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Author and Subject Indexes—Volume 31, 1996 Author Index BURGE MR, SCHADE DS, MAZZAFERRI EL: Di- FLAUM M: Making sense of schizophrenia. 11:51 abetes mellitus: 1. improving control in type I FLOMENBAUM M*: Unusual cause of fatal post- diabetes. 11:81 partum embolism. 3:135 ABOAF AP, WOLF PS: Paroxysmal atrial fibrilla- Diabetes mellitus: 2. managing type II dia- FORE WW: Managed care apprcaches to diabeies tion: is anticoagulation justified? (editorial) betes. 12:51 mellitus. 7:115 12:11 CAPLAN LR, BARINGER JR: Management issues FRED HL*: Case in point: emphysematous cysti- AHMED M*: Knee pain, swelling, and effusion in asymptomatic carotid stenosis. 10:93 tis. 5:148 after arthroscopy. 1:48 CARBONE PP*: Management dilemmas in Case in point: Wilson's disease. 8:22J ALBERTSEN PC*: Assessing competing risks in prostate cancer. 1:79 Chronic bruising in a 40-year-old woman. treating the elderly. 11:155 CASSEL CK*: Caring for the terminally ill. 5:75 6:157 ANSARI A*: Case in point: primary biliary cirrho- CAVE DR, HOFFMAN JS: Management of Heli- Diffuse hyperpigmentation in a man with dia- sis. 6:173 cobacter pylori infection in ulcer disease. 1:63 betes. 11:45 APGAR BS: Human papillomavirus types and cer- CHAUHAN AJ*: Molecular mediators of asthma: Leg pain and kidney disease in a 38-year-old vical cancer. 2:39 current insights. 10:115 man. 7:119 ARASTU M*: Hyperglycemia in an AIDS patient CHOUDHRY W*: Recalcitrant UTI in a patient Linear hepatic gas shadows in a woman with taking megestrol. 4:27 with multiple sclerosis. 3:63 acute abdominal pain. 1:37 ARCHER TP YOUNG JJ, MAZZAFERRI EL: Back CHRISTOPHER K, GAMOURAS G, MATFIN G: Photophobia and thickened eyelids in a pain in a 43-year-o!d man. 8:104 Respiratory distress, weakness, and elec- healthy-appearing nurse. 2:73 BAKAL CW*: Endoluminal therapy with endovas- trolyte abnormalities. 12:20 Rapidly progressive deafness in a young cular grafts. 1:123 CHUNG PH, YEKO TR: Recurrent miscarriage: woman. 10:159 BARINGER JR*: Approach to the patient with mi- causes and management. 5:157 FRED HL, HARIHARAN R: Case in point: graine. 2:93. See also correction 3:166 CLARK J*: What SUPPORT really means. (editori- metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. 3:76 Management issues in asymptomatic carotid al) 9:11 Large pulmonary arteries in an asymptomatic stenosis. 10:93 COLLINS H: Patient satisfaction surveys. 11:39 elderly woman. 4:123 BARNES PJ: Transcription factors and inflamma- Should you sell your practice? 9:93 Ophthalmoplegia and palatal necrosis in a tory disease. 6:93 COMBS AH: CPR: A plea for patient selection. (ed- man with diabetes. 12:87 BARTFELD H, MA D: Recognizing post-polio syn- itorial) 7:13 Sudden persistent facial discoloration after drome. 5:95 COMENZO RL: Advances in the treatment of plas- chest trauma. 9:100 BARZEL US: Osteoporosis: taking a fresh look. ma cell diseases. 8:67 FRED HL, HARIHARAN R, DOUCET J, MEHTA N: 5:59 COODLEY EL: CHD: When medical therapy fails. Jaundice and extreme hypercholesterolemia BASCOM PB, TOLLE SW, CASSEL CK: Caring for (editorial) 2:13 after a stroke. 9:33 the terminally ill. 5:75 COWAN JA*: Hyperglycemia in an AIDS patient FRIEDMAN SG: Interventional imaging. 12:71 BEHNIA M, GHARIB H: Primary care diagnosis of taking megestrol. 4:27 Understanding mammography findings. thyroid disease. 