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2003 International Energy Conservation Code® First Printing: January 2003 Second Printing: April 2003 Third Printing: September 2003 Fourth Printing: April 2004 ISBN # 1-892395-68-1 (soft) ISBN # 1-892395-67-3 (loose-leaf) ISBN # 1-892395-85-1 (e-document) COPYRIGHT © 2003 by INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. ALLRIGHTSRESERVED.This2003InternationalEnergyConservationCode®isacopyrightedworkownedbytheInternational CodeCouncil,Inc.Withoutadvancewrittenpermissionfromthecopyrightowner,nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced,distrib- uted,ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,including,withoutlimitation,electronic,opticalormechanicalmeans(bywayof exampleandnotlimitation,photocopying,orrecordingbyorinaninformationstorageretrievalsystem).Forinformationonper- mission to copy material exceeding fair use, please contact: Publications, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795 (Phone 800-214-4321). Trademarks: “International Code Council,” the “International Code Council” logo and the “International Energy Conservation Code” are trademarks of the International Code Council, Inc. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. PREFACE Introduction Internationally,codeofficialsrecognizetheneedforamodern,up-to-dateenergyconservationcodeaddressingthedesignofen- ergy-efficientbuildingenvelopesandinstallationofenergyefficientmechanical,lightingandpowersystemsthroughrequirements emphasizingperformance.TheInternationalEnergyConservationCode®,inthis2003edition,isdesignedtomeettheseneeds throughmodelcoderegulationsthatwillresultintheoptimalutilizationoffossilfuelandnondepletableresourcesinallcommuni- ties, large and small. Thiscomprehensiveenergyconservationcodeestablishesminimumregulationsforenergyefficientbuildingsusingprescriptive andperformance-relatedprovisions.Itisfoundedonbroad-basedprinciplesthatmakepossibletheuseofnewmaterialsandnewen- ergyefficientdesigns.This2003editionisfullycompatiblewithalltheInternationalCodes(“I-Codes”)publishedbytheInterna- tionalCodeCouncil(ICC),includingtheInternationalBuildingCode,ICCElectricalCode,InternationalExistingBuildingCode, International Fire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, ICC Performance Code, International PlumbingCode,InternationalPrivateSewageDisposalCode,InternationalPropertyMaintenanceCode,InternationalResiden- tial Code, InternationalUrban-WildlandInterface CodeandInternational Zoning Code. TheInternationalEnergyConservationCodeprovisionsprovidemanybenefits,amongwhichisthemodelcodedevelopment processthatoffersaninternationalforumforenergyprofessionalstodiscussperformanceandprescriptivecoderequirements.This forumprovidesanexcellentarenatodebateproposedrevisions.Thismodelcodealsoencouragesinternationalconsistencyinthe application of provisions. Development Thefirsteditionofthe InternationalEnergyConservationCode(1998)wasbasedonthe1995editionoftheModelEnergyCode promulgatedbytheCouncilofAmericanBuildingOfficials(CABO)andincludedchangesapprovedthroughtheCABOCodeDe- velopmentProceduresthrough1997.CABOassignedallrightsandresponsibilitiestotheInternationalCodeCouncilanditsthree statutorymembers:BuildingOfficialsandCodeAdministratorsInternational,Inc.(BOCA),InternationalConferenceofBuilding Officials(ICBO)andSouthernBuildingCodeCongressInternational(SBCCI).This2003editionpresentsthecodeasoriginallyis- sued,withchangesapprovedthroughtheICCCodeDevelopmentProcessthrough2002.Aneweditionsuchasthisispromulgated every three years. WiththedevelopmentandpublicationofthefamilyofInternationalCodesin2000,thecontinueddevelopmentandmaintenance ofthemodelcodesindividuallypromulgatedbyBOCA(“BOCANationalCodes”),ICBO(“UniformCodes”)andSBCCI(“Stan- dardCodes”)wasdiscontinued.This2003InternationalEnergyConservationCode,aswellasitspredecessor—the 2000edi- tion—isintendedtobethesuccessorenergyconservationcodetothosecodespreviouslydevelopedbyBOCA,ICBOandSBCCI. Thedevelopmentofasinglesetofcomprehensiveandcoordinated InternationalCodeswasasignificantmilestoneinthedevel- opmentofregulationsforthebuiltenvironment.Thetimingofthispublicationmirrorsamilestoneinthechangeinstructureofthe modelcodes,namely,thependingConsolidation ofBOCA,ICBOandSBCCIintotheICC.Theactivitiesandservicespreviously provided by the individual model code organizations will