CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE Faculty of Electrical Engineering MASTER’S THESIS Tom´aˇs B´aˇca Model predictive control of micro aerial vehicle using onboard microcontroller Department of Computer Science Thesis supervisor: Dr. Martin Saska Acknowledgements Firstly I would like to thank my family for their encouragement and support during my whole studies. Furthermore, I thank my supervisor Martin Saska for his great support throughout this project. Finally, my thanks goes to my friend and colleague Anton´ın Nov´ak forhisexcellentexpertiseandcorrectionsregardingmathematics.Thisthesisisanoutcomeof a long lasting and diligent work. The author is grateful for the knowledge and the experience he gained, both theoretical and technical. Abstract This thesis deals with autonomous stabilization of unmanned multirotor aircraft along predefined trajectories, using a model predictive control approach. The main focus of this work lies in design and implementation of an embedded platform to allow onboard execution of the controller. We propose a linear dynamical model of the helicopter, identification of its parameter and design of a state observer. A quadratic model predictive controller is derived, implemented, and prepared for the experimental platform, which has been created for this purpose. Presented experiments, conducted both indoors and outdoors, verified the capability of the system to accurately follow a desired trajectory in space. Keywords: model predictive control, unmanned aerial vehicles, em- bedded systems Abstrakt Tato pr´ace se zaby´v´a n´avrhem ˇr´ıdic´ıho syst´emu pro v´ıcerotorovou bezpilotn´ı helikopt´eru s pouˇzit´ım metody prediktivn´ıho ˇr´ızen´ı. Za c´ıl si klade vy´voj vestavˇen´eho syst´emu, ktery´ umoˇzn´ı vy´poˇcet regul´atoru pˇr´ımo na palubˇe letounu. Pˇredkl´ad´ame model dynamick´eho syst´emu helikopt´ery, identifikaci jeho parametr˚u a n´asledny´ n´avrh pozorovatele stav˚u. Kvadraticky´ prediktivn´ı regul´ator je odvozen a implementov´an do navrˇzen´eho hardware. Prezentovan´e experimenty, proveden´e uvnitˇr i vnˇebudovy,prok´azalyschopnostpˇresn´ehosledov´an´ıtrajektori´ıvprostoru. Kl´ıˇcov´a slova: prediktivn´ı ˇr´ızen´ı, bezpilotn´ı letouny, vestavˇen´e syst´emy