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Interview Tips PDF

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e - INTERVIEW For Placement EFI JAMES STEPHANAS.J SAMSON VIJAY PRASHANTH.T THIRD YEAR, DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGG., KARUNYA UNIVERSITY. K.U PUBLICATIONS. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We take this opportunity to express our profound and sincere gratitude to our Founders Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran, C.A.A.I.B.,Ph.D., the Chancellor of Karunya University and Dr. Paul Dinakaran, M.B.A.,Ph.D., the Pro- Chancellor of Karunya University . We extend our sincere thanks Dr. P.K.Philip, B.Sc(Engg).,M.Tech.(IIT- KGP)., Ph.D.(IIT-M).,F.I.E.,Sr.M.S.M.E.,C.E., Vice Chancellor of Karunya University for his special guidance and valuable suggestions for publishing this book. We profusely thank Dr. Joseph Thomas, M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D. Registrar of Karunya University for his sincere advice for publishing this Book. We express our gratitude to Dr. Anbumani, M.E., Ph.D. (IIsc)., The Director, School of Computer Science. We also sincerely thank Prof. Anil Titus Jacob, M.Tech (IIT B) The Head of the Department of Computer Science Engineering and Mrs. Kezi Selva Vigila, M.E., The administrative Co- Coordinator of Department Of Computer Science Engineering for their invaluable ideas and suggestions. We are greatly thankful to our class advisor Mrs. Dhivya Rose, B.E., and our IPC Mr. Immanuel John Raja, M.E., for their sound counsel and timely guidance which made us to successfully publish this book. 3 DEDICATION This book is dedicated to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This book would not have come to pass without the Grace and Mercy of our Lord, God Almighty. We thank our Lord for helping us to publish this book. The anointing Grace of our King is there upon this book. Hence, We believe that, all will be surely benefited out of this book and get placed in a good company. We once again take this opportunity to glorify our Lord of Lords, King of Kings and Prince of Peace Jesus through this book. 4 PREFACE This is the first edition of e-INTERVIEW. This book covers the various aspects of placements. Its purpose is to present as clearly and completely as possible, The various tips and tricks to perform very well in an interview and get placed This task is challenging but simple. The various types of interviewing techniques handled by the companies are discussed. Impressing your interviewer is a talent, The various ways to do that is given here to discover yourself . The different company’s profile and Their history are briefly presented. moreover their Technical questions, Aptitudes questions and GD topics are discussed respectively and detailed. Various types of Resumes are also a part of this book. Even though we have discussed about various aspects of interviews, aptitudes, technicals we acknowledge that only God’s grace and your optimism can place you. Remember its the aptitude that matters not but the attitude which will make a difference. 5 Resources Interview Tips A JOB interview can be a nerve-wracking experience if you are not prepared and lack self-confidence. e-INTERVIEW present a few tips that will help you to brush up on your interview skills and come out as a winner from your interview! Behavior-Based Approach to Answering Interview Questions Listening to and Answering Questions You need to concentrate and listen very carefully to the questions. Make sure you understand the question before offering any answer. Allow the interviewer to finish asking the question before offering an answer. If you miss the question or are not sure about it, rephrase the key words and ask the interviewer to clarify. Do not attempt to answer without fully understanding the question. If you do not anticipate a question and have not prepared an answer for it, pause and think before offering one. It is better to think carefully for an appropriate ansswer than to offer an answer in a hurry. Make sure you do not spend too much time thinking. You need to take the initiative in providing useful information for the interviewer in order to evaluate your suitability for the position. Do not give Yes/No answers only. Give your answer directly and support it with relevant evidence from past experience because interviewers do not have time to listen to your long and comprehensive replies. Although you should prepare your answers for interview questions beforehand, you should not recite them directly from your memory in front of the interviewer. You should memorize the main ideas and offer the answers in a natural and spontaneous way. You should attempt to offer positive responses to every question in the interview. Even when your answer is negative, you should stress your present situation and discuss your future plans or inclinations. Offer clear and positive explanations of why some of your accomplishments are less than satisfactory. Do not try to put blame on others or offer an excuse for yourself. Be honest and sincere about your weakness or shortcoming, and turn it into something positive. 6 Language Use If you cannot hear the question, do not ask the interviewer to repeat directly using "Pardon me" or "Excuse me, can you repeat the question again?" They make the interviewer feel that you have not been paying attention. Use key words the interviewer has used and rephrase the question to ask for clarification. You can use, for example, "Do you mean...?" or "Do I understand correctly that you mean...?" Be careful in using expressions such as "Sure" "Obviously" "Of course" "No problem" "As you know" They make the interviewer feel you are conceited and arrogant. Offer Answers that are factual and modest. You can rephrase your Answer in other equally positive ways, for example, "I believe that..." or "I don't see a major problem in..." Be careful in using expressions such as "To be frank" or "To be honest". They imply that you have not been honest in answering previous questions. You should only use these expressions when you want to turn something negative into something potentially positive, for example, negotiating salary and terms of employment or discussing your weaknesses. When you cannot avoid a negative answer, you should soften the tone of the reply first, then offer affirmation to reassure the interviewer of your ability and eagerness for the job. For example, “I do not have the answer to that question at this moment, but my past experience shows that I can learn fast. I believe I can acquire knowledge of that field on the job." End your answers promptly when you have offered all necessary details. Do not end by saying "That's all." You can indicate the end of your reply by nodding your head lightly to assure your interviewer. 