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HYPERKÄHLER POTENTIALS VIA 0 FINITE-DIMENSIONAL QUOTIENTS 0 0 2 PIOTR KOBAK AND ANDREW SWANN n a J Abstra t. It is known that nilpotent orbits in a omplex simple Lie algebra admit hyperKählermetri s with asingle fun tion that 5 is a global potential for ea h of the Kähler stru tures (a hyper- ] Kähler potential). In an earlier paper the authors showed that G nilpotent orbits in lassi al Lie algebras an be onstru ted as D (cid:28)nite-dimensionalhyperKählerquotientofa(cid:29)atve torspa e. This . paperusesthatquotient onstru tionto omputehyperKählerpo- h t tentials expli itly for orbits of elements with small Jordan blo ks. a m SItLi(sns,eCe)nthattheKählerpotentiaXls2of=B0iquardandGaudu honfor -orbits of elements with , are in fa t hyperKähler [ potentials. 1 v 7 2 0 1. Introdu tion 1 0 Adjoint orbits in omplex semi-simple Lie algebras are known to 0 arry a ompatible hyperKähler metri invariant under the ompa t 0 groupa tion(see[18,17,16,2℄). Nilpotentorbitsareparti ularlyinter- / h estingas they admita hyperKähler stru ture whi h is loselyrelated to t a twistor spa es and quaternion-Kähler geometries [20℄ and whi h omes m equipped with a hyperKähler potential. If one only asks for a Kähler : v potential ompatible with the hyperKähler stru ture, then several ex- i X amples are known. Hit hin [8℄ gave an expression for a global Kähler ar potsel(nnt,iaCl)for a hyperKähler stru ture on the regular semi-simple orbit of in terms of theta fun tions. Biquard and Gaudu hon [3℄ de- termineda simple formulafor the Kähler potential for the hyperKähler metri on semi-simple orbits of symmetri type. These orbits ome in ontinuous familiesand by taking a limit Biquard and Gaudu hon also obtain Kähler potentials for ertain nilpotent orbits. In [15, 13℄, Kähler and hyperKähler potentials were obtained for orbits of ohomogeneity one and two by onsidering the invariants pre- served by the ompa t group a tion. The ohomogeneity of a omplex 1991 Mathemati s Subje t Classi(cid:28) ation. (2000 version) Primary 53C26; Se - ondary 53D20, 14L35. Key words and phrases. HyperKähler manifold, hyperKähler potential, hyper- Kähler quotient, lassi al Lie algebras,nilpotent orbit. 1 2 PIOTR KOBAK AND ANDREW SWANN gC orbit O ⊂ is de(cid:28)ned as the odimension of the generi orbits of the G ompa t group on O. As the ohomogeneity in reases, we move fur- ther away from homogeneous manifolds and the geometry of the orbits be omes more ompli ated. Butthereareotherways ofratingthelevelof ompglCexityofnilpotent orbits. sIun(nth,eC )asseo(wnh,eCn)ea hsspi(mnp,Cle) omponent of is lassi al (i.e., equals gC , , or ) it an be shown that nilpotent orbits iHnN arise as hyperKähler redu tions of the (cid:29)at hyperKähler spa es (see [11℄). This gives a more expli it des ription of the hy- perKähler metri and the orrespro2ndinHgNpotential, as thHeNlatter omes simply from the radial fun tion on . The spa e in the on- stru tion arises from a diagram of unitary ve tor spa es; the longer the diagram, the more ompli atedthe geometry of the orbit. But even or- 2 bits that arise from the simplest diagrams (i.e., those of length ) may have arbitrary high ohomogeneity, whi h puts them beyond the s ope of the (cid:16)low ohomogeneity approa h(cid:17) mentioned above. In [10℄, we su - essfully applied this te hnique tos l(o3n,sCtr)u t the hyperKähler potentia4l for the regular nilpotent orbit in , whi h has ohomogeneity . The aim of this paper is to apply the same onstru tion