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Inevitable Power-law Behavior of Isolated Many-Body Quantum Systems and How It Anticipates Thermalization PDF

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Preview Inevitable Power-law Behavior of Isolated Many-Body Quantum Systems and How It Anticipates Thermalization

Inevitablepower-law behaviorofisolatedmany-body quantum systemsand how itanticipates thermalization Marco Ta´vora1, E. J. Torres-Herrera2, and Lea F. Santos1 1Department of Physics, Yeshiva University, New York, New York 10016, USA and 2Instituto de F´ısica, Universidad Auto´noma de Puebla, Apartado Postal J-48, Puebla, Puebla, 72570, Mexico (Dated:November3,2016) 6 1 Despite being ubiquitous, out-of-equilibrium quantum systems are much less understood than systems at 0 equilibrium. Progressinthefieldhasbenefitedfromasymbioticrelationshipbetweentheoreticalstudiesand 2 newexperimentsoncoherentdynamics. Thepresentworkstrengthensthisconnectionbyprovidingageneral pictureof the relaxation process of isolatedlatticemany-body quantum systemsthat are routinelystudied in v experimentswithcoldatoms,ionstraps,andnuclearmagneticresonance.Weshownumericallyandanalytically o N thatthelong-timedecayoftheprobabilityforfindingthesysteminitsinitialstatenecessarilyshowsapower-law behavior∝t−γ. Thishappensindependentlyofthedetailsofthesystem,suchasintegrability,levelrepulsion, 2 andthepresenceorabsenceofdisorder. Informationaboutthespectrum,thestructureoftheinitialstate,and thenumberofparticlesthatinteractsimultaneouslyiscontainedinthevalueofγ. Fromit,wecananticipate ] whethertheinitialstatewillorwillnotthermalize. h c e Introduction. A great deal of effort has recently been Ψ(0) with the eigenstates ψ of H, and ρ (E) = m | i | αi 0 putinto improvingourunderstandingof isolatedmany-body C(0) 2δ(E E ) is the energy distribution of Ψ(0) t- quantum systems quenched far from equilibrium. This is in Pweαig|hteαd|bythe−compαonents C(0) 2,theso-calledloca|ldeni- a partmotivatedbythepossibilityofinvestigatingthecoherent | α | sityofstates(LDOS).Thesurvivalprobabilityistheabsolute t s evolution of these systems for long times with different ex- squareoftheFouriertransformoftheLDOS.Allinformation . perimental setups, including those with ultracold atoms [1], t abouttheevolutionofF(t)iscontainedinρ (E). a trapped ions [2, 3], and nuclear magnetic resonance [4, 5]. 0 m We verified that the initial decay of the survival probabil- Alignedwith these efforts, thiswork characterizesand justi- ity is dissociated from the regime (integrable or chaotic) of - fiesthedynamicalbehavioratdifferenttimescalesofexperi- d the Hamiltonian [18–23], but dependson the strength of the mentallyaccessibleintegrableandchaoticlatticemany-body n perturbation. We now show that at long times, regardlessof quantumsystemswithandwithoutdisorder. Fromthisanal- o howfasttheinitialevolutionmaybe,thedynamicsnecessar- c ysis,anewcriterion,basedexclusivelyondynamics,isintro- ily slows down and becomes power-law, F(t) t γ. The [ ducedforidentifyingwhichsystemscanthermalize. ∝ − characterizationofthelong-timedynamicsanditsconnection Thesurvivalprobability(probabilityforfindingthesystem 4 with the viability of thermalization are the central topics of v initsinitialstateattimet)andtheLoschmidtecho(measure thiswork. 