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9 To Appear in <<Europhysics Letters>> 9 9 Integrable impurities in Hubbard chain 1 with the open boundary condition n a J 0 Zhan-Ning Hua,∗ and Fu-Cho Pua,b,† 1 a Institute of Physics and Center for Condensed Matter Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080,China ‡ ] l b Department of Physics, Guangzhou teacher colleague, Guangzhou 510400,China e - r st PACS. 72.10.Fk - Scattering by point defects, dislocations, surfaces, and other im- . perfections (including Kondo effect). t a PACS. 71.10.Fd Lattice fermion models (Hubbard model, etc.). m PACS. 71.27.+a Strongly correlated electron systems; heavy fermions. - d n Abstract o c The Kondo problem of two impurities in 1D strongly correlated electron system [ withinthe frameworkofthe openboundaryHubbardchainis solvedandthe impu- rities,coupledtothe endsofthe electronsystem,areintroducedbytheirscattering 1 v matriceswithelectronssothatthe boundarymatricessatisfythereflectingintegra- 4 bility condition. The finite size correction of the ground state energy is obtained 7 due to the impurities. Exact expressionsfor the low temperature specific heat con- 0 tributed by the charge and spin parts of the magnetic impurities are derived. The 1 Pauli susceptibility and the Kondo temperature are given explicitly. The Kondo 0 temperature is inversely proportionalto the density of electrons. 9 9 / t a m - d n o c : v i X r a ∗E-mail: [email protected] †E-mail: [email protected] ‡ mail address 1 InrecentyearstheKondoproblem[1]inthelowdimensionalstronglycorrectedelectronsystems has been the focus of intense activity and the low temperature properties of such systems in one spatial dimension can be described in terms of a Luttinger liquid [2]. The electron- electron interaction is discarded in the original treatments of Kondo problem, which is reasonable in three dimensionswheretheinteractingelectronsystemisdescribedbyFermiliquid. Therecentadvances insemiconductortechnologyenabletofabricateverynarrowquantumwirewhichcanbeconsidered as one-dimensional system and furnishes a real Luttinger liquid. Edge states in a 2D electron gas for fractional quantum Hall effect can also be regarded as Luttinger liquid [3]. Around these subjects there are intense efforts and much progress has been made from different approaches by the use of the bosonization and renormalization techniques [4,5], boundary conformal field theory [6], the scaling method [7] and the density matrix renormalization group calculations. Kondo impurities play an important role in strongly electron models, especially in one dimen- sional system, which is due to only a small amount of defects may change the properties of the system, and the impurities usually destroy the integrability of the pure system when they are introduced. In the pioneered work,Andrei and Johannesson[8] introduced a spin-S impurity into the isotropicHeisenberg chainwith preservingthe integrabilityofthe system. It wasdevelopedin Ref. [9] by Lee and Schlottmann for the host chains with the higher spin values. Eckle, Punnoose and Ro¨mer studied some physical properties of the model [10]. Recently, Bedu¨fig et al has solved an integrable impurity model where the impurity is coupled to t−J chain with both spin and charge degrees of freedom [11]. The impurity is introduced through a local vertices as in Ref. [8]. SchlottmannandZvyaginintroducethe impurity insupersymmetric t−J modelviaits scattering matrix with the itinerant electrons [12] and the Hamiltonian of the system can be constructed by the transfer matrix. They have discussed also the magnetic impurities embedded in the Hubbard model[13]. For allthese casesthe periodicconditionshavebeenimposedonthe electronhostand the impurity models suffer the lack of backward scattering. Generally speaking, the impurities can divide a ‘pure’ system into several part with the impurities located at the ends of the every part. And based on Kane and