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Preview January 2011 - Amusement Today

Complete IAAPA Wrapup Pages 29-38 TM www.AmusementToday.com Vol. 14, Issue 10 JANUARY 2011 $5.00 Scheduled for Jan. 30 to Feb. 4 in Orlando, Fla. NAARSO expects good turnout for 24th annual safety seminar Mary Wade Burnside tagout” procedures as set Amusement Today forth by the U.S. Occupational SEE RELATED SAFETY STORIES: Safety and Health Adminis- In October, a 53-year-old tration (OSHA) in which a  PAGE 25: AIMS SEMINAR A SUCCESS man was killed on the It’s a lock is placed on a ride’s start- Small World attraction at Dis- ing mechanism and a note is neyland Paris when someone placed on it explaining not to  PAGE 25: ASTM HONORS GREG HALE started the ride while he was start up the ride. If there are working on it and he became five workers on a ride, there trapped under a boat. are five locks, Barber said. “It will be more of an ad- industry or have never been and incorporates those guide- That’s just the type of “The machine is not start- vanced situation,” Patton said. to NAARSO before and there lines into the classes, Patton accident that could — and ed until the last lock is re- “Last year we were in Fam- is a secondary set of classes said. should— have been prevent- moved,” Barber said. ily Kingdom Park at Myrtle for those who hold NAARSO “Some states require any- ed, said James Barber, chair of Lockout/tagout proce- Beach, and at that park they certification,” Patton said. body that’s doing inspections the communications commit- dures are just one of many top- divided our attendees into “They can pick classes that are on rides to be NAARSO-certi- tee of the National Association ics that will be covered from groups and each group went more challenging and more in- fied,” Barber said. “That was of Amusement Ride Safety Of- Jan. 30 to Feb. 4 during the to a ride and were asked, depth.” never our intention when we ficials (NAARSO) and a past 24th Annual NAARSO Safety ‘What do you think the inspec- NAARSO certification started this program, but we president and member of the Seminar that will be held at tion points on this ride are?’ lasts for two years and then take it to heart when we say certification board. the International Palms Resort They would say, ‘This and this the individual must get 32 our certification standards are “That’s where the industry in Orlando, Fla. and this,’ and we would say, hours of continuing educa- high enough to ensure that has to continue to emphasize About 60 to 70 classes will ‘This is what the manufacturer tion to renew the certification certificate holders have met the safety of those individuals be taught during the four days recommendation is and this is for another two years, Patton certain requirements.” and keep them safe,” Barber of instruction. Participants what you should be looking at said. That includes a written said. “There’s an old adage also will have the opportunity so they could see those points Those who are “new to the examination as well as docu- that many times, people are so to get hands-on training at on the ride.” industry” must have a high mented time in the industry, familiar with a ride and that’s Universal Studios on Feb. 2. Attendees will be divided school diploma or equivalen- Barber said. when they become careless. “We were excited that Uni- into two tracks: newcomers cy plus one year in the indus- Massachusetts is one state That’s not generally the case, versal asked us to come in,” who never have attended a try, or, without a high school that requires NAARSO certifi- but it happens. It happens at said Connie Patton, NAAR- NAARSO seminar before and diploma, three years in the in- cation for ride inspectors, Bar- home when you are stepping SO’s office manager. “It’s a those who have NAARSO cer- dustry, Patton said. ber added. on a chair instead of a steplad- great hands-on activity.” tification who need continuing As different states have Florida, for instance, Pat- der. We all do stupid things. Participants will not learn education to keep their certifi- different requirements for their ton said, requires inspectors We try to emphasize that you about the working amusement cation current. inspectors, NAARSO certifica- to have 40 hours of continu- have to stay safe yourself be- rides at the park but instead “With our program, on tion has different interpreta- ing education each year. In fore you can keep the public will attend workshops in the the Monday and Tuesday, we tion depending on the area the Missouri, if the inspector has safe.” back shops where they will be divide attendees into a prima- inspector will be practicing. a NAARSO certification, they Ride inspectors can do able to deal with electrical cars ry set of classes for those in- NAARSO keeps current with turn in an application and that by following “lockout/ and the welding shop. dividuals who are new to the ASTM International standards 4See NAARSO, page 4 INTERNATIONAL AMUSEMENTP ARKS WATERPARKS BUSINESS MIDWAY/CLASSIFIEDS SEE PAGES 5-8 SEE PAGES 9-16 SEE PAGES 17-24 SEE PAGES 25-38 SEE PAGES 39-47 0 1 PER aterial. er 20, 20 FAST FACTS m b PA Dated Decem Tracking IAAPA's 2006 — Atlanta, Ga. — 20,500 WS TER:USH!nday, show attendance 2007 — Orlando, Fla. — 26,500 NE POSTMASPLEASE RMailed Mo 2008 — Orlando, Fla. — 23,800 9602 # TIMREP XT HTROW .TF 2009 — Las Vegas, Nev. — 