6:121 CROOKS G, LaROSSA D: Breast swelling after 7:17 BELZER EJ: Negotiating managed care contracts. pacemaker placement in an elderly woman. FROMER LM: Most cost-effective health care. 2:46 3:33 7:173 FUCCI MJ*: Atrial systolic failure in a 46-year-old BERCZELLER PH: Beyond problem-solving. (edi- CRUZ DN, PERAZELLA MA, MAHNENSMITH RL: man. 6:177 torial) 1:9 Middle-aged woman with back and flank pain. GALLAGHER EB*: Cardiac transplantation: costs BERGER B*: Knee pain, swelling, and effusion 9:193 and ethics. 2:127 after arthroscopy. 1:48 CYNAMON J*: Endoluminal therapy with en- GAMOURAS G*: Acute chest pain in a tail, thin BERK MR*: Cardiac transplantation: costs and dovascular grafts. 1:123 woman. 6:33 ethics. 2:127 D'AGOSTINO AM*: Bloody diarrhea years after re- Respiratory distress, weakness, and elec- BERKMAN NL*: Rupture of the spleen in a Central section of a rib. 4:42 trolyte abnormalities. 12:20 American immigrant. 1:89 Former hockey player with knee and calf pain. GAMOURAS G, BROWN MA: Unexpected BHAGAT B, AHMED M, LOVELANET M, BERG- 9:17 nephropathy. 5:43 ER B: Knee pain, swelling, and effusion after D'AGOSTINO AM, BROWN MA: Case of pneumo- GERDIS MS, HIRTH ME, TWERSKY Y: Recurrent arthroscopy. 1:48 nia with extrapulmonary manifestations. 2:34 gastrointestnal bleeding in a 21-year-old man. BISCHOF RO: Pharmaceuticals in the era of cost- DEAN CL: Unraveling bleeding problems in 5:51 containment. 12:77 midlife women. 9:155 GEVIRTZ C, MALIK V, SUBHEDAR D, KHOURY BISCHOF RO, PLUMB J, NASH DB: Administra- DeMASI R, BROWN MA: Man wiih “shrub leg.” NY, KAMINSKY S, FLOMENBAUM M: Unusu- tive and health policy training for residents. 1:58 al cause of fatal postpartum embolism. 8:93 DeMASI R, MATFIN G: Medical emergency long 3:135 BLANC P*: Woman with “atypical” atypical pneu- after an automobile accident. 11:13 GHARIB H’*: Primary care diagnosis of thyroid monia. 7:161 DOUCET J*: Jaundice and extreme hypercholes- disease. 6:121 BLOMQUIST GC*: Cardiac transplantation: costs terolemia after a stroke. 9:33 GOLD HS, KARCHMER AW: Catheter-associated and ethics. 2:127 EBRIGHT JR*: Stroke in a young woman with a Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. 9:133 BRECKENRIDGE MB, LARRY JA, MAZZAFERRI history of gonorrhea. 6:140 GREAVES MW*: Approach to the patient with EL: Confusion and nausea in a man who ap- EICKHOFF TC: Adult immunizations: how are we chronic urticaria. 3:175 peared to be drunk. 2:47 doing? 11:107 GREEN LK*: HIV-infected man with cough and BRIGGS DD Jr*: Persistent cough: causes and ELDER J, VASCONEZ H, McKEE J, MINDER H, black sputum. 12:122 cures. 9:121 WRIGHT S, KAAK HO, ENG E, ENGELBERG GRUNDY SM, MAZZAFERRI EL: Addressing the BROWN MaA*: Case of pneumonia with extrapul- J: Haunting memory of a trauma patient. spectrum of hypercholesterolemia. 6:43 monary manifestations. 2:34 7:147 HANCOCK Ew: Atrial flutter in a man with medi- Liver-lung connection. 3:54 ENG E*: Haunting memory ofa trauma patient. astinal cancer. 1:15 Man with “shrub leg.” 1:58 7:147 Chest pain and a change in right bundle Renal failure after two myocardial infarctions. ENGELBERG J*: Cardiac transplantation: costs branch block. 2:53 8:25 and ethics. 2:127 Chest pain and ST-segment elevation in a Respiratory distress in a patient with skin le- Haunting memory of a trauma patient. 