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k-SHELLABLE SIMPLICIAL COMPLEXES AND GRAPHS 7 RAHIMRAHMATI-ASGHAR 1 0 2 Abstract. Inthispaperweshowthatak-shellablesimplicialcomplexisthe expansion of a shellable complex. We prove that the face ring of a pure k- n shellable simplicial complex satisfies the Stanley conjecture. In this way, by a applyingexpansionfunctortothefaceringofagivenpureshellablecomplex, J weconstruct alargeclassofringssatisfyingtheStanleyconjecture. 1 Also,bypresentingsomecharacterizationsofk-shellablegraphs,weextend 1 someresultsduetoCastrill´on-Cruz,Cruz-EstradaandVanTuyl-Villareal. ] C A . h Introduction t a Let ∆ be a simplicial complex on the vertex set X := {x ,...,x }. Denote by 1 n m hF ,...,F ithesimplicialcomplex∆withfacetsF ,...,F . ∆iscalledshellable if 1 r 1 r [ itsfacetscanbegivenalinearorderF ,...,F ,calledashelling order,suchthatfor 1 r 1 all2≤j,thesubcomplexhFji∩hF1,...,Fj−1iispureofdimensiondim(Fj)−1(see v [3] for probably the earliest definition of this term or as well [2] for a more recent 8 exposition). Studying combinatorial properties of shellable simplicial complexes 6 and algebraic constructions of their face rings and also the edge ideals associated 8 to shellable graphs is a current trend in combinatorics and commutative algebra. 2 See for example [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 21]. 0 . In this paper, we recall from [17] the concept of k-shellability, and extend some 1 results obtained previously by researchers. Actually, k is a positive integer and for 0 7 k =1, 1-shellability coincides with shellability. 1 Richard Stanley [20], in his famous article “Linear Diophantine equations and : local cohomology”, made a striking conjecture predicting an upper bound for the v i depth of a multigraded module. This conjecture is nowadays called the Stanley X conjecture and the conjectured upper bound is called the Stanley depth of a mod- r ule. TheStanleyconjecturehasbecomequite popular,withnumerouspublications a dealing with different aspects of the Stanley depth. Although a counterexample has apparentlyrecently been found to the Stanley conjecture (see [10]), this makes it perhaps even more interesting to explore the relationship between depth and Stanley depth. Let S = K[x ,...,x ] be the polynomial ring over a field K. Dress proved in 1 n [9] that the simplicial complex ∆ is shellable if and only if its face ring is clean. It is also known that cleanness implies pretty cleanness. Furthermore, Herzog and Popescu [12, Theorem 6.5] proved that, if I ⊂S is a monomial ideal, and S/I is a multigradedpretty cleanring,thenthe Stanley conjectureholdsforS/I. Itfollows that, for a shellable simplicial complex ∆, the face ring K[∆]= S/I satisfies the ∆ Stanley conjecture where I denotes the Stanley-Reisner ideal of ∆. We extend ∆ this result, in pure case, by showing that the face ring of a k-shellable simplicial complex satisfies the Stanley conjecture (see Theorem 3.2). We obtain this result 1 2 RAHIMRAHMATI-ASGHAR by extending Proposition 8.2 of [12] and presenting a filtration for the face ring of a k-shellable simplicial complex in Theorem 2.9. AsimplegraphGiscalledshellableifitsindependencecomplex∆ isashellable G simplicial complex. Shellable graphs were studied by several researchers in recent years. Forexample,VanTuylandVillarrealin[21]classifiedallofshellablebipartite graphs. Also, Castrill´on and Cruz characterized the shellable graphs and clutters by using the properties of simplicial vertices, shedding vertices and shedding faces ([5]). Here, we present some characterizations of k-shellable graphs and extend some results of [5], [7] and [21] (see Theorems 4.5, 4.7 and 4.10). Our idea is to define a new notion, called a k-simplicial set, which is a generalization of the notion of simplicial vertex defined in [8] or [14]. 1. Preliminaries For basic definitions and generalfacts onsimplicialcomplexes, we referto Stan- ley’s book [19]. Asimplicialcomplex∆ispure ifallofitsfacets(maximalfaces)areofthesame dimension. The link and deletion of a face F in ∆ are defined respectively lk (F)={G∈∆:G∩F =∅ and G∪F ∈∆} ∆ and dl∆(F)={G∈∆:F *G}. Let G be a simple (no loops or multiple edges) undirected graph on the vertex set V(G)=X and the edge set E(G). The independence complex of G is denoted by ∆ and F is a face of ∆ if and only if there is no edge of G joining any two G G verticesofF. The edge ideal of Gis defineda quadraticsquarefreemonomialideal I(G)=(x x :x x ∈E(G)). ItisknownthatI(G)=I . WesayGisashellable i j i j ∆G graph if ∆ is a shellable simplicial complex. G In the following we recall the concept of expansion functor in a combinatorial and an algebraic setting from [16] and [1], respectively. Let α = (k1,...,kn) be an n-tuple with positive integer entries in Nn. For F ={x ,...,x }⊆X define i1 ir Fα ={x ,...,x ,...,x ,...,x } i11 i1ki1 ir1 irkir as a subset of Xα :={x ,...,x ,...,x ,...,x }. Fα is called the expansion 11 1k1 n1 nkn of F with respect to α. For a simplicial complex ∆ = hF ,...,F i on X, we define the expansion of ∆ 1 r with respect to α as the simplicial complex ∆α =hFα,...,Fαi (see [16]). 1 r In[1]BayatiandHerzogdefinedtheexpansionfunctorinthecategoryoffinitely generated multigraded S-modules and studied some homological behaviors of this functor. We recall the expansion functor defined by them only in the category of monomialideals and refer the readerto [1]for moregeneralcase in the categoryof finitely generated multigraded S-modules. Set Sα a polynomial ring over K in the variables x ,...,x ,...,x ,...,x . 11 1k1 n1 nkn k-SHELLABLE SIMPLICIAL COMPLEXES AND GRAPHS 3 Whenever I ⊂ S is a monomial ideal minimally generated by u ,...,u , the ex- 1 r pansion of I with respect to α is defined r Iα =XP1ν1(ui)...Pnνn(ui) ⊂Sα i=1 whereP =(x ,...,x )is a prime idealofSα andν (u ) is the exponentof x in j j1 jk j i j u . i Example 1.1. Let I ⊂ K[x ,...,x ] be a monomial ideal minimally generated by 1 3 G(I)={x21x2,x1x3,x2x23} and let α=(2,2,1)∈N3. Then Iα = (x ,x )2(x ,x )+(x ,x )(x )+(x ,x )(x )2 11 12 21 22 11 12 31 21 22 31 = (x2 x ,x x x ,x2 x ,x2 x ,x x x ,x2 x ,x x ,x x ,x x2 ,x x2 ) 11 21 11 12 21 12 21 11 22 11 12 22 12 22 11 31 12 31 21 31 22 31 It was shown in [1] that the expansion functor is exact and so (S/I)α =Sα/Iα. The following lemma implies that two above concepts of expansion functor are related. Lemma 1.2. ([16, Lemma 