23,850 (14,600 buyers) DIAP EGATSOP SU 2010 — Orlando, Fla. — 25,000 (14,800 buyers) DTS TRSRP 2 AMUSEMENT TODAY January 2011 TM Gary Slade Founder and Publisher [email protected] Time for stability The recently concluded WWA and IAAPA trade shows at the end of 2010, both finished with good, strong, positive shows. Attitudes were upbeat. New orders were being both planned and placed. In general the mood was good. And that is something this industry (in the U.S.) has not seen in a number of years. Despite the long list of bad things that have happened to this industry in recent years, many positives continue to out- weigh the negatives. The shortsighted closing of Geauga Lake was offset by the long-range vision to bring Coney Island back to its glorious heyday. Phase one of that plan came to life this year with the opening of Luna Park. The poor management decisions that led to the rise and very quick fall of Hard Rock Park will be offset by the new vision Merlin has to transform the historic Cypress Gardens into Legoland Florida. And while Tim Baldwin the indoor waterpark growth may have slowed a bit, new wa- IAAPA Expo presented “What’s New” on many levels terparks continue to spring up, especially in the partnerships private operators are enjoying with municipalities, who are stuck with aging city pools. The IAAPA trade show this past fresh ideas at theming, original concepts But several park chains continue to tread on unstable November had such a good vibe going, it and more efficient ways of doing business ground and need to find stability in a hurry. was really rewarding to feel the renewed are all on display. energy permeating throughout the show. AT took note of some intriguing new While Six Flags may have emerged from bankruptcy, it is With a recovering, but tentative, economy ideas presented on the floor. For an out- far from being healthy. The parks continue to show their age being brought back to the show, it is almost look on some of the engaging new exhibi- and are still in need of paint and infrastructure improvements. time to give the expo a fresh look. tors on the trade show floor this past While this had been an area of great improvement under Mark For vendors, the November show is Baldwin November, AT will begin a series of articles Shapiro’s guidance, only time will tell if the new leadership somewhat of a return to the old annual in February’s issue on what might be some will keep this train on the proper tracks. grind. It’s necessary for business, but with the right fresh new ideas that happen to be a good fit for Another park chain, Cedar Fair, continues to make news synergy with the customers, IAAPA can be hugely you. like a daytime television soap. The internet chatter is 24/7 on invigorating. It appeared that was being felt this High marks also have to be given to the IAAPA what will happen with its CEO/board seat dispute. Only time time around. Vendors and exhibitors were brightly organization for a solid selection of classes, work- optimistic. shops and seminars for its membership. Classes will tell how this drama will play out. For the customers and buyers, it is easy to ranging from crisis control to new social media And that leads us to the group of CNL-owned parks that fall into a trap of darting into the show, seeing networking, as well as presentations on the indus- were formally managed by Parc Management. Numerous sup- who you planned to see, and then getting out. It’s try’s past to training your staff for the future — it pliers remain unpaid for services or products provided, thus unfortunate when time constraints, or the sense was there. Attendees had to feel these offerings placing these parks on a pre-pay status. The CNL ownership that the show is the “same old thing,” take hold of were time well spent. It’s a great service IAAPA group, having just given Parc the boot, must now choose its our time dedicated to the show. As demonstrated offers its members. Be sure to utilize it to your best new management firm wisely, and one that has the best interest in the various pages of coverage in this issue of advantage in the shows to come. of its parks, and its paying customers in mind. If they don’t, the Amusement Today, there are new things to be found As we all head into a brand new year, make a road to recovery will need GPS assistance. at the show. Established manufacturers are rolling mental note to give the next trade show, whether out new products, new rides, and expanding their it be IAAPA next November, or something else This industry needs stability in both its management staff, catalogue of attractions. New vendors are adding in between, a hard look when attending. Make operations and in its ownership of parks. It’s time to put the to the resources available to our industry. If one but a commitment to give it a fresh set of eyes. You guests first again and that starts with STABILITY at ALL levels. takes the time to seriously give the vast network never know when amazing new answers are right —Gary Slade of vendors a strong look, new sources of revenue, in front of you. AMUSEMENT TODAY STAFF ADDRESS, SUBSCRIPTION, POSTMASTER INFORMATION Mailing Address Deliveries Gary Slade Sammy Piccola P.O. Box 5427 2012 E. Randol Mill Rd, Suite 203 Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Accounting / Circulation AWARD WINNER Arlington, Texas 