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Preview LibFTE: A Toolkit for Constructing Practical, Format-Abiding - kpdyer

LibFTE: A Toolkit for Constructing Practical, Format-Abiding Encryption Schemes DanielLuchaup1 KevinP.Dyer2 SomeshJha1 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ThomasRistenpart1 ThomasShrimpton2 [email protected] [email protected] 1DepartmentofComputerSciences,UniversityofWisconsin-Madison 2DepartmentofComputerScience,PortlandStateUniversity Abstract caseofcredit-cardnumbers,thismeanstakinginastring of 16 decimal digits as plaintext and returning a string Encryptionschemeswheretheciphertextmustabidebya of16decimaldigitsasciphertext. Thisisanexampleof specifiedformathavediverseapplications,rangingfrom format-preserving encryption (FPE). NIST is now con- in-placeencryptionindatabasestoper-messageencryp- sidering proposals for standardized FPE schemes, such tionofnetworktrafficforcensorshipcircumvention.De- astheFFXmode-of-operation[7],whichisalreadyused spite this, a unifying framework for deploying such en- in some commercial settings [3]. On a totally different cryption schemes has not been developed. One conse- front, a recent paper [11] builds a format-transforming quenceofthisisthatcurrentschemesaread-hoc;another encryption scheme. It takes in plaintext bit strings (for- is a requirement for expert knowledge that can disuade mattedornot)andreturnsciphertextsformattedtobein- onefromusingencryptionatall. distinguishable, from the point of view of several state- We present a general-purpose library (called libfte) of-the-art network monitoring tools, from real HTTP, that aids engineers in the development and deploy- SMTP, SMB or other network protocol messages. This mentofformat-preservingencryption(FPE)andformat- FTE scheme is now part of the Tor Project’s Browser transformingencryption(FTE)schemes. Itincorporates Bundle,andisbeingintegratedintootheranti-censorship a new algorithmic approach for performing FPE/FTE systems. using the nondeterministic finite-state automata (NFA) representation of a regular expression when specifying It seems clear that FPE and FTE have great poten- formats. This approach was previously considered un- tialforotherapplications,too.Unfortunately,developers workable, and our approach closes this open problem. willfindadauntingcollectionofdesignchoicesanden- Weevaluatelibfteandshowthat,comparedtootheren- gineering challenges when they try to use existing FPE cryptionsolutions,itintroducesnegligiblelatencyover- orFTEschemesinnewapplications,ortoinstantiateen- head, and can decrease diskspace usage by as much tirely new schemes. To begin with, there isn’t a stan- as 62.5% when used for simultaneous encryption and dardwaytospecifytheformatsthatplaintextsorcipher- compression in a PostgreSQL database (both relative to texts must respect. There are no established guidelines, conventional encryption mechanisms). In the censor- andcertainlynoautomatedtools,tohelpdevelopersun- ship circumvention setting we show that, using regular- derstand whether they should be targeting deterministic expression formats lifted from the Snort IDS, libfte can schemes or randomized ones, or how their chosen for- reduceclient/servermemoryrequirementsbyasmuchas matsmightaffectruntimeperformanceandmemoryus- 30%. age. (In the case of FTE, it can be difficult to tell if a giveninputandoutputformatwillresultinaschemethat operates properly.) There are no established APIs, and 1 Introduction noreferenceimplementationsoropen-sourcelibrariesto aiddevelopment. Both in practice and in the academic literature, we see anincreasingnumberofapplicationsdemandingencryp- Making FPE/FTE More Approachable: libfte. In tion schemes whose ciphertexts abide by specific for- this work, we offer a unifying framework for build- matting requirements. A small industry has emerged ing and deploying FPE and FTE schemes. We design around the need for in-place encryption of credit-card and implement an algorithm library, libfte, and include numbers, and other personal and financial data. In the in it developer-assistance tools. A paramount goal of 1 our effort is ease-of-use: our library exposes an inter- Deployment Examples Setting Type Constraint face in which formats for plaintexts and ciphertexts are Databases creditcardnumber 16-digitstring easily specified via Perl-compliant regular expressions datefield YYYYMMDD (regexes),anditrelievestheprogrammeroftheburdens accountbalance 32-bitintegers ofmakinggoodalgorithmandparameterchoices. WebForms emailaddress contains@symbol, Some of what we do is to make existing algorithms endswith{.com,...} year,month,day YYYY,MM,DD (e.g., FFX) significantly easier to use. But some of the URL startswithhttp(s) engineeringanddeploymentchallengesdemandentirely Network HTTPGETrequest “GET/...” newapproachestobothFPEandFTE.Perhapsmostno- Monitors BrowserX “...User-Agent:X...” tably,wesolveanopenproblemregardinghowtobuild SSHtraffic “SSH-...” regular-expression-based schemes using a regex’s non- Table 1: Example deployment settings and constraints deterministic finite automaton (NFA) representation, as forFPE/FTEschemes. opposed to its DFA representation. This is desireable because it can lead to significantly more space-efficient schemes,buttheapproachwaspreviouslythoughttobe unworkable[5,11]. Wedispellthisthought,andexperi- databasefields,aclassicmotivationalsettingforFPE,but mentallyobservetheresultingboostinefficiency. onethathas(tothebestofourknowledge)neverbeenre- Tosummarizethemaincontributionsofthiswork,we: ported upon. We show that performance loss compared to conventional encryption is negligible. We also show • Design and implement a library and toolkit to how to leverage the flexibility of libfte to improve per- makedevelopmentanddeploymenteasy. Thelibfte formance,byusinga(deterministic)FTEschemethatsi- library