7 oftherevivaloftheinitialstateafteratime-reversaloperation) We show that in realistic lattice many-bodyquantum sys- 0 have been extensively considered in the analysis of out-of- 8 equilibriumquantumsystems [6–13]. Severalworkstried to tems with two-body interactions, 0 γ 2. The value of ≤ ≤ 5 establishacorrespondencebetweentheinitialexponentialor the power-law exponentindicates the level of delocalization 0 of the initial state in the energy eigenbasis. When the ini- Gaussian decayswith quantumchaos[12–17] andothersfo- 1. cusedontheonsetofpower-lawdecaysatlongtimes[6–11]. tialstate samplesonlya portionof the Hilbertspace and the 0 In the case of continuous models, the algebraic behavior of LDOS is sparse, γ < 1 and thermalization is not expected. 6 thesurvivalprobabilityhasbeenassociatedwiththepresence Whentheinitialstate ischaotic, sothatitscomponentsCα(0) 1 ofboundsinthespectrum[6–8]whileindisorderednoninter- are uncorrelatedand spread over its entire energyshell [24– : v actingsystemsatthemetal-insulatortransition,thepower-law 27],thermalizationshouldoccur[27–33]. Inparticular,when i exponenthasbeenrelatedwithfractaldimensions[9–11].Ex- theLDOSisergodicallyfilled,thenγ =2.Fromthevaluesof X changesbetweenthesedifferentcommunitieshavebeenvery γ,onecanthusanticipatewhethertheinitialstatewillorwill r a limited. Here,weunifythesemultipleperspectivesintoasin- notthermalize. We also discuss the non-realisticscenarioof gleframeworkanduseittodescribetheevolutionofthesur- fullrandommatrices,wherethepower-lawexponentreaches vivalprobabilityoflatticemany-bodyquantumsystems. theupperboundγ =3. The survival probability (or fidelity) of the initial state is Time scales. The system is initially prepared in an eigen- definedas state of the unperturbed Hamiltonian H , which is abruptly 0 F(t) ≡ hΨ(0)|e−iHt|Ψ(0)i 2 qoufetnhcehepdertiunrtboatHion=V.HA0t+vegrVy,shwohrterteimgesi,sththeedsetcreanygothf (cid:12)(cid:12) 2(cid:12)(cid:12) 2 the survival probability is quadratic [34], as derived from wHh,eCreα(0E)α==ar(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)eψXααthΨe|C(eα0(i0)g)e|2naevr−eailEutheαest(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)oovf=etrhl(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)aZepdssyEosefte−mtihEetHρina0mi(tEiial)lto(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)sntia(a1tne) [EtiPhn0eitαi=ael|xCspPtα(aa0ntα)es|.|i2Co(nEα(0αF)|2−(Et Eα≪0=)2]hσ1Ψ0/−2(10)i)s|H≈th|eΨ1w(0−id)ithσis02ottf2h,ethweenhLeerDrgeOyσSo0fatnh=de h | i 2 Aftertheinitialquadraticbehavior,whetherF(t)switches ables and IPR 3/ [28]. Even though realistic chaotic 0 ∼ D or not to an exponential decay depends on the strength g of many-bodyquantumsystems with two-bodyinteractionsare theperturbation. TheexponentialdecayisvalidintheFermi not described by FRMs, because their Hamiltonian matrices goldenruleregime,wherethetypicalmatrixelementsofgV arebanded,sparse,andrandomelementsmaynotevenexist, are larger than the mean level spacing and the LDOS has a theystillfollowrandommatrixstatisticsandtheirbulkeigen- Lorentzianform.However,forverystrongperturbations,g statesareclosetorandomvectors[28,49,50]. Afterastrong → 1,theLDOSisbroader.Inmany-bodyquantumsystemswith perturbationinto such Hamiltonians, initial states with ener- two-body interactions, where the density of states is Gaus- giesawayfromtheedgesofthespectrumalsogiveveryfilled sian [35–37], the limiting shape of the LDOS is also Gaus- LDOS[24–32]. sian, resulting in the Gaussian decay F(t) = exp( σ2t2) Case 1(i) holds for realistic chaotic many-body quantum − 0 [14, 15, 18–23, 38]. Exponential and Gaussian decays can systems,wheretheLDOSisGaussian,whichleadstoγ =2. thusoccurinbothintegrableandchaoticmodels[18–23].The