76005-5427 Arlington, Texas 76011 (817) 460-7220 [email protected] [email protected] 1997 • 1999 • 2000 • 2002 • 2004 • • EDITORIAL (817) 460-7220 Member of: IAAPA, AIMS International, PAPA, ADVERTISING NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION Fax (817) 265-NEWS (6397) NEAAPA, NJAA, OABA, WWA and IALEI Tim Baldwin Subscription rates are: 1 year (14 issues) $50 in the USA; $70 elsewhere; 2 years Sue Nichols Stacey Childress / Affinity Communications [email protected] (28 issues) $90/$130; 3 years (42 issues) $130/$190. Send check or money order (615) 662-0252 Graphic Design (U.S. funds only, drawn on a U.S. bank) to Amusement Today, P.O. Box 5427, Arlington, P.O. Box 238 [email protected] Scott Rutherford Texas 76005-5427. Your cancelled check is your receipt. Please allow up to six weeks Pegram, Tenn. 37143 [email protected] for your subscription request to be processed and the first issue mailed. [email protected] Terry Lind / TLCreative Design Website Design & Maintenance Pam Sherborne Amusement Today is an independent newspaper, published monthly by Amusement Beth Jenkins [email protected] (615) 221-5149 Today Inc., P.O. Box 5427, Arlington, Texas 76005. Presort Standard Postage (Permit (615) 794-7288 [email protected] No. 2069) pre-paid at Fort Worth, Texas. The entire contents of this newspaper and its 2040 Belmont Circle John Robinson / W.H.R. Inc. related Web sites are copyrighted and trademarked by Amusement Today 2010, with Franklin, Tenn. 37069 Daily E-mail Newsletter Bubba Flint all rights reserved. [email protected] [email protected] Cartoonist [email protected] POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Amusement Today, P.O. Box 5427, Contributors: Andrew Mellor, Janice Witherow, WHR Inc. Arlington, Texas 76005-5427. January 2011 AMUSEMENT TODAY 3 Favorite amusement ride My favorite place to hang out is … Revenge of the Mummy due to its prototypical nature, The small, Eastern Shore fishing village of Crisfield that technological innovation, and outstanding ride experi- is best reached by small plane. The locals live a simple ence. lifestyle that revolves around the size of the crab and the length of the Rockfish. Compiled by Janice Witherow Best thing about the industry Lifelong friendships I’ve made, and the pure joy one sees When it comes to wine, do you prefer red or white? Jim Seay in guests who ride our attractions. Red. It makes it harder for my doctor to argue against. Premier Rides If I wasn’t working in the amusement industry, I would … My biggest worry is … Jim Seay first explored the limits of Still be in the aerospace industry with Howard Hughes’ Not exceeding the expectations of my customers. flight technology while working in the company Hughes Aircraft. aerospace industry as a project engineer You live in Maryland. The one place everyone should for Hughes Aircraft in the 1980s. Today, The thing I like most about amusement/waterpark see who visits your state is … as president of Premier Rides, Jim’s season is … The Chesapeake Bay, especially on the Eastern Shore, passion for flight continues, and he has It’s much like the first day of the baseball or football which has spectacular wildlife. applied his “aero” expertise to design season; the eternal optimism for a great season. some of the most innovative amusement Seay For me, the ideal Sunday morning consists of … rides in the business, such as the LIM- Three things I always carry in my briefcase are … Brunch with my friends at my house prior to heading to powered roller coaster and the Liquid The newest generation laptop, my iPad, and the current M&T Stadium for a Ravens football game. and Water coasters. He serves as chairman of the ASTM issue of Flying Magazine. F24 Committee, sits on the board of directors for AIMS My all-time favorite restaurant would have to be … and is very involved with several IAAPA committees. The funniest thing that has happened to me lately is … Asia De Cuba Restaurant at the Mondrian Hotel in West When you meet Jim, you know you’ve met a friend; plus While hiking on the shore in Connecticut on Thanksgiving Hollywood, California. his zest for life, genuine interest in people and knowledge Day, I ran into a group of bird fanatics in full gear who were make him a true asset to the industry. tracking a rare tropical bird who was obviously migrating Facebook: a necessity or a nuisance? the wrong way. When asked if I was there for the bird, I Both. Title responded that I was there to eat the bird later at dinner; they President. were not amused. It’s January! What’s your New Year’s resolution? To continue to prove the economic doomsayers wrong Number of years with Premier Rides Pick one: Mediterranean cruise or skiing in Switzerland and exceed expectations. 15 years. Skiing in Switzerland, of course, since I was born in Geneva. Biggest challenge facing our industry The transition from the traditional family owner who It is 8 p.m. Where would we typically find you? lives and breathes the park business 24 hours a day to the To suggest a candidate for the Two-Minute Drill On a commercial plane traveling to or from either a client hedge fund owners who apply a different set of criteria feature, contact columnist Janice Witherow at jwith- or industry event. for evaluation success. [email protected] or (419) 357-3520. CCrreeaattiivvee MMaarrkkeettiinngg JJiinngglleess BBrrooCChhuurreess && aarrttwwoorrkk PPhhoottooggrraaPPhhyy iinntteerrnneett ssoolluuttiioonnss PPrrooMMoottiioonnss ggrroouuPP ssaalleess ttrraaiinniinngg && MMoorree!! 