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Fordham Urban Law Journal 1993 - 1994: Vol 21 Index PDF

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TABLE OF ARTICLES & ESSAYS—TITLES ACHIEVING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: THE ROLE OF OccUPA- TIONAL HEALTH. George Friedman-Jiménez BALANCING THE SCALES OF ENVIRONMENTAL Justice. Charles J. McDermott BEYOND UNCOMPROMISING POosITIONS: HATE CRIMES LEGISLA- TION AND THE COMMON GROUND BETWEEN CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS AND Gay RIGHTs ApvocaTes. David Chang .. 1097 City VeERsUs COUNTRYSIDE: ENVIRONMENTAL EQuITY IN CoNn- TEXT. A. Dan Tarlock 461 COMPENSATED SITING PrRoposaLs: Is Ir TIME TO PAY ATTENTION? Vicki Been 787 COMMUNITIES OF COLOR AND HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP: Ex- PANDING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE FEDERAL SUPERFUND PROGRAM. Deeohn Ferris 671 ENVIRONMENTAL BURDENS AND Democratic Justice. Gerald Torres 431 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND SUSTAINABILITY: IS THERE A CRITI- CAL NEXUS IN THE CASE OF WASTE DISPOSAL OR TREATMENT Faciuity Sitinc? Kent E. Portney ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE LITIGATION: ANOTHER STONE _ IN Davin’s Siinc. Luke W. Cole FIGHTING MuNICIPAL “TAG-TEAM”: THE FEDERAL FAIR HOUSING AMENDMENTS ACT AND ITs USE IN OBTAINING ACCESS TO HOUusSING FOR PERSONS WITH DisaBiLiTies. Robert L. Schonfeld & Seth P. Stein HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS: WHY THE HOMELESS NEED Foop STAMP ADVOCACY AND How To Pay For IT. Monica A. Fennell IsSUES OF CLASSIFICATION IN ENVIRONMENTAL Eaouity: How WE MANAGE Is How WE MEAsuvuReE. Rae Zimmerman IssUES OF COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT. Peggy M. Shepard KEEPING THE FaiTH: A MopEL LocaL Etuics LAw—CONTENT AND COMMENTARY. Mark Davies LESBIAN AND GAY FAMILIES AND THE LAw: A PROGRESS REPORT. Arthur S. Leonard Notes FROM THE FRontT Ling. Nancy E. Anderson PEACE, WEALTH, HAPPINESS, AND SMALL CLAIM Courts: A CASE Stupy. Arthur Best & Deborah Zalesne PLANNING, POWER AND Po.itics: A CAsE STUDY OF THE LAND UsE AND SITING HIsTORY OF THE NORTH RIVER WATER POLLU- TION CONTROL PLANT. Vernice D. Miller PROTECTING ENDANGERED COMMUNITIES. Clarice E. Gaylord & Geraldine W. Twitty PUSHING THE LAw TO ENCOMPASS THE REALITY OF OUR FAMI- LIES: PROTECTING LESBIAN AND GAY FAMILIES FROM EVICTION From THEIR Homes—#RASCH?S FUNCTIONAL DEFINITION OF “FAMILY” AND BEYOND. Paris Baldacci RaAcE, GENDER, AGE, AND DISPROPORTIONATE IMPACT: WHAT CAN WE Do ABOUT THE FAILURE TO PROTECT THE MostT VUL- NERABLE? Samara F. Swanston SELECTIVE HousiInG CopE ENFORCEMENT AND LOw-INCOME HousinGc Po.icy: MINNEAPOLIS CAsE Stupy. Robin Powers Kinning SP, v. SULLIVAN: THE EFFORT TO BROADEN THE SOCIAL SECUR- ITY ADMINISTRATION’S DEFINITION OF AIDS. Theresa M. McGovern THE MEANING OF URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL JusTIce. Michel Gelobter THE QUESTION OF RISK: INCORPORATING COMMUNITY PERCEP- TIONS INTO ENVIRONMENTAL RIsk ASSESSMENTS. James S. Free- man & Rachel D. Godsil THE Victims OF NIMBY? Michael B. Gerrard THE