2.1]) For a simplicial complex ∆ and α ∈ Nn we have (I )α =I . In particular, K[∆]α =K[∆α]. ∆ ∆α In this paper we just study the functors α=(k1,...,kn)∈Nn with ki =kj for all i,j. For convenience, we set α = [k] when every component of α is equal to k ∈N. We call I[k] (resp. ∆[k]) the expansion of I (resp. ∆) with respect to k. 2. Some combinatorial and algebraic properties of k-shellable complexes Thenotionofk-shellablesimplicialcomplexeswasfirstintroducedbyEmtander, Mohammadi and Moradi [11] to provide a natural generalization of shellability. It was shown in [11, Theorem 6.8] that a simplicial complex ∆ is k-shellable if and only if the Stanley-Reisner ideal of its Alexander dual has k-quotionts, i.e. there exists an ordering u1,...,ur of the minimal generators of I∆∨ such that if we for s = 1,...,t, put I = (u ,...,u ), then for every s there are monomials v , s 1 s si i=1,...,r , deg(v )=k for all i, such that I :u =(v ,...,v ). s si s s s1 srs In [17], we gave another definition of k-shellability and having k-quotients by adding a condition to Emtander, Mohammadi and Moradi’s. In our definition the colonidealsI :u weregeneratedbyregularsequencesforallsandinthisway,all s s of structural properties of monomial ideals with linear quotients were generalized. The reader is referred to [13] for the definition of monomial ideals with linear quotients. Definition 2.1. ([17])Let∆bead-dimensionalsimplicialcomplexonX andletk be anintegerwith 1≤k ≤d+1. ∆is calledk-shellable ifits facets canbe ordered F ,...,F , called k-shelling order, such that for all j = 2,...,r, the subcomplex 1 r ∆j =hFji∩hF1,...,Fj−1i satisfies the following properties: (i) ItisgeneratedbyanonemptysetofmaximalproperfacesofhF iofdimension j |F |−k−1; j (ii) If ∆ has more than one facet then for every two disjoint facets σ,τ ∈hF i∩ j j hF1,...,Fj−1i we have Fj ⊆σ∪τ. Remark 2.2. It follows from the definition that two concepts 1-shellability and shellability coincide. 4 RAHIMRAHMATI-ASGHAR Remark 2.3. Note that the notions of 1-shellability in our sense and Emtander, MohammadiandMoradi’scoincide. Although,fork >1,asimplicialcomplexmay be k-shellable in their concept and not in ours. For example, consider the complex ∆=habc,aef,cdfi on {a,b,...,f}. It is easy to check that ∆ is 2-shellable in the sense of [11] but not in ours. In the following proposition we describe some the combinatorial properties of k-shellable complexes. Proposition 2.4. Let ∆ be a d-dimensional (not necessarily pure) simplicial com- plex on X and let k be an integer with 1≤k ≤d+1. Suppose that the facets of ∆ can be ordered F ,...,F . Then the following conditions are equivalent: 1 r (a) F ,...,F is a k-shelling of ∆; 1 r (b) for every 1≤j ≤r there exist the subsets E ,...,E of X such that the E are 1 t i mutually disjoint and |E |=k for all i and the set of the minimal elements of i hF1,...,Fji\hF1,...,Fj−1i is {{a1,...,at}:ai ∈Ei for all i}; (c) for all i,j, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ r, there exist x ,...,x ∈ F \F and some l ∈ 1 k j i {1,...,j−1} with F \F ={x ,...,x }. j l 1 k Proof. (a)⇒(b): Let hFji∩hF1,...,Fj−1i=hFj\σ1,...,Fj\σti where |σi|=k for all i. Since for all i 6=i′, Fj ⊆(Fj\σi)∪(Fj\σi′), we have σi∩σi′ =∅. Hence the minimal elements of hF1,...,Fji\hF1,...,Fj−1i are in the form{a1,...,at} where a ∈σ for all i. i i (b)⇒(c): For all i, suppose that E = {x ,...,x }. Let 1 ≤ i < j ≤ r i i1 ik and let {x1i1,...,xtit} be a minimal element of hF1,...,Fji\hF1,...,Fj−1i. Be- cause {x1i1,...,xtit} * Fi we may assume that x1i1 ∈ Fj\Fi. We claim that x ,...,x ∈F \F . Suppose, on the contrary, that for some s, x 6∈F \F then 11 1k j i 1s j i x1s ∈Fiandsox1s 6∈hF1,...,Fji\hF1,...,Fj−1i. Itfollowsthat{x1s,x2i2,...,xtit} isnotaminimalelementofhF1,...,Fji\hF1,...,Fj−1i, acontradiction. Therefore E ⊆F \F . 1 j i Now suppose that for all l < j, if E1 is contained in Fj\Fl then E1 $ Fj\Fl. Then there exists y ∈ F \E such that {y,x ,...,x } is a minimal element j 1 2i2 tit of hF1,...,Fji\hF1,...,Fj−1i different from the elements of {{a1,...,at} : ai ∈ E for all i}, a contradiction. Therefore there exists l <j with F \F =E . i j l 1 (c)⇒(a): Let F ∈ hFji∩hF1,...,Fj−1i. Then F ⊆ Fi for some i < j. By the condition (c), there exist x ,...,x ∈ F \F and some l ∈ {1,...,j−1} with 1 k j i Fj\Fl ={x1,...,xk}. ButFj\{x1,...,xk}isaproperfaceofhFji∩hF1,...,Fj−1i, because F \{x ,...,x } = F ∩F . Moreover, F \{x ,...,x } is a maximal face. j 1 k j l j 1 k Finally, since F is contained in F \{x ,...,x }, the assertion is completed. (cid:3) j 1 k Example 2.5. The Figure 1 indicates the pure shellable and pure 2-shellable sim- plicial complexes of dimensions 1, 2 and 3 with 3 facets. Theorem 2.6. Let ∆ be a k-shellable complex and σ a face of ∆. Then lk (σ) is ∆ again k-shellable. Proof. Since∆isk-shellable,sothereexistsank-shellingorderF ,...,F offacets 1 r of ∆. Let F ,...,F where i < ... < i be all of facets which contain σ. We i1 it 1 t claim that F \σ,...,F \σ is a k-shelling order of lk (σ). To this end we want to i1 it ∆ show that the condition (c) of Proposition 2.4 holds. Set G =F \σ. Consider l,m with 1≤l<m≤t. By k-shellability of ∆, there j ij are x ,...,x ∈ F \F = (F \σ)\(F \σ) = G \G such that for some s < i 1 k im il im il m l m k-SHELLABLE SIMPLICIAL COMPLEXES AND GRAPHS 5 shellable 2−shellable 1−dim. 2−dim. 3−dim. Figure 1. wehave{x ,...,x }=F \F . Itfollowsfromσ ⊂F andF \F ={x ,...,x } 1 k im s im im s 1 k that σ ⊂ F . This implies that F is among the list F ,...,F . Let F = F . Hence Gm\sGm′ ={x1,...,xk} ansd the assertion is comi1pleted.im im′ (cid:3)s For the simplicial complexes ∆ and ∆ defined on disjoint vertex sets, the join 1 2 of ∆ and ∆ is ∆ ·∆ ={σ∪τ : σ ∈∆ ,τ ∈∆ }. 1 2 1 2 1 2 Theorem 2.7. The simplicial complexes ∆ and ∆ are k-shellable if and only if 1 2 ∆ ·∆ is k-shellable. 1 2 Proof. Let ∆ and ∆ be k-shellable. Let F ,...,F and G ,...,G be, respec- 1 2 1 r 1 s tively, the k-shelling orders of ∆ and ∆ . We claim that 1 2 F ∪G ,F ∪G ,...,F ∪G ,...,F ∪G ,F ∪G ,...,F ∪G 1 1 1 2 1 s r 1 r 2 r s is a k-shelling order of ∆ ·∆ . 