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Interfaces in Functional Discourse Grammar: Theory and applications PDF

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Lucía Contreras-García, Daniel García Velasco (Eds.) Interfaces in Functional Discourse Grammar Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs Editors Chiara Gianollo Daniël Van Olmen Editorial Board Walter Bisang Tine Breban Volker Gast Hans Henrich Hock Karen Lahousse Natalia Levshina Caterina Mauri Heiko Narrog Salvador Pons Niina Ning Zhang Amir Zeldes Editor responsible for this volume Daniël Van Olmen Volume 354 Interfaces in Functional Discourse Grammar Theory and applications Edited by Lucía Contreras-García Daniel García Velasco ISBN 978-3-11-071147-9 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-071159-2 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-071171-4 Library of Congress Control Number: 2021940278 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. © 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Typesetting: Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd. Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck www.degruyter.com Contents Abbreviations   VII Lucía Contreras-García and Daniel García Velasco Functional Discourse Grammar: Blueprint and interfaces   1 Kees Hengeveld and J. Lachlan Mackenzie Interfaces, mismatches, and the architecture of Functional Discourse Grammar   15 Lucía Contreras-García Grammar in 5D: The interface design of a mismatching grammar   59 Klaas Seinhorst and Sterre Leufkens Phonology and phonetics in Functional Discourse Grammar: Interfaces, mismatches, and the direction of processing   101 Marieke Olthof and Kees Hengeveld Noun incorporation in Functional Discourse Grammar   127 Riccardo Giomi A Functional Discourse Grammar typology of reflexives, with some notes on reciprocals   175 Thomas Schwaiger Serial verb constructions, interface mismatches and Functional Discourse Grammar   229 Avelino Corral Esteban A Functional Discourse Grammar account of voice in Plains Algonquian Languages   259 Carmen Portero Muñoz The English ‘Time-measurement construction’ as a case of gradience: A Functional Discourse Grammar approach   303 Evelien Keizer Inter-level mismatches in English coordinated partitives   337 VI   Contents Elnora ten Wolde A Functional Discourse Grammar account of postnominal modification in English   369 Matthias Klumm Meaning-to-form mismatches in Functional Discourse Grammar and Systemic Functional Grammar: A case study of the English discourse connective however   399 Subject Index   433 Name Index   437 Language Index   445 Abbreviations General abbreviations 1 first person 2 second person 3 third person / proximate singular 4 fourth person / obviative 11 first person plural exclusive 12 first person plural inclusive ii noun class II vii noun class VII a agent-like argument of canonical transitive verb / actor ab absential abs absolutive abss absolute state acsbj subject of active verb ai animate intransitive all allative anaph anaphoric an animate acc accusative aux auxiliary ai animate intransitive stem appl applicative art article asp aspect au augmented br bound root cl classifier caus causative cl:vert classifier for vertical com comitative comm common gender contr contrast cop copula coll collective compl completive cont continuative consec consecutive dat dative def definite det determiner dem demonstrative des desiderative disc discontinuative https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110711592-203 VIII   Abbreviations dobj direct object dr bivalent direct dir directional dist distal drct direct du dual dub dubitative mood dur durative elev elevational emph emphatic ep epenthetic sound erg ergative f feminine fac factual fin finite foc focus fut future hab habitual ic internal change imp imperative ipfv imperfective inacsbj subject of inactive verb incl inclusive incompl incompletive ind indicative indf indefinite inf infinitive ingr ingressive ins instrumental intr intransitive int intention / intentional interr interrogative mood ints intensive intr intransitive invis invisible/distal demonstrative ipfv imperfective irr irrealis lk linker loc locative lv linking vowel m masculine mult multiple n neuter neg negative nearfut near future nf nonfeminine nfut non-future General abbreviations   IX nom nominative nmlz nominalizer/nominalization nonsbj non-Subject npst non-past nsfx noun suffix nspec non-specific (aspect) nsbj non-subject obj object obl oblique obv obviative p patient-like argument of canonical transitive verb part participial mood partv partitive pass passive perf perfect pers personal pfv perfective pl plural pn proper name pnct punctual poss possessive pred predicate marker pref prefix prep preposition pro pronoun prog progressive prox proximate prs present prt particle pst past ptcp participle q question particle/marker qu qualifier re repetitive real realis rec.p.vis recent past visual recp reciprocal refl reflexive rel relative res resultative rls realis s argument of intransitive verb sbj subject sg singular spec specific std standing sub subordinator X   Abbreviations ta transitive animate stem tam tense, aspect, modality tns tense tc thematic consonant th thematic prefix top.non.a/s topical non-subject tr transitive u undergoer unsp unspecified vai animate intransitive verb vti transitive inanimate verb vta transitive animate verb vblz verbalizer/verbalization x non-specific Phonological symbols |A| underlying form, lexical representation /B/ surface form, prosodic representation [C] auditory form # morphophonemic word boundary + morpheme boundary . syllable boundary ‘ high tone ’ low tone ˇ rising tone Abbreviations used in FDG representations A Actor (RL) / Addressee (IL) A Discourse Act 1 Adpp Adposition phrase 1 Adpw Adposition word 1 Aff Affix Ag Agent C Communicated Content Cl Clause CxtC Contextual Component e State-of-Affairs ep Episode f Property F Illocution fc Configurational Property

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