to al ulate hyperKähler potentialsfornilpotentorbitswithdiagramsof lengthtwo orthree. Thisin ludes lassi alorbitsof ohomogeneityoneortwo and also all orbits obtainable as limits of semi-simplsel(onr,bCit)s of symmetri type. In parti ular, we are able to prove (in the ase) that the Kähler potentials obtained by Biquard and Gaudu hon on nilpotent orbits are in fa t hyperKähler potentials. This is not apparent from their work, parti ularly be ause we found in [13℄ that several of these orbits admit families of invariant hyperKähler metri s wsioth(nK,Cäh)ler po- tentials. We also determine the potential for orbits in whi h (3,22k,1ℓ) have lengththree diagramsand Jordan type . In the simplest ases there is a striking resemblan e to the formulæ we have for the k > 2 ohomogeneity two ase, but for matters ompli ate rapidly. In the al ulations we use (cid:28)nite overing maps between nilpotent orbits and the Beauville bundle onstru tion. It is worth pointing out that these te hniques ombined with knowledge of the invariants of the ompa t group a tion an be used to (cid:28)nd the potential in several other g aCses, for example for nilpotent orbits in the ex eptional Lie algebra 2 (see [14℄). Expli it knowledge of hyperKähler potentials is of interest in the study of real nilpotent orbits, f. [5℄, and we expe t to pursue this in future work. The paper is organised as follows. Se tion 2 re alls the hyperKäh- ler quotient onstru tion of lassi al nilpotent orbits and gives some HYPERKÄHLER POTENTIALS 3 general results on hyperKähler potentials. In se tion 3 we derive for- 2 mulæ for the potential for orbits with diagrams of length and then, in se tion 4, apply the result to the low ohomogeneity ase. Finally, in se tion 5 we work out the potential for the simplest orbits with 3 diagrams of length . A knowledgements. We are grateful for (cid:28)nan ial support from the Ep- sr of Great Britain and Kbn in Poland. 2. Ba kground and General Results We beginby reviewingthe generaltheory ofthe relationshipbetween hyperKähler quotients, hyperKähler potentials and nilpotent orbits. (N,g) I J K A Riemannian manifold with omplex stru tures , and IJ = K = JI satisfyingthequaternionidentities − , et ., ishyperKähler g if is Hermitian with respe t to ea h of the omplex stru tures and ω (X,Y) := g(X,IY) ω ω I J K the two-forms , and are losed. Su h a manifoldis thus symple ti in three di(cid:27)erent ways. If one distinguishes I N the omplex stru ture , then be omes a Kähler manifold with a ω := ω +iω c J K holomorphi symple ti two-form . An interesting general problem is to (cid:28)nd hyperKähler stru tures I ompatible with a given omplex stru ture and a holomorphi sym- ω c ple ti form . One natural sour e of su hC manifolds is adjoint orbits G O of a omplex seImi-simple Lie group . Su h an orbit inheritgsCa omplex stru ture as a submanifold of the omplex ve tor spa e . X The omplex symple ti form on O is given at ∈ O by ω ([A,X],[B,X]) = X,[A,B] , cO h i , gC G where h· ·i is thCe negative of the Killing form on . If is a ompa t G G real form of , then O admits a -invariant hyperKähler stru ture I ω cO ompatible with and [18, 17, 16, 2℄. TheMarsden-Weinsteinquotient onstru tionwasadaptedtohyper- H Kähler manifolds in [9℄. Suppose a Lie group a ts on a hyperKähler N g I J K manifold preserving , , and . Suppose also that there exist µ µ µ N h I J K ∗ symple ti moment maps , and from to for the a tion H ω ω ω I I J K of with respe t to the symple ti forms , and . For , this V h µV := µ ,V means that