate the integration at r = 60h−1Mpc and the re- (2003). Here we make use of these measurements to con- sulting w(rp) is reliable up to a scale of ∼10h−1Mpc. strain the relation between galaxy luminosity, stellar mass We now generate a grid of models by systematically andM .Totakeaccounttheeffectof”cosmicvariance” varyingthe5parameterslistedinTable1.Wecompareeach infall ontheobservationalresults,wehaveconstructedasetof16 model with the galaxy luminosity function(Blanton et al. mockgalaxycataloguesfromthesimulationwithexactlythe 2003b) and the w(rp) measurements in different ranges in samegeometryandselectionfunctionasintheobservational luminosity. We define the best fitting model to be the one sample. The effect of cosmic variance is modelled by plac- giving a minimum χ2 defined as follows: iwnhgena vcoirntsutarlucotbisnegrvtehresreanmdoomcklycaintasildogeutehse. Fsiomruelaactihonmboockx χ2 = χ2(Φ) + χ2corr catalogue, we measure w(rp) for galaxies in thesame inter- NΦ Ncorr vals of luminosity/stellar mass as in the observations. The with 1−σvariationbetweenthesemockcataloguesisthenadded χ2(Φ)= [Φ−ΦSDSS]2 asanadditionalerrorinquadraturetothebootstrap errors X σ(ΦSDSS) givenbyLi et al.(2006).Thecosmicvarianceerrorsbecome NΦ significant forthelowluminosityandlowmasssubsamples, and particularlyatlargevaluesofrp.Thedetailedprocedurefor constructing these mock catalogues will be presented in a χ2 = [w(rp)−w(rp)SDSS]2 separate paper(Li et al., in preparation). corr X σ(w(rp)SDSS) Ncorr (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 Modelling galaxy clustering 9 Figure 9.Bestfitmodeltotheluminosityfunctionandthecorrelationfunctionevaluatedindifferentluminositybinsusingdatafrom theSDSS.SolidlineswitherrorbarsaretheSDSSresults,andreddashedlinesarefromourparametrizedmodel.Greendashed/dotted linesareresultsforcentral/non-central subsamplesofourparametrizedmodel. Figure 10. Best fit model to the stellar mass function and the correlation function evaluated in different stellar mass bins using data from the SDSS. Symbols with error bars are the SDSS results, and dashed red lines are from our parametrized model. Dotted blue lines show the results obtained when central and satellite galaxies are treated separately. Green dashed/dotted lines are results for central/non-central subsamplesoftheparametrizedmodelwhencentralandsatellitegalaxiesaretreatedseparately. NΦ is the number of points over which the luminosity E-correction, each galaxy is assigned a redshift by placing function is measured (NΦ = 102 for the r-band absolute a virtual observer at the centre of the simulation box. The magnitude ranging from −18 to −23). Ncorr is the number redshiftas”seen”bytheobserveristhusdeterminedbythe of points over which the correlation function is measured ( comovingdistancetotheobserverandthepeculiarvelocity Ncorr =93,rangingfrom0.11to8.97h−1Mpcforluminosity ofthegalaxy.Thecorrected r-bandmagnitudeisgivenby: bins[−19,−18],[−20,−19],[−21,−20],[−22,−21] and from 0.57 to 8.97h−1 Mpc for the most luminous bin [−23,−22] M0.1r =−2.5×logL+Kcorrection+Ecorrection−5logh in ther-band). Our best fit model has the parameters: M0 = 3.41× 1011h−1M , α = 0.221, β = 1.67, k = 8.13 and σ = 0.440 ⊙ To compare with the SDSS observations, where the for the central galaxies and M0 = 2.58 × 1011h−1M⊙, median galaxy redshift is around 0.1, we correct the r- α = 0.345, β = 3.83, k = 7.71 and σ = 0.742 for the satel- band absolute magnitude Mr of each model galaxy to its litegalaxies(seeTable2).Theresultingluminosityfunction z=0.1valueM0.1r usingtheK−correctioncode(kcorrect and correlation functions are shown in Fig. 9. χ2(Φ)/NΦ is v3 1b) of Blanton et al. (2003a) and the luminosity evolu- 3.348andthetotalχ2is6.115.Alsoplottedaretheresultsof tionmodelofBlantonetal.