Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET Programming This page intentionally left blank Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET Programming JONATHAN S. HARBOUR © 2002 by Premier Press, a division of Course Te c h n o l- Publisher: ogy. All rights re s e r ved. No part of this book may be Stacy L. Hiqu e t re p roduced or tra n s m i t ted in any form or by any means, Marketing Manager: e l e c t ronic or mechanical, including photo c o py i n g , H e a ther Hurley re c o rding, or by any information storage or re t r i eval sys- tem without written permission from Premier Pre s s , Managing Editor: e xcept for the inclusion of brief qu o tations in a review. Sandy Doell The Premier Press logo and re l a ted trade dress Acquisitions Editor: are tra d e m a r ksof Premier Press, Inc. and may Todd Jensen not be used without written permission. Senior Project Editor: M i c ro s o ft, the .NET logo, Visual Basic, H e a ther Ta l b o t and/or other Microsoft products refe re n c e d herein are either regi ste red tra d e m a r ks or Editorial Assistants: M a rga ret Bauer t ra d e m a r ks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or E l i z a b e thBarre t t o ther countries. Technical Reviewer: All other tra d e m a r ksare the property of theirre s p e c t i ve G reg Pe r ry ow n e r s . I m p o r t a n t :P remier Press cannot provide soft wa re sup- Copyeditor: J e n ny Dav i d s o n port. Please contact the appro p r i a te soft wa re manufa c- t u rer’s technical support line or Web site for assistance. Interior Layout: S h awn Morningsta r P remier Press and the author have attempted th ro u g h- out this book to distinguish proprietary tra d e m a r ks Cover Designer: f rom descriptive terms by following the capita l i z a t i o n M i ke Ta n a m a c h i style used by the manufa c t u re r. 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Mayyoufindhappinessandcontentment. Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET Programming Acknowledg ments I would like to thank everyone who helped make this book a reality. First, I thank God for giving me a talent for expressing my thoughts in writing. Thanks to my family and friends for their support. To my wife, Jennifer, for hanging in there during my hectic schedule the past few months. To Jeremiah and Kayleigh, for causing so many welcome and needed dis- tractions while I’m writing. To fellow lan party campers: Justin Galloway, John Striker, Chris Henson, and Gerald Winkler. To some great people with whom I’ve had the pleasure of working: Steve Myers, Todd Schuett, Tom Biermann, Randy Smith, Long Nguyen, Maria Maldonado, Matt Klein, Matt Hamby, and the rest of the Phoenix staff at ValueOptions. I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone at Premier Press who helped to create this book. I am amazed with the amount of creative freedom I’m given, and appreci- ate their trust. To Emi Smith, who got the idea after several of my proposals that I wanted to do something other than a game development book—thanks for being supportive. To Mitzi Foster, for cheerfulness and lending an ear from time to time. To Todd Jensen, for your energy and passion for getting things done! Thank you for keeping me on schedule and for putting up with the many changes this book went through before it was completed. To Heather Talbot for managing the project and putting in all the finishing touches. To Andy Harris, series editor, for input that helped guide the direction of this book. He was right; it is surprisingly difficult to write a beginner’s book. To Greg Perry, technical edi- tor, for some very helpful suggestions. To the developers of Paint Shop Pro at Jasc Software for a truly excellent program that has gotten me through several books now. To the developers of WinAmp and the following musicians for keeping me inspired: Enya, The Cranberries, U2, Paula Cole, Enigma, Heather Nova, Faith Hill, John Williams, Shania Twain, and Creed. Finally, to Microsoft for developing products that not only provide many with a living, but also with a great deal of entertainment. Okay, back to another round of HALO… A o t t A t o b u h e u h r J onathan S. Harbour has been fascinated with computers since his first experience with a Commodore PET in 1979. He’s been programming for 15 years, having started with Microsoft BASIC and Turbo Pascal on a Tandy 1000. Jonathan graduated from DeVry Institute of Technology with a degree in computer information systems in 1997. He has since worked on information systems for cellular, aerospace, pharmaceutical, education, medical research, and healthcare companies. He is currently employed with ValueOptions in Phoenix, Arizona. In his spare time, Jonathan enjoys learning new coding tricks in Visual Basic, C++, and other languages. He regularly hosts HALO LAN parties with friends and fellow Xbox fans. He also reads programming and science fiction books. Jonathan authored Visual Basic Game Programming with DirectXand Pocket PC Game Programming. He is currently working on a game programming book based on the DarkBASIC language. This page intentionally left blank