1428 Maple Ave. • Hamilton, OH 45011 • 513.737.9012 • www.TheBigIdeaPeople.com 4 AMUSEMENT TODAY January 2011 NAARSO ing subjects as coaster chain maintenance to dealing with Continued from page 1 the media. A full brochure list- ing all the classes can be found they can inspect amusement at NAARSO’s website, www. rides in Missouri. naarso.com. “Each state is individually Barber noted that one creating how they are using teacher will be well-known As many as 70 classes on certification programs within industry insider and hydrau- amusement ride safety are the industry,” Patton said. lics expert David Collins, who In addition to the lock- scheduled during the 24th has worked at Disneyland in out/tagout procedures that annual NAARSO safety California “and all over the Barber will go over with stu- seminar in Orlando, world.” dents, they also will have the Jan. 30 to Feb. 4. After a week of classes opportunity to learn about PHOTOS COURTESY and the hands-on day at Uni- such important topics at hy- NAARSO versal Studios, participants draulics and such wide rang- will have the opportunity for a four-hour intense study re- view, Patton said. “That’s basically a four- hour class in which the instruc- tor goes over a large range of subjects that are applicable to the amusement industry and recap things that are electrical in nature and hydraulic in na- ture and what the individual might find on the certification exam,” she said. Then the students can take either the Level I or Level II exams Friday afternoon. Tuition with NAARSO membership is $425 and with- out is $475. Patton does not know how many participants to expect for the seminar. Last year, 185 attended, which organizers thought was good considering the economy and more than anticipated. “Last year, we thought if we can get 150, we’d be doing good because a large number of states have had to cut back on people who could travel. When we got 185, we were de- lighted. “In light of the economy and that we still have states that are having budget crunch- es, we are going in with the same attitude. If we can get 150, we’ll be happy with the numbers. But we sure would love to have more.” January 2011 AMUSEMENT TODAY 5 INTERNATIONAL www.AmusementToday.com PARKS ATTRACTIONS RESORTS ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLIERS BRIEF Holiday Park purchase brings Plopsa brand to Germany Efteling plans Andrew Mellor commented Wolfgang Sch- in which we can also give a Amusement Today neider, former managing part- home to the Studio100 media new section, ner of the venue. characters such as Maya the dark ride in 2012 In a move that will see The deal was concluded Bee and Vicky the Viking is a the Plopsa brand of parks tak- between Schneider and Plop- logical strategy.” ing root in another European sa Group managing director Holiday Park will clearly Still reeling from the country, Germany’s Holiday Steve Van den Kerkhof, who be transformed over a period success of the 2010 instal- Park has been purchased by said of the acquisition: “We of time as it is developed into lation of Joris en de Draak the Belgium based Studio 100, wanted to expand the Plopsa a Plopsa themed park and Van (a GCII-designed racing/ owners of the Plopsa group brand into Germany. We have den Kerkhof explained how dueling wooden roller of indoor and outdoor theme one big outdoor park and three this will work. coaster), officials at Eftel- parks. indoor parks in Belgium, and “There is a difference be- ing, located in Kaatsheu- Having been established in Germany we were looking tween short and long term vel, The Netherlands, are in 1971 by the Schneider fam- for an outdoor park that was changes. For 2011 we will try already looking to the fu- ily, Holiday Park grew to be- not too big and therefore too to have some Maya the Bee ture. The park announced come one of the leading attrac- expensive. There are not so presence, such as a live show, in late September that they tion parks in Germany, and many parks for sale that are along with costume characters had received permission to celebrates its 40th anniversary neither too big or too small so of Maya and Vicki the Viking create a new section of the in 2011. However, with no fam- Holiday Park was ideal. There to meet and greet visitors. We park that would mark the ily members coming through are 20 million people within will look to change the content park's 60th anniversary. PHOTO COURTESY to take over the running of the a two to two and a half hour on some of the existing rides, Slated to open in stag- PLOPSA/STUDIO 100 park, the decision was taken to drive of the park and a lot of so that we move from an at- es, the new section located Plopsa Group managing di- sell. land around the site which we traction park to a theme park, within the Pardoes Prom- rector Steve Van den Kerk- “I am glad that Holiday can use for growth. and will start this process on enade and Efteling Brink hof and Studio 100 charac- Park will further grow in the And he added: “A dedi- existing rides and then begin area of the park will be Plopsa group successfully,” cated theme park in Germany 4See PLOPSA, page 6 ter Plop. called Realm of Fantasy. It will open in 2012 and Dreamworld's