for ea h ∈ , the fun tion I h I i satis(cid:28)es dµV = ξ yω , I V I (2.1) ξ V V where is the ve tor (cid:28)eld generated by the a tion of . We then de(cid:28)ne a hyperKähler moment map by µ: N h ImH, µ = µ i+µ j +µ k. ∗ I J K → ⊗ 4 PIOTR KOBAK AND ANDREW SWANN N H The hyperKähler quotient of by is de(cid:28)ned to be N///H := µ 1(0)/H. − H N N///H If a ts freely on , then is a hyperKähler manifold of dimen- dimN 4dimH H sion − . Even if the a tion of is not free, there is a N///H naturalwaytowrite asaunionofhyperKählermanifolds[6℄. We I µ = (µC,µR) will often distinguish the omplex stru ture and write , µC = µJ + iµK µR = µI µC where and . The map is thenCa omplex H N symple ti moment map for the (in(cid:28)nitesimal) a tion of on . G Fornilpotentorbitsinthe lassi alLiealgebras,a -invarianthyper- Kähler metri may be onstru ted by (cid:28)nite-dimensional hyperKähler quotients [11℄. The only other orbits foslr(nw,hCi )h su h a onstru tion is known are the semi-simple orbits in [19℄ together with (cid:28)- nite quotients of a ouple of orbits in ex eptional algebras [12℄. Let us brie(cid:29)y re all the onstru tion for nilpotent orbits. 2.1. NilpoteAnt Osrlb(nit,sC)for Spe ialALkin1e=ar0GrouApks.=G0iven a nilpo- − tent element ∈ su h t0ha=t V ⇄6 V ⇄anVd ⇄ ⇄onVe d=e(cid:28)Cnens 0 1 2 k theasso iatedimage(cid:29)ag tobe{ } ··· , V = ImAk i i − where . We onsider the omplex ve tor spa e k 1 − W = Hom(V ,V ) Hom(V ,V ) i i+1 i+1 i ⊕ (2.2) i=0 M(cid:0) (cid:1) (...,α ,β ,...) W i i and represent elements of by diagrams 0 = V ⇄α0 V ⇄α1 V ⇄α2 α⇄k−1V = Cn. 0 1 2 k { } ··· β0 β1 β2 βk−1 Cn Taking to be equipped with a Hermitian two-form, indu es Her- V i = 0,1,2,...,k i mitian inner produ ts on ea h , , and we get a norm W on given by k 1 − r2 = (...,α ,β ,...) 2 = Tr(α α +β β ). k i i k i∗ i i i∗ (2.3) i=1 X α i∗ The inner produ ts enables us to make sense of Hermitian adjoints β W and i∗ and to endow the ve tor spa e with a quaternioni stru ture j(...,α ,β ,...) = (..., β ,α ,...) by de(cid:28)ning i i − i∗ i∗ . H = U(V ) U(V ) 1 k 1 The produ t ×···× − of unitary groups a ts in a W natural way on : (a ,...,a )(...,α ,β ,...,α ,β ) 1 k 1 i i k 1 k 1 − − − = (...,a α a 1,a β a 1 ,...,α a 1 ,a β ). i+1 i −i i i −i+1 k 1 −k 1 k 1 k 1 − − − − HYPERKÄHLER POTENTIALS 5 W This a tion preserves the quaternioni stru ture on , and the hyper- µ = (µC,µR) Kähler moment map is given by µC = (...,αiβi βi+1αi+1,...), − µR = (...,αiαi∗ −βi∗βi +βi+1βi∗+1 −αi∗+1αi+1,...). (2.4) W///H The hyperKähler quotient= SL(n,Cis)Ahomeomorphi to the losure O of the nilpotent orbit O , whi h is a ψsin:gWular alggle(nbr,aCi ) variety. The identi(cid:28) ation is indu ed by the map → given by ψ(...,α ,β ,...) = α β . i i k 1 k 1 − − (2.5) W W α 0 i If ⊂ denotes the open set where ea h is inje tive and ea h β ψ: W ///H i 0 ψ is surje tive, then → O is a di(cid:27)eomorphism. GILn(nfa,C t), is the omplex symple ti moment map for the a tion of W ///H 0 on and so the general theory of moment maps implies that ψ ω W ///H ∗ cO agrees with the omplex symple ti stru ture on 0 . Note j W α β β α that on a tsXon O bXy k−1slk(−n1,C7→) − k∗−1 k∗−1 whi h agrees with ∗ the real stru ture 7→ − on de(cid:28)ning the Lie algebra of the SU(n) ompa t group . 