7 Body Language Handshake Shaking hands with your interviewer is good practice although it is not common in Hong Kong, even in the business field. It helps you create a friendly and professional image. Make sure your handshake is prompt and firm. Posture You can place your portfolio or briefcase on the side of your chair or on your lap. Make sure you feel comfortable with your posture. You may sit upright or perhaps lean forward a little to project an eager and confident image. You should not fidget. Make sure you are seated properly in your interview suit and that it is not creased. Eye Contact You should look at all interviewers when answering questions. Don't just maintain eye contact with the interviewer who asked you the question you are Answering. Make sure you look sincere and honest. Facial Expressions You can keep a friendly smile on your face to show your enthusiasm. Be careful not to look too eager for the job or so relaxed that you don't seem to care. Try to project a serious and professional image on your interviewers. Voice You should speak clearly and relatively slowly. You can pause when you are thinking of appropriate replies before answering questions. Make sure you do not pause for too long. Be careful not to pause too often in the middle of your answers or fill your pause with too many fillers such as "Em..." or "Ugh..." They make it difficult for your interviewers to follow what you are saying. Humour You can use humour appropriately in an interview to lighten up a tense atmosphere in the interview room. You can demonstrate your leadership quality by showing that you are a confident person who is relaxed and capable of controlling a tough situation. Be careful not to be overly humorous. Your interviewers may feel that you are not serious enough for the job. 8 Some Interview Pitfalls Summary If you are interested in the position, stress this to the interviewer. If you get the impression that the interview is not going well and that you have already been rejected, do not let your discouragement show. Once in a while an interviewer who is genuinely interested in you may seem to discourage you as a way of testing your reaction. Remember to thank the interviewer for his/her time and end the session with a confident and firm handshake. 1. Plan to arrive 10 minutes early. This will give you ample time to catch your breath, gather your thoughts and make a quick trip to the washroom to give your appearance one final check. To avoid unnecessary stress, choose your interview attire the night before. 2. Greet the interviewer by his or her last name. If you are unsure of the pronunciation, do ask the employer to repeat it. Or better still, check it with the front desk personnel or receptionist before walking into the interview room. 3. Let the interviewer lead the conversation but try to get him/her to describe the position and duties to you early in the interview. This will allow you to apply your background, skills and achievements to the position. 4. When asked: "Tell me about yourself?", focus your answers on your background and a few personal professional and accomplishments. 5. Stress on your achievements. For example: your sales records, the processes you have developed or systems installed, projects that you initiated, etc. 6. Show enthusiasm. This can be demonstrated through verbal and non-verbal cues (for example, appropriate body language like nodding can be used to support your interest). Enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being further considered. 7. Answer questions by speaking in terms of the position. Emphasize what you can do for the company. Mention specific accomplishments that show your abilities and determination to succeed in this job. Your answers describe the position and duties to you early in the interview. This will allow you to apply your background, skills and achievements to the position. should tell the employer why you would be an asset to the company and not why you need a job. 8. Bring an extra copy of your resume. 9. Explain whenever possible; don't answer with a simple "yes" or "no." Be prepared to Answer questions such as: * Tell me about yourself. * Tell me about your background and accomplishments. * What are your strengths? Weaknesses? * What interests you about our company? 9 Also, be prepared to ask questions such as: * What would I be expected to accomplish in this position? * What are the greatest challenges in this position? * How do you think I fit the position? Remember, your lack of questions may be mistaken as lack of interest in the job. Some interview pitfalls to avoid 1. Don't arrive at the interview late. 2. Don't over or under dress or dress inappropriately for the position. First impressions do count and you want to be dressed to show that you fit into the desired role. 3. Don't wear strong perfume. 4. Don't forget to take with you extra clean copies of your CV as well as a notebook and pen with which to take notes. 5. Don't forget to shake the hand of the Interviewer firmly - a limp or sweaty handshake will not be looked on favorably. 6. Don't chew gum, smoke, eat or drink at the Interview. 7. Don't act distracted. Look the Interviewer straight in the eye and give him your full and undivided attention. 8. Don't let your body language send the wrong messages. Be aware of the nonverbal cues you are sending out! Sit upright and straight in the chair facing the employer and smile. Lean forward occasionally to express interest. Avoid crossing your arms or legs in front of you (suggests defensiveness), slouching in the chair (suggests sloppiness and lack of energy), leaning too far back (may be interpreted as being overly familiar and disrespectful), talking to the floor (lack of confidence) or flirting. 9. Don't refer to the Interviewer by his first name unless he specifically asks you to do so. 10. Don't talk about your weaknesses or failings or apologize for lack of education, experience, training etc. Everyone has weaknesses; the Interview is the time to showcase your enthusiasm and strengths. 11. Don't make derogatory comments about previous bosses or peers. This is never acceptable and particularly works against you in the Interview. 12. Don't act tired or jaded. Employers are invariably looking for someone to energize, inspire and uplift the team. Try to act enthusiastic and full of energy and motivation. 10

anointing Grace of our King is there upon this book. Hence, We .. All the programs are tested under Turbo C/C++ compilers. It is assumed that,.
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