7:147 young man with cancer. 5:31 sions. 10:33 EPSTEIN M: Calcium channel blockers and hy- Dyspnea and tachycardia in a young man after Unexpected nephropathy. 5:43 pertension: 2. safety issues. 12:93 acoid. 6:29 BRUNTON SA: Gag clauses in managed care. FAIGEL HC: Primary care of the adolescent pa- Hypothermia, slow pulse, and an unusual 5:118 tient. 4:127 QRS compiex. 11:25 BRUNTON SA*: Steps in the management of low FALKENHAIN ME*: Acute renal failure in an el- Irregularly irregular cardiac rhythm in a man back pain. 8:109 derly man taking warfarin. 5:119 with a pacemaker. 9:29 BRUSKEWITZ R, CARBONE PP: Management FLAPAN AD: Management after a first myocardial Is the premature beat a capture or an echo? dilemmas in prostate cancer. 1:79 infarction. 5:133 12:33 *Joint author Hospital Practice December 15,1996 141 Sharp, sticking chest pain in a man with a LANDAW SA, WILLIAMS WJ: Deciphering poly- MOLINA MM: MCOs and Medicaid: a good combi- pacemaker. 8:21 cythemia. 3:155 nation. 4:111 Tachycardia in a 60-year-old man, 10:15 LaROSSA D*: Breast swelling after pacemaker MOROWITZ Hu: Closer. (essay) 5:37 Unusual rhythm after cardiac surgery. 3:19 placement in an elderly woman. 7:173 Long Island and Rome. (essay) 3:25 Weakness and a slow pulse in a 40-year-old LARRY JA*: Confusion and nausea in a man who Thermal underthoughts. (essay) 1:23 woman. 7:19 appeared to be drunk. 2:47 Vermiforms. (essay) 7:33 Wide complex tachycardia in cardiogenic Diabetes, weight loss, and depression. 3:41 MORSE SS: Patterns and predictability in emerg- shock. 4:25 LARRY JA, FALKENHAIN ME, MAZZAFERRI EL: ing infections. 4:85 HARIHARAN R’*: Case in point: metastatic carci- Acute renal failure in an elderly man taking MOSIER DE: Modeling AIDS in a mouse. 9:41 noma of the prostate. 3:76 warfarin. 5:119 NASH DB*: Administrative and health policy Jaundice and extreme hypercholesterolemia LASTER L: It is easier to recall a defective car than training for residents. 8:93 after a stroke. 9:33 a defective law. (editorial) 11:9 NATELSON EA*: Photophobia and thickened eye- Large pulmonary arteries in an asymptomatic Where have all the patrons gone? (essay) lids in a healthy-appearing nurse. 2:73 elderly woman. 4:123 7:90 NICOLLE LE: Resistant bacteria in nursing Ophthalmoplegia and palatal necrosis in a LESHNER AI: Understanding drug addiction: im- homes: a rational approach. (editorial) 6:11 man with diabetes. 12:87 plications for treatment. 10:47 OLIVERO JJ: Case in point: multinedular goiter Sudden persistent facial discoloration after LIEBERMAN P*: Idiopathic anaphylaxis: a purely and papillary carcinoma. 4:33 chest trauma. 9:100 internal reaction. 7:47 Case in point: scleromalacia perforans. 3:99 HARIHARAN R, FRED HL: Case in point: emphy- LIPSITT DR: Primary care of the somatizing pa- Our obligations to the terminally ill. 1:36 sematous cystitis. 5:148 tient: a collaborative model. 6:77 OLSON CL, MALZER RL: Paying attention to gen- Case in point: Wilson's disease. 8:22J LOCKEY RF: Management of chronic sinusitis. der in the medical interview. 10:153 Chronic bruising in a 40-year-old woman. 3:141 PAPP JP LARRY JA, MAZZAFERRI EL: Diabetes, 6:157 LONG J*: Woman with “atypical” atypical pneu- weight loss, and depression. 3:41 Diffuse hyperpigmentation in a man with dia- monia. 7:161 PARKER J, BROWN MA: Liver-lung connection. betes. 