Maximizing ASP.NET Real World, Object-Oriented Development Maximizing ASP.NET Real World, Object-Oriented Development By Jeffrey Putz Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: March 04, 2005 ISBN: 0-32-129447-5 Pages: 336 Table of • Contents • Index Using ASP.NET, you can build Web applications that deliver unprecedented power and performance. But to make the most of ASP.NET, Web developers need to think and work very differently from the ways they've programmed in the past. In Maximizing ASP.NET Jeffrey Putz helps you make the transitionand reap the rewards. If you're a long-time scripter who's migrated from ASP, PHP, or other traditional platforms, Putz shows you how to use ASP.NET's object-oriented model to write code that's easier to deploy, manage, extend, and reuse. If you're already comfortable with the fundamentals of ASP.NET using C# or VB.NET, this book's platform-specific details and development best practices will make you dramatically more effective. Coverage includes Understanding the ASP.NET object model, classes, and n-tier application ● architecture Designing classes for maximum performance and reusability, one step at a time ● Mastering the nuts and bolts of ASP.NET IIS and Web applications ● Using the ASP.NET event model to control the entire user request lifecycle ● Creating special handlers for special requests ● Building custom server controls: It's easier than you think ● Creating Web services from existing code and using remote services just like ● local objects Using ASP.NET 2.0's rich security and membership classes ● Personalizing siteswithout unnecessary complexity ● Maximizing application performance and scalability ● Implementing effective testing, code management, and metrics ● Taking full advantage of ASP.NET 2.0 in the Visual Studio 2005 environment ● Leveraging your Web development skills in other .NET projects ● Whatever your background, Maximizing ASP.NET will deepen your skills across all aspects of enterprise development: application design, test-driven development, modularization, optimization, and beyond. Packed with C# and VB.NET examples for file:///F|/Addison%20Wesley/Maximizing%20ASP.NET...nted%20Development%20(2005)/0321294475/main.html (1 von 2) [24.06.2008 04:32:56] Maximizing ASP.NET Real World, Object-Oriented Development both ASP.NET 2.0 and 1.1, this is no mere "cookbook"it's a superbly well-written guide to both the "hows" and "whys" of serious ASP.NET development. file:///F|/Addison%20Wesley/Maximizing%20ASP.NET...nted%20Development%20(2005)/0321294475/main.html (2 von 2) [24.06.2008 04:32:56] Table of Contents Maximizing ASP.NET Real World, Object-Oriented Development By Jeffrey Putz Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: March 04, 2005 ISBN: 0-32-129447-5 Pages: 336 Table of • Contents • Index Copyright Praise for Maximizing ASP.NET Preface Why Was This Book Written? Who Is This Book For? Conventions Play-by-Play Code Downloads, Errata, and Feedback Acknowledgments About the Author Part I. The Leap to Object-Oriented Programming Chapter 1. The Object Model Breaking Away from the Linear Script Way of Thinking Classes and Objects Analogy to a Car Object Inheritance Your Classes Are as Special as Microsoft's Summary Chapter 2. Classes: The Code Behind the Objects Access Modifiers The Class Declaration Constructors Properties and Private Variables Methods Member Scope Overloading Static (Shared) Members Inheritance file:///F|/Addison%20Wesley/Maximizing%20ASP.NET%...iented%20Development%20(2005)/0321294475/toc.html (1 von 4) [24.06.2008 04:33:09] Table of Contents Interfaces Abstract Classes Enumerations Summary Chapter 3. Class Design Assessing Your Needs and Requirements Narrowing Your Focus Getting Data In and Out Instantiated Classes Versus Static Methods Using Classes for Simple Data Structures Test-Driven Development Summary Chapter 4. Application Architecture The Benefit of Splitting Applications into Layers The Classic n-tier Case Study: The POP Forums Architecture Talking to Other Applications Assessment of Needs and Requirements in the Real World Summary Chapter 5. Object-Oriented Programming Applied: A Custom Data Class Analyzing Design Requirements Choosing Our Properties The Constructors Create, Update, and Delete Methods Caching the Data for Better Performance Getting More than One Record at a Time Summary Part II. The ASP.NET Architecture Chapter 6. The Nuts and Bolts of IIS and Web Applications IIS: The First Step Deciding What ASP.NET Will Handle Where the Code Lives Pre-Compiled Deployment Summary Chapter 7. The ASP.NET Event Model History The Postback Process Server Controls, Their Events and Event Handlers The Application and Page Events file:///F|/Addison%20Wesley/Maximizing%20ASP.NET%...iented%20Development%20(2005)/0321294475/toc.html (2 von 4) [24.06.2008 04:33:09] Table of Contents Postback Events Wiring Events Summary Chapter 8. HttpHandlers and HttpModules The Built-in Handlers Handling File Types of Your Own Example: Protecting Your Images from Bandwidth Leeching HttpModules: The Replacement for ISAPI Example: Adding Users to Roles Summary Chapter 9. Server Controls Simple Derived Controls