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Migrating to Swift from Android PDF

254 Pages·2014·6.91 MB·English
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BOOKS FOR PROFESSIONALS BY PROFESSIONALS® Companion eBook Available Make the jump to iOS development using In 250 pages, Migrating to Swift from Android gives you—as an experienced Apple’s Swift programming language Android app developer—all you need to create native iOS apps using the latest Swift programming language. Starting with preparing your Xcode 6 IDE and introducing just enough iOS application framework fundamentals, you’ll understand how to create meaningful Swift applications for iOS 8 immediately. M After the short IDE setup guide, this book continues by providing guidance on how to translate your existing Android apps to iOS. You’ll plan and structure i your iOS apps following a typical top-down process using Xcode Storyboards. g To implement use cases, you’ll cover common mobile topics, including user r interfaces, managing data, and networking with remote services. As you move a through Part 2 of this book, you’ll create simple and meaningful iOS apps with t rich UI components to handle common CRUD operations locally and remotely. i n Part 3 demonstrates the whole porting process by translating a typical mobile app from Android to iOS 8 from start to finish. When you finish reading g Migrating to Swift from Android, you’ll be an iOS developer as well as an t Android developer. In most cases, it is a waste not to port your native Android o apps to iOS. S w i f t f r o m Migrating A to n d r Swift Android o i from d Sean Liao L i a o COMPANION eBOOK ISBN 978-1-4842-0437-5 52999 Shelve in Mobile Computing SOURCE CODE ONLINE User level: www.apress.com Beginning 9781484204375 For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks and Contents at a Glance links to access them. Contents at a Glance About the Author ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ix About the Technical Reviewer ����������������������������������������������������������xi Acknowledgments ��������������������������������������������������������������������������xiii Introduction �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������xv ■ Part I : Prepare Your Tools ���������������������������������������������� 1 ■ Chapter 1: Setting Up the Development Environment ��������������������3 ■ Chapter 2: iOS Programming Basics ��������������������������������������������11 ■ Part II: A Roadmap for Porting ������������������������������������� 45 ■ Chapter 3: Structure Your App ������������������������������������������������������47 ■ Chapter 4: Implement Piece by Piece �����������������������������������������117 ■ Part III: Pulling It All Together ������������������������������������ 185 ■ Chapter 5: Recap with a Case Study ������������������������������������������187 Index ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������245 iii Introduction In 2000, I started my first PalmOS mobile app for an inventory-tracking project. The initial project was a full-staffed team effort that consisted of mobile developers, SAP consultants, supply-chain subject matter experts, middleware developers, QA testers, architects, business sponsors, and so forth. JavaME came up strong in 2002, followed by Pocket PC/Windows Mobile. I did several mobile projects in which I converted mobile apps to the Pocket PC platform by blindly translating JavaME code to C# .NETCF mobile code. These “translation” efforts prolonged the whole product life cycle. The project achieved higher ROI as the product life extended, because the extra cost of translating mobile code was surprisingly low. Ever since then, I have been translating front-end mobile apps among JavaME, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile platforms. In early 2009, by repeating the same porting process, I created my first iOS app by translating a Windows mobile app. That started my iOS programming journey, and later it was a no-brainer for me to try porting to Android. Most mobile apps are platform agnostic. When you have the whole solution completed for either iOS or Android, all the business and technical issues have been verified and the other deliverables and project artifacts are already reusable. It would be a waste not to port it to the other platform. Earlier this year, I wrote my first book, Migrating to Android for iOS Developers, to share my beliefs and experiences. After Swift was introduced at Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2014, I decided to write this book because the similarity between Java and Swift makes the porting method even easier while the same ROI analysis remains true. The primary objective of this book is to help experienced Android developers leap into native iOS–Swift mobile development. It is easier than you think, and this book will make it even easier with Android analogies and mapping guidelines. You can immediately translate common mobile use cases to iOS. xv xvi Introduction Who Is This Book For? This book is specifically written for Android developers who want to take advantage of their mobile knowledge and make mobile applications available on the iOS mobile platform. The book will show you the common iOS programming subjects and frameworks using your familiar Android vocabularies without lengthy explanations, because you already know these mobile subjects from being an Android developer. How This Book Is Organized In Part I, you will get the iOS Xcode integrated development environment (IDE) up and running in no time. You will be guided in creating tutorial projects that