11:45 LOVELANET M*: Knee pain, swelling, and effu- 3:54 Leg pain and kidney disease in a 38-year-old sion after arthroscopy. 1:48 PATEL K, D'AGOSTINO AM: Former hockey play- man. 7:119 LUCHSINGER A, MARTINEZ J: Multiplicity of er with knee and calf pain. 9:17 Linear hepatic gas shadows in a woman with bowel problems. 7:27 PATTERSON R, LIEBERMAN P: Idiopathic ana- acute abdominal pain. 1:37 LYONS CR: Emerging roles of nitric oxide in in- phylaxis: a purely internal reaction. 7:47 HARIHARAN R, YAO S-K, FRED HL: Rapidly pro- flammation. 7:69 PERAZELLA MA‘: Middle-aged woman with back gressive deafness in a young woman. 10:159 MA D*: Recognizing post-polio syndrome. 5:95 and flank pain. 9:193 HIRTH ME*: Recurrent gastrointestnal bleeding MAHFOOD PR BROWN MA: Renal failure after two PHILLIPS B: Sleep apnea: underdiagnosed and in a 21-year-old man. 5:51 myocardial infarctions. 8:25 undertreated. 3:193 HOFFMAN JS*: Management of Helicobacter py- MAHNENSMITH RL*: Middle-aged woman with PHILLIPS TJ: Current treatment options in psori- lori infection in ulcer disease. 1:63 back and flank pain. 9:193 asis. 4:155 HOLGATE ST*: Molecular mediators of asthma: MALIK V*: Unusual cause of fatal postpartum em- PIMENTEL G, SANTOS E, ARASTU M, COWAN current insights. 10:115 bolism. 3:135 JA: Hyperglycemia in an AIDS patient taking HOLLINGSWORTH HM: Allergic rhinoconjunc- MALZER RL*: Paying attention to gender in the megestrol. 4:27 tivitis: current therapy. 6:61 medicai interview. 10:153 PLUMB J*: Administrative and health policy HUMPHREY D, BROWN MA: Respiratory distress MANN DS*: Fever, rash, and angioedema after a training for residents. 8:93 in a patient with skin lesions. 10:33 course of allopurinol. 3:92 POWELL R, GAMOURAS G: Acute chest pain in a JAVEED H'*: Chest pain in a woman who bruised MANN JM*: Global expansion of HIV infection and tall, thin woman. 6:33 easily. 10:163 AIDS. 10:63 POWERS L: Other things. (editorial) 10:11 JAVEED N, JAVEED H, JAVEED S, REZAI F: MARIN ML*: Endoluminal therapy with endovas- PRASHKER M: Physician's role in controlling Chest pain in a woman who bruised easily. cular grafts. 1:123 health care costs. 12:109 10:163 MARINO C*: Young man with an illness mimicking PUSZTAI L, CHOUDHRY W: Recalcitrant UTI in a JAVEED S*: Chest pain in a woman who bruised HIV infection. 4:190 patient with multiple sclerosis. 3:63 easily. 10:163 MARKSON LJ, CLARK J: What SUPPORT really QUIGLEY EMM: Nonulcer dyspepsia: pathophysi- JOHNSON DA: Medical therapy of GERD: current means. (editorial) 9:11 ology update. 2:141 state of the art. 10:135 MARTINEZ J*: Multiplicity of bowel problems. RAMIREZ G: Evidence-based medicine: the JONES JW, ANSARI A: Case in point: primary bil- 7:27 Cochrane Collaboration. (editorial) 4:11 iary cirrhosis. 6:173 MARTIN RJ, ROSENOW EC III: Managing the pa- RASKIN NH, BARINGER JR: Approach to the pa- KAAK HO*: Haunting memory ofa trauma patient. tient with intractable asthma. 4:61 tient with migraine. 2:93. See also correction 7:147 MATCHAR DB*: Stroke prevention: the emerging 3:166 KAMINSKY S*: Unusual cause of fatal postpartum strategies. 3:123 REZAI F*: Chest pain in a woman who bruised embolism. 3:135 MATFIN G*: Medical emergency long after an au- easily. 10:163 KANNEL WB: Cardiovascular risk factors in the tomobile accident. 11:13 RICHARDSON T: Menthol cigarette use in African older adult. 