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INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN NATURAL PHILOSOPHY VOLUME 95 GENERAL EDITOR: D. TER HAAR Other Titles of Interest BATTEN: Binary and Multiple Systems of Stars ELGAROY: Solar Noise Storms GLASBY: The Nebular Variables HEY: The Radio Universe, 2nd edition PAPADOPOULOS: Photographic Atlas of the Stars (3 vols) REDDISH: Stellar Formation STROHMEIER: Variable Stars ZHELEZNYAKOV: Radioemission of the Sun and Planets NOTICE TO READERS Dear Reader If your library is not already a standing order customer or subscriber to this series, may we recommend that you place a standing or subscription order to receive immediately upon publication all new issues and volumes published in this valuable series. Should you find that these volumes no longer serve your needs your order can be cancelled at any time without notice. The Editors and the Publisher will be glad to receive suggestions or outlines of suitable titles, reviews or symposia for consideration for rapid publication in this series. ROBERT MAXWELL Publisher at Pergamon Press Interacting Binary Stars by JORGE SAHADE Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica delEspacio Member of the Carrera del Investigador Cientifico, CONICET Buenos Aires, Argentina and FRANK BRADSHAW WOOD Rosemary Hill Observatory Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Florida Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD NEW YORK TORONTO SYDNEY PARIS FRANKFURT U.K. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. CANADA Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 75 The East Mall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada AUSTRALIA Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 19a Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia FRANCE Pergamon Press SARL, 24 rue des Ecoles, 75240 Paris, Cedex 05, France FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press GmbH, 6242 Kronberg Taunus, OF GERMANY Pferdstrasse 1, Federal Republic of Germany Copyright © 1978 J Sahade and F B Wood All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permis- sion in writing from the publishers. First edition 1978 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Sahade, Jorge Interacting binary stars. 1. Stars, Double I. Title II. Wood, Frank Bradshaw 523.8*41 QB821 78-40301 ISBN 0-08-021656-0 Hard Cover In order to make this volume available as economically and as rapidly as possible the authors' typescripts have been reproduced in their original forms. This method unfortunately has its typographical limitations but it is hoped that they in no way distract the reader. Printed in Great Britain by William Clowes & Sons Limited London, Beceles and Colchester To the memory of OTTO STRUVE spectroscopist RAYMOND SMITH DUGAN photometrist HENRY NORRIS RUSSELL theoretician FOREWORD The present book grew from an idea that both of us discussed in 1968 during the "Mass Loss from Stars" Colloquium in Trieste. Then we learned that our friend Alan Batten had been asked to write a book on the subject and we de- cided to postpone the writing for a few years in order that our work will complement, rather than compete with, such an authoritative book as Dr. Batten's. In the present book we deal with "interacting binary stars", that is, with physical systems that are so close together in space that the evolutionary history of each of the two compo- nents at some stage begins to depart appreciably from the evolution of single stars. Binaries are the only source of our knowledge of the physical parameters of the stars. Actu- ally close binaries - and more precisely eclip- sing binaries - are the objects that can pro- vide direct information both on the masses and the radii of the stars. In a few cases, they even provide information about the degree of central condensation and hence the internal structure. Now the question arises as to whether the physical parameters derived from close binaries are valid for single stars. The definition of close binaries as given above implied that the evolution of the components of those systems is different from that of single stars. Observa- tions indicate strongly that this is so. In fact, among components of close binaries we find bi- zarre objects that have no counterpart among single stars. We could mention 3 Lyrae, the eruptive variables, the symbiotic stars, and many other examples. X Foreword xi Therefore, the masses of evolved components of close binaries are not necessarily the same as those of single stars that occupy the same position in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and, consequently, the physical parameters derived from close binaries may not be valid for single stars unless we are dealing with unevolved sys- tems , with one or both components on the main sequence or above it but before any evolutionary interaction has already started. Our book will deal then with an exciting group of objects that form perhaps over half of our stellar population and present problems of their own. The book was written because we felt the need to collect in one volume the more exciting re- cent developments together with a brief descrip- tion of the "classical" ideas from which many of them developed. At the Cambridge 1975 IAU Symposium on Close Binaries one of us stated that the field of research that deals with close binaries has "suffered" a "constructive explosion" during the last twenty years. The discovery that most, if not all, eruptive variables are close binaries, the discovery of rapid flickering in the light of some, the discovery that X-ray sources and intermittent radio sources are found among close pairs, a tremendous flux of information indica- ting the presence of circumstellar material, theoretical treatments