ForFRM,theLDOSisasemicircle[18],socase1(ii)applies picturebecomesmoresubtleatlongtimes,wherethepower- andγ =3. lawbehavior t γemergesandthefillingoftheLDOSplays Incase2,thepower-lawexponentisobtainedfromthecor- − ∝ akeyrole. relationfunctionC(ω) C(0) 2 C(0) 2δ(E E ω) Causes of the power-law decay. We discuss two distinc- ≡ α,β| β | | α | α− β− presentin F(t) = ∞ dωPeiωtC(ω). A power-lawdecayof tive causes for the long-time algebraic decay of the survival C(ω 0) ωγ R1−,∞with γ < 1, leads to F(t) t γ [9– probability. → ∝ − ∝ − 11, 51–53]. The more correlated the componentsof Ψ(0) , Case1 is related to the unavoidable presence of a lower | i the smaller the exponent γ. This exponent coincides with boundE intheenergyspectrumofanyrealquantumsys- low thefractaldimensionφobtainedfromthescalinganalysisof tem. This point was put forward already in 1958 [39] and IPR φ. ThisrelationwasfoundinstudiesofAnderson in several other early works[40–45]. At long times, the en- 0 ∝D− localization [9–11] and of many-body localization [22, 23]. ergy bound leads to the partial reconstruction of the initial We show thatit holdsalso innoninteractingintegrablemod- state.Thisresultsinthepower-lawdecayofcontinuousmany- els. particle models [6–8] and, as explained here, also of finite This work analyzes how γ depends on the properties of lattice many-body quantum systems with ergodically filled the spectrum, the structure of the initial state, and the num- LDOS. ber of particles that interactsimultaneously. We consider fi- Case2 is induced by the correlations that are present in nite many-body quantum systems described by realistic lat- nonchaotic eigenstates. They are typical of disordered sys- ticemodelswithtwo-bodyinteractionsandbybandedrandom tems undergoinglocalization with [22, 23] or without inter- matrices. All accessible power-law exponents are reached actions[9–11]and,asarguedhere,appearalsoincleaninte- with the disorderedmodels, while with the clean Hamiltoni- grablesystems. The power-lawexponentdueto correlations ans,westudysomespecificvalues. issmallerthanthatresultingfromenergybounds. Realistic many-body quantum systems. We consider one- The exponents of case 1 can be derived from asymptotic dimensional spin-1/2 models with L sites described by the expansions of the integral form of Eq. (1), assuming that followingHamiltonian, ρ (E)isabsolutelyintegrable[46]andthatitsderivativesex- 0 istandarecontinuousin[E , ]. Twoscenariosareidenti- low L ∞ fied[47,48]: H = h Sz +H +λH , (2) ((iii))IfIflimρE(→EE)lodwecρa0y(Es )ab>ru0p,tltyhecnloastelotnogtthimeelsowFe(rt)b∝out−nd2., nX=1 n n NN NNN 0 H =J SxSx +SySy +∆SzSz , such that ρ (E) = (E E )ξη(E) with 0 < ξ < 1 and NN n n+1 n n+1 n n+1 lim 0η(E)>0,th−enFlo(wt) t 2(ξ+1). Xn (cid:0) (cid:1) TEh→esEelorwesultshavebeenobtain∝edf−orcontinuousfunctions. HNNN = J SnxSnx+2+SnySny+2+∆SnzSnz+2 . Yetweshowthattheyremainvalideveninthecaseofdiscrete Xn (cid:0) (cid:1) spectra provided Ψ(0) is chaotic and the LDOS is ergodi- | i It contains nearest-neighbor (NN) and possibly also next- callyfilled. nearest-neighbor(NNN)couplings;~ = 1andSx,y,z arethe To determine if the initial state is chaotic, one performs n spinoperatorsonsiten. h arerandomnumbersfromauni- scaling analysis of the inverse participation ratio (IPR) of n form distribution [ h,h]; the system is clean when h = 0 Ψ(0) writtenintheenergyeigenbasis,IPR C(0) 4. − | i 0 ≡ α| α | and disordered otherwise. J is the coupling strength, ∆ the IPR−01istheeffectivenumberofenergyeigenstatePscontribut- anisotropyparameter,andλ theratiobetweenNNNandNN ingtotheinitialstate. Achaotic Ψ(0) samplesmostenergy couplings. J = 1 sets the energy scale. The Hamiltonian | i eigenbasiswithoutanybias,soIPR0 −1,where isthe conservestotalspininthez direction z. We workwith the dimension of the Hilbert space. Hen∝ceD, as the systDem size largestsubspace z =0ofdimensionS =L!