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Long-range Coulomb interactions in surface systems: a first principles description within self-consistently combined GW and dynamical mean field theory PDF

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Preview Long-range Coulomb interactions in surface systems: a first principles description within self-consistently combined GW and dynamical mean field theory

Long-range Coulomb interactions in surface systems: a first principles description within self-consistently combined GW and dynamical mean field theory P. Hansmann,1 T. Ayral,1,2 L. Vaugier,1 P. Werner,3 and S. Biermann1,4 1Centre de Physique Th´eorique, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS-UMR7644, 91128 Palaiseau, France 2Institut de Physique Th´eorique (IPhT), CEA, CNRS, URA 2306, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 3Department of Physics, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland 4Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST, Kawaguchi 332-0012, Japan (Dated: January 21, 2013) Systemsof adatoms on semiconductor surfaces display competing ground statesand exotic spec- 3 tral properties typical of two-dimensional correlated electron materials which are dominated by a 1 complex interplay of spin and charge degrees of freedom. We report a fully ab initio derivation of 0 low energy Hamiltonians for the adatom systems Si(111):X, with X=Sn, Si, C, Pb, that we solve 2 withinself-consistent combinedGWanddynamicalmeanfieldtheory(“GW+DMFT”).Calculated n photoemissionspectraareinagreementwithavailableexperimentaldata. Werationalizeexperimen- a tally observed tendencies from Mott physics towards charge-ordering along the series as resulting J from substantial long-range interactions. 8 1 PACSnumbers: 71.15.Mb,73.20.At,71.10.Fd,71.30.h ] l e Understanding the electronic properties of materials tems in [34]). While the first surprise are the relatively - with strong electronic Coulombcorrelationsremains one largevaluesoftheonsiteinteractionswhichwefindtobe r t of the biggest challenges of modern condensed matter oftheorderofthebandwidth( 1eV),mostimportantly s ≈ . physics. The interplay of delocalization and interactions we show that non-local interactions are large (nearest- t a is notonly at the originof exotic groundstates, but also neighborinteractionof 0.5eV)and,hence,anessential m ≈ determines the excitation spectra of correlated materi- part of the resulting many-body Hamiltonians. This re- - als. The “standard model” of correlated fermions, the sultconfirmspreviousspeculationsabouttheimportance d Hubbard model, in principle captures these phenomena. of non-local effects in these materials[21, 29]. We solve n o Yet, relating the model to the material on a microscopic these Hamiltonians within fully self-consistent combined c footing remainsa challenge. Evenmore importantly,the GW and dynamical mean field theory (“GW+DMFT”) [ approximation of purely local Coulomb interactions can [35], calculating in particular (single particle-) angular 1 becomesevereinrealisticmaterials,wherelong-rangein- resolved photoemission spectra (ARPES) and the (two v teractions and charge fluctuation physics cannot be ne- particle-) charge susceptibility. We identify a clear- 5 glected. cut materials trend starting from Si(111):C deep in a 2 Mott phase to Si(111):Pb which shows tendencies to- Systems of adatoms on semiconducting surfaces, such 3 wards metallicity and charge-ordered states driven by 4 as Si(111):X with X=Sn, C, Si, Pb, have been suggested . [1] to be good candidates for observing low-dimensional non-local interaction terms. Comparing our results to 1 available experimental data yields encouraging insights: 0 correlated physics. Commonly considered to be realiza- Without adjustable parameters we reproduce the experi- 3 tions of the one-band Hubbard model and toy systems 1 for investigating many-body physics on the triangular mentally measured gap size of insulating Si(111):Sn and : its transition to a “bad-insulator” at