be the responsibility of the Consolidated ICC. Thiscodeisfoundedonprinciplesintendedtoestablishprovisionsconsistentwith thescopeofanenergyconservationcodethat adequatelyconservesenergy;provisionsthatdonotunnecessarilyincreaseconstructioncosts;provisionsthatdonotrestricttheuse ofnewmaterials,productsormethodsofconstruction;andprovisionsthatdonotgivepreferentialtreatmenttoparticulartypesor classes of materials, products or methods of construction. Adoption TheInternationalEnergyConservationCodeisavailableforadoptionandusebyjurisdictionsinternationally.Itsusewithinagov- ernmentaljurisdictionisintendedtobeaccomplishedthroughadoptionbyreferenceinaccordancewithproceedingsestablishing thejurisdiction’slaws.Atthetimeofadoption,jurisdictionsshouldinserttheappropriateinformationinprovisionsrequiringspe- cificlocalinformation,suchasthenameoftheadoptingjurisdiction.Theselocationsareshowninbracketedwordsinsmallcapital lettersinthecodeandinthesampleordinance.Thesampleadoptionordinanceonpagevaddressesseveralkeyelementsofacode adoption ordinance, including the information required for insertion into the code text. Maintenance TheInternationalEnergyConservationCodeiskeptuptodatethroughthereviewofproposedchangessubmittedbycodeenforc- ingofficials,industryrepresentatives,designprofessionalsandotherinterestedparties.Proposedchangesarecarefullyconsidered through an open code development process in which all interested and affected parties may participate. 2003 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® iii ThecontentsofthisworkaresubjecttochangeboththroughtheCodeDevelopmentCyclesandthegovernmentalbodythaten- actsthecodeintolaw.Formoreinformationregardingthecodedevelopmentprocess,contacttheCodeandStandardDevelopment Department of the International Code Council. WhilethedevelopmentprocedureoftheInternationalEnergyConservationCodeassuresthehighestdegreeofcare,ICCandthe foundingmembersofICC—BOCA,ICBO,SBCCI—theirmembers,andthoseparticipatinginthedevelopmentofthiscodedonot acceptanyliabilityresultingfromcomplianceornoncompliancewiththeprovisionsbecauseICCanditsfoundingmembersdonot havethepowerorauthoritytopoliceorenforcecompliancewiththecontentsofthiscode.Onlythegovernmentalbodythatenacts the code into law has such authority. Letter Designations in Front of Section Numbers Ineachcodedevelopmentcycle,proposedchangestothiscodeareconsideredattheCodeDevelopmentHearingbytheInterna- tionalEnergyConservationCodeDevelopmentCommittee,whoseactionconstitutesarecommendationtothevotingmembership forfinalactionontheproposedchange.Proposedchangestoacodesectionwhosenumberbeginswithaletterinbracketsarecon- sideredbyadifferentcodedevelopmentcommittee.Forinstance,proposedchangestocodesectionswhichhavetheletter[EB]in front(e.g.,[EB],areconsideredbytheInternationalExistingBuildingCodeDevelopmentCommitteeattheCodeDevel- opmentHearing.Wherethisdesignationisapplicabletotheentirecontentofamainsectionofthecode,thedesignationappearsat the main section number and title and is not repeated at every subsection in that section. Thecontentofsectionsinthiscodewhichbeginwithaletterdesignationismaintainedbyanothercodedevelopmentcommittee inaccordancewiththefollowing:[B]=InternationalBuildingCodeDevelopmentCommittee;[EB]=InternationalExistingBuild- ing Code Development Committee and [M] = International Mechanical Code Development Committee. Marginal Markings Solidverticallinesinthemarginswithinthebodyofthecodeindicateatechnicalchangefromtherequirementsofthe2000edition. Deletion indicators ((cid:1)) are provided in the margin where a paragraph or item has been deleted. iv 2003 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® ORDINANCE TheInternationalCodesaredesignedandpromulgatedtobeadoptedbyreferencebyordinance.Jurisdictionswishingtoadoptthe 2003InternationalEnergyConservationCodeasanenforceableregulationgoverningenergyefficientbuildingenvelopesandin- stallationofenergyefficientmechanical,lightingandpowersystemsshouldensurethatcertainfactualinformationisincludedin the adopting ordinance at the time adoption is being considered by the appropriate governmental body. The following sample adoptionordinanceaddressesseveralkeyelementsofacodeadoptionordinance,includingtheinformationrequiredforinsertion into the code text. SAMPLE ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE ORDINANCE NO.