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US007427840B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,427,840 B2 Morgan et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 23, 2008 (54) METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR (51) Int. Cl. CONTROLLING ILLUMINATION G05F 1/00 (2006.01) (52) US. Cl. ..................... .. 315/295; 315/312; 315/316; (75) Inventors: Frederick M. Morgan, Quincy, MA 315/318; 362/227; 362/ 800 (US); IhOI‘ A- Lys, MilIOn, MA (Us); (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ....... .. 315/291*295, GeOrge G- Mlleller, BOSIOn, MA (US); 315/312, 316*318, 297, 308, 360, 362; 362/227, Kevin J. DoWling, Westford, MA (US); 362/231, 230, 240, 241, 247, 341, 343, 800, Timothy Holmes, Jacksonville, FL (US); 362/225 J Ohn Warwick, Cambridge, MA (U S) See application ?le for complete search history. (73) Assignee: Philips Solid-State Lighting Solutions, (56) References Cited Inc" Burhngton’ MA (Us) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2,909,097 A 10/1959 Alden et a1. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued) U.S.C. 154(b) by 756 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (21) App1.No.: 10/846,775 AU 6 267 9 12/1996 (22) Filed: May 14, 2004 (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS “LM117/LM317NLM317 3-Termina1 Adjustable Regulator”, Us 2004/0212993 A1 Oct‘ 28’ 2004 National Semiconductor Corporation, May 1997, pp. 1-20. Related US. Application Data (Continued) (63) Continuation of application No. 10/045,629, ?led on Primary ExamineriHaissa Philogene Oct. 25, 2001, noW Pat. No. 6,967,448, and a continu- (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiWolf, Green?eld & Sacks, ation-in-part of application No. 09/870,418, ?led on PC. May 30, 2001, and a continuation-in-part of applica tion No. 09/870,193, ?led on May 30, 2001, noW Pat. (57) ABSTRACT _ Methods and apparatus for controlling illumination. In one (Connnued) example, one or more multi-color light sources are controlled (60) Provisional application No. 60/297,828, ?led on Jun. based on one or more interruptions of POWer Supplied to the 13, 2001, provisional application No. 60/296,377, light source(s). In another example, a pool or spa is illumi ?led on Jun. 6, 2001, provisional application No. nated by one or more multi-color light sources that may be 60/290,101, ?led on May 10, 2001, provisional appli employed as individually and independently controllable cation No. 60/243,250, ?led on Oct. 25, 2000, provi devices that may be controlled based on one or more inter sional application No. 60/090,290, ?led on Jun. 26, ruptions in poWer. In another example, the selection of a 1998, provisional application No. 60/070,285, ?led on particular illumination program for such light sources (e.g., Mar. 25, 1998, provisional application No. 60/078, by one or more interruptions in poWer) is indicated to a user 861, ?led on Mar. 20, 1998, provisional application via the radiation generated by the light sources. No. 60/068,792, ?led on Dec. 24, 1997, provisional application No. 60/071,281, ?led on Dec. 17, 1997. 26 Claims, 20 Drawing Sheets STORAGE DEVICE my”, 36 [34 ; CONTROLLER US 7,427,840 B2 Page 2 Related US. Application Data 4,388,589 6/1983 Molldrem, Jr. 4,392,187 7/1983 Bornhorst No. 6,608,453, and a continuation-in-part of applica 4,394,716 7/1983 Campagna et al. tion No. 09/815,418, ?led on Mar. 22, 2001, noW Pat. 4,420,711 12/1983 Takahashi et a1. 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Patent Sep. 23, 2008 Sheet 1 0f 20 US 7,427,840 B2 4" “1* REMOTE '3.‘ '2" USER ‘ INTERFACE 446 A 64 Q\ (I) ‘ \ A 1., 24a 4534 A 23-19 60A 60B HEATER CIRC./ 50 FILTRATION SYSTEM 52 54 FIG. 7 US. Patent Sep. 23, 2008 Sheet 2 0f 20 US 7,427,840 B2 44 35 40A’, |P1 IP2 40B .34 / 46 \ //4 3 9 CONTROLLER <—__—__\ 45/ e FIG. 2 US. Patent Sep. 23, 2008 Sheet 3 0f 20 US 7,427,840 B2 FIG. US. Patent Sep. 23, 2008 Sheet 5 0f 20 US 7,427,840 B2 mmM< mm», fo2xw , mwv*\2\ mm§kv\mw ?\ o 7 Q \mmjoE zou 9Q%3 /$5 0528 fN \$ 30528 _/< 3 I/ w9 % “aN{Qna mt»W . m\ \u0mmv m m/v$S ~ow. n Q8R. \5é3E0 zE2H0V0 TA7oEm_523.d0 _E2\0;m0I w m? sm9ARvw22 3Q%9.: Q.ozozz2 wf[8/153 2 :1; US. Patent Sep. 23, 2008 Sheet 6 0f 20 US 7,427,840 B2 CONTROLLER MODE (M) OPTION (0) A DATA LOGIC HIGH B DATA LOGIC LOW c LOGIC DATA HIGH D LOGIC DATA LOW FIG. 4B

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