exposes simple interfaces for performing multaneouslyencryptsandcompressesfields(inaprov- FPE/FTE over regex formats specified by the user. ablysecuremanner). We provide a configuration tool that guides devel- Wethenuselibftetobuildaproof-of-conceptbrowser opers towards good choices for the algorithms that plugin that encrypts form data on websites such as Ya- will instantiate the scheme, and that provides con- hoo! Contacts. This uses a variety of FPE and FTE crete feedback on expected offline and online per- schemes,andallowsonetoabidebyavarietyofformat formanceandmemoryusage. restrictionchecksperformedbythewebsite. • Develop new FTE schemes that take regular- Finally, we show that our NFA-based algorithms in expressionformats,butcanworkdirectlywiththeir libfteenablesignificantmemorysavings,specificallyfor NFArepresentation.Thiswaspreviouslythoughtto thecaseofusingFTEinthenetwork-monitor-avoidance beanunworkableapproach[5], duetoaPSPACE- setting [11]. Using a corpus of 3,458 regular expres- hardness result, but we show how to side-step this sionsfromtheSnortmonitorweshowthatwecanreduce via a new encoding primitive called relaxed rank- memoryconsumptionofthisFTEapplicationby30%. ing. TheresultisFTEschemesthathandlealarger class of regexes, and impose smaller offline/online memoryrequirements. 2 PreviousApproachesandChallenges • Detail a general, theoretical framework that cap- tures existing FPE/FTE schemes as special cases, We review in more detail some of the main results in and surfaces potentially useful new constructions, the areas of format-preserving and format-transforming e.g., deterministic FTE that encrypts and com- encryption,andthendiscusssomeofthechallengespre- presses simultaneously. Due to space constraints, sentedwhenoneattemptstoimplementandusethesein the formalisms appear mostly in the full ver- practice. Asweshallsee,existingtoolsfallshortforthe sion[16]. typesofapplicationswetarget. Table2providesasum- mary. Inaddition,thelibftelibrarywillbemadepubliclyavail- able as free and open-source software1, with APIs for Format-preserving encryption. In many settings the Python,C++andJavaScript. formatofaplaintextanditsencryptionmustbethesame, andthetoolusedtoachievethisisformat-preservingen- Applications. Weexerciselibftebyapplyingittoava- cryption (FPE). Work on FPE predates its name, with riety of application settings. Table1 gives a summary various special cases such as length-preserving encryp- ofthediversityofformatsrequiredacrossthesevarious tion of bit strings for disk-sector encryption (c.f., [14, applications. 15]), ciphers for integral sets [8], and elastic block ci- WefirstshowhowtouselibftetoperformFPEofSQL phers [10] including de novo constructions such as the 1https://libfte.org/ hasty pudding cipher [21]. For an overview of work on 2 Paper Builds Formats Schemes Implementation Comments [7] FPE sliceofΣ∗ deterministic none proposedNISTstandard [5] FPE sliceofchosen deterministic none firstFPEpaper,theoryonly, regularlanguage requiresregex-to-DFAconversion [11] FTE sliceofchosen randomized opensource, inputformatfixedasbitstrings, regularlanguage butdomainspecific controlofoutputformat, requiresregex-to-DFAconversion This FPE/ range-sliceof deterministic/ opensource, controlofinputandoutputformat, Work FTE chosenregularlanguage randomized configurationtoolchain, NFAandDFAranking, nondomainspecific regex-to-DFAconversionnotrequired Table2: Analysisofpriorworks,andacomparisonoffeatures. FPE,seeRogaway[20]. specify the FFX mode of operation, which is a specific FPE was first given a formal cryptographic treatment kindofFPEschemeandisbasedontheBRRSwork[5]. byBellare, Ristenpart, RogawayandSpies(BRRS)[5]. FFXtakesaparameter2 ≤ r ≤ 216, theradix, anden- In their work, BRRS suggested an approach to FPE crypts a plaintext P ∈ L = (cid:83) {0,1,...,r −1}(cid:96) to a (cid:96) called the “rank-encipher-unrank” construction. First, ciphertext in L with |L| = |P|. The length (cid:96) ranges they show how to build a cipher that maps Z to Z , between a minimum value of 2 (or 10, if r ≥ 10) and N N for an arbitrary fixed number N. (Recall that Z = 232−1. Forexample,FFX[10]enciphersstringsofdec- N {0,1,...N − 1}.) Now say that X is a set of strings imal digits to (same length) strings of decimal digits; thatallfitsomespecifiedformat,andonedesiresanen- FFX[8]doeslikewiseforoctalstrings. Inaddition,FFX cryption scheme mapping X to X. A classic algorithm hasanextra“tweak”input,makingitalength-preserving duetoGoldbergandSipser(GS)[12]showsthat,givena tweakablecipher,inthesenseof[17]. Thetweakallows DFAforX,thereexistsanefficientlycomputablefunc- FFXtosupportassociateddata. tion rank : X → Z , where |X| = N and rank(x) We are aware of no public, open-source implementa- N is defined to be its position (its “rank”) in the shortlex tionsofFFX,thoughtheredoexistproprietaryones[3]. orderingofX. Inaddition,rankhasanefficientlycom- Even given such an implementation, the formats sup- putable inverse unrank : Z → X, so that unrank (i) ported by FFX are not as general as we might like. N L is the i-th string in the ordering of L. Then to encrypt For example, the scheme does not support domain Z N a string x ∈ X: (1) rank the input x to yield a num- when N is not expressible as r(cid:96) for the supported bera←rank(x),(2)enciphera,givinganewnumberb, radices r. One can rectify this using cycle walking [8] then(3)unrankbtoyieldtheciphertexty ←unrank(b), buttheburdenisondeveloperstoproperlydoso,hinder- whichisanelementofX. ingusability. Moreover,theuserislefttodeterminehow BRRS focus on FPE for sets X that are a slice of a besttomapmoregeneralformatsintothesetofformats languageL,thatisX =L∩ΣnforsomenandwhereΣ thatFFXsupports. is the alphabet of L. Relatedly, we define a range-slice Format-transformingencryption.Dyer,Coull,Risten- ofalanguageLasX = L∩(Σn∪Σn+1∪···∪Σm), part and Shrimpton (DCRS) [11] introduced the notion forn≤m.Thelatterissuperiorbecauseitoffersgreater offormat-transformingencryption, andgaveapurpose- flexibility,althoughnotexploredbyBRRS.Still,extend- built scheme that mapped bitstring plaintexts to cipher- ing BRRS to an FPE scheme over the entire (regular) texts belonging to a specified regular language. Their languageispossible,byestablishingatotalrankingone FTEschemewasbuilttoforceprotocolmisidentification slice at a time. The main disadvantage of the BRRS in state of the art deep-packet-inspection (DPI) systems scheme is that it requires a DFA to represent the set X. usedforInternetcensorship. For most users, this is an unnatural way to specify lan- The DCRS scheme is randomized, which lets it tar- guages,orslicesthereof. get strong privacy goals for the plaintexts (namely, se- WequicklynotethattheBRRSalgorithmmaybesus- mantic security [13]), and also naturally aligns with us- ceptibletotiming-basedside-channelattacks,sincerank ingstandardencryptionschemesasbuildingblocks. The is not constant time. Timing information may therefore scheme itself is similar in spirit to BRRS: the plaintext leak partial information about plaintexts. We leave to bitstring is encrypted using an authenticated encryption future work exploration of this potential security issue, scheme,theresultingintermediateciphertextinterpreted whichextendstolibfteandothernon-constant-timemes- as a number, and this number is then unranked into the sageencodingsaswell. targetlanguage.LikeBRRS,thisschemeworksonslices The FFX scheme. Bellare, Rogaway, and Spies [7] ofagivenregularlanguage. 3 DCRS observe that regular expressions provide a FPE/FTE schemes. Loosely, the API takes a configura- friendlier programming interface for specifying inputs. tion, describing what algorithms to use, and some key But to use the GS scheme for ranking/unranking, they inputsforthosealgorithms,whiletheassistanthelpsde- mustfirstconvertthegivenregularexpressiontoanNFA velopers determine good configurations. Let us start by andthenfromanNFAtoaDFA.Thelaststepoftenleads talkingabouttheassistant. toalargeblowupinthenumberofstates,sometimesren- Configuration assistant. A format is a tuple F = deringtheprocesscompletelyintractable. (Examplesof (R,α,β), where R is a regular expression, and α ≤ β suchregexs,andtheassociatedNFAandDFAsizes,are are numbers. A format defines a set of strings L(F) = giveninTable6inSection6.) Evenwhentheprocessis (cid:12) {s ∈ L(R)(cid:12)α ≤ |s| ≤ β },whereL(R)istheset tractable,theprecomputedtablesthatDCRSandBRRS of strings matched by R. Following traditional naming use to implement ranking require space that scales lin- conventions, we call L(F) the language of the format. earlyinthenumberofstatesintheDFA.Manyofthefor- Because of its wide-spread use, in libfte the input R is matsusedbyDCRSrequireseveralmegabytesofmem- specifiedinPerl-CompatibleRegularExpressionsyntax. ory; in one case, 383MB. This is prohibitive for many However,wenotethatPCREsyntaxallowsexpressions applications, especiallyifonewantstokeepseveralpo- that have no equivalent, formal regular expression. For tentialformatsinmemory. instance,PCREexpressionsusing\1,\2,...(where\1is Thus,inmanyinstancesitwouldbepreferabletouse a back-reference to the first capture group; see [1]) are the NFA representation of the given regex, but BRRS not even context free, let alone regular. Thus, libfte ac- showed that ranking given just the NFA representation cepts expressions built from a subset of the full PCRE ofaregularlanguageisPSPACE-hard.BuildinganyFPE syntax. orFTEschemethatworksdirectlyfromanNFAhasre- Ourconfigurationassistanttakesasinputtwoformats, mainedanopenproblem. onedescribingtheformatofplaintextstrings(F ), and P We also note that developers might hope for a gen- one describing the desired format of ciphertext strings eralpurposeFTEscheme,thattakesarbitraryregularex- (F ). Italsoacceptssome“preferenceparameters”,for C pressions for the input and output formats, and that can example specifying the maximum memory footprint of bebuiltfromexistingdeterministiccryptographicprim- anyschemeconsideredbytheassistant,buttheseareset itives (e.g., wideblock tweakable blockciphers) or ran- tosomereasonabledefaultvalueifnotspecified. Itthen domized ones (e.g., authenticated encryption schemes). runs a battery of tests, in an effort to determine which But actually instantiating such a scheme presents an ar- configurationswillresultinFPE/FTEschemethatabide rayofalgorithmicandengineeringchoices;inthecurrent by the user’s inputs. Concretely, the assistant outputs a stateofaffairs,expertknowledgeisrequired. table listing various possible configurations (some con- Summary. While a number of approaches to FPE and figurations may not be possible, given the user’s input), FTEexist,thereisagapbetweentheoryanddeveloper- along with information pertaining to expected perfor- friendly tools. Implementations are non-existent, and manceandmemoryusage. Giventheuser’spreferences, even expert developers encounter challenges when im- the table lists the best option first. In the case that no plementing schemes from the literature, including: un- availableconfigurationispossible,theassistantprovides derstandingandmanagingmemoryrequirements,devel- informationastowhy,sothattheusercanaltertheirin- oping a “good” construction, or engineering the plain- putsandtryagain. text/ciphertext format pair. Finally, there exist funda- TheencryptionAPI. Thealgorithmlibraryexposesan mentalperformanceroadblockswhenusingsomeclasses encryptionAPIthattakesasinputanencryptionconfig- of regular expressions. This is compounded by the fact uration, which consist of a plaintext format, a cipher- that, a priori, it isn’t obvious when a given regex will text format, and a