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Regular Paper Isoperformance: Analysis and Design of Complex Systems with Desired Outcomes* Olivier L. de Weck1, † and Marshall B. Jones2 1Engineering Systems Division, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, 33-410, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 2Behavioral Science Department, 500 University Drive, Room C1728, Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA 17033 ISOPERFORMANCE: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS WITH DESIRED OUTCOMES Received 27 October 2004; Accepted 17 October 2005, after one or more revisions Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/sys.20043 ABSTRACT The design of technical systems such as automobiles and spacecraft has traditionally focused exclusively on performance maximization. Many organizations now realize that such an approach must be balanced against competing objectives of cost, risk, and other criteria. If one is willing to give up some amount of performance relative to the best achievable performance level, one introduces slack into system design. This slack can be invested in creating better outcomes overall. One way to achieve this is to balance the requirements among contributing subsystems such that the number of active constraints is minimized, while still achieving the desired system performance. This paper introduces a methodology called “isoperformance” as a means of identifying and evaluating a performance-invariant set of design solutions, which are efficient in terms of other criteria such as cost, risk, and lifecycle properties. Isoperformance is an inverse design method that starts from a desired vector of performance requirements and works backwards to identify acceptable solutions in the *This work was partially supported by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center under Contracts No. NAG5-6079 and No. NAG5-7839 and by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory under Contract No. JPL 961123. †Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed (e-mail: [email protected]). Systems Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2006 © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 45 46 DE WECK AND JONES design space. To achieve this, gradient-based contour following is implemented as a multi- variable search algorithm that manipulates the null set of the Jacobian matrix. Use of the method is illustrated with two examples from spacecraft design and human performance in sports. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Syst Eng 9: 45–61, 2006 Key words: system design; isoperformance; multiobjective optimization; constraints; gradi- ent-based search; inverse design methods; sensitivity analysis 1. INTRODUCTION achieve desired robust functionality at the lowest pos- sible cost. In that case the desired performance levels Engineers have been traditionally conditioned to think become known quantities that can serve as targets for in particular ways about the challenging task of system system designers. This is the focus of so-called inverse design. First, emphasis has been historically placed on design methods, whose goal it is to find a set of solu- performance maximization, which was evident in pro- tions in the design space that satisfy a set of perform- jects such as Apollo (1962–1973), the development of ance targets in the objective space, J D x(J). The main the Concorde (1956–1976) or even current practices in challenge lies in the nonuniqueness of the problem. Formula 1 race car design. Second, the dominant way Since the number of design variables generally far in which design is taught and practiced is in the mode exceeds the number of objectives, there might be many, of “forward analysis.” Choices in the design space such as material selection, geometry specification or control- often infinitely many design vectors, xi, that satisfy the ler gain settings are evaluated in terms of their impact vector of performance targets, Jreq. This, of course, on system response and objectives such as range, speed, assumes that none of the targets are utopian, i.e., that and more recently fuel consumption. If initial design the targets are feasible based on physics and available choices are unsatisfactory, engineers typically iterate on technologies (but not necessarily based on available their designs until such quantities have been maximized resources). or minimized, subject to a number of other technical Isoperformance is a method that addresses this prob- and financial feasibility constraints. This modus oper- lem by first obtaining a performance invariant set of andi is facilitated by the fact that, with the possible system design solutions and subsequently reducing exception of buckling and other instability situations, these to an efficient set, when evaluated against other each vector of choices, x, in the design space can usually criteria such as cost and risk. Said more simply, it is an be uniquely mapped to an expected outcome in the inverse design method that allows system designers to objective space, x D J(x). ask: “What is the set of feasible designs, X , that iso This paradigm has its roots in an era where system satisfies all performance targets within some tolerance, performance was the prime driver of competitiveness while optimizing other criteria such as cost and risk?”