VIsIBLE SPECTRUM. Nancy E. Anderson THROUGH THE LOOKING GLAss: PoLitics, MORALITY, AND THE TRIAL OF COLORADO’Ss AMENDMENT 2. Suzanne B. Goldberg WHEN THE POLICE ARE IN Our BEDROOMS, SHOULDN’T THE Courts Go IN AFTER THEM?: AN UPDATE ON THE FIGHT AGainst “Sopomy” Laws. Evan Wolfson & Robert S. Mower WRITING LIKE A Lawyer. John D. Feerick TABLE OF ARTICLES & ESSAYS—AUTHORS ANDERSON, Nancy E., Notes From the Front Line ANDERSON, Nancy E., The Visible Spectrum BALDAccI, Paris, Pushing the Law to Encompass the Reality of Our Families: Protecting Lesbian and Gay Families From Eviction From Their Homes—Braschi’s Functional Definition of “Family” and Beyond BEEN, Vicki, Compensated Siting Proposals: Is it Time to Pay Atten- Best, ARTHUR & ZALESNE, DEBORAH, Peace, Wealth, Happiness, and Small Claim Courts: A Case Study CHANG, Davip, Beyond Uncompromising Positions: Hate-Crimes Legislation and the Common Ground Between Conservative Republicans and Gay Rights Advocates Coe, LUKE W., Environmental Justice Litigation: Another Stone in David’s Sling Davies, MarK, Keeping the Faith: A Model Local Ethics Law— Content and Commentary FEERICK, JOHN D., Writing Like a Lawyer FENNELL, Monica A., Hunger and Homelessness: Why the Home- less Need Food Stamp Advocacy and How to Pay for It FERRIS, DEEOHN, Communities of Color and Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Expanding Public Participation in the Federal Superfund Program FREEMAN, JAMES S. & GopsIL, RACHEL D., The Question of Risk: Incorporating Community Perceptions Into Environmental Risk Assessments FRIEDMAN-JIMENEZ, GEORGE, Achieving Environmental Justice: The Role of Occupational Health GAYLORD, CLARICE E. & Twitty, GERALDINE W., Protecting En- dangered Communities GELOBTER, MICHEL, The Meaning of Urban Environmental GERRARD, MICHAEL B., The Victims of NIMBY? GopsIL, RACHEL D., & FREEMAN, JAMEs S., The Question of Risk: Incorporating Community Perceptions Into Environmental Risk Assessments GOLDBERG, SUZANNE B., Through the Looking Glass: Politics, Mo- rality, and the Trial of Colorado’s Amendment 2 KINNING, ROBIN Powers, Selective Housing Code Enforcement and Low-Income Housing Policy: Minneapolis Case Study LEONARD, ARTHUR S., Lesbian and Gay Families and the Law: A Progress Report McDeErmotTT, CHARLES J., Balancing the Scales of Environmental McGoveERN, THERESA M., S.P. v. Sullivan: The Effort to Broaden the Social Security Administration’s Definition of AIDS MILLER, VERNICE D., Planning, Power and Politics: A Case Study of the Land Use and Siting History of the North River Water Pollu- tion Control Plant 707 Mower, ROBERT S. & WOLFSON, EvAn, When the Police Are in Our Bedrooms, Shouldn’t The Courts Go In After Them?: An Update on the Fight Against “Sodomy” Laws 997 PorTNEY, Kent E., Environmental Justice and Sustainability: Is There a Critical Nexus in the Case of Waste Disposal or Treatment ee each utils Aa NGAA Ronde easnsa's vin't0e evan 827 SCHONFELD, ROBERT L. & STEIN, SETH P., Fighting Municipal “Tag-Team”: The Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act and Its Use in Obtaining Access to Housing for Persons with Disabilities 