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Low-SNR Analysis of Interference Channels under Secrecy Constraints Junwei Zhang and Mustafa Cenk Gursoy Department of Electrical Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588 Email: [email protected],[email protected] Abstract—In this paper, we study the secrecy rates over low-power regime. By comparing the performance of TDMA 9 weak Gaussian interference channels for different transmission and superposition schemes, they concluded that the growth 0 schemes. We focus on the low-SNR regime and obtain the min- of TDMA-achievable rates with energy per bit is suboptimal 0 imum bit energy Eb values, and the wideband slope regions 2 forbothTDMAanNd0mmiunltiplexedtransmissionschemes.Weshow except in some special cases. thatsecrecyconstraintsintroduceapenaltyinboththeminimum In this paper, we study secure transmission over Gaussian n bitenergy andthesloperegions. Additionally,weidentifyunder weakinterferencechannelsinthelow-powerregime.Theorga- a J what conditions TDMA or multiplexed transmission is optimal. nizationoftherestofthepaperisasfollows.InSectionII,we 0 Finally, we show that TDMA is more likely to be optimal in the describe the channel model and obtain the secrecy achievable presence of secrecy constraints. 2 rate regions for TDMA, multiplexed transmission schemes and artificial noise schemes, and compare their performances ] I. INTRODUCTION in terms of the achievable rates. In Section III, we compute T The open natureof wireless communicationsallows for the the minimum energy per bit and slope at Eb for TDMA .I signals to be received by all users within the communication and multiplexed transmission schemes. InN0Smeicntion IV, we s c range. Thus, wireless communication is vulnerable to eaves- use results in Section III to evaluate how secrecy constraints [ dropping. This problem was first studied in [1] where Wyner affect the performance in the low-power regime and identify 1 proposed a wiretap channel model. In this model, a single optimaltransmissionschemes.Finally,weprovideconclusions v source-destination communication link is eavesdropped by a in Section V. 2 wiretapper.Thesecrecylevelismeasuredbythe equivocation 3 rate. Wyner showed that secure communication is possible II. GAUSSIAN INTERFERENCECHANNELS WITH 1 withoutsharingasecretkeyif theeavesdropper’schannelisa CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGES 3 degradedversionofthe main chain.Later,Wyner’sresultwas We consider secure communication over a two-transmitter, . 1 extendedtotheGaussianchannelin[3]andrecentlytofading two-receiver Gaussian interference channel. The input-output 0 channelsin[4].Inadditiontothesingleantennacase,secrecy relations for this channel model are given by 9 0 in multi-antenna models is addressed in [5] – [8]. Multiple y =c x +c x +n , and (1) : accesschannelswithconfidentialmessageswereconsideredin 1 11 1 12 2 1 v [9].Liuetal.[10]presentedinnerandouterboundsonsecrecy y2 =c21x1+c22x2+n2 (2) i X capacityregionsforbroadcastandinterferencechannels.They wherex andx arethechannelinputsofthetransmitters,the 1 2 r also described several transmission schemes for Gaussian coefficients {c } denote the channel gains and are determin- a ij interferencechannelsandderivedtheirachievablerateregions istic scalars, and n and n are independent, circularly sym- 1 2 whileensuringmutualinformation-theoreticsecrecy.Recently, metric, complex Gaussian random variables with zero mean Bloch et al. in [11] discussed the theoretical