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US006954921B2 United States Patent (12) (10) Patent N0.: US 6,954,921 B2 Hassibi et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 11, 2005 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 6,002,860 A 12/1999 Voinigescu et a1. AUTOMATIC ANALOG/MIXED SIGNAL 6,269,277 B1 * 7/2001 Hershenson et al. ........ .. 700/97 SYSTEM DESIGN USING GEOMETRIC 6,311,145 B1 10/2001 Hershenson et 211. 6,311,315 B1 10/2001 Tamaki PROGRAMMING 6,381,563 B1 * 4/2002 O’Riordan et al. ......... .. 703/14 (75) Inventors: Arash Hassibi, Mountain View, CA * 22002 del .Mar Hershenson _ _ , , /2003 Christen et a1. ............. .. 716/2 (Us), Marla ‘191 Ma? Hershensom L05 6,539,533 B1 3/2003 Brown, III et a1. Altos, CA (Us); Davld M- Colleralh 6,574,786 B1 6/2003 PohlenZ et 81. San Mateo, CA (US) 6,577,992 B1 * 6/2003 Tcherniaev et a1. ......... .. 703/14 6,578,179 B2 6/2003 Shirotori et a1. (73) Assignee: Barcelona Design, Inc., Newark, CA 6,581,188 B1 6/2003 Hosomi et al. (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ( * ) Notice: Subject' to any disclaimer,~ the term of this W0 W0 0167429 A1 50001 patent is extended or adJusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 105 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS _ Hershenson et al., “Optimal Design of a CMOS Op—Amp (21) Appl' NO" 10/118’672 via Geometric Programming,” IEEE Transactions on CAD (22) Filed; Apt; 7, 2002 of ICs and Systems, vol. 20, No. 1, Jan. 2001, pp. 1—21.* _ _ _ Chan et al., “Analysis of Linear NetWorks and Systems,” (65) Pnor Pubhcatlon Data 4A6ddABon—Wesley Publishing Company, 1972, pp. 23—25 and US 2004/0172609 A1 Sep. 2, 2004 _ ~ Related US. Application Data (Continued) (60) 2P(r)(())‘gisional application No. 60/362,226, ?led on Mar. 5, Primary Examiner_Leigh M‘ Garbowski ' (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor & (51) Int. Cl.7 .............................................. .. G06F 17/50 Zafman, LLP (52) US. Cl. ............................................ .. 716/18; 716/2 57 ABSTRACT (58) Field Of Search .................................. .. 716/1—3, 18 ( ) _ A method is described that involves recognizing that a (56) References Cited variable Within a monomial or posynomial expression for a U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS characteristic of an analog or mixed signal system has a dependency on a loWer level expression. Then, retrieving 478277428 A * 5/1989 DunlOP ct a1~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 716/6 from a database the loWer level expression and substituting 5955716 A 10/1991 E1 Gamel it into the expression in place of the variable so as to describe 5’289’021 A 2/1994 E1 Gamal the s stem at a reater level of detail than the variable did 5,633,807 A 5/1997 Fishburn et 81. y g ' 5,754,826 A 5/1998 Gamal et 81. 5,973,524 A 10/1999 Martin 89 Claims, 23 Drawing Sheets 451 RECOGNIZE A COMPONENT WITHIN A DESCRIPTION OF A CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY FOR AN ANALOG OR MIXED SIGNAL SYSTEM AS HAVING A DEPENDENCY ON A LOWER LEVEL CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY 452 ‘V / SUBSTITUTE A LOWER LEVH. CIRCUIT TOPOLmY INTO THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ANALOG OR M IXEJ SIGNAL SYSTEM SO AS TO REPLACE THE COM PONENT US 6,954,921 B2 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS SWings, K., et al., “An