1 2 Let F ∪G be a facet of ∆ ·∆ which comes after F ∪G in the above order. i j 1 2 p q We have some cases: Let p<i. Since ∆ is k-shellable, there exist u ,...,u ∈F \F and some l<i 1 1 k i p such that F \F = {u ,...,u }. It follows that u ,...,u ∈ (F ∪G )\(F ∪G ) i l 1 k 1 k i j p q and (F ∪G )\(F ∪G )={u ,...,u }. i j l j 1 k Let p=i and q <j. Since ∆ is k-shellable, there exist v ,...,v ∈G \G and 2 1 k j q some m < j such that G \G = {v ,...,v }. Therefore we obtain v ,...,v ∈ j m 1 k 1 k (F ∪G )\(F ∪G ) and (F ∪G )\(F ∪G )={v ,...,v }. i j p q i j i m 1 k Conversely, suppose that ∆ ·∆ is k-shellable with the k-shelling order F ∪ 1 2 i1 G ,...,F ∪G . LetF ,...,F betheorderingobtainedfromF ∪G ,...,F ∪ j1 it jt s1 sr i1 j1 it G after removing the repeated facets beginning on the left-hand. Then it is easy jt to check that F ,...,F is a k-shelling order of ∆ . In a similar way, it is shown s1 sr 1 that ∆ is k-shellable. (cid:3) 2 The following theorem, relates the expansion of a shellable complex to a k- shellable complex. 6 RAHIMRAHMATI-ASGHAR Theorem 2.8. Let ∆ be a simplicial complex and k ∈ N. Then ∆ is shellable if and only if ∆[k] is k-shellable. Proof. Let ∆ = hF1,...,Fri and let ∆j = hFji∩hF1,...,Fj−1i for j = 2,...,r. Fix an integer j. If ∆ =hF \x ,...,F \x i, then j j i1 j it ∆[k] = hF[k]i∩hF[k],...,F[k] i j j 1 j−1 = hF[k]\{x ,...,x },...,F[k]\{x ,...,x }i. j i11 i1k j it1 itk [k] [k] Now by the Definition 2.1, if F ,...,F is a shelling order of ∆ then F ,...,F 1 r 1 r is a k-shelling order of ∆[k]. Conversely, suppose that F[k],...,F[k] is a k-shelling order of ∆[k] and set 1 r ∆[k] = hF[k]i∩hF[k],...,F[k] i for j = 2,...,r. Fix an index j. Hence ∆[k] = j j 1 j−1 j [k] [k] hF \σ ,...,F \σ i with |σ | = k for all i. By Proposition 2.4(b), σ ∩σ = ∅ j 1 j t i l m for all l 6= m. We claim that for every i, σ is the expansion of a singleton set. i Suppose,onthe contrary,thatforsomeσ wehavex ,x ∈σ withi 6=i and s i1l i2m s 1 2 let Fj[k] ∩Fs[k′] = Fj[k]\σs for some s′. It follows from |σs| = k that xi1l′ 6∈ σs for somel′ with1≤l′ ≤k. Inparticular,weconclude thatxi1l 6∈Fs[′k] butxi1l′ ∈Fs[′k]. This is a contradiction, because Fs[′k] is the expansion of Fs′. [k] Therefore we conclude that for all j =2,...,r, the complex ∆ is in the form j ∆[k] =hF[k]\{x }[k],...,F[k]\{x }[k]i. j j i1 j it Finally,forallj,∆j =hFji∩hF1,...,Fj−1iwillbeintheform∆j =hFj\xi1,...,Fj\xiti. ThisimpliesthathFji∩hF1,...,Fj−1iispureofdimensiondim(Fj)−1forallj ≥2, as desired. (cid:3) LetRbeaNoetherianringandM beafinitelygeneratedmultigradedR-module. We call F :0=M0 ⊂M1 ⊂...⊂Mr−1 ⊂Mr =M amultigraded finitefiltration ofsubmodulesofM ifthereexistthepositiveintegers a1,...,ar such that Mi/Mi−1 ∼= Qaj=i1R/Pi(−aij) for some Pi ∈ Supp(M). F is calledamultigradedprimefiltration ifa =...=a =1. Itiswellknownthatevery 1 r finitelygeneratedmultigradedR-moduleM hasamultigradedprimefiltration(see for example [15, Theorem 6.4]). In the following we present a multigraded finite filtration for the face ring of a k-shellable simplicial complex which we need in Section 3. For F ⊂X. We set Fc =X\F and P =(x :x ∈F). F i i Theorem2.9. Let∆beasimplicial complex andk apositiveinteger. IfF ,...,F 1 r is a k-shelling order of ∆ then there exists a filtration 0=M ⊂M ⊂...