which indicate in some cases major evolutionary changes in time scales short even in terms of human history - these are but a few of the developments which have trans- formed what was once a rather narrow field of interest only to a few specialists into one which touches many branches of modern astrophy- sics and is engaging in the present tremendous research activity a large number of scientists that have come and are coming in from other fields and branches of science. It seems proper, then, that in writing this book we have tried to bring together information that is scattered over many publications and papers and to give the present state of the art with the relevant historical background. We have tried to give a fair account of the facts and of the situation in each case and naturally each one of us has written his part with only the bias that arises from his own background and line of activity. We do not pretend to have exhausted the relevant literature nor to have done complete justice to all the contributions in the field. We apologize to those who feel that we should have mentioned them. xii Foreword A work like this could not have been carried without the help of many people and friends who read parts of the manuscript and offered many important suggestions and in many cases called our attention to research that we should not overlook. We would like to thank for all this A. H. Batten, K-Y Chen, D. S. Hall, R. H. Méndez, J. E. Merrill, N. L. Markworth, V. Niemelä, J. B. Rafert, E. C. Olson, A. Ringuelet, R. E. Wilson and, particularly, David R. Florkowski, who went thoroughly and relentlessly with a critical mind through the whole of the book. Thanks are also due Jeanne Kerrick who with admirable devotion, enthusiasm and sense of re- sponsibility carefully prepared the typescript and to Elizabeth P. Wood, Adela Ringuelet, Gloria Nasser, Carlos Hernandez, Jorge Wilchepol, Hans Schrader and Woodrow Richardson who in different ways helped us during the process of preparing the book, the latter three with the illustrations. We acknowledge the help of the Fullbright Committee, the Consejo Nacional de Investii- gaciones Cientificas y Técnicas of Argentina, the Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, Buenos Aires, and the University of Florida at Gainesville, Florida, for giving us the oppor- tunity and the facilities that permitted our work. One of us worked under a Faculty Develop- ment Grant from the University of Florida. Finally, our deep appreciation to our re- spective wives for their encouragement while the book was being written. JORGE SAHADE FRANK BRADSHAW WOOD CHAPTER 1 HISTORY OF THE FIELD 1. GENERAL REMARKS As the title foretells and as stressed in the foreword, we are going to deal in this book with interacting binaries, that is, with physical systems of two stars that are so close together in space that the evolutionary history of each of the two components departs appreciably from the evolution of single stars that, when on the main sequence, occupied the same position in the H-R diagram. We shall feel satisfied with this definition at least for the time being, with- out entering into the problem as to how a close binary is born. Thus defined, the term "interacting binaries" becomes more precise than the normally used expression of "close binaries" which was usually defined as a system of two stars, whose separation is of the same order of magnitude as the radii of the objects involved. Plavec (1967) and Paczynski (1967) were the first to suggest, independently, at the same meeting, a change in the way a close binary is defined by taking the evolutionary history into account. In the development of the field the most heavily emphasized aspects of the research have been different at different times. We recognize four epochs, each one brought about by particular pieces of research or changes of emphasis that actually were breakthroughs in our know- ledge in the field. In this introductory chapter we shall go through the four epochs and indicate the highlights of each one of them. 2. EPOCH NO. 1, 1783-1912 For many years, the study of visual binary stars was one of the major fields of astronomical research. The determination of combined stellar masses of the components when an orbit could be computed and a parallax measured, and even individual masses when motions relative to background stars were possible, seemed to be - and was - an achievement of considerable magnitude, even though no one at the time could realize the importance of the knowledge of stellar masses in relation to the 1 2 Interacting Binary Stars entire evolutionary history of a star. Yet even during the great nineteenth century era of positional astronomy, close binaries - at least those that were eclipsing pairs - were not entirely neglected. This field, both in observation and theory, can be considered as being started by John Goodricke (1733) with his paper in the Philoso- phical Transactions of the Royal Society, London. There Goodricke announced his independent discovery of the variations in brightness of Algol, although this had previously been detected more than a cen- tury before by Montanari and Miraldi, as Goodricke was careful to point out. Actually, in old Chinese writings, there is indication that ancient people observed this variation and the name itself sug- gests that it was known to the Arabs, but this information of course was quite unavailable to Goodricke. Not only did Goodricke independently discover the variability, but he also found that it was periodic and determined the period. He published his individual observations (which he had verified by a friend) to make them available for general use, and gave two possible explanations for the light changes. One of these - the periodic pas- sing