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Making up Numbers: A History of Invention in Mathematics PDF

280 Pages·2020·10.046 MB·English
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Making up Numbers E A History of Invention in Mathematics K K E K E KKEHARD OPP H Making up Numbers A R D Making up Numbers: A History of Inventi on in Mathemati cs off ers a detailed but K accessible account of a wide range of mathema� cal ideas. Star� ng with elementary O A History of Invention in Mathematics concepts, it leads the reader towards aspects of current mathema� cal research. P P Ekkehard Kopp adopts a chronological framework to demonstrate that changes in our understanding of numbers have o� en relied on the breaking of long-held conven� ons, making way for new inven� ons that provide greater clarity and widen mathema� cal horizons. Viewed from this historical perspec� ve, mathema� cal abstrac� on emerges as neither mysterious nor immutable, but as a con� ngent, developing human ac� vity. Chapters are organised thema� cally to cover: wri� ng and solving equa� ons, geometric construc� on, coordinates and complex numbers, a� tudes to the use of ‘infi nity’ in mathema� cs, number systems, and evolving views of the role of axioms. The narra� ve moves from Pythagorean insistence on posi� ve mul� ples to gradual acceptance of nega� ve, irra� onal and complex numbers as essen� al tools M in quan� ta� ve analysis. A K I Making up Numbers will be of great interest to undergraduate and A-level students N G of mathema� cs, as well as secondary school teachers of the subject. By virtue of U its detailed treatment of mathema� cal ideas, it will be of value to anyone seeking P N to learn more about the development of the subject. U M As with all Open Book publica� ons, this en� re book is available to read for free on B E the publisher’s website. Printed and digital edi� ons, together with supplementary R S digital material, can also be found at www.openbookpublishers.com E K Cover images from Wikimedia Commons. For image details see capti ons in the book. KKEHARD OPP Cover Design by Anna Gatti . e book ebook and OA edi� ons also available www.openbookpublishers.com OBP . MAKING UP NUMBERS Making up Numbers AHistoryofInventioninMathematics Ekkehard Kopp Contents Preface vii Prologue: NamingNumbers 1 1. Naminglargenumbers 2 2. Verylargenumbers 4 3. Archimedes’Sand-Reckoner 5 4. Alonghistory 10 Chapter1. ArithmeticinAntiquity 13 Summary 13 1. Babylon: sexagesimals,quadraticequations 14 2. Pythagoras: allisnumber 19 3. Incommensurables 34 4. DiophantusofAlexandria 41 Chapter2. WritingandSolvingEquations 45 Summary 45 1. TheHindu-Arabicnumbersystem 45 2. ReceptioninmediaevalEurope 50 3. Solvingequations: cubicsandbeyond 58 Chapter3. ConstructionandCalculation 67 Summary 67 1. ConstructionsinGreekgeometry 67 2. ‘Famousproblems’ofantiquity 70 3. Decimalsandlogarithms 76 Chapter4. CoordinatesandComplexNumbers 85 Summary 85 1. Descartes’analyticgeometry 86 2. Pavingtheway 93 3. Imaginaryrootsandcomplexnumbers 98 4. Thefundamentaltheoremofalgebra 103 Chapter5. StruggleswiththeInfinite 107 Summary 107 1. ZenoandAristotle 108 2. Archimedes’‘Method’ 111 iv CONTENTS 3. Infinitesimalsinthecalculus 115 4. Critiqueofthecalculus 128 Chapter6. FromCalculustoAnalysis 131 Summary 131 1. D’AlembertandLagrange 131 2. Cauchy’s‘Coursd’Analyse’ 136 3. Continuousfunctions 142 4. Derivativeandintegral 146 Chapter7. NumberSystems 151 Summary 151 1. Setsofnumbers 152 2. Naturalnumbers 155 3. Integersandrationals 162 4. Dedekindcuts 170 5. Cantor’sconstructionofthereals 176 6. Decimalexpansions 180 7. Algebraicandconstructiblenumbers 184 8. Transcendentalnumbers 186 Chapter8. Axiomsfornumbersystems 193 Summary 193 1. Theaxiomaticmethod 193 2. ThePeanoaxioms 200 3. Axiomsfortherealnumbersystem 205 4. Appendix: arithmeticandorderinC 208 Chapter9. Countingbeyondthefinite 211 Summary 211 1. Cantor’scontinuum 211 2. Cantor’stransfinitenumbers 217 3. Comparisonofcardinals 223 Chapter10. SolidFoundations? 233 Summary 233 1. Avoidingparadoxes: theZFaxioms 234 2. Theaxiomofchoice 236 3. Tribalconflict 240 4. Gödel’sincompletenesstheorems 244 5. Alogician’srevenge? 