. and superiority. This is particularly true for aerospace Let us consider a simple example from rocketry to engineering, which has only recently come to realize illustrate this point. The primary performance of a that performance is not necessarily limited by physical rocket is measured by the change in velocity, ∆v, that it phenomena (e.g., transonic drag, atmospheric proper- can achieve for a specified payload mass m . The rocket ties in the stratosphere) alone, but that “pushing the p performance envelope” too hard can have detrimental equation by Tsiolkovsky [1903] states that consequences for other aspects of the system. We find m the following quote by Schrage et al. [1991] to be ∆v = v − v = g ⋅ I ⋅ ln  i , (1) particularly appropriate: “The experience of the 1960’s f i sp mf has shown that for military aircraft the cost of the final increment of performance usually is excessive in terms where vi is the initial velocity in m/s, vf is the final of other characteristics and that the overall system must velocity, g is Earth’s mean gravitational acceleration at be optimized, not just performance.” the surface, g = 9.81 m/s2, I is the specific impulse of sp A more natural mode of thought is not to strive for the propulsion system in seconds, m is the initial mass, i the “best achievable” system performance, but accept- and m is the final mass after engine cutoff. The initial f able performance that is “good enough,” depending on mass can be written as contractually specified requirements, the state of com- petition in various market segments, and the need to m = m + m + m = (1 + α)m + m , (2) i s f p f p ISOPERFORMANCE: ANALYSIS AND D E S I G N O F C O M P L E X S YSTEMS WITH DESIRED OUTCOMES 47 where m is the structural (empty) mass of the rocket, which variables in the system the designer can change s m is the mass of fuel, and m is the payload mass. For independently, and which ones are constrained by na- f p simplicity one can assume that α represents the struc- ture or man to be fixed constants. In the case of rocket tural mass of the rocket as a fraction of total fuel mass. design we may choose the I (by selecting a particular sp Typical values for α are on the order of 0.08–0.12. The oxidizer/propellant combination) and size of the rocket final mass—assuming all fuel is consumed—is simply (by deciding on the quantity of fuel). Of course, archi- tectural decisions such as the number of rocket stages m = m + m = αm + m . (3) must be considered as well and we will return to this f s p f p point later on. Let x = [x x ]T be the design vector 1 2 If we were to design a rocket for launching payloads to with x = I and x = m. The vector of fixed parameters 1 sp 2 f low Earth orbit, a typical performance requirement is p = [p p p ]T with p = g = 9.81 m/s, p = m = 5000 1 2 3 1 2 p would be J = ∆v = 9500 m/s. This requirement kg, and p = α = 0.1. req req 3 allows achieving orbital velocity while absorbing drag, Given the fact that we have n = 2 design variables in gravity, and flight path turning losses during ascent. In this example, we can easily evaluate all possible designs other words, satisfactory performance is defined as between technologically feasible upper and lower accelerating a payload mass of say, m = 5000 kg, by bounds: p the velocity increment, ∆v . If the actual performance req achieved is below this level, a payload would not reach x = 300 ≤ x ≤ x = 500, 1, LB 1 1, UB or remain in orbit and the system would be useless. On the other hand, if the system significantly exceeds the x = 5 ⋅ 104 ≤ x ≤ x = 106. (4) 2, LB 2 2, UB requirement, it will achieve its purpose but be overdes- igned and, as a consequence, be heavier, more complex, We can discretize this design space into small incre- and more costly than really needed. So, what is the ments, ∆x, and evaluate all possible combinations of i family of feasible rocket designs that satisfies the re- specific impulse and fuel mass. The result is shown in quired performance level? Figure 1 and depicts the characteristic “wall” caused by Isoperformance is a method for thinking through and the rocket equation. As I is decreased by a small sp solving this problem. After specifying the required amount, it takes more and more propellant to achieve function and performance level, one must understand the same ∆v to make up for the loss of combustion Figure 1. Isoperformance contours of v [km/s] for simple rocket example. 