Tower of Terror gets a revamp will include a new themed restaurant dubbed Polles Kitchen. Andrew Mellor vehicle in the depths of the In 2013, the second Dreamworld’s revamped Tower of Amusement Today Tower’s “lair” in a darkened phase will debut and in- Terror ride offers guests a new void. As the ride program clude Hearts Garden, a experience and new thrills thanks to Australia’s Dreamworld begins, guests wait in si- large dark ride that will a new vehicle from Intamin and a new has re-launched its popular lence for a few milliseconds utilize Vekoma's intrigu- tunnel section added to the launch Tower of Terror ride, adding a before being blasted back- ing Pandora's Box ride sys- area of the ride. new twist to one of the coun- wards out of a 206 meter tem. According to reports, try’s most iconic scream ma- (676 foot) tunnel and reach- Hartenhof will feature PHOTO COURTESY chines. ing up to 161 kph (100 mph) large sets of seats that can DREAMWORLD Dubbed Tower of Ter- in just seven seconds. They move both vertically and ror II, the Intamin-built ride, then soar 100 meters (328 laterally as they relocate which first opened at the park feet) into the air where they from scene to scene within in 1997, has been “reloaded dangle for a few seconds of the dark ride building. and reversed,” literally, to of- weightlessness before plum- The Realm of Fantasy is fer thrill seekers a brand new meting back down to earth expected to carry a price tag experience. Originally taking face first and back into what of $57.8 million (€42.5 mil- riders out of the loading sta- looks like a very narrow lion), which would make it tion in a front facing direction, tunnel entrance, to return to the most expensive attrac- the revamped ride now sees the loading station. tion in Efteling's history. 4See TOWER, page 6 riders harnessed into the ride 6 AMUSEMENT TODAY January 2011 PLOPSA Oscar Bruch's Bellevue Continued from page 5 to introduce new ones. We wheel highlights Europa's want to get the characters in as soon as possible so we have a holiday celebration unique selling position at the park.” The plan is to have three Germany's Europa Park, vue wheel on the fair circuit or four Plopsa themed venues decked out in plenty of holi- since 1994. The massive ride in Germany within the next day finery, had a new star dur- features 42 gondolas that pro- five years, with one large out- ing the holiday season — the vide stunning views of Europa door park and three indoor Bellevue big wheel. Park and its holiday decora- parks, as is the case in the Rising majestically over tions. The ride was in opera- Benelux countries. A figure of the rocky landscape of the tion at Europa for the duration 100 million Euros ($130.5 mil- park's Iceland section — open of the holiday event, which lion USD) is set to be invested during the winter for the first runs through Jan. 9, 2011. by Studio 100 in Germany by time — Bellevue's colorful Oscar Bruch's majestic Bel- 2016, in park acquisition/cre- lighting is reflected below in levue wheel is a highlight ation and development, with the waters of the Mack-de- of the holiday celebration a target of 2.5 million visitors signed Whale Adventures – underway at Germany's Eu- overall by the same year. Splash Tours. ropa Park. The 180-foot-tall Owned by German show- Nauta-Bussink-designed man Oscar Bruch, this clas- TOWER wheel will operate at Eu- sic attraction was designed in ropa through Jan. 9, 2011. Continued from page 5 Art Nouveau style and built PHOTO COURTESY by Nauta-Bussink. The Bruch Tower of Terror II main- EUROPA PARK family has featured the Belle- tains its use of a single, 14 passenger vehicle on the ride, Premier Rides to supply LIM coaster to Indonesia which has a duration of 27 seconds. Total ride cycle time (load, unload) is between two Trans Studio recently an- of Trans Studio, commented and a half and three minutes. nounced that Premier Rides on the quality of Premier’s “The Tower of Terror has has been selected to build the products: “We were very im- been a rite of passage for al- signature attraction for the pressed with the quality and most every Australian teen- new Trans Studio Theme Park reliability of Premier’s work ager and the re-launched ride at Bundung Supermal in Indo- when we recently visited Re- will build on that terror fac- nesia. Premier was chosen af- venge of the Mummy at Uni- tor,” commented Dreamworld ter an exhaustive search. This versal Studios Singapore. We CEO Noel Dempsey. “It in- will be the first launch coaster especially like the dedication corporates three major fears in Indonesia using a LIM mag- shown by Premier’s personnel — high speeds, falling from netic propulsion system. working and meeting all of the great heights and dark, con- The unnamed ride is quite client’s goals.” fined spaces. Instead of fac- similar to Premier's Mr. Freeze Wijaya added, “Our mall ing the sky, all you see is the coasters at Six Flags Over project will be one of our na- ground, first disappearing fast Texas and Six Flags St. Louis. tion’s most exciting destina- and then rapidly approaching When the ride starts, the train tions and we have chosen as you plummet towards the is accelerated with LIMs, go- Premier’s coaster to assure we tunnel.” ing 0 to 70 mph in 3.8 seconds. are offering the best available In addition to supplying After the train leaves the sta- product