________ Anordinanceofthe[JURISDICTION]adoptingthe2003editionoftheInternationalEnergyConservationCode,regulatingand governingenergyefficientbuildingenvelopesandinstallationofenergyefficientmechanical,lightingandpowersystemsinthe [JURISDICTION]; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; repealing Ordinance No. ______ of the [JURISDICTION]and all other ordinances and parts of the ordinances in conflict therewith. The[GOVERNINGBODY]of the[JURISDICTION]does ordain as follows: Section1.Thatacertaindocument,three(3)copiesofwhichareonfileintheofficeofthe[TITLEOFJURISDICTION’SKEEPEROF RECORDS]of[NAMEOFJURISDICTION],beingmarkedanddesignatedastheInternationalEnergyConservationCode,2003edi- tion,includingtheAppendix[FILLINTHEAPPENDIXDETAILSBEINGADOPTED],aspublishedbytheInternationalCodeCouncil, beandisherebyadoptedastheEnergyConservationCodeofthe[JURISDICTION],intheStateof[STATENAME]forregulatingand governing energy efficient building envelopes and installation of energy efficient mechanical, lighting and power systems as hereinprovided;providingfortheissuanceofpermitsandcollectionoffeestherefor;andeachandalloftheregulations,provi- sions,penalties,conditionsandtermsofsaidEnergyConservationCodeonfileintheofficeofthe[JURISDICTION]areherebyre- ferredto,adopted,andmadeaparthereof,asiffullysetoutinthisordinance,withtheadditions,insertions,deletionsandchanges, if any, prescribed in Section 2 of this ordinance. Section 2.The following sections are hereby revised: Section 101.1. Insert:[NAMEOFJURISDICTION]. Section3.ThatOrdinanceNo.______of[JURISDICTION]entitled[FILLINHERETHECOMPLETETITLEOFTHEORDINANCEOR ORDINANCESINEFFECTATTHEPRESENTTIMESOTHATTHEYWILLBEREPEALEDBYDEFINITEMENTION]andallotherordi- nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section4.Thatifanysection,subsection,sentence,clauseorphraseofthisordinanceis,foranyreason,heldtobeunconstitutional, suchdecisionshallnotaffectthevalidityoftheremainingportionsofthisordinance.The[GOVERNINGBODY]herebydeclaresthat itwouldhavepassedthisordinance,andeachsection,subsection,clauseorphrasethereof,irrespectiveofthefactthatanyoneor more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section5.ThatnothinginthisordinanceorintheEnergyConservationCodeherebyadoptedshallbeconstruedtoaffectanysuitor proceedingimpendinginanycourt,oranyrightsacquired,orliabilityincurred,oranycauseorcausesofactionacquiredorexist- ing,underanyactorordinanceherebyrepealedascitedinSection2ofthisordinance;norshallanyjustorlegalrightorremedyof any character be lost, impaired or affected by this ordinance. Section6.Thatthe[JURISDICTION’SKEEPEROFRECORDS]isherebyorderedanddirectedtocausethisordinancetobepub- lished.(Anadditionalprovisionmayberequiredtodirectthenumberoftimestheordinanceistobepublishedandtospecifythatit is to be in a newspaper in general circulation. Posting may also be required.) Section 7.That this ordinance and the rules, regulations, provisions, requirements, orders and matters established and adopted hereby shall take effect and be in full force and effect[TIMEPERIOD]from and after the date of its final passage and adoption. 2003 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® v vi 2003 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER1 ADMINISTRATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 CHAPTER7 BUILDINGDESIGNFORALL Section COMMERCIALBUILDINGS . . . . .51 101 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Section 102 Materials,SystemsandEquipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 701 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 103 AlternateMaterials—Methodof CHAPTER8 DESIGNBYACCEPTABLE Construction,DesignorInsulating PRACTICEFORCOMMERCIAL Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 BUILDINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 104 ConstructionDocuments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Section 105 Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 801 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 106 Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 802 BuildingEnvelopeRequirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 107 ReferencedStandards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 803 BuildingMechanicalSystems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 CHAPTER2 DEFINITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 804 