11:135 Respiratory distress, weakness and elec- Americans. (essay) 8:22H KANWAR AJ, GREAVES MW: Approach to the pa- trolyte abnormalities. 12:20 RICHMAN DD: New strategies to combat HIV drug tient with chronic urticaria. 3:175 MAZZAFERRI EL*: Acute renal failure in an elder- resistance. 8:47 KARCHMER AW*: Catheter-associated Staphylo- ly man taking warfarin. 5:119 RODRIGUEZ-BARRADAS MC*: HIV-infected man coccus aureus bacteremia. 9:133 Addressing the spectrum of hypercholes- with cough and black sputum. 12:122 KASINATH BS, STEIN JH: Sifting the causes of terolemia. 6:43 ROSENOW EC IlI*: Managing the patient with in- microscopic hematuria. 7:99 Back pain in a 43-year-old man. 8:104 tractable asthma. 4:61 KHOURY NY*: Unusual cause of fatal postpartum Confusion and nausea in a man who appeared ROSENOW EC III, BRIGGS DD Jr: Persistent embolism. 3:135 to be drunk. 2:47 cough: causes and cures. 9:121 KIMMEL SE*: Calcium channel blockers and hy- Diabetes, weight loss, and depression. 3:41 ROZENBLIT A*: Endoluminal therapy with en- pertension: 1. new trials. 7:125 Diabetes mellitus: 1. improving control in dovascular grafts. 1:123 KORETZ B, LONG J, BLANC P: Woman with type I diabetes. 11:81 RUBIO PA, BERKMAN NL: Rupture of the spleen “atypical” atypical pneumonia. 7:161 Diabetes mellitus: 2. managing type II dia- in a Central American immigrant. 1:89 KRISHNA MT, CHAUHAN AJ, HOLGATE ST: betes. 12:51 SACHAR DB: Maintenance strategies in Crohn's Molecular mediators of asthma: current in- McCRORY DC, MATCHAR DB: Stroke prevention: disease. 1:99 sights. 10:115 the emerging strategies. 3:123 SANDE MA: Making drugs work against HIV. (edi- KURITZKY L: Homocysteine as a risk factor for McDONALD E, MARINO C: Young man with an ill- torial) 8:11 arteriosclerosis. 3:37 ness mimicking HIV infection. 4:190 SANTOS E*: Hyperglycemia in an AIDS patient Infection, infidelity, and informed patients. McKEE J*: Haunting memory of a trauma patient. taking megestrol. 4:27 5:117 7:147 SAVIDES TJ: Endoscopic ultrasound: improving Is it time tc say yes to antioxidants? 9:96 MEHLER PS: Eating disorders: 1. anorexia ner- GI diagnosis. 6:107 PSA: to screen or not to screen. 6:145 vosa. 1:109. See also letters 4:16 SCARPINATO L: Clearing athletes for sports par- Sickness index. 1:35 Eating disorders: 2. bulimia nervosa. 2:107 ticipation. 4:120 KURITZKY L, BRUNTON SA: Steps in the man- MEHTA N*: Jaundice and extreme hypercholes- SCHADE DS": Diabetes mellitus: 1. improving agement of low back pain. 8:109 terolemia after a stroke. 9:33 control in type I diabetes. 11:81 LAMELAS LJ, D'AGOSTINO AM: Bloody diarrhea MINDER H*: Haunting memory of a trauma pa- Diabetes mellitus: 2. managing type II dia- years after resection of a rib. 4:42 tient. 7:147 betes. 12:51 142 Hospital Practice December 15, 1996 *Joint author SCHERGER JE: Retraining specialists for prima- WOLFE MM: NSAIDs and the gastrointestinal mu- Molecular mediators of asthma: current in- ry care. 11:24D (1995). See also letters 2:35 cosa. 12:37 sights. Krishna, Chauhan, Holgate, 10:115 (1996) WRIGHT S*: Haunting memory of a trauma pa- Role of history taking in the diagnosis of asth- SEGAL AS: Salty language is confusing. (essay) tient. 7:147 ma. Stoloff, 10:155 10:81 YALE ES*: Fever, rash, and angioedema after a Stepped-care approach to asthma manage- SEKELA M, BERK MR, GALLAGHER EB, course of allopurinol. 