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IPad: covers iOS 5.1 and 3G/4G iPad PDF

273 Pages·2012·41.105 MB·English
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Covers all iPad versions iPad • Easy to follow • Step-by-step tasks • In full colour in Simple steps Marc Campbell iPad Covers iOS 5.1 and 3G/4G iPad PEARSON EDUCATION LIMITED Edinburgh Gate Harlow CM20 2JE Tel: +44 (0)1279 623623 Fax: +44 (0)1279 431059 Website: www.pearson.com/uk First published in Great Britain in 2012 © Marc Campbell 2012 The right of Marc Campbell to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Pearson Education is not responsible for the content of third-party internet sites. ISBN: 978-0-273-77476-1 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the publishers. All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. The use of any trademark in this text does not vest in the author or publisher any trademark ownership rights in such trademarks, nor does the use of such trademarks imply any affiliation with or endorsement of this book by such owners. Apple and iMessages are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPad, iTunes, iBooks, iCal, iMessage, FaceTime and Safari are trademarks of Apple Inc. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 Typeset in 11/14pt ITC Stone Sans by 3 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Scotprint, Haddington, East Lothian iPad Covers iOS 5.1 and 3G/4G iPad Simple in steps Marc Campbell Use your computer with confi dence Dedication: For Mom and Papa John, may you both rest in peace. Get to grips with practical computing tasks with minimal time, fuss and bother. In Simple Steps guides guarantee immediate results. They tell you everything you need Author acknowledgments: to know on a specifi c application; from the most essential tasks to master, to every activity you’ll want to accomplish, through to solving the most common problems I just love writing for Pearson Education, and these In Simple Steps books prove it. Three books in you’ll encounter. almost as many months! It’s wonderful working with Steve Temblett, Laura Blake and the rest of the gang. It’s not often I fi nd a team that works so well together. Helpful features I’d also like to acknowledge my agent, Neil Salkind, who works hard for me always, and my family, Dad, Jennifer, and Cosmo. I wish my mom could be here to see these books; she would have To build your confi dence and help you to get the most out of your iPad, practical hints, tips and enjoyed them. You may see her in a few of the pictures here. shortcuts feature on every page: ALERT: Explains and provides HHHOOOTTT TTTIIIPPP::: Time and effort practical solutions to the most sssaaavvviiinnnggg ssshhhooorrrtttcccuuutttsss commonly encountered problems SEE ALSO: Points you DID YOU KNOW? to other related tasks and Additional features to explore information WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Jargon and technical terms explained in plain English Practical. Simple. Fast. Simple Simple in in steps steps A01_BALL3479_01_SE_FM.indd 4-5 3/4/09 11:00:45 UUses ey oyuoru rc ocmompuptuetre rw witihth c ocnonfi dfi ednecnece Acknowledgements GetG teot gtori pgsr iwpsit hw ipthra pctriaccatli ccaolm copmutpinugt intags ktsa swksit hw imthin miminailm tiaml tei,m fue,s sf uasnsd a nbdo tbhoetr.her. These people provided simple instructions that I kept finding reasons not to follow, so please join me in thanking them for their kindness and patience as well as their In SIinm Spilme pSltee pSst egpusi dgeusi dgeus agruanarteane tiemem imedmiaetdei artees ureltssu. lTtsh. eTyh teeyll tyeollu y oevue eryvethryintgh inyogu y onuee nde ed professional expertise: Neil Salkind, Andrew Kim, Ken Bluttman, Steve Temblett, Robert to ktnoo kwn oown oa ns pae scpifie cc iafi pcp alpicpaltiicoant;io fnro; mfro tmhe t mheo mst oessts eenssteianl ttiaasl ktsa stkos mtoa smtears, tteor, etvoe eryv ery Cottee, Helen Savill, Linda Dhondy and Joli Ballew, not to mention the unsung heroes actiavcittyiv yitoyu y’lol uw’lal nwt atnot atcoc aocmcopmlisphl,i sthh,r othurgohu gtoh stool vsionlgv inthge t mheo mst ocsotm commomn opnro pbrleomblse ms in production and elsewhere, including the marketing department. youy’lol ue’nllc eonucnotuern. ter. I’m also extremely grateful to my friends who agreed to appear in the examples, namely OJ at nomadbuzz.com, Wendy at www.createawaytoday.com and David at HeHlpelfpuflu fle faetautruerses davidfedan.blogspot.com. Billy Blind appears courtesy of no one in particular. To bTuoi lbdu yioldu yr ocuorn cfi odnefin dcee nacned a hnedl ph eyolpu y toou g teot gtheet tmheo smt ooustt oouf ty oofu yr oiPuard iP, apdra, cptricaaclt ihcianl ths,in ttips,s taipnsd a nd shorsthcourttsc ufetast fueraet uorne eovne reyv eprayg pea:ge: Publisher’s acknowledgements The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to include ALEARLTE:R ETx:p Elaxinpsla ainnsd a pnrdo vpirdoevsi des HOHTO TTIP T: ITPi:m Tei maned a enfdfo ertf fort their photographs within screenshots on the following pages: pracptricaaclt iscoallu stoioluntsi oton st htoe tmheo smt ost savisnagv isnhgo rsthcourttscuts comcmomonmlyo ennlyc oenucnoteurnetde rperdo bplreomblse ms Page 181 (bottom) Pearson Education Ltd; page 184 Pearson Education Ltd; page 185 Pearson Education Ltd: Photodisc. Kevin Peterson; page 186 Pearson Education Ltd; page 188 Pearson Education Ltd; page 190 Pearson Education Ltd. Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we apologise in advance SEES EAEL SAOL:S OPo:i nPtos inyotsu y ou DIDD IYDO YUO KUN KONWO?W? for any unintentional omissions. We would be pleased to insert the appropriate to ottoh eort hreelra treedla tteadsk tsa asknsd a nd AddAitdiodnitaiol fneaalt fueraetsu troe se txop eloxrpelore acknowledgement in any subsequent edition of this publication. infoirnmfoartmioantion WHWAHTA DTO DEOS ETSH TISH MISE MAENA?N? JargJoanrg aonnd a tnedc htnecichanl itcearlm tesr emxsp elaxinpeladin iend p ilna inp lEaning Elinshglish PPrarcatcitciacla. lS. iSmimplpel.e F. aFsats.t. SSimimpplele SSimimpplele ini n ini n s tsetpesps s tsetpesps A01_BAA0L1L_3B4A7L9L_30417_9S_E0_1F_MSE.in_dFdM . i4n-d5d 4-5 3/4/093 / 41/10:90 0 :1415:00:45 Contents at a glance Top 10 iPad Tips 5 Staying in touch with Mail 1 Hello iPad! ● Compose an email 82 ● Cut, copy and paste as you write 83 ● Turn your iPad on and off 19 ● Reply to an email 86 ● Recharge your iPad’s battery 20 ● Open an attachment 88 ● Use the touch screen 21 ● Use the virtual keyboard 22 6 Socialising with Messages, FaceTime and Twitter 2 Setting up your iPad ● Text-chat with Messages 93 ● Set up an email account 39 ● Make video calls with FaceTime 96 ● Rearrange icons 40 ● Set up Twitter on your iPad 98 ● Search your iPad 42 ● Tweet from your iPad 99 ● Back up your iPad 45 7 Striking poses with Photos, 3 Shopping for music, Camera and Photo Booth movies and apps ● View photos 103 ● Search the iTunes Store 53 ● Create a photo album 105 ● Rent a movie 56 ● Run a slideshow 108 ● Purchase an app 61 ● Take a photo with your iPad 111 ● Delete an app 62 8 Watching movies and 4 Surfing the Web with videos Safari ● Watch a movie in Videos 117 ● Visit a website 65 ● Control video playback 118 ● Create a bookmark 69 ● Watch a YouTube video 120 ● Set how to accept cookies 73 ● Connect your iPad to a television 123 ● Browse in privacy 74 9 Sound advice: Using the 13 Staying organised with Music app Calendar ● Explore the different calendar views 193 ● Browse your music library 127 ● Add an event 196 ● Listen to an album, song or playlist 129 ● Set an alert to remind you of ● Create a playlist 133 an event 205 ● Listen to music while using ● Search your events 208 another app 138 ● Subscribe to a calendar 209 10 Reading on the go: iBooks for ebooks 14 Taking notes ● Browse the iBookstore 147 ● Add a new note 214 ● Open and read an ebook 157 ● Edit a note 215 ● Set the brightness of the pages 158 ● Email a note 217 ● Set the type size, typeface and ● Search your notes 219 paper style 159 15 Using accessibility 11 Getting oriented with features Maps ● Use VoiceOver 223 ● Find your location on the map 163 ● Use Zoom 226 ● Navigate the map 165 ● Use White on Black 227 ● Search for a location 166 ● Use AssistiveTouch 229 ● Get directions to anywhere from anywhere 171 16 Getting more out of Settings 12 Caring for your contacts ● Use Airplane Mode 235 ● Add a new contact 181 ● Change sound alerts 238 ● Search your contacts list 185 ● Set the date and time 240 ● Edit a contact 186 ● Set international preferences 242 ● Locate a contact on the map 190 Top 10 iPad Problems Solved Contents Top 10 iPad Tips 1 Dictate instead of type 2 2 Set up iCloud 3 3 Set up an email account 4 4 Rent a movie 5 5 Create a Home icon to navigate directly to a website 6 6 Make video calls with FaceTime 7 7 Take a photo with your iPad 9 8 Listen to music while using another app 10 9 Get directions to anywhere from anywhere 12 10 Set an alert to remind you of an event 14 1 Hello iPad! ● Turn your iPad on and off 19 ● Recharge your iPad’s battery 20 ● Use the touch screen 21 ● Use the virtual keyboard 22 ● Dictate instead of type 23 ● Rotate the display 24 ● Use the Settings app 25 ● Join a Wi-Fi network 26 ● Join a cellular data network 27 ● Set up iCloud 28 ● Install iTunes on your computer 29 ● Sync using iTunes 30 ● Connect to the iPad Dock 32 ● Use wired headphones 33 ● Connect a Bluetooth device 34

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