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to JOURNAL OF FAMILY HISTORY Volume 25 Number | (January 2000) pp. 1-136 Number 2 (April 2000) pp. 137-264 Number 3 (July 2000) pp. 265-400 Number 4 (October 2000) pp. 401-568 Authors: ADAMS, ANNMARIE, “House Life: Space, Place and Family in Europe, edited by Donna Birdwell-Pheasant and Denise Lawrence Zufiiga” [Book Review], 556. ANDREWS, JONATHAN, “Sex and the Gender Revolution. Volume One. Heterosexuality and the Third Genderi n Enlightenment London, by Randolph Trumbach” [Book Review], 386. BENADUSI, GIOVANNA, “Village Justice: Community, Family, and Popular Culture in Early Modern Italy, by Tommaso Astarita” [Book Review}, 546. BEN-AMOS, ILANA KRAUSMAN, “Reciprocal Bonding: Parents and their Offspring in Early Modern England,” 291. BEN-AMOS, ILANA KRAUSMAN, “Through the Keyhole: Dutch Child-Rearing Practices in the 17th and 18th Century: Three Urban Elite Families, by Benjamin Roberts” [Book Re- view], 251. BI, JIANXIANG, “The Clash of Family Values: The PLA’s Grassroots Officer Couples,” 93. BIJSTERVELD, KARIN, see Stavenuiter, M. BISSTERVELD, KARIN, KLASIEN HORSTMAN, and JESSICA MESMAN, “ ‘Crying Whenever Monday Comes’: Older Unmarried Women in the Netherlands and the Game of Comparison, 1955-1980,” 221. BRADBURY, BETTINA, “Feminist Historians and Family History in Canada in the 1990s” [Review Article], 362. BRADLEY, KAREN, see Bulcroft, R. BROWN, SUSAN, “Alienated Affections: The Scottish Experience of Divorce and Separation, 1684-1830, by Leah Leneman” [Book Review], 384. BULCROFT, KRIS, see Bulcroft, R. BULCROFT, RICHARD, KRIS BULCROFT, KAREN BRADLEY, and CARL SIMPSON, “The Management and Production of Risk in Romantic Relationships: A Postmodern Para- dox,” 63. CALLAHAN, WILLIAM J., “Sobreviure a Barcelona: Dones, pobresa i assisténcia al segle XVIII, by Montserrat Carbonell i Esteller” [Book Review], 123. CASHIN, JOAN E., “Households, Kinfolk, and Absent Teenagers: The Demographic Transi- tion in the Old South,” 141. CASTIGLIONE, CAROLINE, “Accounting for Affection: Battles between Aristocratic Mothers and Sons in Eighteenth-Century Rome,” 405. CHOJNACKA, MONICA, “Women, Men, and Residential Patterns in Early Modern Venice,” 6. COSGEL, METIN M., “The Family in Utopia: Celibacy, Communal Child Rearing, and Conti- nuity in a Religious Commune,” 491. Journal of Family History, Vol. 25 No. 4, October 2000 561-565 © 2000 Sage Publications, Inc 562 JOURNAL OF FAMILY HISTORY / October 2000 EWAN, ELIZABETH, “Girls in Trouble: Sexuality and Social Control in Rural Scotland 1660-1780, by Rosalind Mitchison and Leah Leneman; Sin in the City: Sexuality and Social Control in Urban Scotland 1660-1780, by Leah Leneman and Rosalind Mitchison” [Book Review], 253. FELDMAN, MARCUS W., see Li, S. FINGARD, JUDITH, “On the Case: Explorations in Social History, edited by Franca lacovetta and Wendy Mitchinson” [Book Review}, 559. FINK, JANET, “Natural Mothers, Putative Fathers, and Innocent Children: The Definition and Regulation of Parental Relationships outside Marriage, in England, 1945-1959,” 178. FROST, GINGER, “Twisting in the Wind: The Murderess and the English Press, by Judith Knelman” [Book Review], 124. GODBEER, RICHARD, “Ye Heart of a Man: The Domestic Life of Men in Colonial New Eng- land, by Lisa Wilson” [Book Review], 255. HAMMERTON, A. JAMES, “A