elevated tempera- v lattice, such surfaces have been explored experimentally tures. Moreover, based on the charge susceptibility, we i [2–18] and theoretically [19–31].These so-calledα-phases X identify the electronic tendency of Si(111):Pb towards show a remarkable variety of interesting physics includ- r charge-ordering of the so-called 3 3 symmetry, which a ing commensurate charge density wave (CDW) states × is indeed seen experimentally by scanning tunneling mi- [5, 6, 9] and isostructural metal to insulator transitions croscopy. Our work is the first one that addresses the (MIT)[14]. However, while specific systems and/or phe- electronicpropertiesofrealmaterialsonthebasisoffully nomenahavebeeninvestigatedalsotheoretically,acom- self-consistent GW+DMFT calculations (for a non-self- prehensive understanding including materials trends is consistentcalculationsee [36], for self-consistentcalcula- still lacking. A central goal of our work is to present a tions for models see [37–39]). [48] unified picture that relates, within a single framework, different materials (adatom systems), placing them in a The single-particle part of the Hamiltonian is calcu- common phase diagram. lated in the local density approximationof density func- We derive low-energy effective Hamiltonians ab initio tional theory. In Fig. 1 we present LDA bandstructures fromacombineddensityfunctionalandconstrainedran- for the series Si(111): C,Si,Sn,Pb . For all considered { } domphaseapproximation(cRPA)scheme[32]intheim- systemsthesurface-stateinthesemiconductinggapisin- plementationof[33](seealsotheextensiontosurfacesys- deed responsible for a well-separated, single band around 2 1.0 V] TABLE I. Values of the bare (V) and static, screened (U0 = e U(iν =0)) values for on- and intersite nearest neighbor (nn) [ C Si Sn Pb interaction parameters. Also reported are the values of the 0.0 static component of the effective (ω = 0) calculated from U GW+DMFT, see text. C Si Sn Pb -1.0 t 38.0 50.0 42.0 42.0 [meV] Γ M K Γ M K Γ M K Γ M K Γ t′ 15.0 23.0 20.0 20.0 [meV] −′′ t 0.5 5.0 10.0 10.0 [meV] FIG. 1. (Color online) Bandstructures of the α- √3 √3 phases for Si(111):X with X=Sn, Si, C, Pb [52]. The×color U0 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.9 [eV] of the bands denotes their respective orbital character. Red U1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 [eV] color indicates a pz-like “apical” character, while the blue Un U1/ra colordenotespx,y-like(i.e. planar)character. Theblackdots V0 6.0 4.7 4.4 4.3 [eV] represent the tight binding fit given by Eq. (1) and hopping V1 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.8 [eV] parameters from Tab. I . V1/εsStiasut.rf. 0.47 0.47 0.45 0.47 [eV] (ω=0) 1.3 0.94 0.84 0.67(ins.) [eV] U the Fermi energy. In red (gray) we plot the contribu- 0.54(met.) [eV] tions stemming from the p -orbital of the adatom while z we plot the adatom p -character in blue (dark gray). of1eV-abouttwicethesizeofthebandwidth-strongly x,y Even though the actual molecular orbital composition points towards Mott physics. This is, however,a prema- might be complicated, the half-filled surface band has a ture conclusion due to the effect of non-local interaction clear-cut “apical” (i.e. carrot-like) character. For our terms. Thefirstnon-localcontribution(nearest-neighbor calculations presented below we directly use the ab ini- interaction) U1 [bare V1] is 0.5 eV [2.8 eV]. Remarkably, tio deriveddispersionrelation. However,for the purpose thevalueis-opposedtoU0 [V0]-almostthe sameforall of analysis we note that the tight-binding dispersion of materials. The reasonis that the intersite overlapof the the half-filled surfaceband canbe wellfitted using up to orbitalsissosmallthattheCoulombenergycorresponds third-nearest-neighbor hopping (t, t′, and t′′) by: totheelectrostaticenergyoftwopointcharges. Withthe virial theorem Etot. = 1/2 V , we quantify this argu- h i h i εk =2t·(cid:16)cos(kx)+2cos(kx/2)cos(√3/2ky)(cid:17) mraedniutsbyofa6r˚Aes(caldeidsthayndcreoogfenadpartoobmlemsitwesit)h: effectiveBohr ≈ +2t′·(cid:16)cos(√3ky)+2cos(3kx/2)cos(√3/2ky)(cid:17) e2 = 1 VHatom = 1 2EHatom =2.3eV,(2) +2t′′ cos(2k )+2cos(k )cos(√3k ) (1) DrrelE 12| pot | 12 | groundstate| (cid:16) x x y (cid:17) · which roughly matches the value of our bare intersite The values for the hopping integrals can be found in interaction parameters. The second, likewise remark- Tab. I and we plot the analytically calculated bands in able, observation is that the screened values U are ex- 1 Fig. 1 as the black dashed line. The quality of the fit tremely close to the value we get by assuming a static supports the picture of Wannier-like orbitals with a fast continuum approximation on the surface of a dielectric decaying real space overlapon neighboring sites. medium: V /εsurf, where εsurf = 1(ε +1) is the static 1 Si Si 2 Si In order to determine the interaction parameters as dielectric constant of silicon on the surface. The reason partially screened matrix elements of the Coulomb in- is straightforward: The adatom distance (6˚A) is already teraction within the cRPA one has to choose a suitable largeenoughcomparedtotheatomicstructureofthesil- energy-window around the Fermi energy encompassing iconsubstrate( 2˚A) sothat local field effects (included ≈ the surface band. The bare interaction parameters are in cRPA)are negligible. Followingthis reasoningwe can calculated by means of explicit evaluation of the ra- calculate longer range interaction terms by simply scal- dial (Slater-) integrals of the Wannier functions. Sub- ing U with a/r, i.e., with the distance in units of the 1 sequently, the dielectric tensor is obtained within cRPA nearest-neighbordistance a, i.e., U =U /√3 andso on. 2 1 for local and non-local interaction parameters[34]. The In this respect U is not only the nearest-neighborinter- 1 results are summarized in Tab.I. action,but the parameterthat quantifies the strengthof The bare onsite interaction parameters (V ) vary be- non-local interaction. 0 tween 6.0 eV for Si(111):C and 4.3 eV for Si(111):Pb To solve the effective low-energy Hamiltonians result- decreasing monotonously within the series. The onsite ing from our parameter-free downfolding procedure we U is reduced roughly by a factor of 4 5 due to cRPA implement the combined GW+DMFT scheme [35, 42] 0 − screening. Atfirstglancetheonsite/staticU oftheorder and calculate spectral properties and charge-charge re- 0 3 1.5 (ω) 0) Pb 0.8 C = met. Sn ω Si 0.6 1.0 k, C ( χ Si m 0.4 I ins. 0.5 Sn Pb ins. 0.2 met. ω [eV] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 Γ M K Γ FIG. 3. (Color online) Left hand side: Frequency-dependent (ω) (calculated from GW+DMFT) including both, insulat- U ing and metallic cases for the Pb system. Right hand side: Imaginary part of the charge-charge susceptibility along the usual path in theBrillouin zone. 0.8eV(Si),0.7eV(Sn),and0.5eV(Pb). However,specifi- callyfortheSi(111): Sn,Pb wefindsubstantialspectral { } weightalready at 0.2eV.Given this small gap, a siz- ≥− FIG. 2. (Color online) Momentum-resolved spectral function able temperature dependence can be expected. We have at T =116K of Si(111):X with X=Sn,Si, C, Pb obtained by extracted the value of the local (i.e., k-integrated) spec- analytical continuationofGW+DMFTimaginary-time data. tralfunctionattheFermi-level[50](seeFig.2bottomleft TheFermienergyissettoεF=0andindicatedbythewhite panel). While for Si(111):C the spectral weight transfer dashedline. Onthebottomrightweshowthespectralweight tothe Fermienergywithtemperatureisnegligibleasex- at theFermi energy as a function of temperature. pected from the spectral function, specifically Si(111):Si and most of all Si(111):Sn display significant transfer of spectralweightonatemperaturescalefrom50Ktoroom sponse functions. Fully self-consistent GW+DMFT was temperature 300K. applied to the extended Hubbard model in seminal work Photoemission experiments for Si(111):Sn [10, 18] by Sun et al. [37, 49], but only recently have numer- (and, possibly[51], for Si(111):Pb[11]) observe, indeed, ical