⊂M = 0 1 r S/I with ∆ r−i kai Mi = \PFlc and Mi/Mi−1 ∼= YS/PFrc−i+1(−aij), l=1 j=1 for all i=1,...,r. Here ai =|aij| for all j =1,...,kai. k-SHELLABLE SIMPLICIAL COMPLEXES AND GRAPHS 7 Proof. We set a = 0 and for each i > 2 we denote by a the number of facets of 1 i hFii∩hF1,...,Fi−1i. IfF1,...,Fr isak-shellingof∆,thenfori=2,...,r wehave i−1 (1) \PFjc +PFic =PFic +Pσi1...Pσiai j=1 where σ = F \F and |σ | = k for l = 1,...,a . Actually, F ∩F ’s are all of il i il il i il i facets of hFii∩hF1,...,Fi−1i. Since σil ∩σil′ = ∅ for 1 ≤ l < l′ ≤ ai, one can supposethatPσi1...Pσiai =(fij :j =1,...,kai). Setaij =deg(fij)anditis clear that for all j =1,...,kai, ai =|aij|. We have the following isomorphisms: (Tij−=11PFjc)/(Tij=1PFjc) ∼=Tij−=11PFjc +PFic/PFic ∼=∼=∼=PPPσσσiii111.........PPPσσσiiiaaaiii//+(PPσPσi1Fi1ic../...P.PFPσicσiaiiaiP∩FicPFic) whereai =|aij| forj =1,...,kai. Nowit iseasyto checkthatthe homomorphism (r1θ,.:.Q.,rkakiaiS) →7→ PPσijk1a.i.r.jPfσijia+i/PPσσii11......PPσσiiaaiiPPFFicic is an epimorphism. In particular, it follows that kai Pσi1...Pσiai/Pσi1...PσiaiPFic ∼= YS/PFic(−aij). j=1 This completes the proof. (cid:3) Remark 2.10. InviewofTheorem2.9,let∆=hF ,...,F ibeashellablesimplicial 1 r complex and ∆ =hF ,...,F i. Then we have the prime filtration j 1 j (0)=I ⊂I ⊂...⊂I ⊂K[∆] ∆ ∆r−1 ∆1 for K[∆]. In particular, it follows the following filtration for K[∆[k]]: (0)=I ⊂I ⊂...⊂I ⊂K[∆[k]]. ∆[k] ∆r[k−]1 ∆1[k] In other words, Theorem 2.9 gives a filtration for the face ring of the expansion of a shellable simplicial complex with respect to k. Remark 2.11. The filtrationdescribedinTheorem2.9inthe casethat k >1is not a prime filtration,i.e. the quotientof anytwo consecutivemodules ofthe filtration is not cyclic. Consider the same notations of Theorem 2.9, we have the following prime filtration for K[∆] when ∆ has a k-shelling order: r F :0=Tj=1PFjc ⊂...⊂ Tij=1PFjc ⊂...⊂Pkj=ai1−1(fj)+Tij=1PFjc ⊂Pjk=ai1(fj)+Tij=1PFjc =Tij−=11PFjc ⊂...⊂K[∆] where (f1,...,fj−1):(fj) is generatedby linear forms for all j =2,...,kai and all i=1,...,r. Forall2≤j ≤kai, supposethat(f1,...,fj−1):(fj)=PQj. SetPQ1 =(0). We have Pjt=1(ft)+Tit=1PFtc/Ptj=−11(ft)+Tit=1PFtc ∼=∼= ((ffjj))//f(fjjP)L∩ij.(cid:0)(f1,...,fj−1)+Tit=1PFtc(cid:1) 8 RAHIMRAHMATI-ASGHAR where Lij = Fic ∪Qj, for i = 1,...,r and j = 1,...,kai. Therefore the set of prime ideals which defines the cyclic quotients of F is Supp(F) = {P : i = Lij 1,...,r and j =1,...,kai}. 3. The Stanley conjecture Consider a field K, and let R be a finitely generated Nn-graded K-algebra,and let M be a finitely generated Zn-graded R-module. Stanley [20] conjectured that, in this case, there exist finitely many subalgebras A ,...,A of R, each gener- 1 r ated by algebraically independent Nn-homogeneous elements of R, and there ex- ist Zn-homogeneous elements u1,...,ur of M, such that M = Lri=1uiAi, where dim(A )≥depth(M) for all i and where u A is a free A -module of rank one. i i i i ConsiderafinitelygeneratedZn-gradedS-moduleM,asubsetZ of{x1,...,xn}, andahomogeneouselementu∈M. TheK-subspaceuK[Z]ofM iscalledaStanley space of dimension |Z| if it is a free K[Z]-module of rank 1, i.e., the elements of the form uv, where v is a monomial in K[Z], form a K-basis of uK[Z]. A Stanley decomposition of M is a decomposition D of M into a finite direct sum of Stanley spaces. The Stanley depth of D, denoted sdepth(D), is the minimal dimension of a Stanley space in a decomposition D. We set sdepth(M)=max{sdepth(D):D