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IS 12746-1-2: Telecontrol equipment and systems, Part 1: General considerations, Section 2: Guide for specifications PDF

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Preview IS 12746-1-2: Telecontrol equipment and systems, Part 1: General considerations, Section 2: Guide for specifications

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 12746-1-2 (1993): Telecontrol equipment and systems, Part 1: General considerations, Section 2: Guide for specifications [LITD 10: Power System Control and Associated Communications] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 12746 ( Part l/Set 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 870-l -2 ( 1989 ) TTTV 1 VT9TTT wq 3qwrl2 fkfarfamt'*mfafmr Indian Standard TELECONTROLEQUIPMENTANDSYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Section 2 Guide for Specifications UDC 621.398 @ BJS 1993 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 tsuguA 3991 Price Groap 7 Power eniL reirraC smetsyS dna detaicossA lortnoceleT tnempiuqE lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DTL 25 LANOITAN DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS hcihw si lacitnedi htiw CEI buP 2-l-078 (1989) lortnoceleT‘ tnempiuqe dna smetsys - Part 1 : lareneG ,snoitaredisnoc noitceS 2 - ediuG for ,’snoitacificeps deussi yb the lanoitanretnI lacinhcetortcelE noissimmoC ( CEI ) was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI sdradnatS no the noitadnemmocer of the Power eniL reirraC smetsyS dna detaicossA lortnoceleT tnempiuqE lanoitceS eettimmoC ( DTL 25 ) dna lavorppa of the scinortcelE dna noitacinummoceleT noisiviD .licnuoC ehT text of the CEI buP has neeb devorppa as elbatius for noitacilbup as naidnI dradnatS tuohtiw .snoitaived niatreC snoitnevnoc are, ,revewoh ton lacitnedi ot those desu ni naidnI .sdradnatS noitnettA si ylralucitrap nward ot the :gniwollof a) reverehW the words lanoitanretnI‘ ’dradnatS appear gnirrefer ot siht ,dradnats yeht should eb read as naidnI‘ .’dradnatS )b ammoC ( , ) has neeb desu as a lamiced rekram elihw ni naidnI ,sdradnatS the tnerruc ecitcarp si ot esu a tniop ( . ) as the lamiced .rekram SSORC SECNEREFER nI the adopted ,dradnats ecnerefer appears ot niatrec lanoitanretnI sdradnatS for hcihw naidnI sdradnatS osla .tsixe ehT gnidnopserroc naidnI sdradnatS hcihw are ot eb detutitsbus ni rieht ecalp are detsil woleb gnola htiw rieht degree of ecnelaviuqe for the snoitide :detacidni International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence CEI buP 495 ( 1974 ) dednemmoceR SI 9482 : 1980 citsiretcarahC seulav of yllacinhceT seulav for citsiretcarahc tupni dna stupni dna stuptuo of elgnis dnabedis tnelaviuqe tuptuo seititnauq of elgnis -edis CLP slanimret dnab power enil reirrac smetsys CEI buP l-l-078 ( 1988 ) lortnoceleT SI 12746 ( Part teS/l 1 ) : 1993 -eleT yllacinhceT tnempiuqe dna smetsys - Part 1 : lortnoc tnempiuqe dna smetsys : tnelaviuqe lareneG ,snoitaredisnoc noitceS Part 1 lareneG ,snoitaredisnoc i - lareneG selpicnirp noitceS 1 lareneG selpicnirp CEI buP l-2-078 ( 1987 ) lortnoceleT SI 12746 ( Part 2 ) : 1989 lortnoceleT yllacinhceT tnempiuqe dna smetsys - Part 2 : tnempiuqe dna smetsvs : Part 2 tnelaviuqe gnitarepO snoitidnoc - noitceS I latnemnorivnE snoitidnoc dna power latnemnorivnE snoitidnoc dna seilppus power seilppus CEI buP 4-078 ( 1990 ) lortnoceleT SI 12746 ( Part 4 ) : 1993 lortnoceleT lacitnedI tnempiuqe dna smetsys - Part 4 : tnempiuqe dna smetsys ; Part 4 ecnamrofreP stnemeriuqer ecnamrofreP stnemeriuqer ehT denrecnoc lacinhcet eettimmoc elbisnopser for noitaraperp of siht dradnats has deweiver the snoisivorp of the gniwollof lanoitanretni snoitacilbup dna has dediced that yeht are -pecca elbat for esu ni noitcnujnoc htiw siht :dradnats CEI buP 3-078 ( 1989 j lortnoceleT tnempiuqe dna smetsys - Part 3 : secafretnI ( lacirtcele scitsiretcarahc ) CEI buP 5-078 lortnoceleT tnempiuqe dna smetsys - Part 5 : noissimsnarT slocotorp ( gnieb deussi ni suoirav snoitces ) CEI buP 6-078 lortnoceleT tnempiuqe dna sinetsys - Part 6 : lortnoceleT slocotorp elbitapmoc htiw 0SI dradnats dna TTICC snoitadnemmocer ylnO the hsilgnE egaugnal text of