US00780l899Bl (12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,801,899 B1 Spitkovsky (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 21, 2010 (54) MIXING ITEMS, SUCH AS AD TARGETING 7,136,875 B2 11/2006 Anderson et al. KEYWORD SUGGESTIONS, FROM 2003/0149937 A1 * 8/2003 McElfresh et al. ........ .. 715/517 HETEROGENEOUS SOURCES Continued (75) Inventor: Valentin Spitkovsky, Sunnyvale, CA ( ) (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA (U S) W0 WO 97/21183 6/1997 ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC 154(b) by 454 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS _ Gravano et al., “Merging Ranks from Heterogeneous Internet (21) Appl' No" 10/957337 Sources,” 1997, Proceedings of the 23rd VLDB Conference, pp. (22) Filed: 0a. 1, 2004 196 _ 205' >x< (51) Int Cl (Continued) G06F 1 7/30 (200601) Primary Examinerilohn R. Cottingham G06F 7/00 (200601) Assistant ExamineriMichael Pham (52) us. Cl. ..................... .. 707/748; 707/758; 705/144 (74) Aim/Hey. Age/11. 0r FirmiFish & Richardson PC (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................... .. 707/3; 709/219, 203; 705/14 (57) ABSTRACT See application ?le for complete search history. 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No. 95/001,073, ?led Sep. 30, 2004, Reexamination of Request for Reexamination of US. Patent No. 6,829,587 B2, US. Stone et al. Appl. No. 95/001,068, Jul. 14, 2008. US. Appl. No. 95/001,061, ?led Sep. 3, 2002, Reexamination of Stone et al. * cited by examiner US. Patent Sep. 21, 2010 Sheet 1 017 US 7,801,899 B1 on? wOImED<wZOO oNN NmEDOE Awimogwz FMMDGE 0.d orm w mmmwrEm>O< w US. Patent Sep. 21, 2010 Sheet 2 017 US 7,801,899 B1 KEYWORD KEYWORD 340a SUGGESTION SUGGESTION OPERATION OPERATION 34Gb (TYPE 1) (TYPE 2) 350a 350a REQUEST RI{5§EUEEDST {SEED lNFoRMATlON} INFORMATION} s360a 36%? {KEYWORD, KEYWORD {KEYWORD KEYWORD TYPE, SCORE, ...} TYPE, SCORE, ...} KEWNORD COMBINATION OPERATIONS SCORE SCORE ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT OPERATIONS {KEYWORD, (KEYWORD, KEYWORD TYPE, KEYWORD TYPE, ADJUSTED ADJUSTED HOMOGENOUS HOMOGENOUS SCORE, ...}, SCORE, ...}, SUGGESTED KEYWORD MIXING OPERATIONS 380 {KEYWORD, KEYWORD TYPE, FINAL SCORE, ...}, m FIGURE 3 US. Patent Sep. 21, 2010 Sheet 3 017 US 7,801,899 B1 SEED KEYWORD 41o TIME OUT OR ALL SUGGESTION INFORMATION OPERA TIONS DONE RECEIVED V 440 ACCEPT SETS OF KEYWORD SEND REQUESTS TO KEYWORD w SUGGESTION OPERATIONS SUGGEST'ON RESULTS (e.g., BROADCAST REQUEST TO /\ KEYWORD SUGGESTION 420 l OPERATIONS) COMBINE ACCEPTED SETS OF 450 KEYWORD SUGGESTION w RESULTS TO GENERATE A FINAL SET OF KEYWORD SUGGESTION RESULTS FIGURE 4 US. Patent Sep. 21, 2010 Sheet 4 of7 US 7,801,899 B1 HOMOGENEOUS RESULT RESCORING SUM ALL SCORES AND SET VARIABLE "T" TO THE SUM I ——>< FOR EACH ITEM IN RESULT SET>’\5'20 Y 530 ACCEPT SCORE AND RANK OF ITEM Y DETERMINE NEW NORMALIZED 540 SCORE REFLECTING A CARDINAL ASPECT AND AN ORDINAL ASPECT I DETERMINE ADJUSTED SCORE USING NEW NORMALIZED SCORE, TRUST FACTOR OF SCORING Q50 OPERATION, RANKING TECHNIQUE, AND/OR NUMBER OF ITEMS IN RESULT SET 1 YES ANOTHER ITEM IN RESULT SET? >m56° NO 570 FIGURE 5 US. Patent Sep. 21, 2010 Sheet 5 017 US 7,801,899 B1 C SUGGESTED KEYWORD MIXER ) O0 ACCEPT ITEMS WITH s10 ADJUSTED SCORES N v soRT ITEMS (BY KEYWORD) N620 Y —>< FOR EACH ITEM (KEYWORD) >930 640 5 ITEM THE SAME AS PREVIOUS ITEM 7 650 8 NEW SCORE OF ITEM 660 NEW SCORE OF = ADJUSTED SCORE v 'TEM = ADJUSTED OF ITEM + PREVIOUS SCORE OF ITEM NEW SCORE OF ITEM 4 YES ' A ANOTHER ITEM (KEYWORD)? >m§7° NO Y SORT ITEMS BY TI-IEIR NEW SCORES 68° 1 RETURN TOP M ITEMS OR ALL 'SORTED ITEMS 690 FIGURE 6 US. Patent Sep. 21, 2010 Sheet 7 017 US 7,801,899 B1 zH4OF0w0wzO.OD;w 2wh0smwmmm 005 “JZOF0mMm0OO;Dm 2wh0qDmwmmm new mo; US 7,801,899 B1 1 2 MIXING ITEMS, SUCH AS AD TARGETING Words in the same order as the phrase), even if the query KEYWORD SUGGESTIONS, FROM includes other terms. If “Exact Match” targeting is used, the HETEROGENEOUS SOURCES ad may be served When users search for the speci?c phrase, Without any other terms in the query. If “Negative Keyword” §1. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION targeting is used (bound to either a phrase or Word), the ad Will not be served in connection With any queries containing the §1.1 Field of the Invention keyWords being negated. The present invention concerns advertisements (“ads”), Selecting targeting keyWords to meet each advertiser’s such as ads served in an online environment. In particular, the goals may be dif?cult. Various targeting keyWord suggestion present invention concerns helping advertisers to develop tools are possible. For example, US. patent application Ser. better online ad campaigns. No. 10/389,688 (incorporated herein by reference), titled §1.2 Background Information “SUGGESTING AND/ OR PROVIDING AD SERVING Advertising using traditional media, such as television, CONSTRAINT INFORMATION”, ?led on Mar. 14, 2003, radio, neWspapers and magaZines, is Well knoWn. Unfortu and listing Jeffrey A. Dean, Georges R. Harik and Paul nately, even When armed With demographic studies and Bucheit as inventors, US. patent application Ser. No. 10/419, entirely reasonable assumptions about the typical audience of 692 (incorporated herein by reference), titled “DETERMIN various media outlets, advertisers recogniZe that much of ING CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISE their ad budget is simply Wasted. Moreover, it is very dif?cult MENTS AND USING SUCH DETERMINED to identify and eliminate such Waste. CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION TO SUGGEST TAR Recently, advertising over more interactive media has 20 GETING CRITERIA AND/OR IN THE SERVING OF become popular. For example, as the number of people using ADVERTISEMENTS”, ?led on Apr. 21, 2003, and listing the Internet has exploded, advertisers have come to appreciate Amit Singhal, Mehran Sahami, Amit Patel and Stephen media and services offered over the Internet as a potentially LaWrence as the inventors, and US. patent application Ser. poWerful Way to advertise. No. 10/750,451 (incorporated herein by reference), titled Interactive advertising provides opportunities for advertis 25 “SUGGESTING AND/ OR PROVIDING TARGETING ers to target their ads to a receptive audience. That is, targeted CRITERIA FOR ADVERTISEMENTS”, ?led on Dec. 31, ads are more likely to be useful to end users since the ads may 2003, and listing Ross Koningstein, Valentin Spitkovsky, be relevant to a need inferred from some user activity (e.g., Georges R. Harik and Noam ShaZeer as inventors, describe relevant to a user’ s search query to a search engine, relevant to various Ways of suggesting targeting keyWords. content in a document requested by the user, etc.) Query 30 Sometimes, the number of targeting keyWord suggestions keyWord relevant advertising has been used by search can be large. Further, some targeting keyWords may be better engines. One example of a query keyword relevant advertis suggestions than others. Accordingly, it may be desirable to ing system is the AdWords advertising system by Google of score the suggested targeting keyWords and sort them using MountainVieW, Calif. Similarly, content-relevant advertising their