junos_ha_praise_page Page i Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:54 AM Praise forJUNOS High Availability “JUNOSHighAvailabilitycontainsallthetechnicalbuildingblocksnecessarytoplanand maintain a medical grade network.” —Jonathan Yantis, Network Engineer, Medical University of South Carolina “AtTownsendAnalytics,ourtradingclients,usingourRealTicktradingsuite,demandthat our global network maintain an extremely high level of availability. Downtime translates directly into lost money. JUNOS High Availability has great tips and guides to help supportthisenvironment.Itincludeseverythingfromconceptualdetailsonsoftwareand hardware,verydetailedroutingprotocolexamples,securityandauditing,andeverything inbetween.Thisbookisamustforanyonewhoisinanywayinvolvedinmaintaininga high level of service on their network!” —Chris Rizzo, Senior Network Engineer, Townsend Analytics “High availability is such a buzz phrase these days. It’s refreshing to see an approach that breaks down all of the various conversations and shows what is required for an overall continuoussystem.Gettingthebuildingblocksrightiscrucialtohavinganetworkthatis truly highly available, and JUNOS High Availability will help you get it right and keep it right.” —Scott Stevens, Vice President, Technology, Juniper Networks “Withdisasterrecoveryandbusinesscontinuitythecurrentbuzzwordsinourstategovern- ment network as well as in most corporate networks around the world, this book has come along at the perfect time to spur conversations on high availability, not only for networksbuiltonJuniperNetworksequipment,butonothervendorequipmentaswell. ThetopicscoveredinJUNOSHighAvailabilityarebroadenoughforengineerslookingto designanoverarchinghighavailabilitypostureintheirnetwork,butalsodetailedenough toallowengineerstoimplementtheirdesignsthroughprotocoltweaksandJUNOStools. Thetransitionbetweenauthorskeepstopicsinterestingandprovidesamusingquipsalong the way.” —Aaron Robel, Systems Engineer, Washington State Department of Information Services junos_ha_praise_page Page ii Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:54 AM “A fault-tolerant network is a must in our health care environment. JUNOS High Avail- ability will serve as a great tool to help us maintain the high availability our clients have come to expect.” —James Hardy, Network Engineer, Carilion Clinic “I like that JUNOS High Availability is reality-based. It boils buzzwords like redundancy andhighavailabilityintomodelsthathavedesignandcost.Andthebookisnotmarketing fodder—it does a good job of identifying the Juniper Networks hardware and JUNOS software features that influence HA together with a lot of good information on Juniper architecture in general. The configuration examples are useful, and the sections on the JUNOS XML API and JUNOScript API stir up all sorts of creative ideas in the mind of someone with even a little bit of scripting experience.” —Dan Schmiedt, Chief Network Engineer, Clemson University “JUNOS High Availability has exactly what my customers need to know in order to build and maintain continuously available network systems. It is the book to read for those responsible for any mission-critical network.” —Robert F. Jaeger, Juniper Networks, Systems Engineer Manager “JUNOSHighAvailabilityprovidesthereaderwiththeknowledgetodesignandconfigure his network away from default settings toward a better design that provides rapid convergence, increased scaling, and a resilient architecture. Both network architects and operators will find value in the lessons taught within this book.” —Tom Scholl, Principal IP Network Engineer, IP/MPLS Backbone Design & Development, AT&T Labs JUNOS High Availability JUNOS High Availability James Sonderegger, Orin Blomberg, Kieran Milne, and Senad Palislamovic Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Taipei • Tokyo JUNOS High Availability by James Sonderegger, Orin Blomberg, Kieran Milne, and Senad Palislamovic Copyright © 2009 James Sonderegger, Orin Blomberg, Kieran Milne, and Senad Palislamovic. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (http://my.safaribooksonline.com). For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: 800-998-9938 or [email protected]. Editor: Mike Loukides Indexer: Lucie Haskins Production Editor: Sarah Schneider Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery Copyeditor: Audrey Doyle Interior Designer: David Futato Proofreader: Kiel Van Horn Illustrator: Robert Romano Printing History: August 2009: First Edition. O’Reilly and the O’Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. JUNOS High Availa- bility, the image of Bohemian waxwings, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and O’Reilly Media, Inc. was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information con- tained herein. ISBN: 978-0-596-52304-6 [M] 1250189494 Table of Contents Preface .................................................................... xvii Part I. JUNOS HA Concepts 1. High Availability Network Design Considerations ............................. 3 Why Mention Cost in a Technical Book? 4 A Simple Enterprise Network 4 Redundancy and the Layered Model 6 Redundant Site Architectures 6 Redundant Component Architectures 8 Combined Component and Site-Redundant Architectures 10 Redundant System Architectures 12 Combined System- and Site-Redundant Architectures 15 Combined System- and Component-Redundant Architectures 17 Combined System-, Component-, and Site-Redundant Architectures 20 What Does It All Mean? 22 2. Hardware High Availability .............................................. 25 Divide and Conquer 25 The Brains: The Routing Engine 27 The Brawn: The Packet Forwarding Engine 32 Packet Flows 36 M Series 37 MX Series 39 T Series 40 EX Series 41 SRX Series 41 J Series 41 Redundancy and Resiliency 42 M Series 42 MX Series 43 vii T Series 43 J Series 44 SRX Series 44 EX Series 45 3. Software High Availability ............................................... 47 Software Architecture 47 Stable Foundations 47 Modular Design 48 One OS to Rule Them 50 Single OS 51 One Release Architecture 52 Automation of Operations 52 Configuration Management 53 Application Programming Interfaces 53 Scripting 53 4. Control Plane High Availability ........................................... 57 Under the Hood of the Routing Engine 57 Routing Update Process 60 Graceful Routing Engine Switchover 66 Implementation and Configuration 67 Graceful Restart 75 Graceful Restart in OSPF 77 Graceful Restart in IS-IS 79 Graceful Restart in BGP 81 MPLS Support for Graceful Restart 84 Graceful Restart in RSVP 84 Graceful Restart in LDP 86 Graceful Restart in MPLS-Based VPNs 88 Graceful Restart in Multicast Protocols, PIM, and MSDP 91 Non-Stop Active Routing 93 Implementation Details and Configs 95 Non-Stop Bridging 98 Implementation Details and Configurations 98 Choosing Your High Availability Control Plane Solution 99 5. Virtualization for High Availability ....................................... 101 Virtual Chassis in the Switching Control Plane 102 VC Roles 104 IDs for VCs 105 Priorities and the Election Process 105 Basic VC Setup and Configuration 106 viii | Table of Contents