Fisher’s observation [5], we see it is advantageous to use open boundary problem with the impurities at open ends to study the problem of impurities coupled with strongly-correlated electron system. Indeed, this program has been used for δ− interacting fermi system in Ref. [14] , t−J model in Refs. [15-18]and Heisenberg spin chains in Ref. [19–21] with the open boundary conditions. The one-dimensionalHubbardchaindescribes the stronglycorrelatedelectronsystemandthere aremanyworkssincetheexactsolutionwasfoundbyLiebandWu[22]withtheperiodiccondition. The one-dimensional Hubbard chain with open boundary conditions [23], of boundary chemical potentials[24]andboundarymagneticfields[25,26],issolvablealsobytheuseoftheBetheansatz method. Recently, Eβler and Frahm [27] study the singularities in X-ray absorption spectra of the one-dimensional Hubbard model and the t−J chain and some thermodynamic properties of the model at zero temperature. There are various complex solutions based on the Bethe ansatz equationsanddescribedtheboundaryboundstatesforantiholons,spinnons,andpairsofelectrons, respectively [28]. The finite-size spectrum for the relevant boundary conditions is given in Refs. [29,24,27]. The effect of boundarypoint contactpotentials onthe coherentmesoscopicoscillations is studied by Frahm and Zvyagin [30] for the strongly correlated quantum wires. Inthisletter,wedevotetostudythemagneticimpuritiesintheopenboundaryHubbardchainby theBetheansatztechniqueandtodiscussthelowtemperaturepropertiescontributedbyimpurities with the use of the Landau-Luttinger description. The quantum inverse scattering method [31] is adapted to solve the eigenvalue problem of the transfer matrix which determine the Hamiltonian of the impurity model. As is well- known, the scattering matrix for two electrons in the Hubbard chain is sink −sink − iUP S (k k )= i j 2 ij (1) ij i, j sink −sink − iU i j 2 where P is the permutation operator of the electrons. The wave function of the chain in region ij 0≤x ≤x ≤···≤x ≤G−1 has the form: Q1 Q2 QN Ψ (x ,x ,···,x ) σ1,σ2,···,σN 1 2 N 2 N = ε ε A (r k ,···,r k )exp[i r k x ]] (2) P r σQ1,···,σQN PQ1 PQ1 PQN PQN Pj Pj j XP Xj=1 r1···rN=±1 whereε =1(−1)whentheparityofP iseven(odd),ε = N rinwhichrtakesthevalue+1or P r j=1 −1,whichgivesthatA···σi,σj···(···ki,kj···)=Sij(ki,kj)×AQ···σj,σi···(···kj,ki···).Theimpurities are coupled to the two ends of the system and they are introduced by the scattering matrix with electrons, sink −iC − iUP S (k ,σ )= j L,R 2 L,R j, (3) L,R j j sink −iC − iU j L,R 2 so that the boundary matrices take their form as sink −iC − iUP R (k ,σ )=eiϕL(kj) j L 2 L j, (4) L j j sink +iC + iUP j L 2 L j sink −iC − iUP R (−k ,σ )=e−2ikj(G+1)eiϕR(kj) j R 2 R j (5) R j j sink +iC + iUP j R 2 R j wheretheinteractingparametersC isarbitrary. TheboundaryRmatrixsatisfiesthereflecting L,R Yang-Baxter equation and the eigenvalue problem of the system can be reduced to the form Tr T (λ)T−1(−λ) Φ τ λ=sinkj (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:12) (cid:12) iU −sink sink +iC + iU sink +iC + iU = 2 j j L 2 j R 2 (6) iU −sink sink −iC − iU sink −iC − iU 4 j j L 2 j R 2 ·e−i{ϕL(kj)+ϕR(kj)}e2ikj(G+1)Φ with the transfer matrix defined by T(λ)=S (λ)S (λ)···S (λ)S (λ)···S (λ), τj τ0 τj−1 τj+1 τN+1 and S (λ) = (λ−sink −iUP /2)/(λ−sink −iU/2) with sink = iC , sink = iC τl l τl l 0 L N+1 R for l = 0,1,2,···,N + 1. Notice that the state function Φ is related to the coefficient A (r k ,r k ,···,r k ), which is dependent on also the spins of σQ1,σQ2,···,σQN PQ1 PQ1 PQ2 PQ2 PQN PQN magnetic impurities and is suppressed for brevity. P and P are the permutation operators j0 jN+1 betweenthe magnetic impurities and the conductionelectrons. The Hamiltonianofthe modelhas the form H =− C+C +U n n +J S ·d +V n +J S ·d +V n (7) iσ jσ i↑ i↓ L 1 L L 1 R G R R G hijiX,σ=↓↑ Xi where d and d are the spin operators of the impurities with the spins 1/2. The inter- L R acting constant J and the scattering potential