3:92 ment. Stoloff, 11:33 BLOMQUIST GC, THOMPSON JS, ENGEL- YALE SH, YALE ES, MANN DS: Fever, rash, and ATHEROSCLEROSIS see VASCULAR DISORDERS BERG J: Cardiac transplantation: costs and angioedema after a course of allopurinol. 3:92 ethics. 2:127 YAO S-K*: Rapidly progressive deafness in a SEKI I, SONEL A, FUCCI Mu: Atrial systolic fail- young woman. 10:159 ure in a 46-year-old man. 6:177 YEKO TR*: Recurrent miscarriage: causes and SENNETT C: Introduction to HEDIS. 6:147. See management. 5:157 also letters 8:41 YOUNG JJ*: Back pain in a 43-year-old man. BACK PAIN SHAUGHNESSY AF*: Assessing medical informa- 8:104 Middle-aged woman with back and flank pain. tion. 8:103 Cruz, Perazella, Mahnensmith, 9:193 SIGAL LH: Lyme disease overdiagnosis: causes Steps in the management of low back pain. and cure. (editorial) 5:13. See also letters 8:35 Kuritzky, Brunton, 8:109 SILBERZWEIG JE, CYNAMON J, MARIN ML, BONE AND JOINT DISORDERS see also OSTEO- BAKAL CW, ROZENBLIT A, SPRAYREGAN S, POROSIS VEITH FJ: Endoluminal therapy with en- Former hockey player with knee and calf pain. dovascular grafts. 1:123 Patel, D'Agostino, 9:17 SLAWSON DC, SHAUGHNESSY AF: Assessing Subject Index BREAST CANCER medical information. 8:103 In Case for postmenopausal hormone thera- SOLIS ST, EBRIGHT JR: Stroke in a young py. Speroff, 2:79 woman with a history of gonorrhea. 6:140 A Understanding mammography findings. SONEL A*: Atrial systolic failure in a 46-year-old Friedman, 7:117 man. 6:177 ABSCESSES BREAST RECONSTRUCTION SPEROFF L: Case for postmenopausal hormone Liver-lung connection. Parker, Brown, 3:54 Breast swelling after pacemaker placement in therapy. 2:75 ADDICTION AND ALCOHOLISM an elderly woman. Crooks, LaRossa, 7:173 SPRAYREGAN S*: Endoluminal therapy with en- Chest pain in a woman who bruised easily. dovascular grafis. 1:123 Javeed, Javeed, Javeed, Rezai, 10:163 STEIN JH"*: Sifting the causes of microscopic HIV-infected man with cough and black spu- Cc hematuria. 7:99 tum. Wang, Green, Rodriguez-Barradas, STEVENSON LW: Modern management of heart 12:122 failure. 3:103 In Primary care of the adolescent patient. CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS STOLOFF SW: Role of history taking in the diag- Faigel, 4:130 Calcium channel blockers and hypertension: nosis of asthma. 10:155 Understanding drug addiction: implications 1. new trials. Townsend, Kimmel, 7:125 Stepped-care approach to asthma manage- for treatment. Leshner, 10:47 Calcium channel blockers and hypertension: ment. 11:33 ADVANCE DIRECTIVES 2. safety issues. Epstein, 12:93 SUBHEDAR D*: Unusual cause of fatal postpar- What SUPPORT really means. (editorial) CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION tum embolism. 3:135 Markson, Clark, 9:11 CPR: a plea for patient selection. (editorial) TARANTOLA DJM, MANN JM: Global expansion AIDS see HIV Combs, 7:13 of HIV infection and AIDS. 10:63 ALCOHOLISM see ADDICTION AND ALCO- CASE IN POINT THOMPSON JS*: Cardiac transplantation: costs HOLISM Emphysematous cystitis. Hariharan, Fred, and ethics. 2:127 ALLERGY 5:148 TOLLE SW*: Caring for the terminally ill. 5:75 Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: current therapy. Metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. Fred, TOWNSEND RR, KIMMEL SE: Calcium channel Hollingsworth, 6:61. See also letter 10:36 Hariharan, 3:76 blockers and hypertension: 1. new trials. Idiopathic anaphylaxis: a purely internal reac- Multinodular goiter and papillary carcinoma. 