aspects and and common variance σ2. It is assumed that the transmitters practical schemes for wireless information-theoreticsecurity. are subject to the following average power constraint: Another important concern in wireless communications is theefficientuseoflimitedenergyresources.Hence,theenergy E[|xi|2]6Pi =SNRiσ2, i=1,2. (3) required to reliably send one bit is a metric that can be We focus on the weak interference channel i.e., we assume adopted to measure the performance. Generally, energy-per- that |c12|2 < 1 and |c21|2 < 1. Over this channel, transmitter bit requirementis minimized,and hence the energyefficiency |c11|2 |c22|2 i for i = 1,2 intends to send an confidential message by is maximized, if the system operates in the low-SNR regime. transmitting x to the desired receiver i, which receives y , i i In [12], Verdu has analyzed the tradeoff between the spectral while ensuring that the other receiver does not obtain any efficiencyandbitenergyin the low-SNRregimefora general information by listening the transmission. Following [10], we class of channels. As argued in [12], two key performance next consider three transmission schemes and their corre- measures in the low-power regime are the minimum energy sponding achievable secrecy rate regions. per bit Eb required for reliable communication and the N0min slope of the spectral efficiency versus Eb curve at Eb . A. Time Division Multiple Access N0 N0min Caire et al. in [13] employedthese two measuresto study the In TDMA, the transmission period is divided into two multiple access, broadcast, and interference channels in the nonoverlappingtimeslots.Transmitters1and2transmitusing αand1−αfractionsoftime,respectively.Wenotethatunder 0.14 this assumption, the channel in each time slot reduces to a Gaussian wiretap channel [3], and the following rate region 0.12 can be achieved with perfect secrecy [10]: 0.1 R >0 1 R >0 0.08 2 R2 |c |2SNR |c |2SNR R 6α log 1+ 11 1 −log 1+ 21 1 0.06 1 (cid:20) (cid:18) α (cid:19) (cid:18) α (cid:19)(cid:21) |c |2SNR |c |2SNR 0.04 R 6(1−α) log 1+ 22 2 −log 1+ 12 2 2 (cid:20) (cid:18) 1−α (cid:19) (cid:18) 1−α (cid:19)(cid:21) 0.02 (4) TDMA Multiplexed Tx 0 over all possible transmitting signal-to-noise-ratio pairs 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 R SNR ∈ [0,P /σ2],SNR ∈ [0,P /σ2] and time allocation 1 1 1 2 2 parameter α. Fig.1. GaussianInterferenceChannelsecrecyrateachievableRegionP1= B. Multiplexed Transmission P2=0.1,c11=c22=1,c12=c21=0.2 Inthemultiplexedtransmissionscheme,transmittersare al- lowedtosharethesamedegreesoffreedom.Bytheconstraint withartificialnoise providesthe largestachievablerateregion of information-theoretic security, no partial decoding of the while TDMA gives the smallest rate region. other transmitter’s message is allowed at a receiver. Hence, Ontheotherhand,whenweconsiderthetwoextremecases the interferenceresults in an increase of the noise floor.Thus, of high- and low-SNR regimes, the picture changes. In the thefollowingrateregioncanbeachievedwithperfectsecrecy high-SNR regime, when we let SNR →∞,SNR →∞ and [10]: 1 2 limSNR1 =q in (4), (5), and (6), we can see that multiplexed R1 >0 transSmNRis2sion can not achieve any positive secrecy rate, while R2 >0 TDMA rates are bounded by R1 < αlog(||cc2111||22), and R2 < RR12 66lloogg(cid:18)(cid:18)11++ 11++||cc12||12cc||122221SS||22NNSSRRNN12RR21(cid:19)(cid:19)−−lloogg((cid:0)11++||cc1221||22SSNNRR21)(cid:1) (Ra1n1−yiαsse)bcolroeugcn(yd||eccr21da22t||be22y)fo.RFr1oRr<2t.hlTeoghst(ur1s1a+,+teT|||g|cccDc212y12112M|||w|2222λqqAit)h,istbhutehteawrbteieficscatincahlnonoiotciaescewh,irheaevtnee (5) wewantbothuserstohavesecurecommunicationinthehigh- over all possible transmitting signal-to-noise-ratio pairs SNR regime. SNR ∈[0,P /σ2],SNR ∈[0,P /σ2]. In the low-SNR regime (as SNR approaches zero), TDMA 1 1 2 2 andmultiplexedtransmissionachievableregionsbecomeiden- C. Artificial Noise tical. They converge to the following rectangular rate region, This scheme allows one of the transmitters (e.g transmitter as illustrated in Fig.1: 2)togenerateartificialnoise.Thisschemewillsplitthepower R >0 of transmitter 2 into two parts: λP for generating artificial 1 2 noiseandtheremaining(1−λ)P forencodingtheconfidential R >0 2 2 message. As detailed in [10], the achievable rate region is R 6|c |2SNR −|c |2SNR +o(SNR ) 1 11 1 21 1 1 R >0 R 6|c |2SNR −|c |2SNR +o(SNR ) (7) 1 2 22 2 12 2 2 R >0 2 Thus, these schemes have similar performances at vanishing R 6log 1+ |c11|2SNR1 −log 1+ |c21|2SNR1 SNR levels in terms of the asymptotic rates. However, a finer 1 (cid:18) 1+|c |2SNR (cid:19) (cid:18) 1+|c |2λSNR (cid:19)analysis in the next section will provide more insight. We 12 2 22 2 |c |2(1−λ)SNR note that in the case of transmission with artificial noise, R2 6log(cid:18)1+ 1+|c 2|22SNR +|c |22λSNR (cid:19) we have R1 6 |c11|2SNR1 − |c21|2SNR1 + o(SNR1) and 21 1 22 2 R 6(1−λ)(|c |2SNR −|c |2SNR )+o(SNR ) which is |c |2(1−λ)SNR 2 22 2 12 2 2 −log 1+ 12 2 (6) strictly smaller than that in (7). This lets us to conclude that (cid:18) 1+|c |2λSNR (cid:19) 12 2 introducing artificial noise is not preferable in the low-SNR over all possible transmitting signal-to-noise-ratio pairs regime. SNR ∈ [0,P /σ2],SNR ∈ [0,P /σ2] and power splitting 1 1 2 2 parameter λ. We can further enlarge the rate region by III. ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THELOW-SNRREGIME reversing the roles of transmitters 1 and 2. The tradeoff of spectral efficiency versus energy per infor- When the transmitting power is moderate, neither too high mationbitis the key measureof performancein the low-SNR nor too small, as demonstrated in [10], transmission strategy regime. The two major analysis tools in this regime are the 2 minimum value of the energy per bit Eb , and the slope SNR as N0min S of the spectral efficiency versus Eb curve at Eb [12]. These can be obtained from N0 N0min R˙1(0)=|c11|2−|c21|2 (14) R˙ (0)=|c |2−|c |2. (15) E log 2 2 22 12 b = e (8) N0min C˙(0) Using (8), we get the minimum bit energy expressions. (cid:3) ¿From the result of Theorem 1, we see that TDMA and and multiplexed transmission achieve the same minimum energy per bit. Next, we consider the wideband slope regions. 2[C˙(0)2] S = −C¨(0) (9) ThTehne,oforermth2e:GLaeutstshiaenraintetservfaenreisnhcewchhilaenkneeelpwinitghRco1/nRfid2e=ntiθa.l where C˙(0) and C¨(0) denote the first and second derivatives messages, the slope region achieved by TDMA is of the channel capacity with respect to SNR at SNR = 0. 06S <2 1 In this section, using these tools, we analyze the perfor- 06S <2 mance in interference channels with confidential messages, 2 S S following an approach similar to that in [13]. Note that 1 + 2 =1 (16) 2A 2B in interference channels, we have the achievable rate pairs (R ,R ).AstheSNRsofbothusersapproachzerointhelow- and the slope region achieved by multiplexed transmission is 1 2 SNR regime, it can be easily seen that R →0 and R →0. 1 2 06S <2 In this regime,we introducethe parameterθ, andassume that 1 theratiooftheratesisR1/R2 =θ asR1 andR2 bothvanish. 