techniques for the solution of dynamical impurity such a temperature dependence and agree well with our models[44–46]beensufficientlyadvancedtoextractreal- results, both, concerning the gap size and temperature frequency information from such calculations [38, 39]. scale. Our results - obtained without any adjustable pa- We employ the techniques of the latter two works (in rameters -alsostandasatheoreticalpredictionformore particular a continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo im- extensive studies on Si(111):Pb and the (experimentally purity solver within the hybridization expansion [44]), so far not studied) Si(111):C compound. Next, we an- but implement them for the realistic Hamiltonian de- alyze the spectral functions in view of the interaction rived above. Moreover, we go beyond the ’standard’ ex- strengthscalculatedby cRPA(see Tab.I). The gapsizes tended Hubbard model and do not restrict the range of no longer reflect the energy-scale of the onsite interac- the non-local interaction terms. Rather, we include the tion U but are reduced due to non-local interactions 0 entire 1/r tail by means of an Ewald-type lattice sum. which screen the local interaction by non-local charge InFig.2weshowmomentum-resolvedspectralfunctions fluctuations. This physics is naturally present in the fromGW+DMFTforallcompoundsinourseries: Asex- GW+DMFT scheme, where non-local effects are incor- pectedfromthelargeonsiteinteractionscomparedtothe poratedintoaneffectiveretardedonsiteinteraction (ω) bandwidth we obtaininsulating spectra for allfour com- U (plotted in the left panel of Fig. 3). The shape of this pounds. Interestingly,however,for the Pbcompound,in quantity is reminiscent of screenedinteractions as calcu- contrast to the other three systems, we find two stable lated, e.g., within the cRPA[32], where retardation ef- solutions at the temperature of our study (T = 116K) - fects result from downfolding of high-energy degrees of one metallic and one insulating. This indicates that we freedom. The GW+DMFT (ω) can be viewed as an areinacoexistenceregionofafirstorderphasetransition U effective interaction, where the dynamical character re- similar to that seen in the extended Hubbard model[39]. sults from downfoldingnon-localdegreesoffreedominto In allcompounds the upper andlowerHubbard bands alocalquantity. Atlargefrequencies,screeningisnotef- showsubstantialdispersionfollowingthebarebandstruc- ficient and, hence, (ω = ) =U . On the other hand, 0 U ∞ ture,asexpectedongeneralgrounds. Theinsulatinggap the static value (ω = 0) can be significantly reduced U decreaseswithin the seriesandwecanestimate fromthe (up to nearly a factor of 2 for Si(111):Pb). The latter centerofmassoftheHubbardbandsvaluesof: 1.3eV(C), sets the energyscalefor the gaps weobserveinthe spec- 4 0.6 tral function. The transition between unscreened high- ] V CO frequencybehaviorandthestaticvaluetakesplaceatan e Pb Si* C energy scale ω0 (plasmonic frequency) characteristic of n [ 3 x 3 Sn o thenon-localchargefluctuations. Thestrikinglydifferent ti 0.4 c behavior of the dynamical effective interactions (ω) re- a √3 x √3 U r flectstheobservedmaterialstrend: Si(111):C[Si(111):Si] e t is [nearly] unaffected by non-local interaction terms and n 0.2 Metal Mott there is barely any screening. The remaining two com- al i c pounds show, however, large effects. The static values o (ω = 0) are reduced compared to the onsite interac- n-l 0.0 U o 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 tion to 0.84eV for Si(111):Sn and to 0.67eV (0.54eV) for n the insulating (metallic) solution for Si(111):Pb which local interaction [eV] leads to the reduced gap sizes. Moreover,plasmonic res- onances at energies between 0.6eV and 0.8eV stress the FIG. 4. (Color online) Schematic local/nonlocal- interaction phase-diagram: Theblack-borderedcirclesmarkthepositions importance of non-local interactions/charge-fluctuations of the adatom systems of our study. Straight lines are guide for these systems. to the eyes and blurry color indicates