MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN LINGUISTICS Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy Volume 30 Managing Editors GENNARO CHIERCHIA. Cornell University PAULINE JACOBSON. Brown University FRANCIS J. PELLETIER. University ofA lberta Editorial Board JOHAN VA N BENTHEM. University ofA msterdam GREGORYN. CARLSON. University of Rochester DAVID DOWTY. Ohio State University, Columbus GERALD GAZDAR. University of SUssex, Brighton IRENE HElM. MLT., Cambridge EW AN KLEIN. University ofE dinburgh BILL LADUSA W, University ofC alifornia at Santa Cruz TERRENCE PARSONS, University ofCalifomia, Irvine The titles published in this series are listed at the end oft his volume. MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN LINGUISTICS by BARBARA H. PARTEE Department of Linguistics, Unive~sity of Massachusetts, Amherst ALICE TER MEULEN Departments of Philosophy and Linguistics, Indiana University, Bloomington and ROBERTE. WALL Department of Linguistics, University of Texas, Austin corrected second printing of the first edition KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT I BOSTON I LONDON Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PubUcation Data Parue. Barbara Hall. Mathemat ical methods in linguistics. (Studies In linguistici and philosophy; Y. )0) 1. Mathematical linguistics. I. Meuien, ALice G. B. ur. 11. Wall, Robert Eugene. III. Title. IV. Series. PIl8.P)71987 410'.12 87-989) ISBN-13: 978-90-277-2245-4 e-ISBN-13: 978_94-009_2213_6 001: 10.10071978-94-009-2213-6 Published by KJuwer Academic Publishers. P.O. Box 17,3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. KJuwer Academic Publishers incorporates the publishing programmes of D_ Reidel. Maninus Nijhoff, Dr W. Junk and MTP Press. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell. MA 02061. U.S.A. In all other countries. sold and distributed by KJuwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht. The Netherlands. corrected second printing of the first edition Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved C 1993 KJuwer Academic Publishers Softcovcr rCllrint ofthc hardcovcr 1st cdition 1993 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any fonn or by any means. electronic or mechanical. including photocopying, recording or by any infonnation slOrage and retrieval system, without wrinen pennission from the copyright owner. Table of Contents LIST OF SYMBOLS xv PREFACE XIX A SET THEORY 1 1 Basic Concepts of Set Theory 3 1.1 The concept of a set ..... 3 1.2 Specification of sets. . . . . . 4 1.3 Set-theoretic identity and cardinality 8 1.4 Subsets ........ 10 1.5 Power sets ....... 11 1.6 Union and intersection 11 1.7 Difference and complement 15 1.8 Set-theoretic equalities 17 Exercises · ...... 23 2 Relations and Functions 27 2.1 Ordered pairs and Cartesian products 27 2.2 Relations · . 28 2.3 Functions · . 30 2.4 Composition 33 Exercises 36 3 Properties of Relations 39 3.1 Reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, and connectedness 39 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.2 Diagrams of relations. . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.3 Properties of inverses and complements 44 3.4 Equivalence relations and partitions 45 3.5 Orderings 47 Exercises 51 4 Infinities 55 4.1 Equivalent sets and cardinality 55 4.2 Denumerability of sets 58 4.3 Nondenumerable sets. 62 4.4 Infinite vs. unbounded 70 Exercises 71 Appendix A: Set-theoretic Reconstruction of Number Systems 75 A.l The natural numbers. . . . . . . . 75 A.2 Extension to the set of all integers 78 A.3 Extension to the set of all rational numbers 80 A.4 Extension to the set of all real numbers 81 Review Exercises 83 B LOGIC AND FORMAL SYSTEMS 85 5 Basic Concepts of Logic and Formal Systems 87 5.1 Formal systems and models ...... . 87 5.2 Natural languages and formal languages 91 5.3 Syntax and semantics ......... . 92 5.4 About statement logic and predicate logic 93 6 Statement Logic 97 6.1 Syntax ................... . 97 6.2 Semantics: Truth values and truth tables 99 6.2.1 Negation 99 6.2.2 Conjunction. 