between us and the star of a dark object - eventually proved to be essentially correct, although more than a century would elapse be- fore this general explanation was confirmed by the variations in radial velocity found in another eclipsing system. From Goodricke1s time until the early twentieth century, the obser- vations of eclipsing binaries were of the same pattern as those for other variable stars. The technique at first was by visual estimates and observers were few, although, well before the twentieth century, visual photometers both with and without "artificial stars", came in- to use at a few observatories. Only toward the end of this first epoch, which we can mark as running from 1783-1912, did techniques such as photography, spectroscopy, and, starting about 1910, the pri- mitive use of photoelectric effects, began to bring impact from the developing science of astrophysics. A few astronomers - e.g., Dugan (1911) and Roberts (1908) - had tried solutions for individual light curves, but the relations between light changes and the orbital and eclipse elements were so complex that it seemed no general solution was possible. One matter of considerable importance was the discovery of the "reflection effect" made independently by Dugan (1908) and by Stebbins (1911). Near the end of this first epoch the Canadian astronomer Barr (1908) had made an analysis of the available orbits and velocity curves of spectroscopic binaries, the first one of which had been discovered in 1889, and found, (a) that very often the velocity curves were un- symmetrical, (b) that these asymmetries, with only a few exceptions, were similar, in the sense that the "ascending branch of the curve" was of greater length than the "descending branch" and (c) a logical consequence of (a) and (b) that the values of the longitude of peri- astron did not show a random distribution but rather were concentrated in the first quadrant. This peculiar distribution of the curves, known as the Barr effect in spectroscopic binaries, already suggested as Barr himself pointed out, that the "observed radial· velocities" were contaminated by some extraneous effect that, at the time, was difficult to assess. The problems brought out by the spectrographic observations in this History of the Field 3 first epoch were not confined to the Barr effect. As early as 1896 Pickering (1896) reported the discovery by Bailey of variations in the line intensities of ìÀ Scorpii, a phenomenon which later was found also in other objects and which appears to be transient in some cases. The phenomenon can be described by stating that the lines of one of the components are weaker when its velocities are of recession. Here again no explanation was possible. 3. EPOCH NO. 2, 1912-1941 If one event can be said to mark the ending of one epoch - that which we have called the first epoch in the history of close binaries - and the beginning of another, it was the publication in 1912 by Henry Norris Russell (1912a) of the first of his classical papers describing means for a general solution of light curves. This paper, or some of the various modifications of it, was to serve as the basis for inter- pretation of light curves for well over half a century until the avail- ibility of the electronic computer permitted the use of techniques im- possible to apply in practice without these aids. As examples of the various alternatives, see Fetlaar (1923), Schaube (1924), Sitterly (1930), Krat (1934, 1936), Piotrowski (1937) and Kopal (1942). The early paper by Russell, plus the following ones by Russell (1912b, 1912c) and by Russell and Shapley (1912a, 1912b), still deserve careful reading by the serious student of close binary systems. As- sumptions were made which were entirely justified in the light of the precision of the observations then available, but which were not en- tirely satisfactory in interpreting the more precise observations that result with the widespread use of photoelectric photometry that fol- lowed the development of the multiplier photocell some thirty years later. Further it is clear that this approach was never intended to apply to systems in which the components were so close that the inter- action effects between the components caused large changes in the ob- served brightness. This will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 3. These papers came at a crucial time. The advent of photography had permitted the discovery and identification of eclipsing systems at a far faster rate than ever before. In the years immediately following larger telescopes and more spectrographs were built so that more radial velocity curves were to be observed. Elements from these combined with the photometric elements, of course, gave the absolute dimensions of the components. By 1922, this had been done for 14 systems (Plaskett, 1922). Not only were more light curves being observed, but in the years immediately preceding and following, more precise photometric observing techniques were developed. Increasing use of the polarizing photometer and the wedge photometer both gave measures which not only were more precise than estimates, but which were essentially free from the systematic errors which plagued both visual and photographic esti- mates. In either of these instruments, the image of the variable was placed by optical means in a horizontal line with and at a convenient distance from either the image of an artificial star or that of a nearby comparison star. The brightness of one image was varied by the use of an optical wedge or a Nicol prism until the images were equally bright. The human eye is at its best when estimating when two sources have nearly identical luminosities. Tests have shown that, as long as

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