Man’s Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Vic- torian England, by John Tosh” [Book Review], 552. HORSTMAN, KLASIEN, see Bijsterveld, K. KATZ, MICHAEL B., “Children’s Interests/Mothers’ Rights: The Shaping of America’s Child Care Policy, by Sonya Michel; A Mother’s Job: The History of Day Care 1890-1960, by Elizabeth Rose” [Book Review], 260. KEIL, THOMAS J., “The Politics of Duplicity: Controlling Reproduction in Ceaucescu's Ro- mania, by Gail Kligman” [Book Review], 128. KERTZER, DAVID L., see Sigle, W. LEVINE-CLARK, MARJORIE, “Dysfunctional Domesticity: Female Insanity and Family Re- lationships among the West Riding Poor in the Mid-Nineteenth Century,” 341. LI, NAN, see Li, S. LI, SHUZHUO, MARCUS W. FELDMAN, and NAN LI, “Cultural Transmission of Uxorilocal Marriage in Lueyang, China,” 158. MESMAN, JESSICA, see Bijsterveld, K. MORONEY, SIOBHAN, “Widows and Orphans: Women’s Education beyond the Domestic Ideal,” 26. NEFF, CHARLOTTE, “Youth in Canada West: A Case Study of Red Hill Farm School Emi- grants, 1854-1868,” 432. ODDY, DEREK J., “Gone for a Soldier: The Anatomy of a Nineteenth-Century Army Family,” 39. PATTERSON, CYNTHIA, “Household Interests: Property, Marriage Strategies, and Family Dynamics in Ancient Athens, by Cheryl Anne Cox” [Book Review], 248. PILCHER, JEFFREY M., “The Faces of Honor: Sex, Shame, and Violence in Colonial Latin America, edited by Lyman L. Johnson and Sonya Lipsett-Rivera” [Book Review], 121. POLLOCK, LINDA A.., “Women in Early Modern England 1550-1720, by Sara Mendelson and Patricia Crawford” [Book Review], 249. POOS, L. R., “Women, Marriage, and Family in Medieval Christendom: Essays in Memory of Michael B. Sheehan, C.S.B., edited by Constance M. Rousseau and Joel T. Rosenthal” [Book Review], 120. POSKA, ALLYSON M., “Gender, Property, and Retirement Strategies in Early Modern North- western Spain,” 313. ROBERTS, BENJAMIN, “The Renaissance Man and His Children: Childbirth and Early Mod- ern Childhood in Florence, 1300-1600, by Louis Haas” [Book Review}, 545. RUGGLES, STEVEN, “Rethinking Households: An Atomistic Perspective on European Living Arrangements, by Michel Verdon” [Book Review], 118. SANGSTER, JOAN, “Family Matters: Papers in Post-Confederation Canadian Family His- tory, edited by Lori Chambers and Edgar-André Montigny” [Book Review], 257. , “Masking and Unmasking the Sexual Abuse of Children: Perceptions of Violence against Children in ‘the Badlands’ of Ontario, 1916-1930,” 504. INDEX 563 SCHWARTZ, ROBERT M., “Authority and Sexuality in Early Modern Burgundy (1550-1730), by James R. Farr” [Book Review], 548. SIGLE, WENDY, DAVID I. KERTZER, and MICHAEL J. WHITE, “Abandoned Children and their Transitions to Adulthood in Nineteenth-Century Italy,” 326. SIMPSON, CARL, see Bulcroft, R. SNELL, JAMES G., “The Evolution of Retirement: An American Economic History, 1880-1990, by Dora L. Costa” [Book Review], 392. STAVENUITER, MONIQUE, “ ‘Younger People Are Preferred’: The Self-Images of Elderly Women Represented in their Letters to a Dutch Almshouse, 1885-1940,” 211. STAVENUITER, MONIQUE, and KARIN BIJSTERVELD, “Introduction: Long Lives, Silent Witnesses—Elderly Women in the Past,” 196. SWEENY, ROBERT C. H., “Unwilling Idlers: The Urban Unemployed and Their Families in Late Victorian Canada, by Peter Baskerville and Eric W. Sager” [Book Review], 126. THANE, PAT, “ ‘An Untiring Zest for Life’: Images