2.2. Nilpotent Orbits in Orthogonal and Symple ti Algebras. The abovseo (non,Cst)ru tionspm(na,yCb)e adapted to the remaining lassi al LAie algebras angdC Ak. W=e0start wAikth1a=nil0potent eδlemen0t − ignC t=hesoL(nie,Cal)gebra1 gwCi=thsp(n,C) and 6 . Let be , if , or , if . We onsider the image (cid:29)ag 0 ⇄ (V ,ω ) ⇄ (V ,ω ) ⇄ ⇄ (V ,ω ) = (Cn,ω ), 1 1 2 2 k k k { } ··· (2.6) ω : V V C i i i where × → are non-degenerate bilinear forms satisfying ω (X,Y) = ( 1)k i+δω (Y,X). i − i − dimV k i+δ i † (This implies that is even if − is odd). We denote by · ω i the adjoint with respe t to the forms and de(cid:28)ne Lie groups H = A U(V ) : A A = Id . i { ∈ i † Vi} H Sp(V ) k i+δ O(V ) k i+δ i i i Then is , if − is odd, or , if − is even. H = H H W 1 k 1 Take ×···× − andletW+betWhequaternioni ve torspa e as in formula (2.2). The subspa e ⊂ de(cid:28)ned by the equations βi = αi†, i = 1,...,k −1, is a quaternioni ve tor spa e. The equations (2.4) de(cid:28)ne a hyperKäh- H W+ ψ ler moment map for the a tion of on . Using the map of (2.5), W+///H the hyperKähler quotient may be identi(cid:28)ed with the losure of 6 PIOTR KOBAK AND ANDREW SWANN HCA hC the nilpotent orbit k ⊂ k. Again, this identi(cid:28) ation is ompatible ω cO with the omplex-symple ti form and the real stru ture. ρ: N R 2.3. HyperKähler Potentials. A real-valued fun tion → N ρ on a hyperKähler manifold is alled a hyperKähler potential if is simultaneously a Kähler potential for ea h of the Kähler stru tures (ω ,I) (ω ,J) (ω ,K) I ω = i∂ ∂ ρ I J K I I I , and . For , this means that , or equivalently ω = 1dIdρ. I −2 N In general, will not admit a hyperKähler potential even lo ally. ρ ζ = 1 gradρ Inζd,eIeζd,,Jζth,Ke ζexisten e of implies that if we set H =2 R Stph(e1n) ∗ ∼ { } generates an in(cid:28)nitesimal a tion of × su h that L g = 0, L I = 0, L J = 2K, Iζ Iζ Iζ and Jζ Kζ with similar expressions for the a tion of and , obtained by (I,J,K) permuting y li ally (see [20, 4℄). We need to know how hyperKähler potentialsbehave with respe t to hyperKähler quotients. An indire t proof of a slightly weaker form of the following result may be found in [20℄. Beware that the hypotheses given in [4℄ are not quite strong enough. (N,g,I,J,K) Theorem 2.1. Let be a hyperKähler manifold admit- ρ H ting a hyperKähler potential . Suppose a Lie group a ts freely and N g I J K ρ properly on preserving , , , and . Suppose also that there µ H N is a hyperKähler moment map for the a tion of on and that µ Sp(1) is equivariant with respe t to the in(cid:28)nitesimal a tion of de(cid:28)ned ρ by , meaning L µ = 0, L µ = 2µ , Iζ I Iζ J K − et . (2.7) ρ Thenthe fun tion indu es ahyperKähler potential on the hyperKähler N///H quotient . i: µ 1(0) ֒ N π: µ 1(0) − − Proof. Let → be the in lusion and write → Q := N///H for the proje tion. The hyperKähler stru ture on the π ωQ = i ω quotient is de(cid:28)ned by the relations ∗ I ∗ I, et . In parti ular, at x µ 1(0) − ea h ∈ the tangent spa e to the (cid:28)bre is spanned by the ve tor ξV V h (Txµ−1(0))⊥ = IξV,JξV,KξV : V h (cid:28)elds , for ∈ and { ∈ }. Thus Y T µ 1(0) ξ IY JY KY x − V if ∈ is orthogonal to ea h , then , and lie in T µ 1(0) x − too. ρ H As iρs i:nvQarianRt under theπaρ tio=n iofρ , it des endπs dtoρ d=e(cid:28)inedρa Q ∗ Q ∗ ∗ Q ∗ fun tion → satisfying . This implies . HYPERKÄHLER POTENTIALS 7 dρ 2ζ ζ H Now is metri dual to , so ommutes with the a tion of , and ζ µ 1(0) − we laim that is tangent to . The equivarian e ondition (2.7) gives, 2µV = L µV = Iζ y(ξ yω ) = ω (ξ ,ζ), K − Iζ J − V J K V J using the version of (2.1). But now L µV = ζ ydµV = ζ y(ξ yω ) = ω (ξ ,ζ) = 2µV . ζ K K V K K V K L µ = 2µ ζ µ 1(0) ζ − Thus and preserves . V h For ∈ , we have g(ζ,ξ ) = 1dρ(ξ ) = 1L ρ = 0, V 2 V 2 ξV ρ H Iζ µ 1(0) − as is -invariant. So is also