Information Visualization: Connecting the Abstract and Visual Worlds Shixia Liu (刘世霞) Internet Graphics Group, Microsoft Research Asia Outline • Definition • Criteria • History • InfoVis 1.0 • InfoVis 2.0 • InfoVis 3.0 • Opportunities and challenges Outline • Definition • Criteria • History • InfoVis 1.0 • InfoVis 2.0 • InfoVis 3.0 • Opportunities and challenges What is Information Visualization • Use graphical representations of abstract information to facilitate – Explanation – Information understanding – Decision making – … • Translation from the abstract language to the visual/intuitive language Why InfoVis – Basic Problem We live in a new ecology: how do you make sense of it People are 5 times faster with the visual aid (slide “borrowed” from PARC User Interface Research Group) Why InfoVis - Web Ecologies 10000000 1000000 100000 s r 10000 e v r 1000 e S 1 new server every 2 seconds 100 7.5 new pages per second 10 1 Aug-92 Feb-93 Aug-93 Feb-94 Aug-94 Feb-95 Aug-95 Feb-96 Aug-96 Feb-97 Aug-97 Feb-98 Aug-98 Source: World Wide Web Consortium, Mark Gray, Netcraft Server Survey (slide “borrowed” from PARC User Interface Research Group) Why InfoVis - Scientific Journals Journals/person increases 10X every 50 years 1000000 100000 Journals 10000 1000 Journals/People x106 100 10 1 0.1 Darwin V. Bush You 0.01 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2010 Year Why InfoVis - Innate Human Capacity 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1 Darwin V. Bush You 0.01 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2010 Bad Visualization? Good Visualization?