configuration identifier. The latter is raisetheseroadblocks. a string that specifies the desired methods for perform- ingranking,unranking,encryptionanddecryption. The library performs all necessary precomputations (initial- 3 Overviewoflibfte izerankers,buildlook-uptables,etc.) inaninitialization function andreturnsahandletoanobjectthatcanper- To aid adoption and usage of FPE and FTE, we de- formencryptionanddecryption, accordingtothespeci- veloped a set of tools known collectively as libfte. At fiedconfiguration. Currently,tenconfigurationsaresup- a high level, libfte has two primary components (see portedbylibfte(seeSection6fordescriptions). Figure3): astandalonetoolcalledtheconfigurationas- sistant, and a library of algorithms (implemented in a Roadmap. In Sections 4 and 5 we describe in detail mixture of Python and C/C++) that exposes an API for thealgorithmsthatresultintheseconfigurations. InSec- encryption and decryption via a number of underlying tion 4 we detail a new type of ranking algorithm, what 4 encryption is prefer (memory input/output format d(reatnedrmominiizsetdic )| … utilpizeartfioornm |a rnucneti)me M foinrpmuatt foourtmpuatt … “valid?” a b b rank encrypt Y unrank … … N “try again” C valid valid invalid valid config. config. config. config. Figure3: Left: Thelibfte configurationassistant(builtagainstthelibrary)helpsuserscreateformatsthatmeettheir specific performance requirements. The assistant takes an input/output format pair and uses a decision-tree process to determine if the formats are valid. If the formats are deemed valid, performance statistics are reported for the instantiatedscheme(s). Right: ThelibraryimplementsAPIsforFPE/FTEschemes. Shownisadiagramofthebasic flowofourFPE/FTEschemes. Asinputittakesaninput/outputformatandmessageM andreturnsaciphertextC. wecallrelaxedranking,thatallowsustoworkmoredi- lenges. rectlywithregularexpressions(inparticular,theirequiv- alent NFAs), and sidestep the PSPACE-hardness obsta- 4.1 RelaxedRanking cle. In Section 5, we lay out methods of combining re- laxed ranking with standard cryptographic primitives to We introduce a framework for building FPE and FTE build both deterministic and randomized FPE and FTE schemes directly from NFAs. The resulting algorithms schemes. Fordeterministicschemes,weleverageatech- willoftenusesignificantlylessmemorythantheDFAap- niquecalledcyclewalking,andforrandomizedschemes, proach,thusenablinggeneral-purposeregex-basedrank- weemployrejectionsampling. ing in memory-constrained applications. For instance, Then in Section 6 we describe specific instantiations theNFAfortheregex(a|b)∗a(a|b){20}has48states. oftheseschemes,andexplainhowtheconfigurationas- A key insight is that we can circumvent the negative sistant works in more detail. Finally, in Section 7 we result about NFA ranking if we shift to a relaxed rank- showhowtheseschemescanbeputtoworkinthreedif- ing approach, which we formally define in a moment. ferentusecases: databaseencryption,webformencryp- This will require, in turn, constructing FPE and FTE tion,andnetworkmonitorcircumvention. schemes given only relaxed ranking which we address inSection5. 4 Fast,RelaxedRanking 4.1.1 RelaxedRankingSchemes The rank-encipher-unrank method for constructing Informally,arelaxedrankingofalanguageLrelaxesthe FPE/FTE schemes needs efficient techniques for map- requirementforabijectionfromLtoZ . |L| ping strings in a regular language L to positive integers Formally, arelaxedrankingschemeforLisapairof aswellascomputingtheinverseoperation(mappingpos- functionsRank andUnrank ,suchthat: L L itive integers back to strings in the language). Exist- 1. Rank : L → Z is injective, i ≥ |L| (Note that L i ing techniques are often impractical for two main rea- wecapitalize‘Rank’todistinguishrelaxedranking sons. First, the traditional DFA-based ranking requires fromranking.) the construction of a DFA corresponding to a regular 2. Unrank :Z →Lissurjective;and expression. DFAs for some regular expressions can be L i verylarge.Forinstance,theminimumDFAfortheregex 3. ForallX ∈L,UnrankL(RankL(X))=X. (a|b)∗a(a|b){20} has 1+221 states. Second, the num- The last condition means that we can correctly invert bersinvolvedinrankingcanbeverylarge(forlanguages points in the image of L, denoted Img(L) ⊆ Z . Note withmanystrings)andoperationsontheseintegerscan i thatarankingisarelaxedrankingwithi=|L|. therefore be computationally expensive. As an extreme example, ranking a 10,000-byte long element accepted DFA-based ranking revisited. As a thought experi- bytheregex.∗requiresnumbersofupto(28)10000 bits, ment,onecanviewthetraditionalGSDFA-basedrank- or 10,000 bytes. This section tackles these two chal- ingforregularlanguagesasfollows:letIbethesetofall 5 acceptingpathsinaDFA.First,onemapsastringX ∈L Pathπcanalsobeexpressedasasequenceoftransitions toitsacceptingpathπ ∈ I. Then,onemapsπ toan τ τ ···τ ,wheren = |π|isthelengthofπ. Thesuffix X X 1 2 n integerviaan(exact)ranking. Thecompositionofthese π1ofthepathπisτ ···τ ,andwehaveπ =τ π1. The 2 n 1 twofunctionsyieldsarankingfunctionforallstringsin sequenceofcharactersinthepathisπ| =a a ...a . Σ j1 j2 jn L. In the DFA ranking algorithms of [5,12], these two The intermediate set I. An accepting path is one that stepsaremerged. ends in an accepting state. Let Acc (q) be the set M Atwo-stageframework. Wecanusethistwo-steppro- of accepting paths starting from state q. We let I = ceduretobuildefficientrelaxedrankingalgorithms.Sup- Acc (q ). M 0 posewedesiretobuildarelaxedrankingfunctionRank L The functions map and unmap. We must map from L fromagivensetLintoZ . Wefirstidentifythreecom- i toI andback. Thelatterissimpler: defineunmap(π)to ponents: bethewordπ| .Thisisfasttocompute,intimelinearin Σ 1. an intermediate set I for which we can efficiently |w|. Theforwarddirectionmap(w)requiresadetermin- performranking,i.e.,thereisanefficientalgorithm