scores. Thus, if a large number of targeting keyWord systems have been proposed. For example, US. patent appli 35 suggestions are to be presented to an advertiser, the best cation Ser. Nos. 10/314,427 (incorporated herein by refer suggestions should be presented ?rst. Unfortunately, hoW ence and referred to as “the ’427 application”) titled “METH ever, if targeting keyWord suggestions come from different ODS AND APPARATUS FOR SERVING RELEVANT sources that use different scores, it is challenging to combine ADVERTISEMENTS”, ?led on Dec. 6, 2002 and listing the targeting keyWord suggestions in a Way that is meaningful JeffreyA. Dean, Georges R. Harik and Paul Bucheit as inven 40 to an advertiser. tors, and 10/375,900 (incorporated by reference and referred In vieW of the foregoing, it Would be useful to improve the to as “the ’900 application”) titled “SERVING ADVERTISE Way in Which targeting keyWords are suggested to advertisers, MENTS BASED ON CONTENT,” ?led on Feb. 26, 2003 and particularly in instances Where different suggestion tools or listing Darrell Anderson, Paul Bucheit, Alex Carobus, Claire techniques provide a number of different sets of targeting Cui, Jeffrey A. Dean, Georges R. Harik, Deepak Jindal and 45 keyWord suggestions. Narayanan Shivakumar as inventors, describe methods and apparatus for serving ads relevant to the content of a docu §2. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ment, such as a Web page for example. The AdSense system by Google is an example of a content-relevant advertising The present invention may be used to improve the Way in system. 50 Which targeting keyWords are suggested to advertisers, par In many online ad systems, one or more ads are displayed ticularly in instances Where different suggestion tools or tech in association With a document, such as a search results page, niques provide a number of different sets of targeting key or a Webpage With content for example. Typically, online ads Word suggestions. For example, at least some embodiments include embedded information (e. g., links) such that When the consistent With the present invention may (a) accept at least ad is selected (e.g., by a user clicking on the ad), a broWser is 55 tWo heterogeneous sets of suggestions (Where each of the sets loaded With a document (e.g., a Webpage) associated With the of suggestions includes suggestions that are ranked and/or ad. Such a document is commonly referred to as the “landing scored), (b) determine, for each of the sets of suggestions, a page” of the ad. neW score for each of the suggestions of the set, Where the neW Targeted ads may include one or more serving criteria, such score combines an cardinal aspect of the suggestion and an as targeting keyWords. In some ad delivery systems, there are 60 ordinal aspect of the suggestion, and (c) combine at least different types of keyWords. For example, if “Broad Match” some of the suggestions from each of the sets using the neW targeting keyWord or keyWord phrase is used, the ad may be scores to generate a ?nal set of ordered and/ or scored sugges served When users search for the keyWord, in any order, and tions. possibly along With other terms. The ads may also be served In at least some embodiments consistent With the present automatically for expanded matches, including plurals and 65 invention, each of the suggestions may include information relevant variations. If “Phrase Match” targeting is used, the ad for targeting the serving of an online advertisement. For may be served When a user searches on the phrase (With the example, each of the suggestions may include a keyWord for