06S2 <2 In both TDMA and multiplexed transmissions, we have 2A 2B 4|c |2|c |2|c |2|c |2 11 12 22 21 −1 −1 = R SNR (|c |2−|c |2) (cid:18)S1 (cid:19)(cid:18)S2 (cid:19) (|c11|4−|c21|4)(|c22|4−|c12|4) θ = 1 = 1 11 21 . (10) (17) R SNR (|c |2−|c |2) 2 2 22 12 where By fixing θ, we can rewrite the achievable rate region of multiplexed transmission in (5) as A= |c11|2−|c21|2, (18) |c |2+|c |2 11 21 R >0 1 |c |2−|c |2 R2 >0 B = |c22|2+|c12|2. (19) 22 12 Proof: Note again that for both transmission schemes, we |c |2SNR R1 6log1+ 1+|c |2 (1|1c11|2−|c211|2) SNR  have  12 θ(|c22|2−|c12|2) 1 R˙1(0)=|c11|2−|c21|2, (20) −log(1+|c |2SNR ) 21 1 R˙ (0)=|c |2−|c |2. (21) 2 22 12 |c |2SNR R2 6log1+ 1+|c |2θ2(|2c22|2−|c212|2)SNR  In TDMA, we also have −log(1+|c |2SNR2)1. (|c11|2−|c21|2) 2 (11) −R¨1(0)= |c11|4−|c21|4, (22) 12 2 α |c |4−|c |4 ¿From (4) and (11), we can see that when SNR diminishes, −R¨ (0)= 22 12 . (23) 2 the bit energy Eb = SNR for both TDMA and multiplexed (1−α) N0 R(SNR) transmission schemes monotonically decreases. Furthermore, Then, using (9), we get it can be shown that the rates are concave functions of SNR 2α(|c |2−|c |2) in the low-SNR regime. Thus, the minimum energy per bit is S = 11 21 , (24) achieved as SNR → 0. The following theorems provide the 1 |c11|2+|c21|2 minimumenergyperbitandtheslopeattheminimumenergy S = 2(1−α)(|c22|2−|c12|2). (25) per bit. 2 |c |2+|c |2 22 12 Theorem 1: For all θ =R /R , the minimum bit energies 1 2 Considering different values of α leads to the region in (16). in the Gaussian interference channel with confidential mes- Similarly, for multiplexed transmission, we can obtain sages for both TDMA and multiplexed transmissions are 2|c |2|c |2(|c |2−|c |2) E1 = loge2 , (12) −R¨1(0)=|c11|4−|c21|4+ 11θ(|c12 |2−11|c |2) 21 , N |c |2−|c |2 22 12 0min 11 21 (26) E log 2 2 = e . (13) 2|c |2|c |2θ(|c |2−|c |2) N |c |2−|c |2 −R¨ (0)=|c |4−|c |4+ 22 21 22 12 . Proof: From (4) 0amndin(11),22we can12for both cases easily 2 22 12 |c11|2−|c21|2 (27) computethederivativesoftheachievablerateswith respectto 3 ¿From the above expression, we can easily see that |c |2=0.8, |c |2=0.8 2(|c |2−|c |2) 12 21 S1 = |c |2+|c11|2+ 22|1c11|2|c12|2 , (28) 1.2 ||cc12||22==00..74,, ||cc21||22==00..64 11 21 θ(|c22|2−|c12|2) 1 |c12|2=0.2, |c21|2=0.3 2(|c |2−|c |2) 12 21 S = 22 12 . (29) 2 |c |2+|c |2+ 2|c22|2|c21|2θ 0.8 22 12 |c11|2−|c21|2 S2 0.6 Considering different values of θ leads to the slope region given in (17). (cid:3) 0.4 IV. THEIMPACT OFSECRECY ON ENERGYEFFICIENCY 0.2 Forcomparison,weprovidebelowtheminimumenergyper 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 bitandsloperegionwhentherearenosecrecyconstraints[13]. S 1 The minimum bit energies for both TDMA and multiplexed transmission are Fig.2. SloperegionsintheGaussianinterferencechannelwithconfidential messagesfortheTDMAschemewith|c11|2=|c22|2=1andvariousvalues E1 = loge2, (30) of|c12|2,|c21|2 . N |c |2 0min 11 E log 2 2 = e . (31) N |c |2 0min 22 |c |2=0.8, |c |2=0.8 12 21 The achievable slope region for TDMA is 1.2 |c12|2=0.7, |c21|2=0.6 |c |2=0.4, |c |2=0.4 06S1 <2 1 |c12|2=0.2, |c21|2=0.3 12 21 06S <2 2 0.8 S1+S2 =2, (32) S2 0.6 while for multiplexed transmission, we have 0.4 06S <2 1 0.2 06S <2 2 2 2 |c |2|c |2 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 ( −1)( −1)=4 12 21 . (33) S 1 S S |c |2|c |2 1 2 22 11 We can immediately note that the minimum bit energies in Fig.3. SloperegionsintheGaussianinterferencechannelwithconfidential