and Self-Images of Old Women in Eng- land,” 235. TILLY, LOUISE A., “Donne sole: storia dell’altra faccia dell’ Italia tra antico regime e societa contemporanea, by Maura Palazzi” {Book Review], 390. “A Nationality of Her Own: Women, Marriage, and the Law of Citizenship, by Candace Lewis Bredbenner” [Book Review], 554. TROYANSKY, DAVID G., “ ‘I Was Wife and Mother’: French Widows Present Themselves to the Ministry of Justice in the Early Nineteenth Century,” 202. VAN POPPEL, FRANS, “Children in One-Parent Families: Survival as an Indicator of the Role of the Parents,” 269. WANG, DANYU, “Complex Households, a Fading Glory: Household Formation during the Collective Period in the People’s Republic of China,” 527. WHITE, MICHAEL J., see Sigle, W. Articles: “Abandoned Children and their Transitions to Adulthood in Nineteenth-Century Italy,” Sigle et al., 326. “Accounting for Affection: Battles between Aristocratic Mothers and Sons in Eighteenth- Century Rome,” Castiglione, 405. “Children in One-Parent Families: Survival as an Indicator of the Role of the Parents,” van Poppel, 269. “The Clash of Family Values: The PLA’s Grassroots Officer Couples,” Bi, 93. “Complex Households, a Fading Glory: Household Formation during the Collective Period in the People’s Republic of China,’ Wang, 527. “ “Crying Whenever Monday Comes’: Older Unmarried Women in the Netherlands and the Game of Comparison, 1955-1980,” Bijsterveld et al., 221. “Cultural Transmission of Uxorilocal Marriage in Lueyang, China,” Li et al., 158. “Dysfunctional Domesticity: Female Insanity and Family Relationships among the West Riding Poor in the Mid-Nineteenth Century,” Levine-Clark, 341. “The Family in Utopia: Celibacy, Communal Child Rearing, and Continuity in a Religious Commune,” Cosgel, 491. “Gender, Property, and Retirement Strategies in Early Modern Northwesterm Spain,” Poska, 313. “Gone for a Soldier: The Anatomy of a Nineteenth-Century Army Family,” Oddy, 39. “Households, Kinfolk, and Absent Teenagers: The Demographic Transition in the Old South,” Cashin, 141. “Introduction: Long Lives, Silent Witnesses—Elderly Women in the Past,” Stavenuiter and Bijsterveld, 196. “ ‘Tl Was Wife and Mother’: French Widows Present Themselves to the Ministry of Justice in the Early Nineteenth Century,” Troyansky, 202. 564 JOURNAL OF FAMILY HISTORY / October 2000 “Lawrence Stone, 1919-1999,” 5. “The Management and Production of Risk in Romantic Relationships: A Postmodern Paradox,” Bulcroft et al., 63. “Masking and Unmasking the Sexual Abuse of Children: Perceptions of Violence against Children in ‘the Badlands’ of Ontario, 1916-1930,” Sangster, 504. “Natura! Mothers, Putative Fathers, and Innocent Children: The Definition and Regulation of Parental Relationships outside Marriage, in England, 1945-1959,” Fink, 178. “Reciprocal Bonding: Parents and their Offspring in Early Modern England,” Ben-Amos, 291. * ‘An Untiring Zest for Life’: Images and Self-Images of Old Women in England,” Thane, 235. “Widows and Orphans: Women’s Education beyond the Domestic Ideal,” Moroney, 26. “Women, Men, and Residential Patterns in Early Modern Venice,” Chojnacka, 6. * “Younger People Are Preferred’: The Self-Images of Elderly Women Represented in their Let- ters to a Dutch Almshouse, 1885-1940,” Stavenuiter, 211. “Youth in Canada West: A Case Study of Red Hill Farm School Emigrants, 1854-1868,” Neff, 