INTRODUCTION TO METALOGIC APPENDIX WITH AN ON TYPE·THEORETICAL EXTENSIONAL AND INTENSIONAL LOGIC BY IMRERUZSA * * ARON PUBLISHERS BUDAPEST 1997 ISBN9638550457 ARONPUBLISHERS, H-1447BUDAPEST,P.O.BOX4~7,-HUNGARY ©ImreRuzsa,1997. PrintedinHungary Copiesofthisbookareavailableat AronPublishers H-1447BUDAPEST,P.O.BOX487,HUNGARY and L.EotvosUniversity,DepartmentofSymbolicLogic H-1364BUDAPEST,P.O.BOX107, HUNGARY Nyomdaie16cillft~s: CPSTUDIO,Budapest · l':. ), ,. .f~.r-?,:~/i' :,. T i.. ~. In'menuiriammywife (1942-1996) ? ' " . ; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The material ofthe present monograph originates from a series of lectures held bythe author at the Department ofSymbolic Logic ofL. Eotvos University, Budapest. The questions and the critical remarks of my students and colleagues gave me a very valuable help in developing my investigations. My sincere thanks are due to all of them. Special thanks are due toPROFESSORISTVAN NEMETIand Ms AGNES KURUCZ whoread thefirstversionofthemanuscriptandmadeveryimportant critical remarks. In preparing and printing this monograph, I got substantial help from my son DR.FERENCRUZSAaswellasfrom mydaughterAGNESRUZSA. * * * This work was partly supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Foundation (OTKA II3, 2258) and by the Hungarian Ministry ofCulture and Education (MKM 384/94). lmre Ruzsa Budapest,June 1996. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter1 Introduction 1 1.1.Thesubjectmatterofmetalogic 1 1.2.Basicpostulatesonlanguages 2 1.3.Speakingonlanguages 4 1.4.Syntaxandsemantics 5 Chapter2, Instrumentsofmetalogic 7 2.1.Grammaticalmeans 7 2.2.Variablesandquantifiers 10 2.3.Logicalmeans 15 2.4.Definitions 19 2.5.Classnotation 20 Chapter3 Languageradices 25 3.1.Definitionandpostulates 25 3.2.Thesimplestalphabets 28 Chapter4 Inductiveclasses 31 4.1.Inductivedefinitions 31 4.2.Canonicalcalculi 36 4.3.Somelogicallanguages 38 4.4. Hypercalculi 42 4.5.Enumerabilityanddecidability 47 Chapter5 Normalalgorithms 51 5.1.Whatisanalgorithm? 51 5.2.Definitionofnormalalgorithms 54 5.3.Decidingalgorithms 58 5.4.Definiteclasses 61 Chapter6 Thefirst-ordercalculus(QC) 66 6.1.Whatisalogicalcalculus? 66 6.2.First-orderlanguages 67 6.3.ThecalculusQC 70 6.4.MetatheoremsonQC 72 6.5.Consistency.First-ordertheories 74 vii Chapter7 Theformal theory ofcanonicalcalculi(CC*) 76 7.1.Approachingintuitively 76 7.2.Thecanonicalcalculus1:* 78 7.3.Truthassignment 81 7.4.Undecidability:Church'sTheorem 83 Chapter8 Completenesswithrespect tonegation 85 8.1.TheformaltheoryCC 85 8.2.Diagonalization 87 8.3.Extensionsanddiscussions 90 Chapter9 Consistencyunprovable 93 9.1.Preparatorywork 93 9.2.TheproofoftheunprovabilityofCons 94 Chapter10 Settheory 98 10.1.Setsandclasses 9R 10.2.Relationsandfunctions 103 10.3.Ordinal,natural,andcardinalnumbers 106 10.4.Applications 110 References 114 Index 116 List ofsymbols 122 APPENDIX (LectureNotes): Type-TheoeticalExtensional andIntensionalLogic 123 Part1:ExtensionalLogic 127 Part2:Montague's IntensionalLogic 148 References 182 viii Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Subject Matter ofMetalogic Modern logic is not a single theory. It consists of a considerable (and ever growing) number oflogical systems (oftencalled - regrettably- logics). Metalogic is the sci enceoflogicalsystems.Itstheoremsarestatementseitheronaparticularlogicalsystem or about some interrelations between certain logical systems. In fact, every system of logichas its own metalogic that, among others, describes the construction of the sys tem, investigates the structure of proofs in the system, and so on. Many theorems usuallyknownas"lawsoflogic" are,infact, metalogicalstatements. Forexample, the statement sayingthatmodus ponens is avalidruleofinference- say,in classical first order logic - is a metalogical theorem about a system of logic. A more deeper meta logical theorem about theclassical frrst-orderlogictellsus that acertainlogical calcu lusissound andcomplete withrespecttotheset-theoreticalsemantics ofthissystemof logic. Remark. Itisassumedherethatthisessayisnotthefirstencounterofthereaderwithlogic(neither withmathematics),sothattheexamplesaboveandsomesimilaroneslateron,areintelligible.However, thisdoesnotmeanthattheunderstandingofthisbookisdependentonsomepreviousknowledgeoflogicor mathematics. Another veryimportant task of metalogicis toanswer the problem: How is logic possible? Togivesomeinsight intotheseriousnessofthis question, letmerefertothe well-knownfactthatmodernlogicusesmathematical meansintensively,whereas mod em mathematical theoriesarebased onsomesystem(s)oflogic.Is therea wayoutfrom this - seemingly - vicious circle? This is thefoundational problem of logic, and its solutionisthetaskoftheintroductorypart ofmetalogic.The greaterpart ofthis essay isdevotedtothisfoundationalproblem. The device we shall apply in the course consists in dealing alternatively with mathematical and logical knowledge, without drawing a sharp borderline between mathematical and logical means. No knowledge ofa logical ora mathematical theory will be presupposed. The onlypresupposition we shall exploit will be that the reader knows the elements of the grammar of some natural language (e.g., hislher mother tongue), can read, write and count, and is able tofollowso-calledformal expositions. (Ofcourse,theabilitylastmentionedassumes- tacitly- someskills whichcanbebest mastered inmathematics.) The introductory part of metalogic is similar