istic choice for an accepting path for w. This is called forrank :I →Z wherei=|I|; I i parsing. Any suitable parsing algorithm will work, but 2. aninjectivefunctionmap:L→I;and we note that the most obvious algorithms may be quite 3. a surjective function unmap: I → L such that for inefficient. Forexample, simplyrecordingallaccepting allX ∈Litholdsthatunmap(map(X))=X. pathswhilerunningtheNFArunsintimeexponentialin Wethendefine |w|intheworstcase. Rank (X) = rank (map(X)) Linear-time parsing. We now give the (to the best of L I our knowledge) first algorithm for determining a com- Unrank (Y) = unmap(unrank (Y)) L I pactrepresentationofallofanNFA’sacceptingpathsfor Shouldunmapadditionallybeinjective,thenRank isa astringw. Thenmap(w)simplyrunsthisalgorithmfor L bijection,andwehave(strict)ranking. wandoutputsthelexicographicallyleastacceptingpath. Atfirstglance, thisframeworkmayseemtonothave Ouralgorithmconstructsanimplicitrepresentationofa accomplishedmuchaswerelyonastrictrankingtoreal- directed-acyclicgraph(DAG)representingallaccepting izeit. ButwewillensurethatthelanguageI allowsfor paths for w. The lexicographically least accepting path strict ranking, and so the framework allows us to trans- for w can then be found using a simple traversal of the formtheproblemofrankingfromadifficultset(L)toan DAG.Nextwedescribethealgorithmindetail. easierone(I). Let M = (Q,Σ,δ,q ,F) be an NFA, Q(cid:48) ⊆ Q, and 0 c∈Σ. Wedenotebyδ(Q(cid:48),c)thesetofstatesqsuchthat 4.1.2 RelaxedRankingUsingNFAs (q(cid:48),c,q)∈δforsomeq(cid:48) ∈Q(cid:48),andbyδ−1(Q(cid:48),c)theset ofstatesqsuchthat(q,c,q(cid:48))∈δforsomeq(cid:48) ∈Q(cid:48). We construct relaxed ranking for NFAs using the ap- Consider a string w = c c ...c . Traditional NFA proach above. We use as intermediate set I the set of 1 2 n matchingstartswithafrontierofstatesF = {q },and allacceptingpathsintheNFA.Tomapintothisset,for 0 0 ateverypositionk inw itcomputesF = δ(F ,c ). each string in L we deterministically pick an accepting k k−1 k The string is accepted if F ∩ F (cid:54)= ∅. However, this path (a process called parsing). To rank on I we de- n doesnotalloweasyrecoveryofanacceptingpath,even fineapathordering,andgeneralizetheGoldberg-Sipser ifallF setsaresaved. Themainreasonforthisisthat rankingalgorithmforDFAstocountpathsbasedonthis k there might be states in the frontiers that do not lead to ordering. an accepting state. To work around this, we also scan RecallthatanNFAisa5-tupleM = (Q,Σ,δ,q ,F), 0 the input backwards, maintaining a backwards frontier where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is the alphabet, δ ⊆ Q × Σ × Q is the transition relation2, q ∈ Q is the set of states where Bn = F, and Bk−1 = δ−1(Bk,ck). 0 Giventhesequences{F }and{B },withk = 0,...,n, start state, and F ⊆ Q is the set of final (or accepting) k k states. If(q,a,q(cid:48)) ∈ δ thenMmaytransitionfromstate we compute {Sk} where Sk = Fk ∩ Bk. The set Sk qtostateq(cid:48) whenthecurrentinputsymbolisa. Wealso contains all states reachable from the start state follow- writeatransitionτ = (q,a,q(cid:48)) ∈ δ asq →a q(cid:48),whereq ing transitions on c1...ck such that ck+1ck+2...cn is an isthesourceandq(cid:48)isthedestinationofτ. acceptingpath. Together,{Sk}andtheNFAtransitions oftheform(q,c ,q(cid:48))withq ∈S ∧q(cid:48) ∈S ,forman ApathπinMisasequenceoftransitions k k−1 k implicit Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG) representation of q a→j1 q a→j2 q ···q a→jn q · allacceptingpathsforw. Finally,wetraversethisDAG i0 i1 i2 in−1 in starting from q ∈ S and following the lexicographi- 0 0 2Weassumethatthereareno(cid:15)-transitions,butthisiswithoutloss callysmallesttransitions,whichyieldsmap(w). ofgeneralityastherearestandardmethodstoefficientlyremovethem fromanNFA. NFA path ranking. All that remains is to give a strict 6 ranking algorithm for I, the set of accepting paths in c(cid:48)(cid:48)). InaDFAc(cid:48) = c(cid:48)(cid:48) =⇒ q(cid:48) = q(cid:48)(cid:48). Butequation (1) theNFA.Here,wecanadapttechniquesfromtheDFA- doesnothavetousestandardlexicographicalordering. based ranking by Goldberg and Sipser. Their algorithm Our idea is to give priority to states over characters. canbeviewedasarecursiveprocedureforcountingthe We assume a state and character order given by an ar- numberofacceptingDFApathsthatprecedeagivenpath bitrary but fixed enumeration of Q and Σ, and use the inlexicographicalorder. followingorderfortransitionsoriginatingfromthesame Let T(q,n) be the number of paths of length n in stateq:(q,c(cid:48),q(cid:48))(cid:108)(q,c(cid:48)(cid:48),q(cid:48)(cid:48))if-and-only-if(q(cid:48) <q(cid:48)(cid:48))or Acc (q). Note that, for all q ∈ Q and 0 ≤ i ≤ n, q(cid:48) = q(cid:48)(cid:48) andc(cid:48) < c(cid:48)(cid:48). Thisspecificorderallowsforpre- M thevalueofT(q,i)canbecomputedinpolynomialtime computationinequation(2). Inequation(2)wecanre- usingasimpledynamic-programmingalgorithm. placeallthetermsT(q(cid:48),n−1)whichcorrespondtotran- Assume that the NFA transitions are enumerated ac- sitions (q,c(cid:48),q(cid:48))(cid:108)τ with n[q,q(cid:48)]×T(q(cid:48),n−1), where cording to a total ordering, and that τ (cid:108)τ(cid:48) means that theprecomputedvaluen[q,q(cid:48)]representsthenumberof τ precedes τ(cid:48) according to this order. The ordering transitions from q to q(cid:48). Similarly, all the terms corre- ontransitionsinducesalexicographicalordering’≺’on sponding to edges τ(cid:48) = (q,c(cid:48),q(cid:48)(cid:48)), where τ(cid:48) (cid:108) τ = paths (which are sequences of transitions). Formally, if (q,c(cid:48)(cid:48),q(cid:48)(cid:48)), can be replaced by r[q,c(cid:48)(cid:48),q(cid:48)(cid:48)] × T(q(cid:48)(cid:48),n π =τ π1andπ =τ π1,thenthisorderis: −1),wherer[q,c(cid:48)(cid:48),q(cid:48)(cid:48)]isthenumberofsuchtransitions. 