Intelligent Analog IC Design System Based On Manipulation Of Design Equations” pp. Hershenson, M., et al., “Optimization of Inductor Circutis 8.6.1—8.6.4, IEEE 1990, Custom Integrated Circuits Con via Geometric Programming”, pp. 994—998, Design Auto ference. mation Conference, Jun. 21, 1999, Proceddings. Nesterov, Y., et al., “Interior—Point Polynomial algorithms in Hershenson, M., et al., “Automated Design of Folded—Cas Convex Programming” 8 pgs., 1994, Society for Industrial code Op—Amps With Sensitivity Analysis”, pp. 121—124, and Applied mathematics. Electeonics, Circuits and Systems, IEEE International Con ference on LISBOA, Sep. 7—10, 1998. 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Transactions On Computer—Aided Design Of Integrated Circuits And Systems, vol. 14, No. 4, Apr. 1995. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Oct.11,2005 Sheet 1 0123 US 6,954,921 B2 BEHAVIORAL /\/ LEVEL M |FA=BTHEN 101 DESCRIPTION I RTL /\/ LEVEL M IFA[4:0]XNORB[4:0]='11111'THEN 102 DESCRIPTION A4] 1 I135: GATE B[3] 103$ DESLCRIIETION M 355D“) 1 Iiigg: TRANSISTOR B[0] r\/ LEVEL 104 DESCRIPTION I FIG, 1 (Prior Art) U.S. Patent Oct.11,2005 Sheet 2 0f 23 US 6,954,921 B2 m M1 = PMOS; GATE WIDTH = W1; GATE LENGTH = L1 M2 = PMOS; GATE WIDTH = W2; GATE LENGTH = L2 M3 = NMOS; GATE WIDTH = W3; GATE LENGTH = L3 M4 = NMOS; GATE WIDTH = W4; GATE LENGTH = L4 201 M5 = PMOS; GATE WIDTH = W5; GATE LENGTH = L5 M6 = NMOS; GATE WIDTH = W6; GATE LENGTH = L6 M7 = PMOS; GATE WIDTH = W7; GATE LENGTH = L7 M8 = PMOS; GATE WIDTH = W8; GATE LENGTH = L3 lBlAS = I AM PS RC = R OHMS Cc = C FARADS 1 = V00; MBSOURCEl M5SOURCE? M7SOURCE 2 = M1GATE 3 = MZGATE 5 = M5GATE§ MYGATE; M8GATE; ‘BIAS 1 202 6 = M1SOURCE? MZSOURCEI M5DRAIN 7 = M1DRAINJ M3DRAINI M3GATE; M4GATE 8 = MZDRAIN? R01; M4DRAIN; M6GATE 9 = RC 2; Cc 2 1° = Vss; 'BIAS 2; M3SOURCEI M4SOURCE; MGSOURCE FIG. 2A U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2005 Sheet 3 0f 23 US 6,954,921 B2 1 } V00 5 M5 M8 M7 OUT M6 FIG. 28 U.S. Patent Oct. 11,2005 Sheet 4 0f 23 US 6,954,921 B2 - SILICON SURFACE AREA CONSUMPTION = A m2 - POWER CONSUMPTION = B mW - OPEN LOOP GAIN = CdB I UNITY GAIN BANDWIDTH = 0 MHZ - SLEW RATE = EV/nsec FIG. 3A U.S. Patent Oct.11,2005 Sheet 5 0f 23 US 6,954,921 B2 OUT Vin+ o—— + Vss FIG. 3B U.S. Patent Oct.11,2005 Sheet 6 0f 23 US 6,954,921 B2 401 RECOGNIZE A VARIABLE WITHIN A / MONOMIAL OR POSYNOMIAL EXPRESSION FOR A CHARACTERISTIC OF AN ANALOG OR MIXED SIGNAL SYSTEM AS HAVING A DEPENDENCY ON A LOWER LEVEL EXPRESSION I 402 SUBSTITUTE A LOWER LEVEL EXPRESSION INTO THE EXPRESSION FOR THE CHARACTERISTIC OF THE ANALOG OR MIXED SIGNAL SYSTEM SO AS TO REPLACE THE VARIABLE FIG. 4A U.S. Patent Oct.11,2005 Sheet 7 0f 23 US 6,954,921 B2 451 / RECOGNIZE A COM PONENT WITHIN A DESCRIPTION OF A CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY FOR AN ANALOG OR MIXED SIGNAL SYSTEM AS HAVING A DEPENDENCY ON A LOWER LEVEL CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY SUBSTITUTE AI L OWER LEVH. CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY INTO THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ANALOG OR MIXED SIGNAL SYSTEM 80 AS TO REPLACE THE COM PONENT FIG. 4B U.S. Patent Oct.11,2005 Sheet 8 0f 23 US 6,954,921 B2

Electeonics, Circuits and Systems, IEEE International Con ference on LISBOA, Sep. 7—10, 1998. Gielen, G., et al., “An Analogue Module Generator
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