messagesformultiplexedtransmissionschemewith|c11|2=|c22|2=1and (30) and (31) are strictly smaller than those given in (12) and various values of|c12|2,|c21|2 . (13).Thus,thereis anenergypenaltyassociatedwith secrecy. Moreover, comparing the slope regions in (16) and (17) with those in (32) and (33), and noting that achievable rate regions converge to those of multiplexed A<1 transmissionschemeaspowerdecreases.Furthermore,TDMA B <1 and multiplexed transmission has the same minimum energy |c |2|c |2 4|c |2|c |2|c |2|c |2 perbitvalues.Therefore,weshouldconsiderthesloperegions. 4 12 21 < 11 12 22 21 , (34) From Theorem 2, we know that when |c |2|c |2 (|c |4−|c |4)(|c |4−|c |4) 22 11 11 21 22 12 4|c |2|c |2|c |2|c |2 we can easily verify that the slope region of Gaussian weak 11 12 22 21 <1, (35) interference channel is strictly larger than the slope region (|c11|4−|c21|4)(|c22|4−|c12|4) of Gaussian weak interferencechannelwith confidentialmes- the slope region of multiplexed transmission is strictly larger sages for both TDMA and multiplexedtransmission schemes. thanthesloperegionofTDMA,thusinthiscase, multiplexed Thus, in addition to the increase in the minimum energy per transmission is preferred. On the other hand, when bit, secrecy introduces a penalty in terms of the achievable 4|c |2|c |2|c |2|c |2 widebandslope values. In Figs. 2 and 3, we plotthe slope re- 11 12 22 21 >1, (36) (|c |4−|c |4)(|c |4−|c |4) gions for TDMA and multiplexed transmissions, respectively, 11 21 22 12 undersecrecyconstraints.Wenotethatregionsbecomesmaller the slope region of TDMA is larger than the slope region of as |c |2 and |c |2 increase. This is due to the fact that for multiplexed transmission. Hence, TDMA should be used in 12 21 fixed |c |2 and |c |2, the larger values of |c |2 and |c |2 this scenario. Finally, when 11 22 12 21 mean that channel of the unintended receiver gets stronger 4|c |2|c |2|c |2|c |2 and we have to use more energy to achieve the same secrecy 11 12 22 21 =1, (37) (|c |4−|c |4)(|c |4−|c |4) transmission rate. 11 21 22 12 We are also interested in determining which transmission thesloperegionsofTDMAandmultiplexedtransmissioncon- scheme performs better in the low-SNR regime. TDMA vergetothesametriangularregion.Inthiscase,TDMAshould 4 2 2 TDMA 1.8 Multiplexed TX 1.8 secrecy TDMA 1.6 secrecy Multiplexed TX 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 S2 1 S2 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 TDMA Multiplexed TX 0.2 0.2 secrecy TDMA secrecy Multiplexed TX 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 S S 1 1 Fig. 4. Slope regions in the Gaussian interference channel. |c11|2 = Fig. 5. Slope regions in the Gaussian interference channel. |c11|2 = |c22|2=1,|c12|2=0.4,|c21|2=0.5 |c22|2=1,|c12|2=0.1,|c21|2=0.2 stillbepreferredduetoitsimplementationaladvantages.These REFERENCES results show parallelsto those obtainedin [13] in the absence [1] A.Wyner “The wire-tap channel,” Bell. Syst Tech. J,vol.54, no.8, of secrecy constraints. In [13], the function that is compared pp.1355-1387, Jan1975. with one is 4|c12|2|c21|2. From (34), we see that when we [2] I.CsiszarandJ.Korner“Broadcastchannelswithconfidentialmessages,” |c22|2|c11|2 IEEETrans.Inform.Theory,vol.IT-24,no.3,pp.339-348,May1978. vary the channel parameters, 4|c11|2|c12|2|c22|2|c21|2 is [3] S.K. 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Finally, we have shown that TDMAismorelikelytobeoptimalinthepresenceofsecrecy limitations. 5

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