DISCRETE MINIMAL ENERGY PROBLEMS LectureII E.B.Saff CenterforConstructiveApproximation VanderbiltUniversity UniversityofCrete,HeraklionMay,2017 FundamentalThm: lim (A,N)/N2 =W (A).Everyweak∗ N→∞ K K E limitmeasureofthesequence ν(ω∗) ∞ forN-pointK-energy { N }N=2 minimizingconfigurationsω∗ isanequilibriummeasureforthe N continuousproblemonA. Recall Notation ω = x ,...,x A, Acompact,infinite N 1 N { }⊂ K :A A R + , symmetricandl.s.c. × → ∪{ ∞} E (ω )= K(x,x) K N i j i(cid:54)=j (cid:88) (A,N)=min E (ω ): ω A, #ω =N K K N N N E { ⊂ } W (A):= min I [A]= min K(x,y)dµ(x)dµ(y) K K µ∈M(A) µ∈M(A) (cid:90)(cid:90) A×A µ equilibriummeasure,I [µ ]=W (A) A K A K ν(ω )= 1 δ , normalizedcountingmeasure N N x∈ωN x (cid:80) Recall Notation ω = x ,...,x A, Acompact,infinite N 1 N { }⊂ K :A A R + , symmetricandl.s.c. × → ∪{ ∞} E (ω )= K(x,x) K N i j i(cid:54)=j (cid:88) (A,N)=min E (ω ): ω A, #ω =N K K N N N E { ⊂ } W (A):= min I [A]= min K(x,y)dµ(x)dµ(y) K K µ∈M(A) µ∈M(A) (cid:90)(cid:90) A×A µ equilibriummeasure,I [µ ]=W (A) A K A K ν(ω )= 1 δ , normalizedcountingmeasure N N x∈ωN x Fundamen(cid:80)talThm: lim (A,N)/N2 =W (A).Everyweak∗ N→∞ K K E limitmeasureofthesequence ν(ω∗) ∞ forN-pointK-energy { N }N=2 minimizingconfigurationsω∗ isanequilibriummeasureforthe N continuousproblemonA. Riesz s-Energy in Euclidean Space HereafterA Rp and = x y , Euclideandistance. ⊂ ||·|| | − | TheRieszs-kernelisdefinedby 1 1 K (x,y):= , s >0; K (x,y):=log , x,y A. s x y s log x y ∈ | − | | − | Wewrite E (ω):=E (ω), (A,N)= (A,N), s >0 or s =log. s Ks Es EKs Forp =3,s =1,getCoulombkernel. ForA Rp ands =p 2,wegetNewtonkernel. ⊂ − Some Basic Properties of Riesz Energy • A B (A,N) (B,N) s s ⊂ ⇒ E ≥E • (A+x,N)= (A,N) s s E E • (αA,N)= α−s (A,N) s s E | | E • (A,N)iscontinuousins fors >0 s E • (A,N) N(N 1) lim Es − − = (A,N) s→0+ s Elog andforfixedN,everyclusterpointofminimals-energyN-point configurationsω(s) ass 0+ isanN-pointminimallogenergy N → configuration. Proposition(Proveit) ForeachfixedN 2, ≥ 1 lim (A,N)1/s = . s→∞Es δN(A) Moreover,everyclusterconfigurationass ofs-energy →∞ minimizingN-pointconfigurationsonAisanN-pointbest-packing configurationonA. Best-Packing and Riesz Energy (s ) → ∞ Recall: Separationdistanceofω = x ,...,x A N 1 N { }⊂ δ(ω ):= min x x . N i j 1≤i(cid:54)=j≤N| − | N-pointbest-packingdistanceonA, δ (A):=sup δ(ω ):ω A, #ω =N , N N N N { ⊂ } ω∗ isbest-packingconfigurationifδ(ω∗)=δ (A). N N N Best-Packing and Riesz Energy (s ) → ∞ Recall: Separationdistanceofω = x ,...,x A N 1 N { }⊂ δ(ω ):= min x x . N i j 1≤i(cid:54)=j≤N| − | N-pointbest-packingdistanceonA, δ (A):=sup δ(ω ):ω A, #ω =N , N N N N { ⊂ } ω∗ isbest-packingconfigurationifδ(ω∗)=δ (A). N N N Proposition(Proveit) ForeachfixedN 2, ≥ 1 lim (A,N)1/s = . s→∞Es δN(A) Moreover,everyclusterconfigurationass ofs-energy →∞ minimizingN-pointconfigurationsonAisanN-pointbest-packing configurationonA. Amusing Exercise LetA=S1,theunitcircleintheplaneR2. Provethatforeachs,0<s < ors =logtheN-throotsofunity(or ∞ anyrotationofthem)areminimals-energypointsforS1. Moreover, theyaretheonlysetsofminimalenergypoints. Moregenerally: ProvethisistrueifK(x,y)=f(x y ),wheref is | − | strictlyconvexanddecreasingon(0,2]. N =3? N =4? S2 = x R3 : x = 1 { ∈ | | } WhataboutminimalRieszenergypointsonS2 for N =2? N =4? S2 = x R3 : x = 1 { ∈ | | } WhataboutminimalRieszenergypointsonS2 for N =2? N =3?