/(L/2)!2. increases,ρ0(E)becomeshomogeneouslyfilledandcloseto TheintegrableSlimitsofH includethDecleannoninteracting an absolutely integrablefunction. An illustrative example is XX (∆,λ,h = 0)and theclean interactingXXZ (∆ = 0, thatofanarbitraryinitialstateprojectedontotheeigenstates λ,h=0)models.Thesystembecomeschaoticasλincre6ases of a full random matrix (FRM). Since these eigenstates are fromzero[54–57]andthelevelspacingdistributionchanges pseudo-random vectors, the overlaps C(0) are random vari- from Poisson [58] to a Wigner-Dysonform [59]. It also be- α 3 caonmdhes<chJao[t6ic0–w6h2e]n. thedisorderstrengthincreasesfromzero F(t) = e−4Nσ022t2 (cid:12)erf(cid:16)E0−E√l2owσ0+iσ02t(cid:17)−erf(cid:16)E0−√Eu2pσ+0iσ02t(cid:17)(cid:12)2, whereerfisthe(cid:12)errorfunctionand isanormalizationco(cid:12)n- The initial states considered are site-basis vectors, where (cid:12) N (cid:12) stant that depends on L through the energy bounds and σ . the spin on each site either points up or down in the z- 0 At long times, after dropping the oscillations from the si- direction. An example is the experimentally [63] accessible nusoidal term cos[t(E + E )], the expression becomes Ne´elstate, ... ,thathasbeenextensivelyusedin up low studiesofth|e↑↓d↑y↓n↑am↓↑i↓csofiintegrablespinsystems. Site-basis F(t ≫ σ0−1) ≃ (2πσ02t2N2)−1 k=up,lowe−(Ek−E0)2/σ02, vectorsevolveunderH (2)afterastrongperturbation,where fromwherethet−2power-lawdecPayisevident. the anisotropyparameter is quenchedfrom ∆ to a fi- When h = 1, we get γ 1. This curve is depicted with nitevalue. TheenvelopeoftheLDOSforthese→in∞itialstates athicklinein Fig.1(a). A∼bovethisline, h > 1andγ < 1. isthereforeGaussian. Anexamplewithγ 1/2isisolatedinFig.1(b). Thisγ is ∼ closetotheexponentφobtainedfromthescalinganalysisof Realistic disordered systems. Figure 1 shows the survival IPR φ [22]. Thisexamplebelongstocase2. probability of site-basis vectors evolving under H (2) with 0 − ∝D Figure 1 (a) demonstrates that with the disordered XXZ ∆ = 1, λ = 0 and various values of h. The initial decay model, we can obtain all power-law exponentsaccessible to is Gaussian, as expectedfromthe Gaussian LDOS. Itagrees verywellwiththeanalyticalexpressionF(t)=exp( σ2t2), realistic lattice many-body quantum systems with two-body − 0 interactions.Byvaryingh,everyγ [0,2]canbereached. as seen for the bottom curve of Fig. 1 (a). Subsequently Bandedrandommatrices. Algebr∈aicdecaysfasterthant 2 the dynamics slows down and becomes a power-law for all − alsosignaltheergodicfillingoftheLDOS.Theyarepossible curves. ifinsteadoftwo-bodyinteractions,many-bodyrandominter- actionsareincluded. Asthenumberofparticlesthatinteract 100 (a) 0.3 (b) simultaneouslygrows,increasingthenumberofuncorrelated γ ∼1/2 nonzero elements in the Hamiltonian matrix, the density of >0.2 10-1 <f statestransitionsfromGaussiantoasemicircle[35]. Thelat- 0.1 ter is typical of FRMs [59]. This transition is reflected also h=1.75 > 0 in the shape of the LDOS [18, 19, 26, 67, 68]. The Fourier <F10-2 0.60 20 40 60 transformof a semicircle gives F(t) = [ (2σ t)]2/(σ2t2), (c) J1 0 0 where is the Bessel function of the first kind [18, 19]. 