48 DE WECK AND JONES efficiency. The plot shows the isoperformance contour lecting a particular solution in the reduced set must be of interest (9.5 km/s) and the relationship that must be discussed. These three sequential questions give rise to maintained between the design variables x and x to the three steps of the isoperformance methodology 1 2 stay on the contour. Thus, there are an infinite number presented in this paper. of choices between the two extreme designs: A and B. A uses propulsion technology which is easily achiev- 2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND PROBLEM able, while B assumes an I of 500 s, which is very sp FORMULATION difficult to achieve even with state-of-the-art liquid-hy- drogen, liquid-oxygen propulsion technology. Said 2.1. Related Literature more plainly, design A makes the job of the propulsion subsystem designers easy but requires a very large A system is understood broadly as a complex set of rocket which creates structural and controls challenges. human and/or artificial components that interact to Design B, on the other hand, is small and compact, but achieve a desired function. Performance is a quantita- very challenging from a propulsion technology stand- tive measure of how well this function is executed. Four point. It is interesting to note where various existing of the main tensions during system or product develop- rocket stage designs fall in that space. The second stage ment have been identified by Maier and Rechtin [2000] of the Saturn V launch vehicle (Saturn5.2) falls exactly (see Fig. 2). One of the important tasks of a systems onto the isoperformance contour and represents a com- engineer or program manager is to identify, quantify, promise design (close to design C) that meets perform- and resolve these tensions. An increase in system per- ance requirements but balances the difficulty between formance can generally only be achieved by increasing structural and propulsion subsystems.1 Other systems cost, stretching project schedules, accepting a higher such as the Space Shuttle second stage (STS.2), would level of risk, or a combination of these according to be significantly overdesigned or underdesigned (Atlas- Shishko et al. [1995]. I first stage), respectively. Isoperformance is an operational method that builds This example, while accurate based on first princi- upon Herbert Simon’s [1996] notion of “satisficing.” ples, does not capture some of the most important Satisficing is to “accept a choice or judgment as one that considerations in selecting among designs A, B, or C. is good enough, one that satisfies.” According to Herb One example of such a secondary criterion is the time Simon, who coined the term, the tendency to satisfice required to prepare the vehicle for launch. While oper- shows up in many cognitive tasks such as playing ating along the isoperformance contour (Fig. 1) may be games, designing under time and schedule pressure, efficient from a propulsion standpoint it implies that and making financial decisions where people typically cryogenic fluids will be used (LH , LOX) and that a do not or cannot search for the optimal solution. 2 rocket cannot be readied for launch with only a few The idea of holding a performance metric or value minutes notice. This is the main reason why designers of an objective function constant and finding the corre- of ICBMs chose lower I designs that could be readied sponding “contours” has been previously explored by sp for launch in minutes rather than hours. Accepting researchers in other areas. Gilheany [1989], for exam- lower propulsion performance was acceptable in that ple, presented a methodology for optimally selecting case because payloads were smaller and orbital veloci- dampers for multi-degree-of-freedom systems. In that ties did not have to be achieved due to ballistic reentry. particular work the contours of equal values of the Finding the isoperformance contour in this example objective function are found as a function of the damp- was trivial because we only considered two design ing coefficients. The term “isoperformance” was origi- variables and a single objective. What if multiple objec- tives were to be considered together and the vector of design variables were significantly larger? In that case finding the set of isoperformance solutions is not trivial, and we must find ways to systematically search the design space for acceptable solutions. And, once such solutions are obtained, we must find means to reduce the large set of alternatives to a smaller set that can be presented to decision-makers. Finally, criteria for se- 1Note that while the position of the existing rockets in Figure 1 is correct, the actual ∆v and payload masses associated with them are Figure 2. Tensions during systems architecting and design different from the ones assumed in this simple example. [Maier and Rechtin, 2000: 83]. ISOPERFORMANCE: ANALYSIS AND D E S I G N O F C O M P L E X S YSTEMS WITH DESIRED OUTCOMES 49 nally coined in the area of human factors research. Work roominess [m3] being maximized (LIB). Which of these has been done by Kennedy, Jones, and coworkers [Ken- objectives are considered as NIB