7:125 tion. Patterson, Lieberman, 7:47 Olivero, 4:33 TSCHEN JA*: Photophobia and thickened eyelids ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY Primary biliary cirrhosis. Jones, Ansari, in a healthy-appearing nurse. 2:73 Management of Helicobacter pylori infection 6:173 TSCHEN LF, TSCHEN JA, NATELSON EA, FRED in ulcer disease. Cave, Hoffman, 1:63 Scleromalacia perforans. Olivero, 3:99 HL: Photophobia and thickened eyelids in a ANTICOAGULATION THERAPY Wilson's disease. Hariharan, Fred, 8:22J healthy-appearing nurse. 2:73 Acute renal failure in an elderly man taking CHEMOTHERAPY TWERSKY Y*: Recurrent gastrointestnal bleeding warfarin. Larry, Falkenhain, Mazzaferri, Advances in the treatment of plasma cell dis- in a 21-year-old man. 5:51 5:119 eases. Comenzo, 8:67 TYRING SK: Early treatment of herpes zoster. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: is anticoagula- CHOLESTEROL AND LIPIDS see HYPER- 7:137 tion justified? (editorial) Aboaf, Wolf, 12:11 CHOLESTEROLEMIA UPDIKE SJ: Implantable glucose sensor: tool for ANTIHYPERTENSION DRUGS see CALCIUM CLINICAL PEARLS glycemic control? (editorial) 3:15 CHANNEL BLOCKERS Acute renal failure in an elderly man taking VASCONEZ H*: Haunting memory of a trauma pa- ANTIOXIDANTS warfarin. Larry, Falkenhain, Mazzaferri, 5:119 tient. 7:147 Is it time to say yes to antioxidants? Kuritzky, Back pain in a 43-year-old man. Archer, VEITH FJ*: Egdoluminal therapy with endovas- 9:96 Young, Mazzaferri, 8:104 cular grafts. 1:123 AORTIC DISSECTION Chronic bruising in a 40-year-old woman. WALKER DH: Human ehrlichiosis: more trouble Back pain in a 43-year-old man. Archer, Hariharan, Fred, 6:157 from ticks. 4:47 Young, Mazzaferri, 8:104 Confusion and nausea in a man who appeared WANG Y, GREEN LK, RODRIGUEZ-BARRADAS APNEA see SLEEP DISORDERS to be drunk. Breckenridge, Larry, Mazzaferri, MC: HIV-infected man with cough and black ARRHYTHMIAS see also ECG CASEBOOK; 2:47 sputum. 12:122 HEART DISORDERS Diabetes, weight loss, and depression. Papp, WARTOFSKY L: Treatment options for hyperthy- Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: is anticoagula- Larry, Mazzaferri, 3:41 roidism. 9:69 tion justified? (editorial) Aboaf, Wolf, 12:11 Diffuse hyperpigmentation in a man with dia- WASSON JH": Assessing competing risks in treat- Stroke prevention: the emerging strategies. betes. Hariharan, Fred, 11:45 ing the elderly. 11:155 McCrory, Matchar, 3:123 Large pulmonary arteries in an asymptomatic WEISSE AB: Barry Marshall and the resurrection ARTHRITIS elderly woman. Fred, Hariharan, 4:123 of Johannes Fibiger. (essay) 9:105 Case in point: scleromalacia perforans. Oliv- Leg pain and kidney disease in a 38-year-old Long and the short of it. (essay) 2:49 ero, 3:99 man. Hariharan, Fred, 7:1'9 WEITZEL JN: Genetic counseling for familial can- Former hockey player with knee and caif pain. Linear hepatic gas shadows in a woman with cer risk. 2:57 Patel, D'Agostino, 9:17 acute abdominal pain. Hariharan, Fred, 1:37 WELCH HG, ALBERTSEN PC, WASSON JH: As- Knee pain, swelling, and effusion after Ophthalmoplegia and palatal necrosis in a sessing competing risks in treating the elderly. arthroscopy. Bhagat, Ahmed, Lovelanet, Berg- man with diabetes. Fred, Hariharan, 12:87 11:155 er, 1:48 Rapidly progressive deafness in a young WILLIAMS WJ*: Deciphering polycythemia. 