to the discipline created by David Hilbert, called metamathematics. (See, e.g., HILBERT 1926.) The aim of metamathe matics was tofindasolidfoundationofsomemathematical systems (e.g.,number the ory,settheory)byusingonlyso-calledfinite means.InHilbert'sview,fmitemathemat- 1 ics is sufficient for proving the consistency of transfinite (non-fmite, infinite) mathe matical theories. In asense, thefoundationofalogicalcalculus (which is sufficientfor mathematicalproofsinmostcases) wasincludedinHilbert'sprogramme. (perhaps this isthereason thatscientists whothinkthatmodem logicisjustabranch ofmathematics - calledmathematicallogic- oftensaymetamathematics insteadofmetalogic.) Metalogicis notparticularly interested inthefoundation ofmathematical theories. Itisinterested inthefoundation oflogicalsystems.Initsbeginning, metalogic willuse verysimple, elementary means which could be qualified asfinite ones. However, the author does not dare to draw a borderline between thefinite and the transfinite. We shall proceed starting with simple means and using them to construct more complex systems. Every system ofmodem logic is based on aformal language. As a consequence, our investigation will start with the problem: How is it possible to construct a lan guage? Someofourresults maytum outtobeapplicable notonlyforformallanguages butfornatural languagesaswell. This essay is almost self-contained. Two exceptions where most proofs will be omitted arethefirst-order calculus oflogic(calledhereQC,Chapter 6)and settheory (Chapter 10).The author assumes thatthedetailed studyofthesedisciplines isthetask ofothercoursesinlogic. Technicalremarks. Detailed informationabout thestructureofthis bookistobe foundin the Table ofContents. Attheend ofthebook, theIndex and the List ofSym bolshelpsthereadertofindthedefinitionsofreferrednotionsandsymbols.Intheinner reference, the abbreviations 'Ch.', 'Sect.', 'Def.', and 'Th.' are used for 'Chapter', 'Section', 'Definition',and 'Theorem',respectively.References forliterature aregiven, as usually, bythe (last) name of the author(s) and the year of publication (e.g., 'HILBERT 1926'); the full data are to be found in the References (at the end of the book).- No technical term and symbol will be used without definition in this book. At theendofalongerproofordefinition,abullet '.' indicates theend. - A consider able part ofthe material in this bookisborrowed froma workbythe author written in Hungarian (RUZSA1988). 1.2 Basic postulates on languages On thebasis ofexperiences gained fromnatural languages, wecan formulate our first postulateconcerning languages: (L1)Each language isbasedonafinitesupply ofprimitiveobjects. Thissupply is called thealphabetofthelanguage. Inthecaseofformallanguages, thispostulatewillserveasanormative rule. 2 In spoken languages, the objects ofthe alphabet are called phonemes, in written languages letters (orcharacters).Thephonemesare(atleasttheoretically)perceivable as sound events, and the lettersas visible (writtenor printed) paint marks on the sur faceofsomematerial (e.g.,paper) - this is thedifferencebetween spoken and written languages.Weshallbeinterestedonlyinwrittenlanguages. Inusing a language, we formfmite strings fromthe members ofthealphabet, al lowing therepetition (repeatedoccurrence)ofthemembers ofthealphabet.In thecase ofspokenlanguages,themembersofsuch a string areordered bytheirtemporal con secution.Inthecaseofwrittenlanguages, theorderisregulated bycertainconventions of writing. (The author assumes that no further details are necessary on this point.) Finite strings formed from the members,of the alphabet are called expressions - or, briefly,words - ofthat language. The reader maycomment herethat not all possible strings ofletters (orofphonemes) are used in a (natural) language.Onlya part ofthe totalityofpossibleexpressionsisuseful;thispartiscalledthetotalityofwell-formedor meaningfulexpressions. (Butacounterexamplemayoccurin aformallanguage!)Beit as itis, todefinethewell-formedexpressions, wecertainlymust refertothe totalityof all expressions.Thus,ournotionofexpressions(words)isnotsuperfluous. Note that one-member strings are not excluded from the totality of expressions. Hence, thealphabet ofa language is always a part ofthe totalityofwords ofthat lan guage. Moreover, by technical reasons, it is useful - although not indispensable - to include the empty string.called empty word amongst the words'of a language. (We shallrecurtothisproblemlateron.) Oursecondpostulateisagainbasedone~perienceswithnaturallanguages: (L2) Ifwe know the alphabet ofa language, we know the totality ofits words (expressions). In other words: The alphabet ofa language uniquely determines the totalityofitswords. Toavoidphilosophicalandlogicaldifficultiesweneedthethirdpostulate: (L3)The expressionsofany languageare idealobjects whichare sensiblyrealiz able or representable (in any copies) by physical objects (paint marks) or events (soundevents orothers). This assumption is not a graver one than the view that natural numbers are ideal ob jects. Anditmakesintelligibletheuseofalanguageincommunication., Thus, in speaking of an expression (of a language) we speak of an ideal object ratherthan ofaperceivableobject,i.e.,aconcreterepresentationofthatidealobject.In other words: Statements on an expression refer to all of its possible realizations, not onlytosomeparticular representation oftheexpression. (Referencetoa concretecopy ofanexpressionmustbeindicatedexplicitly.)