UPTEC E 11 002 Examensarbete 30 hp Februari 2011 Influence of damping winding, controller settings and exciter on the damping of rotor angle oscillations in a hydroelectric generator The testing of a mathematical model Jonathan Hanning Abstract Influence of damping winding, controller settings and electrical feeders on the damping of rotor angle oscillations in a hydroelectric generator Jonathan Hanning Teknisk- naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH-enheten This thesis has been performed in the university context for Master thesis 30 credits, which is a compulsory exercise in order to gain a degree in electrical engineering. Besöksadress: Ångströmlaboratoriet The thesis main objectives were to investigate how the damping and the stiffness of a Lägerhyddsvägen 1 Hus 4, Plan 0 hydroelectric generator changed depending on different parameter values, and to test a new mathematical model to calculate the damping and stiffness constants Kd and Ks. Postadress: The work has been performed at the request of VG Power, but has been performed Box 536 at the division for electricity at Uppsala University. The reason for undertaking this 751 21 Uppsala thesis was to ensure that generators are robust. But also when building future models Telefon: for generators, to have a system that can be used to compute robustness. 018 – 471 30 03 During this thesis a power cabinet has also been constructed to be able to test the Telefax: simulated model on a real generator. Under the first five weeks a power cabinet was 018 – 471 30 00 constructed in the laboratory at the division for electricity. The tests were then Hemsida: performed at a generator with a rated power of 75 kVA. http://www.teknat.uu.se/student Handledare: Martin Ranlöf Ämnesgranskare: Urban Lundin Examinator: Nora Masszi ISSN: 1654-7616, UPTEC E 11 002 Sammanfattning Detta examensarbete har utförts vid avdelningen för elektricitetslära vid Uppsala universitet. Uppgiften var att undersöka hur dämpning och styvhet påverkas av olika faktorer i en generator. En del av arbetet bestod i att jämföra skillnaden mellan kontrollerad dämpning med hjälp av en automatisk spänningsregulator tillsammans med en PSS, mot ett system som använder kopparskenor för dämpning. Den viktigaste slutsatsen som kan dras av detta examensarbete är att om man vill ange riktlinjer för tillverkare av generatorer, när systemet endast består av en generator och en regulator, bör riktlinjerna bestämmas utifrån massan. Eftersom denna faktor är den viktigaste för robustheten i systemet. Tanken med systemet skulle vara att för varje viktig variabel, så skulle ett värde erhållas och skulle sedan kunna kontrolleras mot en tabell för att säkerställa att inga farliga värden erhålls. Att konstruera denna tabell är ett annat examensarbete, som skulle kräva fler simuleringar på många fler maskiner, och därför bör utföras av någon med en bakgrund inom beräkningsvetenskap. Den matematiska modellen som testats i detta arbeta behöver lite mer justering på grund av att den inte verkade matcha helt den nuvarande accepterade modellen. Det måste dock sägas, till den nyares försvar, att med vissa inställningar, så korrelerade den mycket bra med den äldre modellen. Men det kommer att behöva ändras och anpassas lite mer, särskilt i beaktande vid beräkningen av den synkrona vridmomentskoefficienten, som nästan alltid verkade vara 10 till 30 procent för låg. Abbreviations AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator D-Q-axis Direct and Quadrature axis DAE Differential-Algebraic Equation Et Terminal Voltage H An inertia constant Ka/Kp Gain constant in the feedback system Kd (1) Damping constant in electric torque equation Kd (2) Derivative constant in the feedback system Ki Integrating constant in the feedback system Ks Synchronous constant in electric torque equation ODE Ordinary Differential Equation Pf Power Factor PhD “Philosophiæ Doctor” or Doctor of Philosophy PSS Power System Stabilizer P.U. Per Unit Re Resistance in the tie-line SMIB Single Machine, infinite bus St Power output Td Foresight of the time step Te Electrical torque Xe Reactance in the tie-line UU Uppsala University Conclusion This master thesis has been conducted at the division of electricity at Uppsala University. The task was to conduct research about the damping and stiffness of a generator. One part was to compare the difference with controlled damping with the help of an automatic voltage regulator, together with a power system stabilizer. And also a system which used copper bars for damping. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this thesis is that if you want to provide guidelines for manufacturers of generators, when the system contains only of the generator and a regulator, the guidelines should be determined by the mass. Since this factor is the most important one for the robustness of the system. The idea of the system would be that for each important variable, a number is acquired and could then be checked against a table to ensure that no dangerous values are obtained. To construct a table like this is another thesis, which would need a lot more machines to be simulated on, and therefore should be performed by someone with a background in scientific computing. The mathematical model tested in this thesis need some more adjusting, due to the fact that it did not seem to match entirely to the current accepted model. It must be said, though the latter’s defense, that with some settings, the altered mathematical model matched very well. But it will need to be modified and tuned some more, especially in regard to the calculation of the synchronous torque coefficient, which almost always seemed to be 10 to 30 percent to low. 2010-12-31 Influence of damping winding, controller settings and exciter on the damping of rotor angle oscillations in a hydroelectric generator Foreword This thesis has been performed in the university context for Master thesis 30 credits, which is a compulsory exercise in order to gain a degree in electrical engineering. The thesis was to investigate how the damping and the stiffness of a hydroelectric generator changed depending on different parameter values. And also to test an altered mathematical model to calculate the damping and stiffness constants Kd and Ks. The work has been performed at the division for electricity at Uppsala University, as a joint operation together with VG Power. The reason for undertaking this thesis was to ensure that generators are robust. But also when building future models for generators, to have a system that can be used to compute robustness. I would like to especially thank my supervisor Martin Ranlöf for the time he has spent helping me over the threshold incurred during my work. My thanks are also directed to the people in the same working group, Johan Lidenholm, whose thesis has been very helpful, but who has also helped with understanding some problems in Matlab. Thanks also to Mattias Wallin for much practical instruction during the construction of the power cabinet. Also big thanks to Urban Lundin for the hydropower course and for making this thesis possible and I would also like to thank Kjartan Halvorsen for the help with the automatic control. Also thanks to Stefan Pålsson for this knowledge with Matlab. Last but absolutely not least, all the teachers who has put in much effort in my education so that the courses I have read has become much more interesting, thanks also to my examiner, Nora Masszi. Jonathan Hanning January 2011 Uppsala 2 2010-12-31 Influence of damping winding, controller settings and exciter on the damping of rotor angle oscillations in a hydroelectric generator 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Background .................