299 SHEPARD, PEeGGy M., Issues of Community Empowerment 739 STEIN, SETH, P., SCHONFELD, ROBERT, L., Fighting Municipal “Tag- Team”: The Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act and Its Use In Obtaining Access to Housing for Persons with Disabilities 299 SWANSTON, SAMARA F., Race, Gender, Age, and Disproportionate Impact: What Can We Do About the Failure to Protect the Most 6 iE aides te ROTEKE RNS OKEES WHS Vein be We ves oedgen eed 577 TARLOocK, A. Dan, City Versus Countryside: Environmental Equity in Context Torres, GERALD, Environmental Burdens and Democratic Justice Twitty, GERALDINE W., & GAYLORD, LANCE, E., Protecting En- dangered Communities Wo .Fson, Evan & Mower, ROBERT S., When the Police Are in Our Bedrooms, Shouldn’t The Courts Go In After Them?: An Up- date on the Fight Against “Sodomy” Laws ZALESNE, DEBORAH & BEsT, ARTHUR, Peace, Wealth, Happiness and Small Claim Courts: A Case Study ZIMMERMAN, RAE, Issues of Classification in Environmental Equity: How We Manage Is How We Measure TABLE OF REPORTS—TITLES TEMPORARY STATE COMMISSION ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT ETHICS: FINAL Report. New York State Commission on Government In- tegrity TABLE OF REPORTS—AUTHORS NEw YorK STATE COMMISSION ON GOVERNMENT INTEGRITY, 7em- porary State Commission on Local Government Ethics: Final Re- TABLE OF BOOK REVIEWS—TITLES LAND USE REGULATION AND LEGAL RHETORIC: BROADENING THE TERMS OF DEBATE. R.S. Radford TABLE OF BOOK REVIEWS—AUTHORS RADFORD, R.S., Land Use Regulation and Legal Rhetoric: Broaden- ing the Terms of Debate TABLE OF TRANSCRIPTS—TITLES POLITICS AND THE DEATH PENALTY: CAN RATIONAL DISCOURSE AND DvuE Process SURVIVE THE PERCEIVED POLITICAL PREs- REN Rid oe Re Li peters | Me atk sica ewe nBEwie bos aab ee 4% TABLE OF COMMENTARIES—TITLES COMMENTARY TO POLITICS AND THE DEATH PENALTY: CAN Ra- TIONAL DISCOURSE AND DUE PROCESS SURVIVE THE PERCEIVED POLITICAL PRESSURE? Ronald J. Tabak TABLE OF COMMENTARIES—AUTHORS TABAK, RONALD J., Commentary to Politics and the Death Penalty: Can Rational Discourse and Due Process Survive the Perceived Political Pressure? TABLE OF NOTES—TITLES BALANCING THE SCALES: LIMITING THE PREJUDICIAL EFFECT OF EvIDENCE RULE 404(b) Through Stipulation. Daniel J. Buzzetta NEWBORN HIV SCREENING AND NEw YORK ASSEMBLY BILL No. 6747-B: PRIVACY AND EQUAL PROTECTION OF PREGNANT Wo- MEN. Kevin J. Curnin S.0.S. FROM THE Wop: A CALL FoR NEw York LEGISLATION CRIMINALIZING DRUG USE DURING PREGNANCY. Louise Marlane Chan THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF NEW YorRK STATE’S AFFIRMATIVE Action Law. John J. Sullivan TABLE OF NOTES—AUTHORS BuZZETTA, DANIEL J., Balancing the Scales: Limiting the Prejudicial Effect of Evidence Rule 404(b) Through Stipulation CHAN, LOUISE MARLANE, S.O.S. From the Womb: A Call for New York Legislation Criminalizing Drug Use During Pregnancy ... CurRniIn, Kevin J., Newborn HIV Screening and New York Assem- bly Bill No. 6747-B: Privacy and Equal Protection of Pregnant SULLIVAN, JOHN J., The Constitutionality of New York State’s Af- firmative Action Law

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