the lanoitanretnI dradnatS has neeb deniater elihw gnitpoda ti ni siht naidnT .dradnatS IS 12746 (Part l/Set 2) : 1993 IEC Pub 670 -1-2 (1969) Indian Standard TELECONTROLEQUIPMENTA-NDSYSTEMS PART I GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Section 2 Guide for Specifications INTRODUCTION Planning of telecontrol systems and defining the specifications of a system and of its equipment are compiex and demand a large amount of detailed information. There are not oniy application functions of the system to be defined but also the operationai parameters, the local environmental conditions and the data transmission parns avaiiable cts well as their characteristics. The interfaces between the components of the system and other equipment facilities such as power supply require ments shall also be specified. Many aspects of this field are covered by standards within the IEC 870 series on telecontrol equipment and s, stems but many deci- sions are still left to the engineers who have to pian a system and establish the specifications. 1. Scope This series of standards applies to teieconrroi equipment and systems with coded bit serial data transmission for monitoring and control of geographically widespread processes. 2. Object This section presents guidelines but IIUI srandarcis for esraoiisiiirlg specifications for telecontroi systems and equipment following the orner- IEC standards on teiecontrol systerns and other r-eievdric international standards and recommendations such as CCI TT recommendations. It also facilitates the comparison of equipment of different manufacturers The planning of telecontrol systems should be subdivided into clearly defined steps: The first step involves a consideration of the operational require rnents of telecontrol systems (clause 3 of this set In the second step, the conditions and IimItatIons of the data transmission network are considered and the most suitabie utlli- zation is specified (clause 4 of this sectIon) IS 12746 (Part l/%X 2) : 1993 IEC Pub 670 -1-2 (1969) Thirdly, the required facilities for the telecontrol equipment and other equipment of telecontrol systems are specified. This includes considerations of whether it is useful to include existing local control equipment (clause 5 of this section). The guidelines given in this section are applicable also if only parts of telecontrol systems are needed. In this case only the relevant clauses need be considered. 3. Description of the telecontrol system and its functions Design aim of the system, for example: “Main (or regional) control system. . . ” (name of the power company or of the region), or “District telecontrol system. . . ” (name of the district itself or of the district control centre), or “Telecontrol system for power station.. ’I. (name of the controlled station). 3.1 Description of the telecontrolled (or telemonitored) process 3.1.1 Purpose of process to be controlled (Short explanation only as far as necessary for planning telecontrol systems. 1 3.1.2 Name of master stations and control centres Description of the function, e.g. dispatching centre, regional control centre, etc. 3.1.3 Number and names of outstations Description of their functions, e.g. “Power station. . . ,I‘ “Transformer station. . . “, etc. 3.1.4 Geographical configuration of the system System block diagram and site description. 3.1.5 Location and distances between interconnected stations 3.2 Functions of telecontrol systems 3.2.1 Survey of application functions 3.2.1 1 Basic functions Telemetering of the transfer power flow, generated power, sum- mation of the power consumption, line voltage, frequency, tempera- ture, water-levels, etc. ; telecounting of the generated energy, energy consumption, energy transfer, etc. ; 2 IS 12746 (Part l/Set 2) : 1993 IEC Pub 670 -1-2 (1989) teleindication of the circuit-breaker, pro-tection functions, alarms, etc; telecommand of the circuit-breaker, etc. ; time synchronization between outstations and master station; time tagging of information. Extended processing functions Teleregulation of the generated power (manually or automatically controlled); automatic power/frequency regulation; state estimation; automatic load