is a Stanley decomposition of M}, and we call this number the Stanley depth of M. The Stanley conjecture says that sdepth(M)≥depth(M) always holds. The following lemma is needed in the proof of the main theorem of this section. Lemma3.1. LetF ,...,F ⊂X withF ∩F =∅foralli6=j and|F |=k >1. Let 1 s i j i f ,...,f be a sequence of minimal generators of P ...P ordered with respect 1 ks F1 Fs to lexicographical ordering x > x > ... > x . Suppose that n is the minimal 1 2 n i number of homogeneous generators of (f1,...,fi−1):(fi) for i=2,...,ks. Then max{ni :i=2,...,ks}=nks =(k−1)s. Moreover, for all i, the colon ideal (f1,...,fi−1):(fi) is generated by linear forms. Proof. By [6, Corollary 1.5.], P ...P has linear quotients. To show equality, F1 Fs we use induction on s. If s = 1, the assertion is clear. Assume that s > 1. Let PF1...PFs−1 =(f1,...,fks−1) and Fs ={x1,...,xk}. Then PF1...PFs =x1(f1,...,fks−1)+...+xk(f1,...,fks−1). Moreover, (x1f1,...,x1fks−1,...,xkf1,...,xkfks−2):xkfks−1 =(x1,...,xk−1)+(f1,...,fks−2):fks−1. Now,bytheinductionhypothesis,wehavenks =(k−1)+(k−1)(s−1)=(k−1)s, as desired. (cid:3) Let F :0=M ⊂M ⊂...⊂M =M 0 1 r be a prime filtration of M with Mi/Mi−1 ∼= (S/Pi)(−ai). Then this filtration de- r composesM asamultigradedK-vectorspace,thatis,we haveM = u K[Z ] Li=1 i i andthis is a StanleydecompositionofM whereu ∈M is ahomogeneouselement i i of degree a and Z ={x :x 6∈P }. i i j j i Now suppose that ∆ = hG ,...,G i is a pure shellable simplicial complex on 1 r X and k is a positive integer. By Theorem 2.8, ∆[k] = hG[k],...,G[k]i is pure 1 r k-SHELLABLE SIMPLICIAL COMPLEXES AND GRAPHS 9 k-shellable. For all i, set F = G[k]. Consider the prime filtration F of K[∆[k]] i i described in Section 2. Then we have the Stanley decomposition r kai K[∆[k]]=MMuijK[Zij] i=1 j=1 where Z ={x :l 6∈L }, deg(u )=a and |a |=a for all i,j. We claim that ij l ij ij ij ij i for all i,j, |Z |≥depth(K[∆[k]]). ij By Corollaries 4.1 and 2.1 of [17], we have depth(K[∆[k]])=dim(K[∆])=|G |. i On the other hand, |G | ≥ a . Now by combining all of these results with Lemma i i 3.1, we have |Zikai| =kn−(|Qkai|+|Fic|) =kn−((k−1)ai+kht(PGc)) i =(k−1)(n−ht(PGc)−ai)+n−ht(PGc) i i =(k−1)(|G |−a )+|G | i i i ≥|G |=dim(K[∆]). i Thus we have shown the main result of this section: Theorem3.2. Theexpansionofthefaceringofapureshellable simplicial complex with respect to k >0 satisfies the Stanley conjecture. In particular, the face ring of a pure k-shellable complex satisfies the Stanley conjecture. 4. k-shellable graphs Let G be a simple graph and let ∆ the independence complex of G. We say G that G is k-shellable if ∆ has this property. The purpose of this section is to G characterize k-shellable graphs. Following Schrijver [18], the duplication of a vertex x of a graph G means i extending its vertex set X by a new vertex xi′ and replacing E(G) by E(G)∪{xi′xj :xixj ∈E(G)}. In other words, if V(G) = {x ,...,x } then the graph G′ obtained from G by 1 n duplicating k −1 times the vertex x has the vertex set i i ′ V(G)={x :i=1,...,n and j =1,....k } ij i and the edge set ′ E(G)={x x :x x ∈E(G), r =1,...,k and j =1,...,k }. ir js i j i i Example 4.1. Let G be a simple graph on the