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Indices QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AUTHOR INDEX FOR 2001 Albin, S.L. and F.S. Fogliatto; A hierarchical method for evaluating Kuo, W., V.R. Prasad and K.O. Kim: Maximization of a percentile products with quantitative and sensory characteristics, December: life of a series system through cc / nt re hund ‘y allocation; 1081 December; 1071 Alunel, 1-K., S. Ozekici and O. Feyzioglu; Dynamic component testing Kwon, H-M., S-H. Hong, M-K. Lee and S-B. Kim: A process mon- of a series system with redundant subsystems; December; 1093 itoring procedure based on a surrogate variable for dichotomous Arnold, J.C. and M.R. Reynolds Jr: EWMA control charts with vari- performance variable; December; 1129 able sample sizes and variable sampling intervals; June; 511 Lee, M-K., H-M. Kwon, S-H. Hong and S-B. Kim: A process mon- Barcenas, C.C. and P.M. Griffin: Geometric tolerance verification using itoring procedure based on a surrogate variable for dichotomous superquadrics,; December; 1109 performance variable; December; 1129 Liu, P.H., V. Makis and A.K.S. Jardine: Scheduling of the optimal tool Coit, D.W.; Cold-standby redundancy optimization for nonrepairable replacement times in a flexible manufacturing system; June; 487 systems; June: 471 Makis, V., P.H. Liu and A.K.S. Jardine; Scheduling of the optimal tool Disney. R.L., B. Venkateshwara Rao and J.J. Pignatiello Jr; Unique- replacement times in a flexible manufacturing system: June; 487 ness and convergence of solutions to average run length integral Marcellus, R.L.; Operating characteristics of X-bar charts with asym- equations for cumulative sum and other control charts; June: 463 metric control limits; December: 1059 Dodin, B.M. and A.A. Elimam: Incentives and yield management in Moskowitz, H., R. Plante and J. Duffy; Multivariate tolerance design improving productivity of manufacturing facilities; June; 449 using quality loss; June: 437 Dohi, T., N. Kaio and S. Osaki; Optimal periodic maintenance strategy under an intermittently used environment, December; 1037 Ng. K.Y.K. and N.G.F. Sancho; A hybrid ‘dynamic programming Duffy, J.. H. Moskowitz and R. Plante; Multivariate tolerance design depth-first search’ algorithm, with an application to redundancy al- using quality loss: June; 437 location; December; 1047 Elimam, A.A. and B.M. Dodin: Incentives and yield management in Osaki, S., T. Dohi and N. Kaio: Optimal periodic maintenance strategy improving productivity of manufacturing facilities; June; 449 under an intermittently used environment, December; 1037 English, J.R. and G.O. Tolley: Economic designs of constrained EWMA Ozekici, S.. .K. Altinel and O. Feyzioglu; Dynamic component testing and combined EWM A-X ; control schemes: June; 429 of a series system with redundant subsystems; December: 1093 Fathi, Y. and D. Palko: A mathematical model and a heuristic procedure Palko, D. and Y. Fathi: A mathematical model and a heuristic procedure for the robust design problem with high-low tolerances; December: for the robust design problem with high-low tolerances: December: 1121 ; 1121 Feyzioglu, O.. 1.K. Altinel and S. Ozekici; Dynamic component testing Pignatiello Jr, J.J.. B. Venkateshwara Rao and R.L. Disney: Unique- of a series system with redundant subsystems; December; 1093 ness and convergence of solutions to average run length integral Fogliatto, F.S. and §.L. Albin: A hierarchical method for evaluating equations for cumulative sum and other control charts; June: products with quantitative and sensory characteristics: December: 463 1081 Plante, R.D.; Process capability: a criterion for optimizing multiple re- sponse product and process design; June: 497 Griffin, P.M. and C.C. Barcenas; Geometric tolerance verification using Plante, R.. H. Moskowitz and J. Duffy; Multivariate tolerance design superquadrics, December: 1109 using quality loss; June; 437 Prasad, V.R., W. Kuo and K.O. Kim: Maximization of a percentile life Hong, S-H., H-M. Kwon, M-K. Lee and S-B. Kim; 4 process mon- of a series system through component redundancy allocation; De- itoring procedure based on a surrogate variable for dichotomous cember; 1071 performance variable, December; 1129 Huang, Yeu-Shiang: A decision model for deteriorating repairable sys- Reynolds Jr, M.R. and J.C. Arnold: EWMA control charts with vari- tems; June; 479 able sample sizes and variable sampling intervals; June: 511 Jardine, A.K.S., P.H. Liu and V. Makis; Scheduling of the optimal tool Sancho, N.G.F. and K.Y.K. Ng: A hybrid ‘dynamic programming replacement times in a flexible manufacturing system: June; 487 depth-first search’ algorithm, with an application to redundancy al- location, December; 1047 Kaio, N., T. Dohi and S. Osaki; Optimal periodic maintenance strategy under an intermittently used environment, December; 1037 Tolley, G.O. and J.R. English; Economic designs of constrained