0.4 J1 10-3 <f>0.2 γ ∼ 2 Tashyemdpetoctaiyceaxtpsahnosirotntirmeveesalissafapsotwerert-hlaawn dGeacuasysiwanithaγnd=th3e, 10-4 1 100 00 5 h=01.20 aFm(tple≫ofσ0−ca1s)e≃1(i[i1),−wshiner(e4σf0otr)]t/h(e2πseσm03ti3c)ir.clTe,hiξs is=an1e/x2-, t t η(E)=(2πσ2) 1(2σ E)1/2,andE = 2σ . 0 − 0− low − 0 FIG.1: Survivalprobability(a)andf(t)(b),(c). In(a): frombot- tomtotop,h = 0.2,0.3,...0.9,h = 0.95,1,1.25,...3,h = 3.5. 0 10 Thicksolidline: h = 1withγ ∼ 1. Circles: analyticalGaussian decayF(t)=exp(−σ02t2).In(b)and(c):Numericalcurve(solid), const−L−1lnt−γ (dashed). Averagesover105dataofdisorderre- -1 10 alizationsandinitialstateswithE0∼0;L=16,closedboundaries. > F < -2 10 When the disorderstrength is small, 0 < h < 1, the sys- tem is chaotic and the LDOS is very filled. This is corrob- oratedfrom the analysisof levelstatistics and by computing 10-3 theinverseparticipationratioaveragedoverinitialstatesand -2 -1 0 1 2 randomrealizations. One findsthat IPR 1. For the 10 10 10 10 10 h 0i ∝ D− t value of h where IPR is maximum, the decay of F(t) at 0 long times is th2, asiillustrated with the bottom curve in ∝ − FIG. 2: Survival probability for basis vectors evolving under Fig.1(a).Forothervaluesofhin(0,1],wehavetheinterme- PBRM with b = 0.1,0.5,1,2,5,10,20,50,100,3000 (solid) diateregion,where1 γ <2. Thesevaluesmayresultfrom from top to bottom. They correspond respectively to the fitted ≤ acompetitionbetweenweakcorrelationsandenergybounds, γ ∼ 0.1,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.9,1.2,1.4,1.9,2.2,2.8 (dashed). Analyt- butthisneedstobefurtherinvestigated. ical F(t) = [J1(2σ0t)]2/(σ02t2) (dotted); D = 3432. Averages The bottom curve of Fig. 1(a) is isolated in Fig. 1(c), over100realizationsand343initialstateswithE0∼0. which shows the rescaled survival probability f(t) = (1/L)lnF(t) [64, 65]. For L 1, this quantity is To illustrate the increase of the value of γ from 2 to the − ≫ independent of L [66]. Figure 1 (c) is a clear exam- upper bound γ = 3, we consider power-law banded ran- ple of the power-law decay caused by energy bounds [case dommatrices(PBRM)[69–71]. DespitethesuccessofFRMs 1(i)]. The Fourier transform of a Gaussian LDOS that has in describing statistically the spectrum of complex systems, lower E and upper E bounds, as in our case, leads to they imply the unphysical scenario of all particles interact- low up 4 ing simultaneously. Banded random matrices were intro- valuesofλand∆, including∆ = 0;andotherinitialstates. duced [67] in an effort to better approach random matrices A t 2 decay has also been speculated for the chaotic Ising − to real systems. We use PBRMs that preserve time rever- modelwithlongitudinalandtransversefields[75]. sal symmetry and whose elements are real random numbers An analyticalexpressionexistsforF(t) for the Ne´elstate frHom2 a G=au1s/s[i1an+di(sntribumtio)n/b[722]]f:orhHnn=nim=. 0T,hheHvna2nluie=of2b, epvaonlsvioinngfuonrdleorngthetimpeersi,odLict X1/X2 mod0e,l g[6iv5e,s7f6]N.e´el(Itt)s ex- dhetnermmiineshowfas|tthe−elemen|tsdecrea6seastheymoveaway L 1ln 2 L 1+2 1Lt 1−/2 , →as indeed confiXrmXed wi→th − − − − fromthediagonal.Whenb ,thePBRMcoincideswitha t−he dashe(cid:2)d line(cid:0)in Fig. 3(d). Su(cid:1)c(cid:3)h small γ indicates that the →D FRM. LDOS is not ergodicallyfilled, as seen in Fig. 3(c) and cor- InFig.2,weshowthesurvivalprobabilityforPBRMswith roboratedbelowbycalculatingIPR . 0 different values of b. As b grows from 50 to and the Amongthetotal = L!