ServiceWaterHeating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Section 805 ElectricalPowerandLightingSystems . . . . . . . . .74 201 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 806 TotalBuildingPerformance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 202 GeneralDefinitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 CHAPTER9 CLIMATEMAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 CHAPTER3 DESIGNCONDITIONS. . . . . . . . . . .11 Section Section 901 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 301 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 902 ClimateZones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 302 ThermalDesignParameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 CHAPTER10 REFERENCEDSTANDARDS . . . .197 CHAPTER4 RESIDENTIALBUILDINGDESIGN APPENDIX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 BYSYSTEMSANALYSISAND DESIGNOFBUILDINGS UTILIZINGRENEWABLE INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 ENERGYSOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Section 401 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 402 SystemsAnalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 CHAPTER5 RESIDENTIALBUILDINGDESIGN BYCOMPONENTPERFORMANCE APPROACH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Section 501 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 502 BuildingEnvelopeRequirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 503 BuildingMechanicalSystemsand Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 504 ServiceWaterHeating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 505 ElectricalPowerandLighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 CHAPTER6 SIMPLIFIEDPRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTSFORDETACHED ONE-ANDTWO-FAMILY DWELLINGSANDGROUPR-2,R-4 ORTOWNHOUSERESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Section 601 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 602 BuildingEnvelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 603 MechanicalSystems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 604 ServiceWaterHeating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 605 ElectricalPowerandLighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 2003 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® vii viii 2003 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® CHAPTER 1 ADMINISTRATION SECTION 101 velope,mechanical,servicewater-heating,electricaldis- GENERAL tributionorilluminationsystemorportionthereofshall 101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Energy conformtotheprovisionsofthiscodeastheyrelateto ConservationCodeof[NAMEOFJURISDICTION],andshallbe new construction without requiring the unaltered por- tion(s)oftheexistingsystemtocomplywithallofthere- cited as such. It is referred to herein as “this code.” quirementsofthiscode.Additions,alterationsorrepairs 101.2Scope.Thiscodeestablishesminimumprescriptiveand shallnotcauseanyoneoftheaforementionedandexist- performance-relatedregulationsforthedesignofenergy-effi- ingsystemstobecomeunsafe,hazardousoroverloaded. cientbuildingsandstructuresorportionsthereofthatprovide [EB] Historic buildings. The provisions of facilitiesorshelterforpublicassembly,educational,business, thiscoderelatingtotheconstruction,alteration,repair, mercantile,institutional,storageandresidentialoccupancies, enlargement, restoration, relocation or movement of aswellasthoseportionsoffactoryandindustrialoccupancies buildingsorstructuresshallnotbemandatoryforexist- designed primarily for human occupancy. This code thereby ing buildings or structures specifically identified and addressesthedesignofenergy-efficientbuildingenvelopesand classifiedashistoricallysignificantbythestateorlocal the selection and installation of energy-efficient mechanical, jurisdiction,listedinTheNationalRegisterofHistoric servicewater-heating,electricaldistributionandillumination Placesorwhichhavebeendeterminedtobeeligiblefor systemsandequipmentfortheeffectiveuseofenergyinthese such listing. buildings and structures. Exception:Energyconservationsystemsandcomponents [EB] fultomakeachangeintheoccupancyofanybuildingor inexistingbuildingsundergoingrepair,alterationoraddi- structurewhichwouldresultinanincreaseindemandfor tions,andchangeofoccupancy,shallbepermittedtocom- ply with theInternational Existing Building