(2003b).TocalculatetheK-and centralandsatellite subsamplesofourparametrizedmodel, (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,1–12 10 L.Wang, C.Li, G.Kauffmann, G. De Lucia Figure 11.BestfitL−Minfall andMstars−Minfall relationsasconstrainedbytheSDSSdata. Bluecirclesarethecentral galaxies andredtrianglesaresatellites.Greenlinesarethebestfittingrelationsfromthesemi-analyticcatalogue ofCrotonetal.(2006).Filled circlesshowthecentralhalomassfromthegalaxy-galaxylensingresultsofMandelbaum etal.(2006);errorbarsarethe95%confidence limits.Theresultsshownarethecombinedsampleofearlyandlate-typegalaxies(Mandelbaum, privatecommunication). Table 2.Best-fitparametervaluesfortherelationsbetween Minfall andMstars andL(Mr)asderivedfromtheSDSSdata. M0(h−1M⊙) α β log(k) σ χ2 χ2(Φ)/NΦ Mstars(M⊙) total 3.15×1011 0.118 2.87 10.26 0.326 16.96 2.487 central 3.33×1011 0.276 2.59 10.27 0.241 5.351 1.850 satellite 4.64×1011 0.122 2.48 10.26 0.334 L(Mr) central 3.41×1011 0.221 1.67 8.13 0.440 6.115 3.348 satellite 2.58×1011 0.345 3.83 7.71 0.742 shown by green dashed and dotted lines. The drop in the parameters of the best-fit models are listed in Table 2. For correlation function on scales larger than ∼ 10h−1 Mpc is the stellar mass function, the errors due to sample size are notcausedbyapoorfit;itisduetothetruncationofourin- muchsmaller than thesystematic errors in thestellar mass tegrationoftherealspacecorrelationfunctionatr=60h−1 estimates themselves. We therefore assign the same error Mpc−1. to all points at stellar masses less than 1011.5h−2M (the ⊙ errorisequaltothevalueatthatmass).Inourfirstattempt We now carry out the same analysis for stellar mass, rather than luminosity. We have constructed the stellar at fitting the data, we assumed that the Mstars−Minfall wouldbethesameforcentralandsatellitegalaxies,because mass function directly from the SDSS DR2 data (Fig. 10; the relations are very similar in the semi-analytic galaxy left panel) and use this, in conjunction with the measure- catalogues. The red dashed lines in Fig. 10 show the best ments of w(rp) as a function of stellar mass published by fittingresults.Themodelclearlyover-predictstheclustering (Li et al. 2006), to constrain the Mstars-Minfall relation. ofthemoremassivegalaxiesonsmallscales.Ifweallowthe In the computation of stellar mass function, we have cor- rected for the volume effect by weighting each galaxy by relationbetweenMstarsandMinfalltodifferforcentraland satellite galaxies, we obtain the results shown by the blue a factor of Vsurvey/Vmax, where Vsurvey is the volume for dotted lines, which are considerably better. the sample and Vmax is the maximum volume over which the galaxy could be observed within the sample redshift The best-fit r-band luminosity – Minfall and Mstars− range (0.01 < z < 0.3) and within the range of r−band M relations derived from ourmodels are illustrated in infall apparent magnitude (14.5 < r < 17.77). A Schechter func- Fig. 11. Results are shown separately for central galaxies tion provides a good fit to our measurement at stellar (blue) and satellite galaxies (red). In our models, satellite mass Mstars < 1011.5h−2M⊙. We find best-fit parameters: galaxies have lower luminosities and smaller stellar masses Φ∗ = (0.0204±0.0001)h3Mpc−3, α = −1.073±0.003 and thancentralgalaxiesatagivenvalueofM .Thiseffect infall M∗ =(4.11±0.02)×1010h−2M .Thiscorrespondstoa islargerforluminositythanforstellarmass,particularlyat stars ⊙ stellar mass densityof (8.779±0.067)×108hM Mpc−3. low values of M . ⊙ infall We fit our models to 30 points along the stellar mass For comparison, we also plot the L-M and infall functionand20pointsalongthecorrelationfunctionforfive Mstars − Minfall relations from the semi-analytic galaxy differentstellarmassbinsrangingfrom109 to1012M⊙.The catalogue(Croton et al. 2006). We transform the bj (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,1–12