to our guests.” the ride originally, Intamin tion it immediately shoots up Jim Seay, president of Pre- also worked with the park’s into an inverted top hat ele- mier Rides said, “It is an incred- engineering team on the at- ment. Riders then race down ible honor for Premier being traction’s refit. the second half of the top hat selected for the Trans Studio into a 180-degree turn to the project. Premier has invested AMUSEMENT TODAY right. Next, they rocket up a a significant effort expanding vertical tower where they ex- into the Asian market which RENDERING COURTESY PREMIER RIDES CLASSIFIEDS perience near 0-G conditions. we see as both exciting and dy- Premier Rides has been selected to provide a new LIM Just before the track ends, the namic. Indonesia’s economy YOUR USED RIDE launch coaster for Indonesia's Trans Studio Theme Park train comes to a stop and is ac- is strong and we are honored at Bundung Supermal. The new ride will be similar to Pre- MARKETPLACE celerated backwards through to be working with one of the mier's Mr. Freeze coasters at Six Flags Over Texas and Six the entire course. leading and most respected Budiman Wijaya, director companies in the region.” Flags St. Louis. January 2011 AMUSEMENT TODAY 7 Start your engines! Ferrari World opens in Abu Dhabi Andrew Mellor in Maranello, a privilege pre- Amusement Today viously only enjoyed by Fer- rari owners. The world’s largest indoor Formula One enthusiasts theme park debuted at the be- are well catered for with the ginning of November when Driving with Champions sim- Ferrari World Abu Dhabi ulator, while they also have opened its doors to the public. the opportunity to be part of Situated on Yas Island, a the pit crew at the Paddock. 2,500 hectare island dedicated Fans can also dictate race day to “leisure, entertainment and by choosing tactics and strate- lifestyle,” Ferrari World Abu gies at the interactive Pit Wall. Dhabi has been developed by Guests of all ages can es- Aldar Properties PJSC, Abu cape into the fantasy world of Dhabi’s leading property de- Nello at Speed of Magic, a 4D velopment, management and film attraction, while they will investment company, and is be dwarfed by the oversized managed by Farah Leisure components of the V12 water Parks Management LLC, a flume ride, on which they ride joint venture between Aldar through the grill of a Ferrari Properties PJSC and ProFun 599 and into the engine before Management Group, Inc. being fired out of the exhaust. With more than 20 rides For the very young there and attractions, including the is the Ferrari Academy, the world’s fastest roller coaster, two part driving and racing housed under a spectacular school complete with junior 200,000 square-meter (2.15 race track and driving circuit. million-square-foot) roof, Fer- Additionally, the Junior Train- rari World Abu Dhabi was de- ing Camp provides a suitably signed by Benoy and the rides themed interactive soft play and attractions by Jack Rouse area. Authentic Italian din- Associates. The project is a cel- ing and interactive shopping ebration of Ferrari’s past, pres- PHOTOS COURTESY FERRARI WORLD ABU DHABI experiences, including the ent and future that indulges Clockwise from top left: The Huss-built G-Force tower ride fires guests to the top of a world’s largest Ferrari store, the senses with eye-catching add yet more to the overall ex- 62 meter high tower from the central funnel within the park building; the impressive surroundings, authentic aro- perience. roof structure of Ferrari World covers 200,000 square-meters; the Formula Rossa coaster mas, distinctive sounds of Italy “Ferrari World Abu Dhabi from Intamin is the fastest coaster ride in the world registering a top speed of 149 mph, and some of the world’s most offers an exhilarating expe- and The Scuderia Challenge gives visitors a real race car experience on Cruden supplied innovative rides. rience for families and fans simulators as used by F1 drivers for practice purposes. On entering the park, alike which they will cherish guests are first struck by the back down to earth again. is the Maurer Söhne Fiorano and innovative attractions in- forever,” said park manager sheer scale of the interior struc- Formula Rossa, the world’s GT Challenge, on which two clude the Galleria Ferrari and Andy Keeling. “There’s more ture spanning 86,000 square- fastest roller coaster, capable F430 Spider themed coaster Made in Maranello, which cel- to Ferrari World Abu Dhabi meters (926,000 square-feet). of a top speed of 240 kph (149 trains race each other on a ebrate the passion, excellence, than the thrill of speed racing A huge crystal-glazed funnel mph), was supplied by Swiss 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) long, performance and technologi- and powerful cars. The park at the heart of the park is the company Intamin. With a twin track experience. cal innovation so synonymous celebrates Ferrari’s past and centrepiece of the building track length of 2,000 m (6,562 Ferrari World Abu Dhabi with Ferrari. Galleria Ferrari is present and pays homage to and home to the Huss-built feet) and a maximum height of is dedicated to providing a the world’s largest Ferrari gal- its Italian roots in a bespoke G-Force tower ride which fires 52 meters (170 feet), it features family oriented experience, lery outside Maranello, while and innovative way, from the riders up and out of the build- four trains themed as a Ferrari with a range of attractions for Made in Maranello provides stunning structure through to ing to a height of 62 meters (203 F1 car and with four, four-seat- parents and children in addi- an opportunity to go behind the attractions and various ex- feet) before dropping them er cars per train. Also on offer tion to the thrill rides. Unique the doors of the Ferrari factory periences offered.” For even more unique thrills, the Fiorano GT Challenge, supplied by Germany's Maurer Sohne, offers a twin track coaster experience. 