EWM A Kim, K.O., V.R. Prasad and W. Kuo; Maximization of a percentile life and combined EWM A-X control schemes; June; 429 of a series system through component redundancy allocation, De- cember; 1071 Venkateshwara Rao, B., R.L. Disney and J.J. Pignatiello Jr; Unique- Kim, S-B.. H-M. Kwon, S-H. Hong and M-K. Lee: A process mon- ness and convergence of solutions to average run length integral itoring procedure based on a surrogate variable for dichotomous equations for cumulative swum and other control charts; June: performance variable, December; 1129 463 Indices SUBJECT INDEX FOR 2001 2325 Venkateshwara Rao, B.. R.L. Disney and J.J. Pignatiello Jr; Uni- Tolley. G.O. and J.R. English: Economic designs of constrained EWMA queness and convergence of solutions to average run length integral and combined EWMA-X control schemes: June: 429 equations for cumulative sum and other control charts; June: 463 Plante, R.D.; Process capability: a criterion for optimizing multiple re- sponse product and process design: June: 497 2305 Marcellus, R.L.: Operating characteristics of N-bar charts with asym- metric control limits; December; 1059 Alunel, I.K.. S. Ozekici and O. Feyzioglu: Dynamic component testing Kwon, H-M., S-H. Hong. M-K. Lee and S-B. Kim: 4 process mon- of a series system with redundant subsystems, December; 1093 itoring procedure based on a surrogate variable for dichotomous performance variable; December: 1129 2310 Barcenas, C.C. and P.M. Griffin: Geometric tolerance verification using Moskowitz. H.. R. Plante and J. Duffy: Multivariate tolerance design superquadrics, December: 1109 using quality loss; June; 437 Fathi, Y. and D. Palko: A mathematical model and a heuristic procedure 2330 for the robust design problem with high-low tolerances, December: Ng. K.Y.K. and N.G.F. Sancho: A /yhrid ‘dynamic programming 1121 depth-first search’ algorithm, with an application to redundancy al- Fogliatto, F.S. and S.L. Albin; A hierarchical method for evaluating location, December: 1047 products with quantitative and sensory characteristics: December: Prasad, V.R.. W. Kuo and K.O. Kim: Maximization of a percentile 1081 life of a series system through component redundancy allocation: 2320 December: 1071 Coit, D.W.; Cold-standhby redundancy optimization for nonrepairable 2335 systems, June: 471 Reynolds Jr. M.R. and J.C. Arnold: EWMA control charts with vari- Huang. Yeu-Shiang: 4 decision model for deteriorating repairable sys- tems, June: 479 able sample sizes and variable sampling intervals: June: 511 Liu, P.H., V. Makis and A.K.S. Jardine: Scheduling of the optimal tool replacement times in a flexible manufacturing system. June: 487 2345 Dohi, T.. N. Kaio and S. Osaki: Optimal periodic maintenance strategy Elimam, A.A. and B.M. Dodin: /ncentives and yield management in under an intermittently used environment. December: 1037 improving productivity of manufacturing facilities: June: 449 GUEST REVIEWERS FOR 2001 C.A. Acosta Mejia, Instituto Technologico Autonomo de Mexico Chandrasekhar Das. University of Northern lowa B. Michael Adams, University of Alabama Tapas K. Das, University of South Florida Susan L. Albin. Rutgers University Enrique Del Castillo, Pennsylvania State University Suraj M. Alexander, University of Louisville Maria Almeida. Universidade Tecnica de Lisbon. Portugal Salah E. Elmaghraby. North Carolina State University Layth C. Alwan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee John English, University of Arkansas Tayfur Altiok, Rutgers University Elsayed A. Elsayed, Rutgers University Bruce Ankenman, Northwestern University Luis Escobar, Louisiana State University Harold Ascher. Potomac, MD Ronald Askin, University of Arizona Hesham Fahmy. Rutgers University Richard Feldman, Texas A&M University Do Sun Bai. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology Jack Feng. Bradley University Julie Berube, University of Georgia William G. Ferrell, Jr.. Clemson University John J. Borkowski, Montana State University Flavio Fogliatto,. UFRGS PPGEP. Brazil Royce O. Bowden, Mississippi State University Joe Foster, Texas A&M University John B. Bowles, University of South Carolina-Columbia Paul Franklin, Lucent Technologies Ernest E. Fricks, Stone & Webster Ken E. Case, Oklahoma State University Richard Cassady, Mississippi State University Richard J. Gerth, Ohio University Phillippe Castegliola, Ecole Des Mines De Nancy, France Paul Griffin, Georgia Institute of Technology Darek Ceglarek, The University of Michigan Linguo Gong. Rider University Charles Champ, Georgia Southern University Jerrold R. Griggs. University of South Carolina Shing I. Chang, Kansas State University John R. Grout, Berry College Argon Chen, National Taiwan University Muge Gultekin, Household Auto Finance, CA Ratna Babu Chinnam, North Dakota State University Kemal Gursoy, Long Island University Shaoxiang Chen, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore Melike Baykal-Gursoy, Rutgers University Byung-Rae. Cho, Clemson University Amanda Chou, University of Texas at San Antonio Anna Soffia Hauksdottir The University of Iceland David W. Coit, Rutgers University Douglas Hawkins, University of Minnesota Elart von Collani, Universitat Wurzburg. Germany A.J. Hayter. Georgia Institute of Technology Michael Cole, University of Arkansas John D. Healy, Bell Communications Research David Covington, University of Arkansas Han Hoogeveen, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Indices Thomas Hsiang. Universal Foods Corporation Sarah M. Ryan, University of Nebraska-Lincoln John Jackman, lowa State University Thomas L. Saaty, University of Pittsburgh Peter Jackson, Cornell University Frank Samaniego, University of California-Davis Andrew K.S. Jardine, Pricewaterhouse Cooper LLP Susan M. Sanchez, University of Cincinnati Erwin M. Saniga. University of Delaware Kailash C. Kapur, University of Washington Bhaba R. Sarkar, Louisiana State University J. Bert Keats. Arizona State University Tep Sastri, Texas A&M University Delbert Kimbler, Jr.. Clemson University Gordon Savage, University of Waterloo. Canada William J. Kolarik, Texas Tech University Paul J. Schacter, AT & T Wireless Services Tim Kramer, Hewlett-Packard Company Jan Shi, The University of Michigan Way Kuo. Texas A&M University Douglas R. Shier. Clemson University James Simpson, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Sheila Lawrence, Rutgers University Nozer D. Singpurwalla. George Washington University Min-Koo Lee, Inje University. Korea Alice Smith, Auburn University Kevin Linderman, University of Minnesota Rick So. University of California-Irvine Joseph Lu, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan Refik Soyer, The George Washington University James M. Lucas. JM Lucas & Associates Fred Spiring, University of Mantoba. Canada Alberto Luceno, Universidad des Cantebria. Spain Wolfgang Stadje, Universitat Osnabruk. Germany Peter Luh. University of Connecticut Stefan Steiner, University of Waterloo, Canada Zachary G. Stoumbos, Rutgers University Saeed Maghsoodloo, Auburn University Joe H. Sullivan. Mississippi State University Christina Mastrangelo, University of Virginia Gary S. May. Georgia Institute of Technology Michael R. Taaffe. University of Michigan Mainak Mazumdar, University of Pittsburgh Jen Tang, Purdue University William R. McDaniel, Northwestern University Kwei Tang, Louisiana State University Timothy Meinert, University of Arkansas G. Don Taylor. University of Arkansas Brian J. Melloy. Clemson University William Thompson, University of Missouri Douglas C. Montgomery. Arizona State University Doug Timmer, University of Texas-Pan American Richard C. Morey. Cornell University James C.C. Torng. National Yunlin University of Science D.N.P. Murthy. The University of Queensland, Australia & Technology. Taiwan Michael Tortorella, Lucent Technologies Joel Nachlas, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Kostas P. Triantis, Northern Virginia Graduate Center Matoteng M. Ncube, University of West Florida Kwok-Leung Tsui, Georgia Institute of Technology Guna Nedumaran, SAS Institute. Inc. Fugee Tsung. Hong Kong University Barry L. Nelson, Northwestern University Peter R. Nelson, Clemson University Cemal Unal, PPD. Morrisville. North Carolina John Usher, University of Louisville O. Geoffrey Okogbaa. University of South Florida Stephen B. Vardeman. lowa State University Shahrooz Parkhideh, Nat Bounty, Inc. Michael Veatch, Gordon College Michael Peters, Middle Tennessee State University Thomas Velasco, Southern Illinois University of Carbondale Hoang Pham, Rutgers University Jose A. Ventura, Pennsylvania State University Joseph Pignatiello, Jr.. FAMU-FSU College of Engineering J. Rene Villalobos. Arizona State University Stefan Pittner. Northeastern University G. Geoffrey Vining, University of Florida Robert D. Plante. Purdue University Donald G. Wardell, University of Utah Peihua Qiu, University of Minnesota Gary Wasserman, Wayne State University Scott Webster, Syracuse University Gad Rabinowitz, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Israel George O. Wesolowsky. McMaster University Jayant Rajgopal. University of Pittsburgh Seungjin Wheng., Stanford University Shivakumar Raman, University of Oklahoma Gary Whicker. JB Hunt Corporation Rajeev Rastogie. Bell Laboratories William H. Woodall. University of Alabama Tzvi Raz, Tel Aviv University. Israel Marion R. Reynolds. Jr.. Virginia Polytechnic Institute Arthur Yeh, Bowling Green State University Steven Rigdon, Southern Illinois University Steven Yourstone, University of New Mexico Rhonda Right, Santa Clara University Robert N. Rodriguez. SAS Institute Chun Zhang, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering George Runger. Arizona State University Ming Zuo, University of Alberta, Canada

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