/(L/2)!2componentsoftheNe´el ∼ D LDOStransitionsfromcase1(i)tocase1(ii),γincreasesfrom D state,only2L/2arenonzeroandtheyareallequal, C(0) 2 = 2 to 3. In the other direction, as b decreases below 50, the 2 L/2 [76]. ThismeansthatIPR = 2 L/2. Using| thαe|Stir- eigenstatesbecomeless spreadoutandγ decreasesbelow2. − 0 − ling approximationfor large L, we have that ln Lln2. With PBRMs, weobtaina generalpictureofthebehaviorof From lnIPR vs ln , we find that IPR D1/2≃, so φ = thesurvivalprobability,coveringallvaluesofγ,withoutany 0 D 0 ≃ D− 1/2. One sees that, similarly to what is done in disordered restrictiontoaspecificmodel. systems [22, 23], the power-law exponent for the Ne´el state Realistic cleansystems. InFig. 3, we studytheNe´elstate in the XX model, γ = 1/2, can also be extracted from the evolving under a clean chaotic Hamiltonian [Figs. 3(a) and scalinganalysisofIPR . 3(b)] and under the XX Hamiltonian [Figs. 3(c) and 3(d)]. 0 Theenvelopeofthe LDOSisGaussianinbothcases(a)and The nonzero Cα(0) 2 are spread out in energy, result- | | (c),butvisiblysparseinFig.3(c). ing in a very sparse and inhomogeneous LDOS. The non- ergodicity of this state indicates that thermalization should 0.5 not occur. One way to confirm thermalization is by (a) 1 (b) 0.4 verifying the coincidence of the diagonal entropy Sd = LDOS00..23 f0.5 γ∼2 −StPh =α|Clnα(0)|2αlen−|ECαα(/0T)|2−[7(7]aαnEdαthee−tEhαe/rTm)o/d(yTnamαicee−nEtrαo/pTy), 0.1 [29]. HerPe, Sd = (L/2)Pln2 and Sth = lnP[Note that D the Ne´el state has E = 0 and thus infinite temperature T]. 0 0 0 -5 E0 5 0 5 1t0 15 20 Thetwoentropiesdonotcoincideeveninthethermodynamic 0.5 1.5 limit,where(Sth Sd)/L=ln√2. (c) (d) − 0.4 Conclusions. We have shown that the long-time decay of OS0.3 1 the survival probability in isolated lattice many-body quan- D f tum systems is algebraic, F(t) t γ, be the system inte- L0.2 0.5 ∝ − γ∼1/2 grableor chaotic, interactingor noninteracting,clean or dis- 0.1 ordered. The entire range of γ [0,3] can be reached with 0 0 ∈ -5 0 5 0 5 10 15 bandedrandommatrices,whileforrealisticsystemswithtwo- E t body interactions, γ [0,2]. From the value of γ, we infer ∈ howmuchdelocalizedtheinitialstateisintheenergyeigen- FIG. 3: LDOS [(a),(c)] and f(t) [(b),(d)] for the Ne´el state under basis. Thisprovidesawaytoidentifywhethertheinitialstate thechaoticopenH (2)withh = 0,∆ = 1/2,λ = 1[(a),(b)]and undertheclosedXXH[(c),(d)].(a),(c):NumericalLDOS(shaded willthermalizebasedexclusivelyonitsdynamics.Exponents area)andGaussianenvelope(solidline). (b): Numericalresultsfor γ 2signalergodicityandthereforethermalization. Advan- L=22(light),L=24(dark),andconst−L−1lnt−2(dashed).(d): tag≥esofthisapproachtotheproblemofthermalizationinclude L=400(solid)andfNe´el(t)(dashed). the following: any initial state can be considered, numerical XX methodsotherthanexactdiagonalizationareavailableforan- In Fig. 3(b), we observe a power-law decay t 2. The alyzingdynamics,andanaturalconnectionisestablishedwith − agreement between the t 2 decay (dashed line)∝and our nu- experimentsthatroutinelystudythedynamicsofmany-body − merical results (solid lines) suggests that the LDOS must be quantumsystems. ergodically filled and that thermalization should occur. In- Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the NSF deed,theinverseparticipationratiooftheNe´elstateinFig.3 Grant No. DMR-1147430 and Yeshiva University. EJTH (a)givesIPR 1andseveralstudiesforthismodelcon- acknowledges funding from CONACyT, PRODEP-SEP and 0 − ∝D firmthermalization[29,30,73,74]. 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