8 AMUSEMENT TODAY January 2011 January 2011 AMUSEMENT TODAY 9 AMUSEMENT PARKS www.AmusementToday.com FEC’S ATTRACTIONS RESORTS ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLIERS Canobie Lake adding Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter coaster BRIEF New steel coaster Geauga Lake's meets Salem's strict Supreme carousel sound restrictions headed to Worlds of Fun New Hampshire's Cano- bie Lake Park will be the re- cipient of a Gerstlauer Euro- The historic Supreme Fighter for the 2011 season. carousel that operated at The new compact looping Ohio's Geauga Lake for coaster, appropriately dubbed more than 70 summers is Untamed, will make its New getting a makeover and a England debut this spring. new home for the 2011 sea- The 1,184-foot-long loop- son — World's of Fun. ing coaster (a Euro-Fighter Originally carved and Model 320+) will feature a 72- assembled in 1926 by M.C. foot vertical lift and beyond- Illions, this beautiful ma- vertical (97-degree) first drop. chine features 64 horses After the initial plunge, the and two chariots. One of two-car trains, which each only five Supreme mod- seat eight riders in two rows, els Illions ever created, the will zip around a tight layout carousel made its debut at that includes three inversions the Philadelphia Sesqui- — a vertical loop, an Immel- centennial where it oper- mann, and a zero-g roll. ated for the duration of the Like many of the rides and fair. In 1927 it was moved attractions at Canobie Lake to Birmingham, Ala. After Park, Untamed will feature a a restoration at New York's number of unique thematic ef- Coney Island, the carousel fects including a rustic, high- New Hampshire's Canobie Lake Park will found its way to Geauga ly-detailed log house-style introduce a Gerstlauer Euro-fighter for Lake where it entertained station and vertical supports painted to resemble a forest of the 2011 season. The compact layout will generations of riders from birch trees. Untamed will be include a vertical lift, 97-degree first drop 1937 until the park closed virtually identical to two oth- and three inversions. in 2007. The carousel has been er Euro-Fighter Model 320s RENDERINGS COURTESY RIDE ENTERTAINMENT currently in operation: Falcon undergoing a complete res- at Duinrell, The Netherlands; that the new coaster would sound studies at public ven- a silent-running coaster is a toration at Mansfield, Ohio- and Rage at Adventure Island, actually be one of the quietest ues like amusement parks and concept that Gerstlauer per- based Carousel Works, Inc. the U.K. The new ride will available. Amusement Today race tracks," explained Sandy. fected some time ago, but the in anticipation of its immi- serve as a replacement for the spoke about the sound re- "Siegfried Gerstlauer and I met Canobie Lark Park project was nent Missouri reintroduc- Rockin' Rider, an SDC Galaxi quirements with Adam Sandy their team at Duinrell Amuse- the first time this issue was tion this spring. The ma- coaster that operated at the of Ride Entertainment Group. ment Park in the Netherlands. critical in the United States. chine's rehab can be viewed park from 1970 until 2004. REG respresents Gerstlauer’s There, sound recordings of Gerstlauer was extremely on an upcoming episode of Obtaining approval for projects in the Western Hemi- the ‘Falcon’, a Euro-Fighter proud that their product rose Ultimate Restorations (www. the new ride was no easy sphere. 320+ identical to Canobie’s to the challenge and allowed urtvshow.com). feat for Canobie Lake due to “Canobie Lake Park’s new ride, were taken and the Canobie to offer its guests the According to WOF of- restrictive noise limitations issue was that the town of resulting data showed that unique beyond-vertical thrills ficials, the park's Festhaus imposed on the park by the Salem has some extremely the noise levels were within of the Euro-Fighter." catering venue will be re- town in which it resides. Park strict sound regulations for the parameters set by the city. Canobie Lake opens for moved to make way for the officials had to prove to the the property. Canobie hired a Because strict noise standards the 2011 season on April 23. carousel's installation. Salem, N.H. Planning Board company that specialized in are more common in Europe, —Scott Rutherford 10 AMUSEMENT TODAY January 2011 Myrtle Beach getting Chance Giant Wheel AMUSEMENT Chance Morgan will sup- MARKET PLACE ply a R60 Giant Wheel for a new development on Myrtle Beach, South Carolina's famed Grand Strand for the 2011 sea- Aerial Tramway Design & Manufacture son. SkyTrans Mfg.,L.L.C. Opening in May at Myrtle Beach Landing, the R60 Giant 106 Burnham Intervale Road Wheel (dubbed SkyWheel) Contoocook, N.H. 03229 will stand 187-feet-tall and Phone: (603) 746-4446 Fax: (603) 746-4447 