Code. eitherfossilfuelorelectricalenergysupplyunlesssuch buildingorstructureismadetocomplywiththerequire- 101.2.1Exemptbuildings.Buildingsandstructuresindi- mentsofthiscodeorotherwiseapprovedbytheauthority cated in Sections and shall be exempt having jurisdiction. The code official shall certify that fromthebuildingenvelopeprovisionsofthiscode,butshall suchbuildingorstructuremeetstheintentoftheprovi- comply with the provisions for building, mechanical, ser- sionsoflawgoverningbuildingconstructionforthepro- vice water heating and lighting systems. posednewoccupancyandthatsuchchangeofoccupancy Separated buildings. Buildings and struc- doesnotresultinanyincreaseindemandforeitherfossil tures,orportionsthereofseparatedbybuildingenvelope fuelorelectricalenergysupplyoranyhazardtothepub- assembliesfromtheremainderofthebuilding,thathave lic health, safety or welfare. apeakdesignrateofenergyusagelessthan3.4Btu/hper 101.2.3Mixedoccupancy.Whenabuildinghousesmore squarefoot(10.7W/m2)or1.0wattpersquarefoot(10.7 thanoneoccupancy,eachportionofthebuildingshallcon- W/m2) of floor area for space conditioning purposes. formtotherequirementsfortheoccupancyhousedtherein. Unconditioned buildings. Buildings and Where minor accessory uses do not occupy more than 10 structures or portions thereof which are neither heated percentoftheareaofanyfloorofabuilding,themajoruse nor cooled. shall be considered the building occupancy. Buildings, other than detached one- and two-family dwellings and 101.2.2Applicability.Theprovisionsofthiscodeshallap- townhouses, with a height of four or more stories above plytoallmattersaffectingorrelatingtostructuresandpre- grade shall be considered commercial buildings for pur- mises,assetforthinSection101.Where,inaspecificcase, posesofthiscode,regardlessofthenumberoffloorsthatare different sections of this code specify different materials, classified as residential occupancy. methodsofconstructionorotherrequirements,themostre- strictive shall govern. 101.3Intent.Theprovisionsofthiscodeshallregulatethede- signofbuildingenvelopesforadequatethermalresistanceand [EB] low air leakage and the design and selection of mechanical, wiseprovidedforinthischapter,aprovisioninthiscode electrical,servicewater-heatingandilluminationsystemsand shallnotrequiretheremoval,alterationorabandonment equipment which will enable effective use of energy in new of,norpreventthecontinuedutilizationandmaintenance buildingconstruction.Itisintendedthattheseprovisionspro- of, an existing building envelope, mechanical, service videflexibilitytopermittheuseofinnovativeapproachesand water-heating,electricaldistributionorilluminationsys- techniquestoachieveeffectiveutilizationofenergy.Thiscode temlawfullyinexistenceatthetimeoftheadoptionof is not intended to abridge safety, health or environmental re- this code. quirements under other applicable codes or ordinances. [EB],alterationsorrepairs.Addi- tions,alterations,renovationsorrepairstoabuildingen- 2003 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE® 1 ADMINISTRATION 101.4Compliance.Compliancewiththiscodeshallbedeter- 102.5Identification.Materials,equipmentandsystemsshall mined in accordance with Sections 101.4.1 and 101.4.2. beidentifiedinaccordancewithSections102.5.1,102.5.2and 102.5.3. 101.4.1Residentialbuildings.Forresidentialbuildingsthe followingshallbeusedasthebasisforcomplianceassess- 102.5.1 Building envelope insulation. A thermal resis- ment:asystemsapproachfortheentirebuilding(Chapter tance(R)identificationmarkshallbeappliedbythemanu- 4),anapproachbasedonperformanceofindividualcompo- facturer to each piece of building envelope insulation 12 nents of the building envelope (Chapter 5), an approach inches (305 mm) or greater in width. basedonperformanceofthetotalbuildingenvelope(Chap- Alternatively, the insulation installer shall provide a ter5),anapproachbasedonacceptablepracticeforeachen- signedanddatedcertificationfortheinsulationinstalledin velopecomponent(Chapter5),anapproachbyprescriptive eachelementofthebuildingenvelope,listingthetypeofin- specificationforindividualcomponentsofthebuildingen- sulationinstallationsinroof/ceilings,themanufacturerand velope(Chapter5),oranapproachbasedonsimplified,pre- theR-value.Forblown-inorsprayedinsulation,theinstaller scriptivespecification(Chapter6)wheretheconditionsset shallalsoprovidetheinitialinstalledthickness,thesettled