tangent to . In parti ular, i Idρ = Ii dρ ∗ ∗ and we have π ( 1dIdρ ) = i ( 1dIdρ) = i ω = π ωQ, ∗ −2 Q ∗ −2 ∗ I ∗ I ρ ωQ so Q is a Kähler potential for I . Similar omputations apply for J K ρ Q = Q and and we have that is a hyperKähler potential on N///H . W W+ For the (cid:29)at hyperKähler spa es and introdu ed above, the r2 hyperKähler potential is given=bWy t/h//eHfun tsilo(nn,C)of equa=tioWn (+2//./3H). A shoy(pne,rCK)ählerspp(ont,eCnt)ial on O 0 ⊂ or Or2 0 ⊂ or is then given by the restri tion of to the zero set of the hyperKähler moment map. One an now ask whether this hyperKähler potential is any sense unique. In fa t, one an answer su h a question for nilpotent orbits in general. The following is an extension of an argument in [5℄. G Pσroposition 2.2. Let be a ompa t sgeCmi-simple LgiCe group and let be the orresponding real stru ture on . Let O ⊂ be a nilpotent orbit with the Kirillov-Kostant-Souriau omplex symple ti stru ture (I,ω ) (g,I,J,K) cO . Suppose is a hyperKähler stru ture on O su h that ω + iω = ω g G (a) J K cO, (b) is invariant under the ompa t group and ( )Hthe stru tujre aHdmits a hyσperKähler potential su h that for the ∗ ∗ indu ed -a tion ∈ a ts as |O. Then the hyperKähler stru ture is unique. G Proof. By averaging with the -a tion we may assume that there is a G ρ ζ = 1 gradρ -invariant hyperKähler potential on O. Let 2 , as above. L ω = 2ω L ω = 2ω ζ I I ζ cO cO Then and , so ω = 1d(ζ yω ). cO 2 cO ω (2,0) ζ yω (1,0) cO cO Note that as is a -form, is of type . 8 PIOTR KOBAK AND ANDREW SWANN ω However, as O is nilpotent, the form cO is exa t in Dolbeault oho- ω = dθ θ ([X,A]) = X,A mGCology: cO , with θX 1ζyω h i, whi hHi1s(ho,loCm)o=rp0hi and -invariant. Therefore −2 cO is losed. But O , as for θ 1ζ yω = df nilpotent orbits hafv:e (cid:28)niteCfundamental groups. So − 2 cO , for some fun tion O → . df (1,0) G ζ Now is of type and holomorphi . It is also -invariant, as G f G ommGutes with . Therefore we may avef˜rage overdthf˜e=a θtion1oζfyωto get a -invariant holomorphiC fun tion satisCfying − 2 cO. G G Hofw˜ever, su h afun tζioynωis = 2-iθnvariantand a( 1t,s0t)ransitiveζlyonO, so is onstant and cO . Therefore, the -part of agrees (1,0) with the part of the Euler ve tor (cid:28)eld on O. As both these ve tor I ζ (cid:28)elds preserve , we have that equals the EulCer ve tor (cid:28)eld. ∗ ζ We nIoζw have that the quotient oPf(O)by theθ -a tion generated by and is the proje tivised orbitσ O withP(as)its omplex- onta t stru ture and with real stru ture . By [21℄, O is the twistor spa e M of a unique quaternion-Kähler manifold of positive s alar urva- (M) ture and O is the asso iated hyperKähler manifold U . Thus the hyperKähler stru ture is uniquely determined. 3. Nilpotent Orbits with Diagrams of Length Two gC gC Assume that iska lassi al omplexXsimple Lsiel(anl,gCeb)raand O ⊂ isanorbitofarank nilpotentmatrix ∈ O ⊂ whi hsatis(cid:28)es X2 = 0 X (2k,1n 2k) − . Then has Jordan type . Su h orbits are pre isely those that arise from diagrams of length two: α 0 ⇄ Ck⇄Cn. { } β α: C2 Cn β: Cn C2 It follows from Ÿ2.1 that there exist → and → , X = αβ su h that , with βα = 0 ββ = α α. ∗ ∗ and (3.1) g = su(n) g When this is the full set of equations for O. If is either o(n) sp(n) or , then we have additionally β = α . † (3.2) rankα = rankβ = rankX = k α β In all ases , so is inje tive and is surje tive. We shall use the above equations to al ulate the hyperKähler po- ρ ρ tential on O. From Theorem 2.1 we know that is the restri tion of r2 the radial fun tion . By (2.3) we have ρ = Tr(α α+ββ ) = 2Trα α = 2TrΛ, ∗ ∗ ∗ (3.3) HYPERKÄHLER POTENTIALS 9 Λ = α α = ββ Λ ∗ ∗ where e ,...,e . SinC ke is self-aΛdjoint,there exists an orthonor- 1 k mal basis { } for in whi h is diagonal, Λ = diag(λ ,λ ,...,λ ). 