432. Book Reviews: “Alienated Affections: The Scottish Experience of Divorce and Separation, 1684-1830, by Leah Leneman,” Brown, 384. “Authority and Sexuality in Early Modern Burgundy (1550-1730), by James R. Farr,” Schwartz, 548. “Children’s Interests/Mothers’ Rights: The Shaping of America’s Child Care Policy, by Sonya Michel; A Mother's Job: The History of Day Care 1890-1960, by Elizabeth Rose,” Katz, 260. “Donne sole: storia dell’altra faccia dell’Italia tra antico regime e societa contemporanea, by Maura Palazzi,” Tilly, 390. “The Evolution of Retirement: An American Economic History, 1880-1990, by Dora L. Costa,” Snell, 392. “The Faces of Honor: Sex, Shame, and Violence in Colonial Latin America, edited by Lyman L. Johnson and Sonya Lipsett-Rivera,” Pilcher, 121. “Family Matters: Papers in Post-Confederation Canadian Family History, edited by Lori Chambers and Edgar-André Montigny,” Sangster, 257. “Girls in Trouble: Sexuality and Social Control in Rural Scotland 1660-1780, by Rosalind Mitchison and Leah Leneman; Sin in the City: Sexuality and Social Control in Urban Scot- land 1660-1780, by Leah Leneman and Rosalind Mitchison,” Ewan, 253. “Household Interests: Property, Marriage Strategies, and Family Dynamics in Ancient Athens, by Cheryl Anne Cox,” Patterson, 248. “House Life: Space, Place and Family in Europe, edited by Donna Birdwell-Pheasant and Denise Lawrence Zuniga,” Adams, 556. “A Man’s Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England, by John Tosh,” Hammerton, 552. “A Nationality of Her Own: Women, Marriage, and the Law of Citizenship, by Candace Lewis Bredbenner,” Tilly, 554. “On the Case: Explorations in Social History, edited by Franca lacovetta and Wendy Mitchinson,” Fingard, 559. “The Politics of Duplicity: Controlling Reproduction in Ceaucescu’s Romania, by Gail Kligman,” Keil, 128. “The Renaissance Man and His Children: Childbirth and Early Modern Childhood in Florence, 1300-1600, by Louis Haas,” Roberts, 545. “Rethinking Households: An Atomistic Perspective on European Living Arrangements, by Michel Verdon,” Ruggles, 118. “Sex and the Gender Revolution. Volume One. Heterosexuality and the Third Gender in Enlight- enment London, by Randolph Trumbach,” Andrews, 386. “Sobreviure a Barcelona: Dones, pobresa i assisténcia al segle XVIII, by Montserrat Carbonell i Esteller,” Callahan, 123. INDEX 565 “Through the Keyhole: Dutch Child-Rearing Practices in the 17th and 18th Century: Three Ur- ban Elite Families, by Benjamin Roberts,” Ben-Amos, 251. ‘Twisting in the Wind: The Murderess and the English Press, by Judith Knelman,” Frost, 124. “Unwilling Idlers: The Urban Unemployed and Their Families in Late Victorian Canada, by Peter Baskerville and Eric W. Sager,” Sweeny, 126. Village Justice: Community, Family, and Popular Culture in Early Modern Italy, by Tommaso Astarita,” Benadusi, 546. “Women in Early Modern England 1550-1720, by Sara Mendelson and Patricia Crawford,” Pollock, 249. Women, Marriage, and Family in Medieval Christendom: Essays in Memory of Michael B. Sheehan, C.S.B., edited by Constance M. Rousseau and Joel T. Rosenthal,” Poos, 120. Ye Heart of a Man: The Domestic Life of Men in Colonial New England, by Lisa Wilson,” Godbeer, 255. Review Article: ‘Feminist Historians and Family History in Canada in the 1990s,” Bradbury, 362.

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