target values and nedy, Turnage, and Jones, 1990; Jones and Kennedy, which ones can be maximized or minimized depends 1996] on the need within the U.S. Department of De- on the particular circumstances. Typically, however, fense to improve systems performance through better such objectives are counteracting. Large interior vol- integration of men and women into military systems ume would tend to increase drag, which in turn de- (human factors engineering). They present the applica- creases fuel economy. A target vehicle fuel economy tion of isoperformance analysis in military and aero- can be achieved by trading off fuel capacity, empty space systems design, by trading off equipment, weight, and engine displacement among other vari- training variables, and user characteristics. Once the ables. The isoperformance approach assumes that de- level of operational performance in these systems is sired performance targets Jreq are known, i.e., that the key performance objectives are captured as NIB and settled upon (e.g., “pilot will check out all aircraft that they must be achieved first. Traditional perform- systems within 30 seconds”), tradeoffs among equip- ance maximization always assumes (LIB) at the ex- ment variables, adaptation, training, and individual pre- pense of the other objectives. Isoperformance, on the disposing factors can be made. Jones in particular has other hand, fixes the amount of performance at an also linked isoperformance to personnel selection acceptable level (NIB) and trades off the other objec- [2000]. tives with respect to each other. Inverse design has recently become a topic in aero- This is similar in philosophy to Physical Program- dynamics where one would like to automatically gen- ming, developed by Messac [1996] with the difference erate airfoil geometry (usually as a sequence of x/y that in Physical Programming all objectives, LIB, NIB, coordinates of control points) for a prescribed pressure and SIB, are mapped onto a unitless scale of goodness distribution over a wing (see, for example, Kim, Kim, and combined together into an overall system utility. It and Rho [1999]). Level Set Methods in mathematics is this unitless measure that is then optimized. The result also have the potential to represent isoperformance of Physical Programming is a single point design that surfaces (see Osher and Fedkiw [2002]). So far, how- will maximize overall utility depending on the break- ever, these advanced geometrical techniques have been points that designers select for various levels of desir- mainly applied to visualization and computer graphics. ability. For example, for system mass the user might A number of researchers such as Taguchi, Cook select the following ranges: Highly Desirable < 250 [1997], and Messac [1996] have recognized that system (kg), Desirable 250–275, Tolerable 275–300, Undesir- requirements typically fall into one of three classes: able 300–325, Highly Undesirable 325–350, Unac- “smaller-is-better” (SIB), “larger-is-better” (LIB), and ceptable > 350. While this approach is intuitive and “nominal-is-better” (NIB) (see Fig. 3). In automotive ensures that all objectives contribute somewhat to over- design, for example, a target average fuel economy all system utility, there is no guarantee that those per- [mpg] might have to be achieved (NIB) for a vehicle, formance objectives that are deemed critical will indeed while at the same time vehicle variable manufacturing be met. Of course, additional points can be obtained in cost [$] might have to be minimized (SIB) with interior Physical Programming by rerunning the optimization for different settings of the desirable-undesirable range settings and different weightings. In isoperformance on the other hand we first extract the subset of solutions that strictly satisfy the NIB requirements. We carefully analyze and visualize this set of solutions and try to extract engineering insight from them. A second step is to evaluate the performance invariant solutions in terms of their SIB and LIB objec- tives and to filter the set to only those solutions that are nondominated according to the SIB and LIB objectives. The third step is to select one (or more) designs from this Pareto [1906] set for further consideration. Unfortunately, most inverse design problems ad- dressed in the literature are of small scale and don’t address the curse of dimensionality of complex system Figure 3. Normalized utility curves ui of the ith system objective Ji represented by a monotonically decreasing (SIB), design. What is needed is a more general methodology increasing (LIB), or concave function (NIB). that can deal with system design problems on a larger 50 DE WECK AND JONES Many systems may be described in this framework; even if the exact form the transfer functions G, G , I sys G , and K may not always be known. Table I maps the O various quantities to the systems of interest in this paper. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather illus- trative. As the states of dynamical systems evolve over time, their behavior can be measured and influenced to the extent allowed by the system design. Figure 4. Block diagram of dynamic system with feedback If the system is assumed to be linear and time-invari- control. ant, it may be described by a set of governing equations such as . scale that have both a large number of design variables, q = A (x, p)q + B (x, p)d, sys i j sys i j objectives, constraints and potentially both artificial and human subsystems and components. The next sec- z = C (x, p)q + D (x, p)d, where i = 1, 2, . . . , n, sys i j sys i j tions will present the formulation and solution of the isoperformance method as one step in this direction. G = C [sI − A ]−1B + D . (5) sys sys sys sys sys The method will be contrasted with a more traditional all-in-one multiobjective optimization formulation and This may not always be a good assumption, but we two examples will be presented, one from spacecraft will follow this framework for now, because it is allows design, the other from human performance in sports. us to rigorously define the relationship between design variables, fixed parameters, and system performance. 2.2. Notation Moreover, the satellite in the first example is modeled as a dynamic, linear time-invariant system. Let a general dynamic system be represented by a block The dynamic states of the system, q, are generally diagram (Fig. 4) whereby the system is subject to both internal, and the matrices describing the system prop- exogenous inputs d, which enter the system as filtered erties, A, B, C, and D clearly depend on how the system disturbances w, as well as control inputs u. The system has been designed. The expression A (x, p) expresses responds by a measurable system output, y. A system sys i j that the A-matrix of the system depends on both settings controller, K, may be present in an attempt to minimize of the design variables x where i = 1, 2, . . . n, as well the error signal, e, between the desired system behavior, i as the fixed parameters p. A performance objective for r (reference signal) and the measured response. The j the system may be defined as an average, maximum, performance of the system, z, may be different from the minimum, cumulative, root-mean-square, or other sta- measured output, y. The system objectives are typically tistical measure of system performance, z(t). For exam- functions of the performance output signal z(t) such that ple, if z(t) is a time-varying performance output signal, J = f(z). Table I. Examples of Input, Output, and Performance Variables for Various Systems §§Only liquid fuel rockets can typically be throttled. ISOPERFORMANCE: ANALYSIS AND D E S I G N O F C O M P L E X S YSTEMS WITH DESIRED OUTCOMES 51 then the objective may be to minimize the root-mean- Recall our rocket design example from Section 1 and square (RMS) value of that signal. the results in Figure 1. We see that the isoperformance set is described by the contour labeled as 9.5 km/s. In J = f (z), this simple case the contour is fully described by the z implicit equation 1/2  T  e.g., Jz = ||z||2 = E[zTz]1/2 = T1 ∫0 z(t)2dt RMS.(6) Xiso: 9.81 ⋅ x1 ⋅ ln 01..11xx22 ++ 55000000 = 9500. (12) An isoperformance requirement can then be formulated We extract from it a subset of three discrete isoperfor- as mance solutions (A, B, and C), k = 1, 2, 3: Jz(xiso,i) ≡ Jz,req W i = 1, . . . , n, (7) xi1so = 411016 , xi2so = 3 4⋅ 21905 , xi3so = 7 5⋅ 01004 (.13) whereby a two-side tolerance band, τ, may be allowed for practical and numerical reasons: These satisfy the side bounds [Eq. (4)]. Note that feasi- bility constraints were not present in this simple exam- τ: Jz(xiso,i) − Jz,req ≤ τ. (8) ple. In cases where n >> 2, there will potentially be  Jz,req  many isoperformance solutions, and we can apply sec- ondary criteria to filter these. We assert that these sec- Thus, J represents not an ideal but acceptable level ondary criteria should primarily be associated with cost z,req of RMS performance of signal z(t). In the first example, and risk (Fig. 2) objectives, rather then required system z(t) will represent the residual line-of-sight (LOS) jitter performance. of a space telescope. Attempting to drive this require- Step 2—Find efficient subset ment to zero or a number that is significantly below the resolution of the on-board imaging instruments would be difficult to achieve and wasteful. Find all xil∗so ∈ Xi∗so ⊆ Xiso ⊆ Rn The isoperformance problem is succinctly stated in the following section. such that for a vector of secondary (cost and risk) objectives J = [J ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ J ]T there exists no other cr cr,1 cr,r 2.3. Isoperformance Problem Formulation feasible design vector x ∈ X ⊆ Rn such that: iso The isoperformance problem is to find a set of design vectors, xk , that are in the isoperformance set such that iso J (x) ≤ J (x∗ ) Non-inferiority constraint the isoperformance constraints, feasibility constraints cr cr iso and