V of the impurities can be expressed L,R L,R as J = 4V /3 = −2/(1 + C2 ) when U = 2 and J = 4UV /(4 + U) = L,R L,R L,R L,R L,R U U2−4C2 −8+ 16C4 −8C2 U2+64C2 +U4 / 8−2U2 when U 6= 2 where we L,R L,R L,R L,R ha(cid:16)veassumedthattheqelectronsscatter withthe impurities(cid:17)wit(cid:0)h the sm(cid:1)allmomentums. Fromthe Bethe ansatz equations of this system with the impurities, an immediate consequence is that the total momentum of the system has the finite size correction N θ(q ,2u+C )/(2G) j=1 l=0,L,R j l , contributed by the magnetic impurities coupled to the openPboundPary fermions system. For the Hubbardring,I andJ areconsecutiveintegers(orhalf-oddintegers)centeredaroundtheorigin j α 3 andsatisfying k =0ofthe groundstate. Nowthe magneticimpuritiesaffectthedistributions j j of Ij and Jα anPd the index α runs from −M to M which is different from the periodic case. In the thermodynamical limits: N → +∞, G → +∞, M → +∞ with the ratios N/G, M/G kept finite, the real numbers k and λ are distributed continuously in the ranges −Q to Q ≤ π and −B to B ≤ +∞ with the density functions ρ(k) and σ(λ) , respectively. The distributional functions satisfy the coupled integral equations cosk 1 cosk B ρ(k)+ a(q,2u+C)= + σ(λ)[a(q−λ,u)+a(q+λ,u)]dλ, (8) l 2G 2π 2 Z l=XL,R −B 1 B σG(λ) 1 Q σ(λ)+ σ(λ′)a(λ−lλ′,2u)dλ′ = + ρ(k)a(λ−lk,u)dk (9) 2 Z 2G 2 Z lX=±1 −B lX=±1 −Q withσG(λ)=a(λ,u)+a(λ,u+C )+a(λ,u−C )+a(λ,u+C )+a(λ,u−C )wherea(q,η)= l l R R π−1η/ q2+η2 . Q and B are the cutoffs of k and λ , respectively, for the ground state and they sa(cid:0)tisfy th(cid:1)at Q ρ(k)dk = N/G and B σ(λ)dλ = M/G . The ground state energy is −Q −B E/G = −2 Q ρ(Rk)coskdk. For the half-filRled band Q = π and N/G = 1. The number of the −Q down spinsRis a half of that for the conduction electrons in the system. To see this, by Fourior transformation of the second Bethe ansatz equation and assuming that the distributed functions Q ∞ are the even functions, we have that ρ(k)dk = 2 σ(λ)dλ with the choice of ω = 0 and −Q −∞ G→+∞. Then the magnetization isRthat S =(N +2R−2M)/2=1, which is different from the z pure system. The density functions are J (ω) 1 σG(ω) 0 σ(ω)= + , (10) 2cosh(uω) 2G1+a(ω,2u) e e e 1 cosk ∞ cos(ωq)J (ω) ρG(k) 1 cosk ∞ σG(ω)e−iqω−|uω| ρ(k)= + dω 0 − + dω (11) 2π π Z 1+e2uω 2G 2G 2π Z 1+a(ω,2u) 0 −∞ e where ρG(k) = cosk a(q,2u+C ) and we have used that u > 0 andeJ is the Bessel l=L,R l 0 function. The terms Pwith factor 1/(2G) describe the finite size corrections due to impurities. Then the finite size correction for the ground state energy due to the impurities is π ∞ J (ω)σG(ω) E′ = dkcoskρG(k)− dω 1 (12) Z Z 2ωcosh(uω) −π −∞ e where σG(ω) is the Fourior transformation of the function σG(λ). In order to investigate the conductivity properties of the ground state, we should computer the chemical potentials µ and + µ (seeeRef. [22]). By the duality of the particles and holes in the system, for the case of the − half-filled band, it should be derived that ∆=U −2µ with − µ π 2 − =−4 dkcosk ρ(k)−ρ(k)′ + (13) G Z G 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) where the density function ρ(k)′ is determined by the coupled integral equations (8) and ∞ π σG(λ)−2a(λ,u) dλ′σ(λ′)a(λ−λ′,2u)+σ(λ)= dkρ(k)a(λ−q,u)+ . Z Z 2G −∞ −π Itisduetothataholewithk =π andλ→∞appearedcomparingwiththe‘half-filled’bandand h thisgivestheterma(λ,u)/Gintheaboveequationandterm2/Ginrelation(13). Theinteresting 4 thing is that the impurities do not change the conductivity property of the system for the ground state although the density functions have been corrected into the forms (10) and ( 11). The other physical properties of the system can be discussed by evaluating its thermodynamics from the Bethe ansatz equations. As an alternative, both more practically and more physically, we now use the picture of the Landau-Luttinger liquid, putting forwardby Carmeloand co-work- ers [32] , to determine the magnetic contributions to the specific heat, susceptibility