coexistence regions. Besidesleadingtoaretarded,frequency-dependentin- Within the localized (i.e. insulating) phases CO and Mott, teraction, the non-local charge fluctuations signal ten- small sketchesindicate the shapeof thesurface unit-cell. dencies towards a charge-ordered(CO) state. Analyzing the momentum-dependence of the imaginary part of the charge-charge response function Imχ(k,ω = 0) for the high symmetry points of the Brillouin zone, shown in Fig. 3, we find for the different materials very particu- coexistence region)are much closer to a phase boundary lar behavior. The local double occupancy, which corre- to a metallic phase. Even more peculiar is the obvious sponds to the integral of the plotted quantity over all tendency of Si(111):Pb towards a charge-ordered phase momenta, becomes larger towards the end of the series. of 3 3 symmetry indicated by the white region in our Most interesting is the case of metallic Si(111):Pb for × phase diagram. which we find a distinct structure within the Brillouin zone: The maximum of Imχ(k,ω = 0) at the K sym- metry point indicates strong charge fluctuations of the In conclusion, we have set up a fully self-consistent so-called 3 3 symmetry, sketched in Fig, 4. This order GW+DMFT scheme for the realistic treatment of corre- might even×tually be frozen in to form a charge ordered latedsurfacesystemstoaddresstheelectronicproperties ground state which is actually seen in scanning tunnel- of the α-phases of adatoms on the Si(111) surface. We ing microscopyfor this material[8]. An insulating charge reported on the ab initio construction of the materials- ordered ground state of 3 3 symmetry is, in fact also specific low-energyHamiltonians and, mostimportantly, seen in Ge(111):Sn[47] whe×re a concomittant structural on the respective interaction parameters including the distortion(verticaldisplacementofadatoms)ofthesame long-range Coulomb tail. From these it becomes clear symmetry is seen - our results show, that the instability that for the adatom systems taking into account non- in the correlated electronic response function is a good local interaction effects is mandatory. We have solved candidate for the key player of this feature. the derived many body Hamiltonians and discussed our finding for momentum-resolved spectral functions, to be We cansummarizeour results by drawinga schematic compared to ARPES spectra. Without adjustable pa- phase-diagramas a function of the strength of local and rameters we reproduced available experimental findings, non-local interactions (represented by the value of U ) 1 or,in (most) cases where experiments are missing, made as we show in Fig. 4. For zero non-local interactions predictions. Specifically, the ARPES spectra for the se- ourphasediagramdescribesthe Mott-Hubbardmetalto ries, as well as the charge order instabilities in the case insulator transition. The adatom systems are placed at of Si(111):Pb are key conclusions/predictions which can about 0.5eV of non-local interaction strength. However, duetothedifferenceintheonsitetermU theirrespective provideguidanceforfurtherexperimentalandtheoretical 0 studies of semiconductor adatom structures. position in the phase diagram and, hence, their ground statecharacterisdifferent: Si(111):CisdeepintheMott phase with a charge localization defined by one electron We acknowledge useful discussions with the authors per adatom-site. of Ref. 17 and Ref. 18, as well as with M. Capone, The Si(111):Sicompound[52]is alsoofMotttype with M. Casula, H. Hafermann, H. Jiang, M. Katsnelson, only small values for the double occupancy and little O. Parcollet, and E. Tosatti. This work was sup- effect of plasmon excitations. However, Si(111):Sn and ported by the French ANR under project SURMOTT mostdramaticSi(111):Pb(whichisactuallyalreadyina and IDRIS/GENCI under project 129313. 5 [24] G.Profeta, A.Continenza, L.Ottaviano,W.Mannstadt and A.J. Freeman. Phys.Rev.B 62,1556 (2000) [25] H. Q. Shi,M. W. Radnyand P. V. Smith.Phys. 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