side bounds are all satisfied. (14) Step 1—Find performance-invariant set J (x) ≤ J (x∗ ) cr,j cr,j iso (15) Find all xk ⊆ X Component-wise non-inferiority constraint iso iso for all j = 1, . . . , r with strict inequality holding for such that for an objective vector Jz = [Jz,1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ Jz,m]T at least one j. Note that the feasibility constraints and the following constraints are satisfied: side bounds on x∗ are already satisfied by virtue of iso step 1. J(xk , p) − J   z iso z,req ≤ τ  J  In our rocket example the risk of a design might relate z,req (9) Isoperformance constraints, to technology maturity of the propulsion system, J = (x − Ig)/Ig, where Ig = 450 is a value readily cr,1 1 sp sp sp g(xk , p) ≤ 0, h(xk , p) = 0 Feasibility con- achievable by the current state of the art. The cost, on iso iso straints, (10) the other hand, might be captured by the size of the vehicle, J = log[βx ]2. By setting β = 2 ⋅ 10–4 we cr,2 2 x ≤ xk ≤ x W i = 1, 2, . . . , n normalize the cost of the smallest rocket to unity. We i,LB iso,i i,UB Side bounds. (11) can evaluate the three isoperformance designs, A, B, and C, in terms of J and obtain cr 52 DE WECK AND JONES J (x1 ) = −0.09 , J (x2 ) = −0.05 , J (x3 ) = .11 . 3.2. Isoperformance Method cr iso  5.3  cr iso  3.2  cr iso 1.3 We can visualize the isoperformance procedure (Fig. 5) (16) by considering the various sets and domains involved in problem solving. Figure 5(a) shows the sets involved. All three solutions are noninferior according to Eq. The outer square represents the n-dimensional Eu- (14), whereby the first solution is the low risk, high cost clidian plane, Rn. Designs that we could implemented design, the second is a compromise between manufac- are bounded by set B [side constraints, Eq. (11)] and its turing cost and development risk. and the third is the subset F [feasibility constraints, Eq. (10)]. Further- high risk, low cost solution. Ultimately, large techno- more, in step 1 we look for the subset that satisfies the logical risk might translate into high development costs isoperformance constraints, I, according to Eq. (9). as well. Among this subset we look for intersection with the Pareto-set P [see Eq. (14)], which contains the nonin- Step 3—Select final design ferior solutions from a cost/risk perspective (step 2). The final design x∗∗ is said to be from among the Select x∗∗ ∈ X∗ ⊆ X ⊆ Rn, iso iso iso iso efficient set E. Figures 5(b–d) show the various domains that are according to non-quantified objectives/criteria and involved. First, the vector of system objectives is speci- stakeholder consensus. (17) fied in the performance objective space J as a target z,req [Fig. 5(c)]. For a new system about which little is know 3. ISOPERFORMANCE METHOD AND it is conceivable that the initial target vector is set ALGORITHM outside the feasible domain. In that case the best possi- ble outcome is to minimize the Euclidian distance be- tween the target vector and the closest achievable point 3.1. Advantages over One-Step in the feasible space (goal programming). If the target Multiobjective Optimization vector is set inside the feasible domain, the solution will It may be possible to arrive at a similar or even the same generally be non-unique when the number of design solution by collapsing steps 1 and 2 into a single mul- variables exceeds the number of performance objec- tiobjective optimization problem with two-sided in- tives, i.e., n > m. In step 1 search algorithms are equality constraints on performance: launched from the objective space to identify feasible members of the isoperformance set X in the design iso min J (x, p) = [J ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ J ]T, space [Fig. 5(b)].2 Once these have been found, they are cr cr,1 cr,r evaluated against secondary cost and risk criteria [Fig. J(x, p) − J  5(d)] and the noninferior set E is retained. The final s.t.  z z,req ≤ τ, selection of x∗∗ is done based on nonquantifiable cri-  J  iso z,req teria and stakeholder consensus. g(x, p) ≤ 0, h(x, p) = 0, 3.3. Gradient-Based Contour Following x ≤ x ≤ x W i = 1, 2, . . . , n. (18) i,LB i i,UB There are a number of algorithms that have been For simple problems the results of the two ap- proposed to identify the isoperformance set I. In de proaches should be equivalent. For complex system Weck and Miller [2002], the following three algorithms design problems, however, we claim two advantages of have been developed: the isoperformance method [Eqs. (9)–(16)] over the all-in-one optimization [Eq. (18)]: – Branch-and-Bound Design Space Explora- tion 1. Engineering insight is obtained by solving the – Gradient-based Contour Following problem in subsequent steps and inspecting and – Progressive Vector Spline Approximation visualizing intermediate results, rather than in an all-in-one optimization. The interested reader is referred to de Weck and Miller 2. As the tolerance is decreased, τ → 0, the isoper- [2002] for details