INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES C 0 U R SES AN D L E C T U R ES No. 86 SILVIU GUIASU UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURE OF FINITE RANDOM CYBERNETIC SYSTEMS LEGTURES HELD AT THE DEPARTMENT FOR AUTOMATIONANDINFORMATION JULY 1971 UDINE 1971 SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN GMBH This work is 8Ubject to copyright All rights are reserved., whether the whole or part of the material is concemed speeifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, bloadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. © 1972 by Springer-Verlag Wien Originally published by Springer-Verlag Wien-New York in 1972 ISBN 978-3-211-81174-0 ISBN 978-3-7091-2802-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-2802-2 PREFACE The material aontained in these leature notes was aovered by the author during the aourse held at the INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES UDINE; in June-July 1971. I am grateful to all the Authorities of this magnifiaent Centre for giving me the opportunity of delivering the aourse and espeaially to Professor L. SOBRERO. I am indebted to Professor GIUSEPPE LONGO for his kind observations, and useful adviae. His aharm and our disaussions will remain unforgetta ble. I was also impressed by the high level of teahniaal assistanae supplied by the International Centre for Meahaniaal Saienaes. Udine, July 1971 Introduction Informational models given for learning systems ( [9], [12] ) , for random automata ( [10], [12], [15] ) and fcr systems with strategies ( [11], [12]) can be managed natural] y. In spite of seeming dJversi ty, there is a conunon mathematical structure for all these cybernetic systemE. . This mathematical structure proper to a large group of cybernetic systems wi th ran dorn behaviour will be disc.t;.sse.d fully in the following pages. Formally, this mathematical structure does not exceed the category theory and cn the other hand the applicatior. of the instruments of the category theory to the study of some deterministic cybernetic systems (essentially for deterministic automata only) is no longer a novel ty ( see [1], [2] [6] ) . Never theless, even if the finite cybernetic systems with randombehav iour are categories too, it is easy to see that almest all re sul ts of category theory are not directly applicable to the study of these systems. The reason for this strange situation lies in the fact that the morphisms are habi tually funetions in almest all usual applications of the category theory (and in the appli cations to the deterministic cybernetic systems too) whereas in the category of finite cybernetic systems with random behaviour, these morphisms are essentially random correspondences given by transition matrices, i. e. by stochastic matrices. On the other 6 Introduction hand, these randorn cybernetic systerns ind.uce rnany specific prob lerns which do not appear in the usual category theory. The prob lern of the replacernent of the randorn rnorphisrn l:y an E, deterrnin istic rnorphisrn is a case in point, being the core of the codific ations in cybernetic systerns. It concerns randorn c.orrespondence given by a stochastic rnatrix, alrnost deterrninistic correspondence i.e. a correspondence given by a usual function with errorsrnaller than f . Another specific problern of the study of the processes describes the tirne-evolution of the finite randorn cyberneticsys terns. Such a process is cornposed of a farnily of rnorphisrns charac terizing the whole evolution of these cybernetic systerns. Theem ployrnentof the diagram techniques and of the instrurnents of infor rnation theory will be fruitful in the whole ca.tegorial approach of finite random cybernetic systems. The contents of the paper can l:e summarized as follows. The first chapter contains the definition of thefinite randorn categories, abl:reviated by FR-categories, including the rnain classes of rnorphisrns and their techniques which will be uti lized in the paper. The secor:d chapter includes exarnples of FR categories, narnely the noisy cornrnunication systerns without rnemory, the finite random automata, the two-person garnes andthe lea.rning systems. Frequent reference will be made to these exam ples throughout the paper in order to apply the general theory for arbitrary FR-categories, whose processes will be studied in Chapter three. Such a process in a given FR-category contains Finite Random Categories 7 those morphisms which characterize completely the whole time-ev olution of the randorn cybernetic systern described cy the respec tive FR-category. In the sarne chapter the general theory is ap plied both to the learning process frorn an arbitrary learning system, an~. to the process describing the evolution frorn the random autornata as well as to the process occurring in an arbit rary two-person game. The fourth chapter, which together with chapter three is one of the largest sections of the paper, and considers the problern of the reduction of one arbitrary randorn morphisrn to an t-deterministic rnorphisrn containing applications of the general theory to the codification in Markovian communica tion systems and to the codification in random autornata. Applic ations of the rnost rational algorithm of recognition to the cod ind and decoding problern are also given in this chapter togeth er wi th some Observations about the algebraic and probabilistic theory of codes. Chapter 1 DEFINITION OF FINITE RANDOM CATEGORIES To give a category ~ it rneans to give: a) A set Ob(t) whose elements are called the ob- e ; jects of b) For every pair of objects X,Y E Ob(e) a set Home(X,Y) {or simply Hom(X,Y) ) whose elements are called morphisms (or arrows) from X to Y i.e. with the source X and ending Y. In denoting the source and the ending of an arbitrary morphism u by S(u.) and respectively E(u,), given that uEHom~(X, Y) one gets S(u}=X and E(u)= Y. The sets Home(X, Y) are mutuallydisjoint, i.e. every morphism has a single source and a single ending; c) For every three objects X,Y,ZEOb(e) an appli- cation Hom-e(X,Y)xHome(Y,Z) __. Home(X,Z) called the composi tion of the morphisms which associates wi th ev ery pair of morphisms u.EHom-e,(X, Y), \)"EHomeCY,Z) one morphism from Home(X,Z) being denoted by V"0u. or V"U.. e Given that category is associative the cornpo- sition of the morphisms is associative, no matter what the morphisrns Identical Morphism. Dual Category 9 u.EHome(X,Y) , U"EHome(Y,Z) , 'lltEHom~(Z,U). e Let us suppose Category to be a category with identical morphisms if for every object XE Ob(t:) there exists a morphism 1xEHome(X,X) called the iclentical morphism of the ob ject X , or the identity of X , so that ix0u. = u. and v01x ='l>' for every morphism u. with the ending X and every morphism '\t X . with the source We shall denote an ar'hitrary morphism u.EHomeCX,Y) by u.:X___.Y or frequently by X~Y. We sball also use .M.(e) to denote tbe set of all e' morphisms of the category i.e. cM,(f) = UHome(X,Y) where the union is taken over all objects X,Y from Ob(t). Obvious ly, in a category with identical morphisms there is one-to-one e correspondence between the objects of the category and the i- dentical morphisms X ,. ., 1x • e e If is a category, let the dual category of e0 be denoted by ,defined as follows such that a) Ob(e0) = Ob(t) ; b) Homy:O(X,Y) = Home(Y,X) whatever be the objects X , Y ; 10 Definition of FR - Categories e0 c) the composi tion of tr and u. in is equal e . to the composi tion of u. and \1 in A category ~ I is called a subcategory of e if a) Ob(e') c Ob(e) ; for every pair of objects X, Y from Ob(e1 ); c ) The composition of the morphisms in ~~I is in- e . dicated, is induced, by the composition of the morphisms in e e A subcategory of is called a full subcate- I gory if Hom ~AX, Y) = Ho m oe(X, Y) whichever be the pair of objects X, Y from Ob(e1 ) • A subcategory eI of 'e is called a rich category if = Ob(e1 Ob(e) . ) e e Obviously, a subcategory 1 of the category which is at the same time both rich and full will coincide with e. We shall say that a category is an FR-category of ~ -~ (finite random category of ~-type) if: a) The objects are finite sets;