Building Your Own Server Control from Scratch Using Viewstate Efficient Rendering of Your HTML Composite Controls Composite Controls Versus User Controls Summary Chapter 10. Web Services as Objects Converting Your Code to a Web Service Consuming a Web Service Object-Oriented Programming Without "Owning" the Object Modifying the Proxy Class Summary Chapter 11. Membership and Security Forms Authentication and Membership The Built-in Membership Provider Building Your Own Provider Authentication Controls Summary Chapter 12. Profiles, Themes, and Skins Profiles in Relation to Membership Records Building Your Own Profile Provider Themes Skinning Controls Tying the Look to User Profiles Summary Chapter 13. Declarative Programming Overview file:///F|/Addison%20Wesley/Maximizing%20ASP.NET%...iented%20Development%20(2005)/0321294475/toc.html (3 von 4) [24.06.2008 04:33:09] Table of Contents Validation Controls Data Controls Web Parts Navigation Controls Expressions Summary Part III. Development Issues Chapter 14. Developing with Visual Studio Versions Default Behavior of the IDE Pitfalls of the Designer Multiple Projects and References The Debugger Summary Chapter 15. Performance, Scalability, and Metrics Terms Defined Fragment Caching Data Caching Managing Viewstate Variations in Data Access Methods String Concatenation vs. StringBuilder Using Trace to Measure Time ACT and WAS Performance Monitor Hardware SQL Profiler and Query Analyzer Summary Chapter 16. Testing, Deployment, and Code Management Test, Test, and Retest with All Stakeholders Test-Driven Development Getting the Bits Out to Production Versioning and Splitting Up the Work Summary Chapter 17. More Advanced Topics Streams Networking Threading Index file:///F|/Addison%20Wesley/Maximizing%20ASP.NET%...iented%20Development%20(2005)/0321294475/toc.html (4 von 4) [24.06.2008 04:33:09] Copyright Copyright Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals. The author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. The publisher offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales, which may include electronic versions and/or custom covers and content particular to your business, training goals, marketing focus, and branding interests. For more information, please contact: U. S. Corporate and Government Sales (800) 382-3419 [email protected] For sales outside the U. S., please contact: International Sales [email protected] Visit us on the Web: Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2004116048 Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permissions, write to: Pearson Education, Inc. Rights and Contracts Department One Lake Street Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Text printed in the United States on recycled paper at R.R. Donnelley, Crawfordsville, Indiana. First printing, March, 2005 Dedication For Stephanie This book, and indeed the wonderful lives we lead, would not be possible without your constant support and love. file:///F|/Addison%20Wesley/Maximizing%20ASP.NET%...0Development%20(2005)/0321294475/copyrightpg.html (1 von 2) [24.06.2008 04:33:10] Copyright I can't imagine a universe without you. file:///F|/Addison%20Wesley/Maximizing%20ASP.NET%...0Development%20(2005)/0321294475/copyrightpg.html (2 von 2) [24.06.2008 04:33:10] Praise for Maximizing ASP.NET Praise for Maximizing ASP.NET "Whether you want to improve your existing ASP.NET skills or are looking for a book that will give you the grounding and support you need to get started in ASP.NET development, this is the book for you! Jeff's approach is simplehe explains new methods in a logical, no- nonsense way and includes real examples that demonstrate the .NET way to perform a traditional activity." John Timney, Microsoft MVP, ASP.NET Web Services Senior Consultant, British Telecom Consulting & Systems Integration "I was excited about this book from the moment I first heard about it. I strongly believe ASP.NET developers will benefit greatly from understanding object-oriented fundamentals. Jeff has done a great job of introducing important object-oriented concepts clearly and concisely, enhancing the reader's understanding with some excellent real-life code examples." Gordon Barrs, Independent Developer and Technical Training Consultant "This book covers a great spectrum of ASP.NET topics for those interested in discovering what ASP.NET has to offer. I particularly enjoyed the inclusion of ASP.NET 2.0, IIS 6.0, and Visual Studio 2005 information." Tad Anderson, Enterprise Architect, Corporate Systems & Solutions "A great book for ASP developers wanting to learn an object-oriented methodology. Eric Landes, Microsoft MVP, ASP.NET, "This is an excellent resource for developers making the move from ASP to ASP.NET, as well as a good read for developers new to coding web pages on the IIS platform. I particularly appreciated the effort the author took to develop all the sample code in both C# and VB.NET." William "mac" McLuskie, Senior Solution Architect, Enterprise Consulting Services, Hewlett-Packard, Inc. file:///F|/Addison%20Wesley/Maximizing%20ASP.NET%20Re...riented%20Development%20(2005)/0321294475/pref01.html [24.06.2008 04:33:10]