will become your porting sample projects. I believe this is the best way for you to get hands-on experience while learning programming topics. Part II of this book shows you how to plan and structure your iOS apps: by creating a storyboard and breaking the app into model-view-controller (MVC) classes. You will be able to reuse most of the existing software artifacts and design the rest from their Android counterparts. The common mobile topics are followed, including user interface, managing data, and networking with remote services. After you finish Part II, you will be able to create simple but meaningful iOS apps with rich UI components, and to handle common CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations locally and remotely. Last, Part III walks you through a case study that ports a complete iOS app to Android. It recaps how to use mapping guidelines from the topics in Part II. You can also use the book’s table of contents to help find the porting guidelines as needed. When you complete this journey, you will be able to use Xcode and Swift to effectively port your existing Android apps to iOS. I Part Prepare Your Tools A handy tool makes a handy person. This is very true for creating software, too. Xcode is the integrated development environment (IDE) for writing, compiling, debugging, and building code for iOS application development. The first part of the chapter walks you through the installation and steps for getting it up and running. All the topics in this book come with sample code. You will need to use Xcode to learn from these sample projects, and you will use Xcode to create world-class iOS apps, too. For iOS programming, Swift is the latest and greatest programming language released for iOS 8. The chapters in this part will give you enough knowledge to read and write the sample code in Swift. You will find learning Swift a very natural extension from your use of Java, and you will surely feel comfortable using the code from this book as your own code. 1 1 Chapter Setting Up the Development Environment It is more fun to see apps run than to read the source code, and you cannot get hands-on programming experience by just reading books. Let’s get the development environment up and running first so you can use it—and learn Swift programming for iOS along the way. Xcode and the iOS SDK ANDROID ANALOGY The Android Developer Tools (ADT plug-in for Eclipse or Android Studio. Xcode is the complete toolset for building iOS apps. It is an integrated development environment (IDE) that helps you build, test, debug, and package your iOS apps. It is free but you must have an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X Mavericks or later. You will use the latest Xcode, version 6, throughout this book. 3 4 CHAPTER 1: Setting Up the Development Environment Installing from the Mac App Store Xcode is distributed in the Mac App Store, which takes care of the download and install for you. With a single click to start the download and installation of Xcode, you get the compilers, code editor, iOS SDK, debugger, device emulators, and everything you need to create iOS apps. Figure 1-1 shows Xcode in the Mac App Store app. Figure 1-1. Xcode in Mac App Store All you need to do is install the latest Xcode from the Mac App Store. After completing the installation, go ahead and launch Xcode from the Applications folder. Keep it in the Mac OS Dock so that you can launch it at any time. The first time you launch Xcode, it immediately prompts you to install the required components (see Figure 1-2). Click Install to complete the Xcode installation. CHAPTER 1: Setting Up the Development Environment 5 Figure 1-2. Install the required components After the required components are installed, you should see the screenshot in Figure 1-3. Your iOS IDE, Xcode, is ready! Figure 1-3. Welcome to Xcode Create an iOS Project Using the Template ANDROID ANALOGY New Android Application Project template in ADT. You’ve got the right tool; now, wouldn’t you like to see some real action—like creating an iOS app and seeing it run? I’d like that, too! You want to do this to ensure your IDE is working properly as well. 6 CHAPTER 1: Setting Up the Development Environment I actually created my very first Android app using the ADT New Android Application Project template when I had no idea how to create Android mobile apps. All I wanted was to see something running in no time. Yep, ADT did it for me nicely. I was very happy with myself when I felt I’d created an Android app without knowing anything! Hey, there’s nothing wrong with making yourself happy, right? Xcode offers the same thing. The objective of this section is to show you how to create an iOS app as quickly as possible. Hold any programming questions so you can finish the project as fast as you can. For now, complete the following steps: 1. Launch Xcode if you haven’t launched it yet. 2. Select Create a new Xcode project from the Welcome to Xcode screen (see Figure 1-3). Figure 1-4 shows the prompt that asks you to choose a template for your project: a. In the left panel of Figure 1-4, select iOS ➤ Application. b. In the right panel of Figure 1-4, you may choose any of the templates. Just for fun, choose Game. c. Click the Next button. Figure 1-4. Choose a template

In 250 pages, Migrating to Swift from Android gives you—as an experienced Android app developer—all you need to create native iOS apps using the latest Swift programming language. Starting with preparing your Xcode 6.1 IDE and introducing just enough iOS application framework fundamentals, you'l
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