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Method ............................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 Demarcation ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 5 2 Theory ..................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Synchronous generator ..................................................................................................... 7 2.2 The damping and synchronous coefficient ....................................................................... 7 2.3 System analysis ................................................................................................................ 8 2.4 The mathematical model .................................................................................................. 9 2.4.1 Direct and Quadrature axis ........................................................................................ 9 2.4.2 Per unit representation ............................................................................................. 10 2.4.3 State-space representation ....................................................................................... 10 2.4.4 Automatic control .................................................................................................... 10 2.4.5 The nine basic equations ......................................................................................... 11 2.4.6 Ordinary differential equations solver ..................................................................... 12 2.4.7 Standard parameters ................................................................................................ 12 2.5 Rotor angle oscillation ................................................................................................... 12 3 Method and construction ....................................................................................................... 14 3.1 Mathematical model in matlab for simulation ............................................................... 14 3.1.1 The introducing of state space representation ......................................................... 14 3.2 The construction of the power cabinet ........................................................................... 16 3.2.1 Modifying the generator with damper bars ............................................................. 16 3.3 Operating the generator ...................................................................................................... 17 4 Results ................................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 Simulation results ........................................................................................................... 18 4.1.1 Single machine without regulators .......................................................................... 18 4.1.2 Single machine with an automatic voltage P-regulator ........................................... 19 4.1.3 Single machine with an automatic voltage PD-regulator ........................................ 20 4.1.4 Single machine with an automatic voltage PID-regulator ...................................... 21 4.1.5 Single machine with both PID-regulator and PSS .................................................. 22 4.1.6 The mathematical model ......................................................................................... 22 4.1.7 Unstable systems ..................................................................................................... 23 4.2 Laboratory tests .............................................................................................................. 23 4.2.1 Connecting the generator to the grid ....................................................................... 23 5 Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 25 5.1 The simulation model ..................................................................................................... 25 5.2 The constructed power cabinet ....................................................................................... 25 5.3 The results ...................................................................................................................... 25 5.4 Future work .................................................................................................................... 26 5.5 Confounding ................................................................................................................... 26 6 References ............................................................................................................................. 27 6.1 Literature ........................................................................................................................ 27 7 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 28 3 2010-12-31 Influence of damping winding, controller settings and exciter on the damping of rotor angle oscillations in a hydroelectric generator 1 Introduction A different model, [1] compared with the accepted model, has been expanded and tested to calculate the synchronizing and damping components of electrical torque developed in a synchronous machine. The method is based on the numerical analysis of system response time, using least squares adjustment. 