shedding; switching programmes; operator interface ( such as system operation, information display); information logging and reporting; data storage (short term/long term) ; etc. 3.2.2 Requirements for operational parameters The following operational parameters are specified within Publi- cation 870-4: reliability; availability; maintainability; security; _ data integrity; time parameters; accuracy. In specifying the time parameters, particular consideration should be given to the: overall transfer time (sum of the times taken by the information passing through the individual sections of telecontrol systems, but also influenced by the network configuration, priority, accumu- lation of events, etc. ); parameters for state information, such as separating capability, . time resolution, suppresslon time, etc. ; updating time for measured values and set point commands; etc It should be emphasized that in specifying the above-mentioned parameters the requirements of the process should be considered. 3 IS 12746 (Part l/Set 2) : 1993 IEC Pub 870-l-2 (1989) 3.2.3 Detailed specification The facilities required snould be listed and briefly described Below is a list of the standard facilities found in tel -ntrnr systems /npf_Jt ano acquisition of monitored information Single point information; for alarms, state information, faulty state information, .cte (fleeting information or persistent information); double point informati,on with or without acquisition OT the inter mediate state for circuit-breakers, isolators, etc integrated values for telecounting of energy values, etc. ; incremental information for flow values, etc.; measured values (analog or digital) with cyclic or periodic tr-arls mission or transmission on demand for telemetering of electric values, hydraulic values, etc.; time tagging requirements; group alarms or common alarms derived from digital or analog information; information related to the telecontrol system itself, e.g. trans- mission error. alarms, equipment failure alarms, etc. ; other types of information. 3.2.3,2 Output and presentation of information State information; double point information with or witholrt indicating the intermediate state; alarms, group alarms, common alarms; pulse output or persistent indication of integrated values; analog or digital display or measured value*; information ,togging; data storage functions. Command input Switching commands, single commands to change the state of an operational equipment in one rlir~ct!(~r~ (pulse commands or persistent commands): switching commands, double commands for circuit- breakers, isolators, etc. (pulse commands or maintained cotnmands) ; 4 IS 12746 (Part l/Set 2) : 1993 3 IEC Pub 870 -1-2 (1989) set point commands values which are transmitted to the controlled equipment; adjusting commands for changing the state of operational equipment having more than two states; regulating commands (analog or digital) for closed loop telemonitoring and telecommand (regulating step commands or persistent regula’ing commands); select and execute commands; instruction commands for indicating a standard instruction to operators in the control room of a manually operated remote station, e.g. “Start generators”; command sequences; group commands addressed to several items of equipment at an outstation; broadcast commands addressed to operational equipTent at several or all outstations of a telecontrol system; commands related to the telecontrol system itself; interrogation commands; check commands e.g. for the purpose of ensuring that the telecontrol equipment is functioning correctly; other types of information. Command output Single commands; double commands with or without supervision of faulty states; set point commands with or without validity indication and with or without storage; adjusting commands; command sequences; indication of the instruction commands 3.3 Data quantities The data quantities can be expressed by the number of input and output points. The number of points cart be given in lists or tables. drawn up to reflect functions requ i der as well as eht differe:!f locations of telecontrot systems, for examples

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