forth in Section or are satisfied. thickness, the coverage area and the number of bags in- Detached one- and two-family dwellings. stalled.Whereblown-inorsprayedinsulationisinstalledin Whentheglazingareadoesnotexceed15percentofthe walls,floorsandcathedralceilings,theinstallershallpro- gross area of exterior walls. videacertificationoftheinstalleddensityandR-value.The installershallpostthecertificationinaconspicuousplace Residential buildings, Group R-2, R-4 or on the job site. townhouses.Whentheglazingareadoesnotexceed25 percent of the gross area of exterior walls. Roof/ceiling insulation. The thickness of 101.4.2Commercialbuildings.Forcommercialbuildings, roof/ceilinginsulationthatiseitherblowninorsprayed aprescriptiveorperformance-basedapproach(Chapter7) shallbeidentifiedbythicknessmarkersthatarelabeled orasspecifiedbyacceptablepractice(Chapter8)shallbe in inches or millimeters installed at least one for every used as the basis for compliance assessment. 300squarefeet(28m2)throughouttheatticspace.The markers shall be affixed to the trusses or joists and markedwiththeminimuminitialinstalledthicknessand minimumsettledthicknesswithnumbersaminimumof SECTION 102 1inch(25mm)inheight.Eachmarkershallfacetheattic MATERIALS,SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT access.Thethicknessofinstalledinsulationshallmeetor 102.1 General. Materials, equipment and systems shall be exceedtheminimuminitialinstalledthicknessshownby identifiedinamannerthatwillallowadeterminationoftheir the marker. compliance with the applicable provisions of this code. 102.5.2Fenestrationproductrating,certificationandla- 102.2Materials,equipmentandsystemsinstallation.Allin- beling.U-factorsoffenestrationproducts(windows,doors sulationmaterials,caulkingandweatherstripping,fenestration and skylights) shall be determined in accordance with assemblies, mechanical equipment and systems components, NFRC100byanaccredited,independentlaboratory,andla- andwater-heatingequipmentandsystemcomponentsshallbe beledandcertifiedbythemanufacturer.Thesolarheatgain installedinaccordancewiththemanufacturer’sinstallationin- coefficient (SHGC) of glazed fenestration products (win- structions. dows,glazeddoorsandskylights)shallbedeterminedinac- cordance with NFRC 200 by an accredited, independent 102.3 Maintenance information. Required regular mainte- laboratory, and labeled and certified by the manufacturer. nance actions shall be clearly stated and incorporated on a Where a shading coefficient for a fenestration product is readily accessible label. Such label shall include the title or used, it shall be determined by converting the product’s publicationnumber,theoperationandmaintenancemanualfor SHGC,asdeterminedinaccordancewithNFRC200,toa thatparticularmodelandtypeofproduct.Maintenanceinstruc- shading coefficient, by dividing the SHGC by 0.87. Such tionsshallbefurnishedforequipmentthatrequirespreventive certified and labeled U-factors and SHGCs shall be ac- maintenance for efficient operation. cepted for purposes of determining compliance with the 102.4Insulationinstallation.Roof/ceiling,floor,wallcavity building envelope requirements of this code. andductdistributionsystemsinsulationshallbeinstalledina WhenamanufacturerhasnotdeterminedproductU-fac- mannerthatpermitsinspectionofthemanufacturer’sR-value torinaccordancewithNFRC100foraparticularproduct identification mark. line,compliancewiththebuildingenveloperequirementsof 102.4.1Protectionofexposedfoundationinsulation.In- thiscodeshallbedeterminedbyassigningsuchproductsa sulation applied to the exterior of foundation walls and defaultU-factorinaccordancewithTables102.5.2(1)and around the perimeter of slab-on-grade floors shall have a 102.5.2(2).WhenaSHGCorshadingcoefficientisusedfor rigid, opaque and weather-resistant protective covering to code compliance and a manufacturer has not determined preventthedegradationoftheinsulation’sthermalperfor- productSHGCinaccordancewithNFRC200foraparticu- mance.Theprotectivecoveringshallcovertheexposedarea larproductline,compliancewiththebuildingenvelopere- oftheexteriorinsulationandextendaminimumof6inches quirements of this code shall be determined by assigning (153 mm) below grade. such products a default SHGC in accordance with Table 2 2003 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE®

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