251 Epilogue 257 Bibliography 259 NameIndex 261 Index 263 ForMarianne Preface Humanbeingshaveaninnateneedtomakethingsup.Peoplemakeupsto- ries,nationsmakeuphistories,scientistsmakeuptheoriestoexplainhow the world works and philosophers ponder how we know things and how we should live and behave. These made-up tales often conflict with each other, but perhaps there is one thing on which we can all agree: that it is necessarytomakeupnumberstohelpuscopewithlifeandwitheachother, fromtimeswhen‘one,two,many’seemedtobeenough,rightdowntothe modern concepts of number used by scientists and mathematicians today. We might not always agree, nor even think about, what numbers are, but no-oneislikelytodenythatweneedthem. Numberscropupeverywhereinmodernlife:onclocks,calendars,coins andincashdispensers,forexample. Atprimaryschoolweallspentmuch timelearningtomanipulatenumbers:weaddedandsubtracted,learntmul- tiplication tables by rote, practised long division—some of us even learnt howtocomputesquareroots. Muchofthisisnowdoneroutinelywithcal- culatorsandcomputersandweforgettheeffortspentinacquiringthebasics whenwewereyoung—perhapsweevenforgethowtousethem. If you have ever wondered how all this came about, how our concept ofnumbershasdevelopedoverthecenturies,andhowvariouspuzzlesand conceptual problems encountered along the way were resolved, then this bookshouldbeofinteresttoyou. Youmightbeacurrentorintendingmath- ematicsundergraduate,orakeenstudentofA-levelmathematics,orindeed beteachingthesubjectatsecondaryschool. Oryoumightsimplybeinter- estedinmathematicsandseektolearnmoreaboutitsdevelopment. Thetraditionalmathematicssyllabus,atschool,collegeoruniversity,at bestmakespassingreferencetothefascinatinghistoryofoursubject. Stu- dentsseekingtotracethedevelopmentofmathematicalideasoftenfindthat therearerelativelyfewdetailedbutaccessiblesourcestoguidethem; and while texts presenting ‘popular mathematics’ can provide much fun with examplesandinterestinganecdotes,thethreadofconceptualdevelopment sometimessuffersintheprocess. Thisbook makesnopretence tobean academictreatise inthehistory ofmathematics,norisitamathematicstextbook. Itseekstotellastory,one viii PREFACE thatIhopemayinformreaderswhosepriorexperienceofabstractmathe- maticalargumentsisnotextensive. To understand what mathematics does and how it has developed, it is essential to do some mathematics. In presenting problems whose solu- tions led to ever wider classes of number, as well as discussing concep- tual obstacles that were overcome, I make use of mathematical notation, basicmanipulationofequationsandstep-by-stepmathematicalreasoning. Some of this has been placed in shaded sections that readers in a hurry maydecidetoskip, hopefullywithoutlossofcontinuity. Toassistreaders seeking more detail on particular points, an online resource—available at https://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/1279#resources—entitled Mathematical Miscellany (abbreviated to MM in the text) accompanies this book. Its purpose is to remind the reader of basic mathematical concepts, provide simple technical details, as well as some longer proofs, that are omittedinthetext, andprovidemorebackground, mathematicalandhis- torical,ontopicsaddressedinthebook. It may seem that nothing more needs to be said about numbers. So itmaysurprisesomereadersofthefinalchaptersthatmathematiciansto- dayarenotimmunetodoubtsaboutthefoundationsoftheirsubject. After all,therigourofmathematicalproofandthetimelessnessofmathematical truthshavebeenhallmarksofthedisciplineeversinceAncientGreece,more than 2000 years ago. Until quite recently, countless generations of school pupilsspentyearswrestlingwiththeinexorablelogicofthegeometriccon- structionsandtheoremsinEuclid’sElements. Todaytheyalsoencounterthe abstractionofalgebraicsymbolsinsolvingequationsand(somewhatlater) marvelattheapparentlymiraculoussuccessoftheCalculusinthequanti- tativeanalysisofmotionandforcesinourphysicaluniverse,whichled,in turn,totechnologicalrevolutionsthatnowgovernoureverydaylives. Why, indeed,shouldanyofthisbesubjecttodoubt? Naturally,IamnotclaimingthatIambesetwithdoubt. Rather,Iregard mathematicsasahumanactivity,whosehistoricaldevelopmentreflectsthe continuing refinement and abstraction of its concepts—including the con- cept of number, and even that of proof—as a process of evolution. This process is conducted collectively and is stimulated by careful observation ofourenvironment,creativeuseoftheimagination,andintellectualrigour. From that perspective it does not seem so different from other human en- deavours. Itisnotinfallible,norareitspreceptsbeyondquestion,however well-hiddenorabstrusetheymaybe. Inthefinalchapterofthisbookthis is illustrated, in a graphic account of disputes over the foundations of the subject,bytheeminentmathematicianJohnvonNeumann,who,oversev- entyyearsago,explainedtheconundrumposedtheremorevividlythanI cantoday.

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