1 2 k ρ = 2(λ + +λ ) 1 k Thus ··· . Note that β e ,β e = ββ e ,e = Λe ,e = λ δ . ∗ i ∗ j ∗ i j i j i ij h i h i h i β e 2 = λ β λ > 0 ∗ i i ∗ i In parti ular, k k . But is inje tive, so and β e ,...,β e Imβ ∗ 1 ∗ k ∗ { } is an orthogonal basis for . X X Imβ X X = Λ2 ∗ ∗ ∗ Now onsider the matrix . On , we have , sin e X Xβ e = β α αββ e = β Λ2e = λ 2β e . ∗ ∗ i ∗ ∗ ∗ i ∗ i i ∗ i (Imβ ) = kerβ X = αβ X X ∗ ⊥ ∗ On the other hand, and , so vanishes (Imβ ) X X λ 2,...,λ 2 ∗ ⊥ ∗ 1 k on . As a result has eigenvalues . Writing SpecX X = µ ,...,µ µ k ∗ 1 r i i { } with distin t and of multipli ity we get Theorem 3.1. Let O be the adjoint orbit of a non-zero nilpotent ma- X X2 = 0 trix in a omplex lassi al Lie algebra, and assume that . Then the hyperKähler potential for the anoni al hyperKähler metri on O is given by the formula ρ(X) = 2 k µ 1/2 i i (3.4) µi∈SpXec(X∗X) Remark 3.2. The above formula an be obtained from (3.3) by expli - X itlysolving(3.1)ansdl(n(3,.C2))foragivXenniUlp(ont)entelement . Forexample onsider orbits in . Then is - onjugate to 0 A M = , 0 0 (3.5) (cid:18) (cid:19) A = diag(a ,...,a ) a 1 k i where with real and positive. To see this X X e ,...,e ∗ 1 k note that determines a set of orthonormal eigenve tors µ ,...,µ Xe ,Xe = µ δ 1 k i j i ij with positive eigenvalues . Moreover, h i , so µ 1/2Xe i = 1,...,k X2 = 0 i− i , are also orthonormal. Sin e it follows that 0 = X2e ,Xe = Xe ,X Xe = µ Xe ,e . i j i ∗ j j i j h i h i (cid:10) (cid:11) In e(cid:27)e t the ve tors e ,...e ,µ 1/2Xe ,...,µ 1/2Xe 1 k 1− 1 k− k fConrm an orthonorXmal set. Complete this to anaor=thoµn1o/r2mal basis in i i . In this basis has the required form, with . 10 PIOTR KOBAK AND ANDREW SWANN sl(n,C) so(n,C) sp(n,C) Type 1 (21n 2) (221n 4) (212n 2) − − − Cohomogeneity 2 (221n 4) (31n 3) (241n 8) (2212n 4) − − − − Cohomogeneity , Table 1. Nilpotent orbits of low ohomogeneity in las- si al Lie algebras X SU(n) λM λ It follows that is - onjugate to for some satisfying λλ = 1 . The moment map equations (3.1) are now solved by A1/2 α = λ β = λ 0 A1/2 , 0 and (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) A1/2 = diag(a1/2,...a1/2) A = α α = ββ where 1 k . In parti ular ∗ ∗. We Spec(XX ) = Spec(A2) = a 2,...,a 2 ∗ 1 k have { } and, by (3.4) k ρ(X) = 2 a . i | | i=1 X This agrees with the formula obtained in [3℄. There Biquard & Gaudu- hon showed that this formula gives a Kähler potential for a hyper- Kähler stru stlu(rne,Con) the nilpotent orbit. This was done by onsidering the orbit in as a limit of semi-simple orbits. However, we have now shown that the Biquard-Gaudu hon Kähler potential is in fa t a hyperKähler potential. 4. HyperKähler Potentials for Low Cohomogeneity Orbits In the simplest ase O is a minimal nilpotent orbit in a lassi al Lie algebra. Su h orbit arises from a length two diagram. Its Jordan type is given in Table 1. Minimal orbits are ohomogeneity one so any two X,X X = X ′ ′ elements ∈ O are onjugate ifandonlyifk k k k. It follows X X X ∗ that for all ∈ O the matrix has only one non-zero eigenvalue, λ κ ρ = 2κλ1/2 ρ2 = 4κ2λ say , with multipli ity . Then, by (3.4) , so . TrX X = κλ ∗ But , so 1 sl(n,C) sp(n,C) ρ2 = 4κTrX∗X, where κ = 2 for so(n,C), , (4.1) ( for .

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