1 1 1 2 2 2 π ≺π ⇐⇒ τ (cid:108)τ ∨(cid:0)τ =τ ∧π1 ≺π1(cid:1) (1) These optimizations have benefit, because the numbers 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 T(q,n)canbeverylargemultipleprecisionintegers. Let rank(π) be the number of accepting paths π(cid:48) ≺ π that precede π in the lexicographical order on paths. It 5 BuildingFTESchemes followsthat,rank((cid:15)) = 0(therankoftheemptystring is0),andforanyπ =τπ1 ∈AccM(q),wehave: Now we turn to building FTE schemes, treating FPE in passing as a special case of FTE. We specifically give (cid:88) rank(π) = rank(π1)+ T(q(cid:48),n−1) (2) two methods for composing relaxed-ranking algorithms (q,c(cid:48),q(cid:48))(cid:108)τ with an underlying cryptographic primitive to make an Notethatthesumisovertransitionsτ(cid:48) = (q,c(cid:48),q(cid:48)) ∈ δ FTE scheme. For deterministic FTE, the cryptographic that precede τ in transition order, τ(cid:48) (cid:108)τ. In words, we component is a tweakable cipher (e.g. FFX), and we call the composition cycle-walking FTE. For random- are summing over all outgoing edges from q that lead ized FTE, the cryptographic component is an authenti- topathsthatarelexicographicallysmallerthanthepaths cated encryption scheme, and we call the composition thatfollowthetransitionτ.Unrollingtherecursiongives method rejection-sampling FTE. (Impatient readers can us an iterative procedure for ranking accepting paths of look ahead to Figure 4 for the pseudocode.) We delay lengthnthatcanbeefficientlyimplementedviadynamic specificinstantiationsoftheschemesuntilSection6.1. programming. To conclude, the relaxed ranking for a string w ac- Informal FTE scheme syntax. We provide a formal ceptedbyanNFAisRank(w)=rank(map(w)),andthe treatmentofFTEschemesyntaxinthefullversion. We reverseisUnrank(r)=unmap(unrank(r)). provide a simpler, more informal discussion of it here; this will suffice for what follows. An FTE scheme is a pair of algorithms (Enc,Dec). The FTE encryption al- 4.2 LargeIntegerDFA/NFAOptimization gorithmEnctakesasinputs We present a simple but effective optimization that • akeyK speeds up both NFA and DFA-based ranking. In prac- • apairofformats(F ,F )thatdescribethelanguage P C tice,rankingefficiencydependsonhowfastweevaluate L(F )ofplaintextinputs, andthelanguageL(F ) P C thesuminequation(2),andthisdependsontheprecise ofciphertextoutputs definitionofthetransitionorder. Wedefinethisorderso • aplaintextstringM ∈L(F ) thatwecanreplacemultiplelarge-integeradditionswith P asinglemultiplication. Ourexperimentsconfirmedthat • associateddata,andencryptionparameters(bothop- thisreplacementindeedresultedinfastercode. tional) Observethatequations(1)and(2)usedforpathrank- andoutputsaciphertextstringC ∈ L(F ),oraspecial C ingdependonlyontransition(edge)orderandstructure “failure” symbol ⊥. Associated data is data that must oftheautomaton. ThisobservationisvalidforbothNFA beboundtotheunderlyingplaintext,butwhoseprivacy andDFA.Previous,traditional,DFArankingisgivenby is not required. (For example, metadata meant to pro- these equations and standard lexicographical ordering, videcontextfortheuseorprovenanceoftheplaintext.) usingcharacterorder: (q,c(cid:48),q(cid:48))(cid:108)(q,c(cid:48)(cid:48),q(cid:48)(cid:48))⇐⇒(c(cid:48) < Weallowforencryptionparameterstohelpenforcespe- 7 EncT(M): DecT(C): EncT(M): DecT(C): K K K K c ←n2s(r,Rank (M)) p ←n2s(r,Rank (C)) a←Rank (M) b←Rank (C) 0 X 0 Y X Y i←0 i←0 M(cid:48) ←n2s(t−τ,a) C(cid:48) ←n2s(t,b) Do Do i←0 IfC(cid:48) =⊥Ret⊥ ifi>imaxthenRet⊥ i←i+1 Do M(cid:48)←$DKT(C(cid:48)) i←i+1 p ←DT(p ) ifi>i thenRet⊥ IfM(cid:48) =⊥Ret⊥ i K i−1 max c ←ET(c ) u←s2n(r,p ) i←i+1 a←s2n(t−τ,M(cid:48)) i K i−1 i v←s2n(r,ci) Untilu∈Img(X) C(cid:48)←$EKT(M(cid:48)) RetUnrankX(a) Untilv∈Img(X)∪Img(Y) RetUnrank (u) b←s2n(t,C(cid:48)) X Ifv∈Img(Y)then Untilb∈Img(Y) RetUnrank (v) RetUnrank (b) Y Y Ret⊥ Figure4: Left: Cycle-walkingdeterministicFTE.n2s(r,a)returnsthestringrepresentingnumberainradixr, and s2n(r,b)returnsthenumberwhoseradixrrepresentationisb. Theparameteri determinesthemaximumnumber max ofiterations. Right: Rejection-samplingrandomizedFTE. cific failure criteria, which will become clear when we ate sets I(X) for X and I(Y) for Y. If Rank and X describe our schemes. We write EncT,P(M) for FTE Rank arethecorrespondingrelaxed-rankingfunctions, K Y encryption of message M, under key K, using associ- let Img(X) be the image of X under Rank , and like- X ated data T and parameters P. To ease the burden of wise Img(Y) be the image of Y under Rank . Define Y notation(slightly),wetypicallydonotexplicitlylistthe N = |I(X)| and N = |I(Y)|. (Recall that if we X Y parameters as inputs. The encryption algorithm may be are using NFA-based ranking over either X or Y, these randomized, meaning that fresh randomness is used for values can be significantly larger than |X| or |Y|.) We eachencryption. assumethatbothN ,N arefinite. X Y The FTE decryption algorithm Dec takes as input Say one has a tweakable cipher3 E that natively (F ,F ),K,aciphertextC,andtheassociateddataT supports strings over a variety of radices, e.g. FFX. P C (ifany),andreturnsaplaintextM or⊥. Thedecryption (At a minimum, there are many constructions of se- algorithmisalwaysdeterministic. cure tweakable ciphers that support radix 2, e.g. [9, Unlike conventional encryption schemes, we do not 14, 15].) Now, fix integers r ≥ 2 and t ≥ demandthatEncTK,P(M)alwaysyieldavalidciphertext, (cid:100)max{logr(NX),logr(NY)}(cid:101),sothatastringoftsym- oralwaysyield⊥,whenT,P andK arefixed. Instead, bols from {0,1,...,r − 1} suffices to represent the weallowencryptionto“fail”,withsomesmallprobabil- relaxed-rankings of X and Y. Then if E can encipher ity, to produce a ciphertext for a any given plaintext in the set of strings {0,1,...,r − 1}t, we can encrypt a its domain. Doing so will permit