span two oceanfront lots along Ocean Boulevard, on the north •Specializing in sales & refurbishment of used aerial tramways side of Plyler Park. It has been •Replacement parts for aerial tramways and amusement rides specifically designed to in- •New ride control systems and modifications clude 42 glass-enclosed, tem- •Rebuilt used chairlifts - one year guarantee perature-controlled gondolas RENDERING COURTESY CHANCE MORGAN that can hold up to six passen- The SkyWheel at Myrtle Beach Landing — a new Chance (603) 746-4446 Parts and Service Jerry Pendleton or Dan Pendleton gers each. Morgan R60 Giant Wheel — will debut on the Grand Strand The SkyWheel at Myrtle in May 2011. The 187-foot-tall ride will feature 42 glass- Beach Landing is an exciting enclosed, temperature-controlled gondolas that hold up new addition to the Grand to six passengers each. Strand area, along with the Magnetic Brake Retrofit The best stop is a smooth one. EMG is proud to newly renovated Myrtle Beach at Myrtle Beach Landing will staple for Myrtle Beach. The be the exclusive representative for Velocity Boardwalk and Promenade. also incorporate a one-of-a- SkyWheel at Myrtle Beach Magnetics magnetic retrofit braking systems. Plans for the SkyWheel at kind programmable LED light Landing is owned by Myrtle Replacement Chain Myrtle Beach Landing’s up- show in the evening. Beach SkyWheel, LLC, a joint As the representative for Elecon Chain EMG can coming launch include a full The only Giant Wheel of venture between Koch Devel- provide replacement chain, sprockets and drive systems for roller coasters, water rides, and flat rides. service restaurant, observation its kind in the United States, opment Co. and Pacific Devel- ENTERTAINMENT deck overlooking the ocean this family-friendly attraction opment, both of St. Louis, Mo. Custom Spare Parts MANAGEMENT GROUP and gift shop. The SkyWheel is sure to become an iconic If you are having trouble finding a pump, commutator or piece from an old ride contact EMG. We have the ability to track down and source rides Quassy unveils new coaster logo Alabama Adventure from any era. names Chutes ride Entertainment Management Group Quassy Amusement Park, Alabama Adventure 1-410-643-9300, ext. 303 Middlebury, Conn., has un- GERNOTUEP ROTF ACIONMMPAENNIETS [email protected] veiled the logo for the Wood- has announced the name of its new-for-2011 Shoot- en Warrior, its new-for-2011 the-Chutes attraction: wooden roller coaster. The BuzzSaw Falls. design has been in the works “Alabama Adventure for several months within the is absolutely thrilled about park’s art department. the addition of BuzzSaw The coaster’s name reflects Falls. We are looking for- the Native American heritage ward to a great season in of the 103-year-old property Designed by The Gravity 2011 with plenty of fun which is situated on Lake Group, the Wooden Warrior is and thrills for the whole Quassapaug, which means under construction and slated family, including our Con- 'Great Pond' or 'Rock Pond'. for a spring 2011 debut. cert Series, theme park and waterpark,” said Alabama Waldameer adding three Zamperla rides Adventure General Man- ager, E.J. Randolph. BuzzSaw Falls was Pennsylvania's Waldameer Park has announced a sub- sold through New Hamp- stantial expansion in the works for the 2011 season that will shire-based SkyTrans offer three new rides and a relaxing park area. Manufacturing, LLC and The new section — located on the edge of the bluff over- will now be supplied by ADVERTISE looking Lake Erie beside Waldameer's award-winning Ravine Florida-basedHopkins Flyer II wooden roller coaster — will be home to a trio of fam- Rides LLC. Hopkins Rides ily rides supplied by Italian manufacturer Zamperla. The new COO Chuck Bingham an- rides include the Flying Swings (Wave Carousel); SS Wally nounced that the water HERE! (Rocking Tug); and Wendy's Tea Party (Mini Tea Cup). ride company had brought Amusement Today spoke with Waldameer's Steve Gorman back two long time Hop- about the expansion. "We are developing a new section of the kins icons, Jerry Pendleton $175 COLOR • $125 B/W park called the 'North End' between the Sea Dragon the Ra- and Jim Glover, to help vine Flyer II," said Gorman. 'The Flying Swings is an eye- the company with sales catching ride that can accommodate children 36-48 inches tall and service of the Hopkins riding with an adult. The Rocking Tug and Tea Cup rides have product line. proven to be popular rides for children and their older family The 610-foot-long ride Best value in print members. This new section will continue our traditional park will be located adjacent to atmosphere with a water fountain, flower gardens, bronze the park's kiddie rides area statues and benches." and will stand just over Construction on the new area is already underway within 50-feet-tall. It will utilize Keep our amusement park industry strong! a loop of the park's train tracks and will be ready when Wal- two large boats, each with Buy products and services from these suppliers. dameer opens for the 2011 season on May 7. seating for 20 guests.

Jan 10, 2011 tagout” procedures as set lock is placed on a ride's start- . out new products, new rides, and expanding their private operators are enjoying with municipalities, who are .. New Hampshire's Canobie Lake Park will.
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