1.1 Background Since the introduction of synchronous generators in the late 19th century, the way of operating a system with several generators has significantly improved. In the early years, it was not unusual to have power black-outs over a huge area of the grid. But when the regulation was modernized, it has become more and more unusual with power failure. Nowadays it is almost required a storm which destroys a cable to receive a power failure. The stability of a power grid is depending both on the total grid, but also on its individual components. Usually in a grid there are power consumers, power producers, power transmission and power control. And since the producers are depending on the consumers, there has always been an interest of how the producing unit reacts to changes in consuming. For example how the electrical torque changes when a huge load is connected to the grid. The electrical torque is built up by the synchronous and damping constants of the generator. Therefore these constants have been of interest for some time. The ability to calculate the damping and synchronizing constants has been an important problem since the expansion of power system interconnections. And since the improvement of digital computers and modern control theory, a better control of power systems has been gained. However, the method how to calculate these torque components has not improved at the same rate. This new approach is thus based on the time-domain analysis of system response. Precision depends on how good the accuracy was of the time response. Due to imperfection in the system, a couple of oscillations will occur. The most interesting and important one is the rotor angle oscillation. This oscillation occurs when the power is raised or lowered, and the generator is trying to find its new equilibrium, the equilibrium between the torque from the turbine and the electrical torque. This oscillation gives a few other oscillations, which will be studied in this thesis. For example the oscillation in the power produced. The power produced is connected to the swing equation, equation 1b, which is connecting the rotor angle acceleration, the mechanical torque, and the electrical torque. This is further described in chapter 2.2. When measuring is performed on a generator, different variables are calculated in order to be able to compare the results. It is usual to use either damping time constant T , which is the d time required for the amplitude to decrease to a new value from its original value. Another value that is often use is the damping torque coefficient, K , which is used to identify the rotor d angle stability of the system. Yet another constant that is interesting is the damping capacity b, which is the ability to absorb vibration by internal friction. In the current situation, there is some confusion about what requirements that should be set on the generator supplier, concerning the damping qualities. 4 2010-12-31 Influence of damping winding, controller settings and exciter on the damping of rotor angle oscillations in a hydroelectric generator The purpose of this thesis is to show how the damping and synchronous constant is affected by the electrical design, selection of exciters, adding damping parameters and inertia. The equation relationship between attenuation and these factors are certainly well known, but are found in various places in the literature. The study of damping has been performed on a two- axle model of a generator. 1.2 Method This thesis will analyze this problem in two different ways; first the expanded mathematic model which will be tested in Matlab. In this thesis are also included some testing on a real generator. To make this possible, a synchronization unit will be built to link up one of the division of electricity´s generator to the electrical grid. Since Uppsala does not have any great waterfall, the generator is driven by a motor which is connected to the rotor, instead of a turbine. Therefore there will be the possibility to perform quick torque changes. The idea is then that the natural damping of the generator, which occurs due to the copper in the rotor windings, together with the quick torque change, will give rise to oscillating revolutions per minute. This oscillation should continue until the generator has found its new steady-state level of operation. This should also provide an oscillating power curve. Another test will be to connect a network of copper bars to get a stronger damping, due to the current that will be induced in these which will counteract the change in torque. 1.3 Demarcation The idea of this thesis is to develop a functional program for the mathematic model in Matlab, which can simulate different machines, with different parameter values. This program will then be modified so that you can connect an automatic voltage regulator in front of the generator, and the final version should also include a power system stabilizer. This is done to be able to compare the stability and robustness of a system, due to variation in settings on the control systems and various types of generators. A proposal will also be included of how the value of the included parameters in the regulator should be, to ensure stable systems. If the results of the simulations in Matlab give a distinct and unambiguous picture, a proposal for recommendation of generator design in terms of robustness and torque stability will be made. Primary focus will be to investigate the influence of the automatic voltage regulator’s parameters on stability of the system, while the power system stabilizer will more or less, if not time permits, just be implemented. The simulations will only be on a single machine infinite bus. No simulation will be tested on island grids (weak bus). Primary focus will be on the synchronous coefficient and the damping coefficient, described more closely in chapter 2.2. Secondary focus will be on the changes in rotor angle velocity, and torque change and also how the electric angle between rotor and stator magnetic axes difference. Most units in this program will be measured in per unit, and the reason is that it gives more comparable data. 1.4 Objectives The primary objective is to construct a program for analysis of the damping and synchronous coefficient. Secondary is to build a functional synchronizing unit to be able to connect a generator to the grid. This to make it possible to try the theory in reality, but also for further experiments being performed by other students and PhD under the division of electricity. 5 2010-12-31 Influence of damping winding, controller settings and exciter on the damping of rotor angle oscillations in a hydroelectric generator After completing the main objective, a series of add-ons is desirable. For example, the possibility to use an automatic voltage regulator and a power system stabilizer to increase the robustness and stability of the system. Another sub objectives there would be to investigate how the different parameters change the system. Another sub objective is to analyze how the new mathematical model works, compared to the old accepted model, with other words, if they correlate. Another objective is to try to make up a system so companies who design generators can have some kind of model for robustness and stability when designing the generators. It would also be desirable to look into the stability from an automatic control perspective, due to the fact that both the automatic voltage regulators as well as the power system stabilizers are feedback systems. A desirable and maybe final objective would be if the simulated results would correlate with those which can be measured in the laboratory, primary the change in rotor speed when a disturbance in torque is being done. This thesis is being done because there is a gap in the literature concerning how the stability is inflicted by an automatic voltage regulator and its parameters. 6