us to give simple and plaintextM ∈X asshownontheleftsideofFigure4. naturalFTEschemesthatwouldberuledoutotherwise. Cyclewalking. Awell-knownfactaboutpermutations Ingeneral,theformatscanchangeduringthelifetime is that they can be decomposed into a collection of dis- of the key, even on a per-plaintext basis. (Of course, jointcycles:startingfromanyelementainthedomainof changes must be synchronized between parties.) When thepermutationπ,repeatedapplicationofπwillresultin we talk about an FTE scheme being over some given asequenceofdistinctvaluesthateventuallyendswitha. formats, or their languages, we implicitly have in mind BlackandRogaway[8]werethefirsttoexploitthisfact some notion of a format-session, during which the for- tobuildcipherswithnon-standarddomains,andweuse matsdonotchange. it,too. ForanyfixedK andT,themappinginducedby ET isapermutation. Thus,insidetheDo-loop,thedis- K tinctstringsc ,c ← ET(c ),c ← ET(ET(c )),and 5.1 Cycle-walking(deterministic)FTE 0 1 K 0 2 K K 0 soonformasequencethateventuallymustreturntoc . 0 To build deterministic FTE schemes we take inspira- Intuitively,ifwewantaciphertextthatbelongstoapar- tionfromBRRSrank-encrypt-unrank. However,accom- ticular subset S ⊆ {0,1,...,r −1}t, we can walk the modating format transformations and, especially, NFA- cycleuntilwehitastringci ∈S. based language representations introduces new chal- Thereare,however,twoimportantdetailstoconsider. lenges. The first is that encryption is not guaranteed to hit any To begin, let X = L(F ) and Y = L(F ). As- P C 3IftheFTEschemedoesnotneedtosupportassociateddata,then sume that we perform relaxed ranking using the two- theunderlyingcipherneednotbetweakable,andreferencestoTinthe stage framework in Section4.1.1, with the intermedi- pseudocodecanbedropped. 8 stringc ∈ S. Forexample,ifthesubsetissmall,orthe thishappens,theresultingincycle-walkingschememay i cycleisveryshort. Soencryptionmustbeequippedwith beprohibitivelyinefficientinsomeapplications. test that tells it when this has happened, and ⊥ should Simplifications. We note that the cycle-walking tech- bereturned. Thesecondisthattheremustbeatestthat niqueisusedin[5],aswell,buttheyrestricttothemuch uniquelyidentifiesthestartingstringc . Thisisbecause 0 simpler case that X = Y. More generally when we decryption should work by waking the cycle in reverse. know that Img(X) ⊆ Img(Y), we can simplify our Absent a test that uniquely identifies c , it may not be 0 construction. One may still need to cycle-walk in this clearwhenthereversecycle-walkshouldstop. case if rt > |Y|. For example, say one desires to use Our implementation deals with both of these issues. r = 2 (binary strings) but the larger of |X|,|Y| is not In particular, c is the t-symbol string that results from 0 a power of two. But when Img(X) ⊆ Img(Y) we relaxed-ranking our FTE plaintext input M. By defini- know that, if the encryption cycle-walk terminates be- tion,c isastringthat,whenviewedasaradix-rinteger, 0 forei steps, thenitalwaysfindsapointinImg(Y), max isinImg(X). Wedesiretofindac that, whenviewed i i.e.p =1.Also,theexpectednumberofstepsisatmost s as an integer, is in Img(Y), since this is the set of in- rt/|Img(Y)|=rt/|Y|,againmodelingET asarandom tegers that yield ciphertexts in Y that will be properly K permutation. Finally, we note that the walk termination decrypted. Intuitively,thewalkshouldhaltonthefirsti testcanbesimplifiedtov ∈Img(Y),andencryptioncan for which this is true. But then, if any of c ,...,c 1 i−1 thereafterimmediatelyreturnUnrank (v). Y representintegersthatareinImg(X),properdecryption isnotpossible(becausewedonotknowhowmanysteps Security. Wementioned, above, thatthestandardsecu- to go from c back to c ). Thus our cycle-walking en- rityassumptionforatweakablecipheristhat, whenthe i 0 cryption checks, at each step, to see if the current walk keyK issecret,everyassociateddatastringT resultsin shouldbeterminatedbecausedecryptionwillnotbepos- EKT(·) being indistinguishable from a random permuta- sible, or because we have found a c that will yield a tion. Underthisassumption,itisnothardtoseethatthe i ciphertext Y that will decrypt properly. We also allow cycle-walkingconstructionoutputs(essentially)random cycle-walkingFTEtotakeamaximum-number-of-steps elementsofthesetY = L(Fc),whenitdoesnotoutput parameter imax, and encryption fails if that number of ⊥. Intuitively,eachEKT(ci−1)inthecycle-walkisaran- stepsisexceeded. domstring(subjecttopermutivity),sothecorresponding numbervrepresentedbythestringisrandom,too. Thus, Efficiency. The standard security assumption for a ifv ∈Img(Y),itisarandomelementofthisset,result- tweakable cipher is that, for any secret key K, and any ing in a random element of Y being chosen when v is associateddataT,themappinginducedbyET isindis- K unranked. tinguishable from that of a random permutation. Mod- In the full version we formally define a security no- eling ET as such, the expected number of steps be- K tionfordeterministicFTEschemes, andgiveatheorem forethecycle-walkterminatesisatmostrt/|Img(X)∪ statingthesecurityofourconstructionrelativetothisse- Img(Y)| (a conservative bound) and never more than curitynotion. i . Assuming the walk terminates before i steps, max max thentheprobabilitythattheencryptionsucceedsisp = s |Img(Y)|/|Img(X)∪Img(Y)|. Since relaxed ranking 5.2 Rejection-Sampling(randomized)FTE is injective, |Img(X)| = |X| and |Img(Y)| = |Y|, so p ≥ 1/(1+|X|/|Y|). Thusweexpectthatp isquite We now turn our attention to building randomized FTE s s closeto1if|Y|(cid:29)|X|. schemes. Let Π = (K,E,D) be a conventional, ran- Each step of the cycle-walk requires checking v ∈ domized,authenticated-encryptionschemewithsupport Img(X)∪Img(Y),whichcanbedonebycheckingv ∈ forassociateddata(AEAD).Weassumethatthisscheme Img(X) first (signaling termination of the walk), and has a fixed