and Kondo temperature. The densities of the states of the quasiparticles at the Fermi energy E = 0 are F described by 1 1 δρ(k ) 1 1 δσ(∞) 0 N (0)= 1+ , N (0)= 1+ , c 2πv (cid:20) 2G ρ(k ) (cid:21) s 2πv (cid:20) 2G σ(∞) (cid:21) c 0 s where v and v are the velocities of the charge and spin fluctuations, respectively. ρ and σ are c s the distributed functions in the infinite limit. And δρ, δσ are the finite-size corrections due to impurities. It means that the density functions are denoted by ρ+δρ/(2G) and σ +δσ/(2G) of parameters k and λ , respectively. The densities of the states determine the low- temperature behaviors of the system by the use of the standard expressions of the Fermi-liquid theory and we get the contributions to the Kondo effects due to the magnetic impurities as the following form, πδρ(k ) πδσ(∞) 0 δC = T + T, (14) 6Gv ρ(k ) 6Gv σ(∞) c 0 s where the specific heat comes from the charges and the spins. The finite-size correction to the susceptibility is δχ = χ δσ(∞)/[Gσ(∞)] where χ is the susceptibility in the bulk. The Kondo 0 0 temperature T , corresponding to the Fermi temperature in the local Fermi liquid generated by k the impurities, can be derived from the impurity specific heat contributed by the spin sector. It has the form T = 2Gσ(∞)/[πnδσ(∞)] where n is the density of the electrons in the system. k Furthermore, under the limits of the parameters C = C = 0, the specific heat due to the spin R L of the impurity, the susceptibility and the Kondo temperature are 5πT 5 2GJ (iπ) 0 δC = ,δχ = χ ,T = . s 0 k 6Gv J (iπ) GJ (iπ) 5nπ s 0 0 InthiscasewehavethatJ =4UV /(4+U)=−U. NoticethattheKondotemperatureT is L,R L,R k linear in the 1/nandthis property is similar as the one inRef. [29]. The specific heatcontributed by the charge of the impurities have the form: π[ln2+2β(3/2)] δC = T (15) c 6Gv u 2 ∞ (−1)l−1(1+4u2l2)−1/2−1 c l=1 h i P with C = C = U/4 and under the other cases the specific heat δC due to impurities have R L c the similar expressions at the low temperature. Here the β function is defined by β(x) = ∞ (−1)k/(x+k), and β(3/2)≈0.4292. k=0 PIn summary, we have studied the low energy properties of the Kondo problem in a 1D chain of strongly interacting electrons described by the open boundary Hubbard model. The magnetic impuritiesarecoupledtotheendsofthesystemandtheyareintroducedbythescatteringmatrices withtheelectrons. Thisisthefirstapproachtostudytheimpuritypropertiesintheopenboundary Hubbard chain. The finite size correction of the ground state energy is obtained and we find that the magnetic impurities do not change the conductivity for the ground state although the distributed functions have been changed. By the use of the Landau-Luttinger liquid description for the Kondo problem, we obtained the expressions of the low-temperature specific heat, the susceptibilityandtheKondotemperature. TheKondotemperatureisinverselyproportionaltothe density ofelectrons. Finally,wepointoutthatthe integrabilityofthe impuritymodelispreserved due to the boundary matrices satisfy the reflection equation. The corresponding Hamiltonian has been written down explicitly when the electrons scatter with the impurities with the small 5 momentums, which has a simple and compact form. The general expression of the Hamiltonian can be constructed with the use of the quantum inverse scattering method and we wish to remain it as an open problem for the further investigations. [1] KondoJ., Prog.Theor. Phys., 32 (1964) 37; Solid State Phys., 23 (1969) 183. [2] LuttingerJ.M.,J.Math.Phys.,4(1963)1154;MattisD.C.andLiebE.H.,J.Math.Phys.,6(1965) 304; Haldane F. D., ibid., 45 (1980) 1358. [3] Wen X.G., Phys. Rev. B, 44 (1991) 5708. [4] Lee D.-H. and Toner J., Phys. Rev. Lett., 69 (1992) 3378. [5] KaneC. L. and Fisher M. P.A., Phys. Rev. Lett., 68 (1992) 1220; Phys. Rev. B, 46 (1992) 15233. [6] Fr¨ojdh P. and Johannesson H., Phys. Rev. Lett., 75 (1995) 300. 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