on these algorithms. Nevertheless, the formance constraint becomes an inequality con- second algorithm, gradient-based contour following, straint which has previously been shown by Kim and de Weck [2005] and others to be difficult to 2One such algorithm, gradient-based contour following is discussed solve using standard multiobjective techniques. below. ISOPERFORMANCE: ANALYSIS AND D E S I G N O F C O M P L E X S YSTEMS WITH DESIRED OUTCOMES 53 Figure 5. (a) Venn diagram, (b–d) domains mapped in the isoperformance method. will be briefly discussed here, since it illuminates an satisfies Eqs. (9)–(11). To find additional isoperfor- interesting mathematical property of the isoperfor- mance points, the condition mance approach. Assume that we start searching for isoperformance ∇JzT,jxk ∆x ≡ 0 (21) solutions from within the feasible domain F with a starting point xO. Furthermore, let must be satisfied. In other words, we want to find tangential directions that are performance invariant. Since this must be true for all performance objectives, j = 1, 2, . . . , m at once we define (19) be the Taylor decomposition of the jth objective func- tion evaluated at xk, where (22) ∂J ∂J T (20) ∇J =  z,j ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ z,j z,j ∂x1 ∂xn to be the system Jacobian. This is the matrix of partial is the gradient vector of the jth objective function with derivatives of the m performance objectives with re- respect to the design variable vector. Initially, we follow spect to the n design variables. Performance invariant the steepest gradient vector to ensure that we move from directions can be found by singular decomposition of the initial point xO to a point xk that satisfies the iso the Jacobian: isoperformance constraint. Once such a point has been found, the algorithm switches to “contour following” U Σ VT = ∇J T (23) mode. Let xk = xk be an isoperformance point that z iso 54 DE WECK AND JONES The Σ matrix contains the singular values. Here we are frequency, isochronal or isoelectric curves or contours. interested in the zero singular values. The correspond- These terms all share the prefix iso-, which means “the ing columns of the V matrix span the nullspace of the same.” Graphically showing isoperformance results for Jacobian. n > 3 is challenging. 3.4. Physics-Based versus Empirical Models From the discussion thus far it is clear that isoperfor- mance requires some mathematical model that relates (24) the design vector x to both performance as well as cost/risk objectives, J and J , respectively. The model z cr can be derived from first principles [as was done in Eq. (1)], or obtained from empirical experimental or field observation. In the first case the model is developed and Any linear combination of these n - m null vectors implemented directly (deterministic case). In the sec- points in a performance invariant direction, ond case an empirical model (with embedded statistical __ uncertainty) must be developed first. This requires a ∆x = α ⋅ (β v + . . . + β v ) = αV β , (25) data set that relates experimental factors (x) to observed 1 m+1 n−m n o __ outcomes (J). A variety of meta-modeling techniques where α is an arbitrary, but small, step size and β is a such as response surfaces, kriging, or neural networks vector of linear combination parameters. Hence, isop- are available for this purpose, and there is an abundant erformance solutions can be obtained from the null- literature on this subject. Figure 7 illustrates these two space of the system Jacobian matrix. Figure 6 shows for cases. Note that the isoperformance algorithms used to a sample problem (de Weck and Miller, [2002]) in three extract the performance-invariant set Xiso, are the same in both cases. dimensions how the algorithm finds isoperformance The following two sections give examples of isoper- surfaces by following performance-invariant directions formance applications for both the deterministic case in the nullspace. (spacecraft design) as well as the stochastic case (team In this paper we are particularly interested in con- sports). tours and isoperformance surfaces that arise, when the vector J represents the performance of a complex z technical or human system. Thus, Jz could represent the 4. EXAMPLE 1: SPACECRAFT DESIGN pointing performance of a space telescope, average fuel economy of a car, total output of an electrical power The design of precision optomechanical systems for grid, or the aptitude of humans as measured by some remote sensing in space is challenging since it combines objective criterion. In economics, relationships of this tightly coupled disciplines such as structures, optics and type are usually called indifference curves. In sensory controls. When applied to space telescopes such as the psychology and physiology, they are often called iso- “Nexus” spacecraft concept shown in Figure 8, we need Figure 6. Gradient-based Contour-Following algorithm (n = 3, m = 1).

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