ciphertext stretch τ; this is typical of in-use thenv ∈ Img(Y)(signalingsuccessfultermination). A AEADschemes. TobuildarandomizedFTEschemeus- straightforwardwaytoimplementthelastistotestifv = ing a generalized ranking scheme, we use a rejection- Rank (Unrank (v)) or, using our two-stage viewpoint sampling approach. Let t be the least integer such that Y Y on relaxed ranking, map(Unrank(v)) = unrank (v), both of the following are true: (1) |I(X)| ≤ 2t−τ, and I whichmaybefaster.Checkingv ∈Img(X)canbedone (2) |I(Y)| ≤ 2t. Then to encrypt M ∈ X, or de- likewise. crypt C ∈ Y, under key K and associated data T, we Recall that the NFA representation of a regex, un- doasshownontherightsideofFigure4. like a DFA representation, may have many accepting AstandardsecurityassumptionforAEADschemesis paths for a given string in its language. This can lead thatitsciphertextsareindistinguishablefromstrings(of to N (cid:29) |X| = Img(X) or N (cid:29) |Y| = Img(Y), thesamelength)thatareuniformlyrandom. Underthis X Y hence, potentially, rt (cid:29) |Img(X) ∪ Img(Y)|. When assumption,treatingeachC(cid:48)asarandomt-bitstring,the 9 Sub-Component Writtenin... LinesofCode RegularExpressionParser C/C++/Flex/Bison 2,057 For deterministic schemes (those without the final $) DFAMinimizer C/C++ 1,166 we use the cycle-walking construction, with FFX[2] NFA/DFARanking C/C++ 2,752 as the underlying tweakable cipher. For randomized FFX C++ 842 schemes, we use the rejection-sampling construction. FPE/FTE C++ 870 ConfigurationAssistant C++/Python 731 As the underlying encryption scheme, we employ the Bellare-Rogaway“encode-then-encipher”paradigm[6], Table5: Thesub-componentsoflibfte. prepending the result of Rank (M) (interpreted as a X fixed-length bitstring) with the appropriate number of random padding bits, and applying FFX[2] to this. Be- causeourparticularapplicationofrandomizedFTEdoes expectednumberofinvocationsofET is2t/|Img(Y)|= K notneedsupportforassociateddata,theFFXtweakwas 2t/|Y|. (Andcertainlynomorethani .) max fixed to an all-zeros string, and we do not need redun- Underthisstandardsecurityassumption,itisintuitive dancypaddinginourencode-then-encipherscheme. that any element of Y = F returned by our rejection- c Wenotethat,althoughwefixedspecificinstantiations sampling FTE is a uniform one. If each C(cid:48) is indistin- of FPE/FTE schemes for the sake of a concrete evalua- guishablefromarandomstring, thenthecorresponding tion, there is no reason to restrict to these. In the ran- number b represented by C(cid:48) is random, too. Hence if domizedscheme,forexample,onecoulduseCTR-AES b∈Img(Y),thenitisarandomelementofthatset,and (witharandomIV)andHMAC-SHA256inan“encrypt- sotheelementofY thatresultsfromunrankingbwillbe then-mac”composition[4,18](includinganyassociated random. datainthemac-scope)fortheunderlyingprimitive.4 We give a formal security notion for randomized FTE, and a security theorem for rejection-sampling- basedFTE,inthefullversion. 6.2 TheLibFTE ConfigurationAssistant We now turn our attention towards the implementation 6 RealizingLibFTE details of the libfte configuration assistant. We di- videtheinternalworkflowoftheconfigurationassistant In Section5 we explored strategies for constructing into three steps. First, we gather requirements from the FPE/FTE schemes in theory. Now, let’s concretely de- user, this is done by the user passing parameters to a scribetheschemesimplementedinlibfte. command-line interface. Then, we start with an initial setofallpossibleFPE/FTEschemes(i.e.,P-xx,T-xx,T- Implementation. The libfte implementation is a hy- xx-$) that one could instantiate, and use a decision tree brid of C, C++, Python, Flex and Bison. We present a algorithm to eliminate schemes from the initial set that detailed breakdown of the sub-components in Table5. donotsatisfyuserrequirements. Finally, theconfigura- We engineered a custom regular expression parser be- tion assistant analyzes the set of all schemes that were cause off-the-shelf solutions did not expose the appro- not eliminated in stage two, performs a battery of tests priate data structures necessary to implement our NFA onthem, andreturnstheresultstotheuser. Weprovide relaxed-rankingalgorithm. asampleoutputofthistoolinFigure7. In addition to a native C++ inteface, we also pro- vide interfaces in Python and JavaScript for libfte. The Collectingrequirementsfromtheuser.Thecommand- Python interface is exposed through a manually-written line configuration assistant (see Figure7) takes two re- wrapperaroundtheC++implementation.TheJavaScript quiredparameters,theinputandoutputformats. Inaddi- interface is provided through C++-to-JavaScript compi- tion to the required parameters, the configuration assis- lation. tant takes optional parameters, most notably: the mem- ory threshold for the configuration assistant to deter- minize regexs, and the memory threshold for FPE/FTE 6.1 SchemesImplementedinLibFTE schemeinstantiation. Identifying feasible schemes. Next, the configuration Weuseashorthandnotationtorefertotypesoflibfte in- assistant’s job is to eliminate schemes that fall outside stantiations.Asanexample,T-ND-$isaanFTEscheme theuser-specifiedrequirements. Itstartswithasetofall that uses NFA-based ranking (Section4.1) for the input possibleFPE/FTEschemesthatonecouldconstruct(i.e., format,andDFA-basedranking(Section4.2)fortheout- put format, and is randomized ($); T-ND denotes the 4One should keep in mind the interaction between the cipher- same,buttheschemeisdeterministic.FPEconstructions textlengthoverheadsofAEADandtheexpectednumberofstepsin aresimilarlynamed,butbeginwithP. rejection-sampling. 10

ment of format-preserving encryption (FPE) and format- transforming encryption as the FFX mode-of-operation [7], which is already used in some commercial
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