FFPP77--KKBBBBEE--77--22001133 CCaallll AAnndd ttiippss oonn pprrooppoossaall pprreeppaarraattiioonn CChhiiaarraa PPooccaatteerrrraa FFPP77 BBIIOO NNaattiioonnaall CCoonnttaacctt PPooiinntt AAPPRREE TTrriieessttee –– 2288//0099//22001122 Agenda The EU Policy context The EU Bioeconomy Strategy & Action Plan FFPP77-- FFoooodd,, AAggrriiccuullttuurree aanndd FFiisshheerriieess aanndd BBiiootteecchhnnoollooggyy 2013 Call Tips on proposal preparation Bioeconomy: the EU Strategy European Commission Communication on Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe 13 February 2012 Adoption and presentation by the European Commission 15 February 2012 Presentation to the European Council Research Working Party 21 February 2012 Presentation to the Competitiveness Council (lunch debate) 26-28 March 2012 Danish Presidency - associated Conference “Bioeconomy in Action” The Bioeconomy: An EU priority EU 2020 Strategy: Smart growth Sustainable Growth BBuuiillddiinngg Inclusive Growth a sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe Innovation Union: Turning innovative ideas into products and processes for growth and job creation. Bioeconomy AA ccoorrnneerrssttoonnee ooff tthhee EEUU eeccoonnoommyy…… In 2010, the Bioeconomy represented : – 2 trillion € annual turnover – 1 trillion € value added, ±9 % GDP – 22 million jobs, ± 9% of the EU's workforce Sector Annual turnover (bil€) Employment Food 965 4,400 Agriculture 381 12,000 Paper/Pulp 375 1,800 Forestry/Wood ind. 269 3,000 Fisheries and Aquaculture 32 500 Bio-based industries • Bio-chemicals and plastics 50 (est.) 150 (est.) ▪ Enzymes 0.8 (est.) 5 (est.) • Biofuels 6 150 Total 2,078 22,005 Bioeconomy …… wwiitthh hhiigghh GGRROOWWTTHH ppootteennttiiaall By 2025, € 4.7 billion research funding associated to the Bioeconomy under Horizon 2020 will generate high impacts on European economies: 113300 000000 nneeww jjoobbss 4455 bb€€ vvaalluuee aaddddeedd iinn bbiiooeeccoonnoommyy sseeccttoorrss (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) FFoorr 11 €€ iinnvveesstteedd 1100 €€ ooff vvaalluuee aaddddeedd iinn BBiiooeeccoonnoommyy sseeccttoorrss (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) FFoorr 3355,,000000 €€ iinnvveesstteedd 11 jjoobb Further growth is expected from other – direct and indirect – public and private investments in all parts of the bioeconomy. EU Bioeconomy Strategy Using biological resources to produce more and better, from less Sustainable use and optimised production of renewable biological resources from land and sea, in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture… …and processing these renewable resources and waste streams into value added bio-based products in the food, energy and manufacturing industries. © Biopact Bioeconomy Strategy: Why is it important? TThhee BBiiooeeccoonnoommyy SSttrraatteeggyy ccoonnttrriibbuutteess ttoo:: • Ensuring food security • Managing natural resources sustainably • Reducing dependence on non-renewable resources • Mitigating and adapting to climate change • Supporting new bio-based industries, producing new bio-based products and greening the industry • Creating jobs, maintaining EU competitiveness and boosting sustainable growth Shifting towards Horizon 2020 FP7 Cooperation Theme 2 €1,9 Billon for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnologies WP2013, bridging with Horizon 2020: • Tackling priorities, in a challenge-based approach • Supporting Innovation, with closer to marketactivities • Supporting SME participation • Favouring bottom-up approaches Proposal for Horizon 2020 €4,7 Billon for tackling EU bioeconomy challenges (+150%) € 600 Million for fostering EU industrial leadership in biotechnologies FP7-Co-operation Theme 2 FFoooodd,, AAggrriiccuullttuurree aanndd FFiisshheerriieess aanndd BBiiootteecchhnnoollooggyy 2013 Call