100 TABLE OF CONTENTS vii 6.2.3 Disjunction . . . . 101 6.2.4 The Conditional . 102 6.2.5 The Biconditional 103 6.3 Tautologies, contradictions and contingencies 104 6.4 Logical equivalence, logical consequence and laws 108 6.5 Natural deduction .... 112 6.5.1 Conditional Proof 118 6.5.2 Indirect Proof. 120 6.6 Beth Tableaux 121 Exercises 128 7 Predicate Logic 135 7.1 Syntax .... 135 7.2 Semantics . . 140 7.3 Quantifier laws and prenex normal form 146 7.4 Natural deduction ... .. 152 7.5 Beth Tableaux ...... . 163 7.6 Formal and informal. proofs 168 7.7 Informal style in mathematical proofs 170 Exercises 173 8 Formal Systems, Axiomatization, and Model Theory 179 8.1 The syntactic side of formal systems 179 8.1.1 Recursive definitions . . . . . 179 8.2 Axiomatic systems and derivations . 183 8.2.1 Extended axiomatic systems 186 8.3 Semi-Thue systems . . . . . . . . . . 190 8.4 Peano's axioms and proof by induction. 192 8.5 The semantic side of formal systems: model theory 198 8.5.1 Theories and models ............ . 198 8.5.2 Consistency, completeness, and independence 200 8.5.3 Isomorphism ........ . 202 8.5.4 An elementary formal system . . . . . . . . . 204 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.5.5 Axioms for ordering relations .. 206 8.5.6 Axioms for string concatenation 211 8.5.7 Models for Peano's axioms 214 8.5.8 Axiomatization of set theory .. 215 8.6 Axiomatizing logic . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 8.6.1 An axiomatization of statement logic . 217 8.6.2 Consistency and independence proofs 220 8.6.3 An axiomatization of predicate logic 223 8.6.4 About completeness proofs ... 225 8.6.5 Decidability............ 227 8.6.6 Godel's incompleteness theorems 228 8.6.7 Higher-order logic 229 Exercises 232 Appendix B-1: Alternative Notations and Connectives 237 Appendix B-II: Kleene's Three-Valued Logic 239 Review Exercises 243 C ALGEBRA 245 9 Basic Concepts of Algebra 247 9.1 Definition of algebra .. 247 9.2 Properties of operations 248 9.3 Special elements ... 249 9.4 Maps and morphisms . 251 Exercises 253 10 Operational Structures 255 10.1 Groups ................ . 255 10.2 Subgroups, semigroups and monoids 261 10.3 Integral domains 264 10.4 Morphisms ............. . 269 TABLE OF CONTENTS IX Exercises . 271 11 Lattices 275 11.1 Posets, duality and diagrams 275 11.2 Lattices, semilattices and sublattices 278 11.3 Morphisms in lattices 283 11.4 Filters and ideals ... 285 11.5 Complemented, distributive and modular lattices 288 Exercises 293 12 Boolean and Heyting Algebras 295 12.1 Boolean algebras ... 295 12.2 Models of BA . . . .. 298 12.3 Representation by sets 299 12.4 Heyting algebra. 301 12.5 Kripke semantics 304 Exercises 307 Review Exercises 309 D ENGLISH AS A FORMAL LANGUAGE 313 13 Basic Concepts 315 13.1 Compositionality 315 13.1.1 A compositional account of statement logic 317 13.1.2 A compositional account of predicate logic. 321 13.1.3 Natural language and compositionality . 331 13.2 Lambda abstraction ............. .. 336 13.2.1 Type theory ............... . 336 13.2.2 The syntax and semantics of A-abstraction 339 13.2.3 A sample fragment .. 341 13.2.4 The lambda calculus . 346 13.2.5 Linguistic applications 349 x TABLE OF CONTENTS Exercises . 365 14 Generalized Quantifiers 371 14) Determiners and quantifiers 371 14.2 Conditions on quantifiers . 373 14.3 Properties of determiners and quantifiers. 378 14.4 Determiners as relations .. 388 14.5 Context and quantification 392 Exercises 397 15 Intensionality 401 15.1 Frege's two problems 401 15.2 Forms of opacity .. 407 15.3 Indices and accessibility relations 412 15.4 Tense and time 421 15.5 Indexicality 425 Exercises 427 E LANGUAGES, GRAMMARS, AND AUTOMATA 429 16 Basic Concepts 431 16.1 Languages, grammars and automata 431 16.2 Grammars ..... 435 16.3 Trees ........ 437 16.3.1 Dominance 438 16.3.2 Precedence 439 16.3.3 Labeling .. 441 16.4 Grammars and trees 444 16.5 The Chomsky Hierarchy 448 16.6 Languages and automata 451 17 Finite Automata, Regular Languages and Type 3 Grammars453 17.1 Finite automata ......................... 453