vertex set V(G) = {x ,...,x } 1 5 and E(G) = {x x ,x x ,x x ,x x ,x x ,x x }. Let G′ be obtained from G by 1 3 1 4 2 4 2 5 3 5 4 5 duplicating 1 times the vertices x and x and 0 times the other vertices. Then G 1 4 and G′ are in the form x x 2 21 x 12 x x x x 1 3 11 31 x 42 x x x x 5 4 51 41 G Gα 10 RAHIMRAHMATI-ASGHAR Also,theindependencecomplexesofGandG′are,respectively,∆ =hx x ,x x ,x x ,x x i G 1 2 1 5 2 3 3 4 and ∆G′ = hx11x12x21,x11x12x51,x21x31,x31x41x42i. Note that ∆G′ = ∆αG where α=(2,1,1,2,1). Inthe followingtheoremwe showthatthe simple graphobtainedfromduplicat- ing k−1 times any vertex of a shellable graph is k-shellable. Theorem 4.2. Let G be a simple graph on X and let G′ be a new graph obtained from G by duplicating k−1 times any vertex of G. Then G is shellable if and only if G′ is k-shellable. Proof. It suffices to show that ∆G′ = ∆[Gk]. Then Theorem 2.8 completes the assertion. After relabelingof the verticesof G′ one canassume thatG′ is a graphwith the vertex set X[k] ={x :i=1,...,n, j =1,...,k} and the edge set ij {x x :x x ∈G and 1≤r,s≤k}. ir js i j Let F be an independent set of G′ and let F¯ = {x : x ∈ F for some r}. If i ir |F¯| = 1 then F¯ is an independent set in G. So assume that |F¯| > 1. Suppose, on the contrary, that x ,x ∈ F¯ and x x ∈ G. By the construction of G′, for all i j i j x and x of V(G′), x x ∈ G′. Therefore F contains an edge x x of G′, a ir js ir js ir js contradiction. This implies that F¯ is an independent set in G. In particular, since F ⊂(F¯)[k] we have F ∈∆[k]. G Conversely, suppose H is an independent set of G. Choose x ,x ∈ H[k]. If ir js x x ∈ G′ then x x ∈ G, which is false since x ,x ∈ H. Therefore H[k] is an ir js i j i j independent set of G′ and H[k] ∈∆G′. (cid:3) In the following we want to extend some results from [5, 7, 21]. Firstly, we present a generalizationof the concept of simplicial vertex. Let G be a simple graph. For U ⊂ V(G) we define the induced subgraph of G on U to be the subgraph G on U consisting of those edges x x ∈ E(G) with U i j x ,x ∈ U. For x ∈ V(G), let N (x) denote the open neighborhood of x, that i j G is, all of vertices adjacent to x. We also denote by N [x] the closed neighborhood G of x, which is N (x) together with x itself, so that N [x] = N (x)∪{x}. Set G G G N (U)= N (x) and N [U]= N [x]. G Sx∈U G G Sx∈U G Recall from [8] or [14] that a vertex x ∈ V(G) is simplicial if the induced sub- graph G is complete. NG[x] The simple graphG is a complete r-partite graph if there is a partition V(G)= V ∪...∪V of the vertex set, such that uv ∈ E(G) if and only if u and v are in 1 r different parts of the partition. If |V |=n , then G is denoted by K . i i n1....,nr Definition 4.3. The set S of pairwise non-adjacent vertices of G is a k-simplicial set if G is a r-partite complete graph with k-element parts S ,...,S having NG[S] 1 r the following property: for every S and every two vertices x ,x ∈S , N (x )=N (x ). l i j l G i G j Note that every 1-simplicial set is a simplicial vertex. Lemma 4.4. Let S ⊂ V(G) of pairwise non-adjacent vertices of G. Set G′ = G\N [S] and G′′ =G\S. Then G (i) ∆G′ =lk∆G(S) and (ii) ∆G′′ =Tx∈Sdl∆G(x).

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