3:155 ASTHMA woman. Hariharan, Yao, Fred, 10:159 WOLF PS*: Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: is anti- Managing the patient with intractable asthma. Sudden, persistent facial discoloration after coagulation justified? (editorial) 12:11 Martin, Rosenow, 4:61 chest trauma. Fred, Hariharan, 9:100 *Joint author Hospital Practice December 15,1996 143 CLINICAL REVIEW Managed care approaches to diabetes melli- EDUCATION, MEDICAL Nonulcer dyspepsia: pathophysiology update. tus. Fore, 7:115 Beyond problem-solving. (editorial) Berczeller, ey, 2:141 Ophihalmoplegia and palatal necrosis in a 1:9 CLINICOPATHOLOGIC CONFERENCE man with diabetes. Fred, Hariharan, 12:87 Retraining specialists for primary care. Cardiac transplantation: costs and ethics. DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES Scherger, 11:24D (1995). See also letters Sekela, Berk, Gallagher, Blomquist, Thomp- Endoscopic ultrasound: improving GI diagno- 2:35 (1996) son, Engelberg, 2:127 sis. Savides, 6:107 EMERGENCY CARE Haunting memory of a trauma patient. Elder, Interventional imaging. Friedman, 12:71 CPR: a plea for patient selection. (editorial) Vasconez, McKee, Minder, Wright, Kaak, Eng, Role of history taking in the diagnosis of asth- Combs, 7:13 Engelberg, 7:147 mia. Stoloff, 10:155 Sudden, persistent facial discoloration after CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS Sickness index. Kuritzky, 1:35 chest trauma. Fred, Hariharan, 9:100 Chronic bruising in a 40-year-old woman. Understanding mammography findings. EMERGING MODALITIES Hariharan, Fred, 6:157 Friedman, 7:117 Endoluminal therapy with endovascular CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE see also HEART DRUG TOXICITY grafts. Silberzweig, Cynamon, Marin, Bakal, DISORDERS Fever, rash, and angioedema after a course of Rozenblit, Sprayregan, Veith, 1:123 Cardiovascular risk factors in the older adult. allopurinol. Yale, Yale, Mann, 3:92 Endoscopic ultrasound: improving GI diagno- Kannel, 11:135 Hyperglycemia in an AIDS patient taking sis. Savides, 6:107 CORTICOSTEROID THERAPY megestrol. Pimentel, Santos, Arastu, Cowan, ENDOCRINOLOGIC DISORDERS see also DIA- In Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: current thera- 4:27 BETES py. Hollingsworth, 6:72. See also letter 10:36 Addressing the spectrum of hypercholes- COSTS, MEDICAL terolemia. Grundy, Mazzaferri, 6:43 MCOs and Medicaid: a good combination. Case ‘n point: multinodular goiter and papil- Molina, 4:111 E lary carcinoma. Olivero, 4:33 Pharmaceuticals in the era of cost-contain- Primary care diagnosis of thyroid disease. ment. Bischof, 12:77 EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT DISORDERS see also Behnia, Gharib. 6:121 Physician's role in controlling health care VOCAL CORD DYSFUNCTION In Recurrent miscarriage: causes and man- costs. Prashker, 12:109 Management of chronic sinusitis. Lockey, agement. Chung, Yeko, 5:161 CPR see CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION 3:141 Treatment options for hyperthyroidism. CRYPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS Rapidly progressive deafness in a young Wartofsky, 9:69 Rapidly progressive deafness in a young woman. Hariharan, Yao, Fred, 10:159 Unraveling bleeding problems in midlife woman. Hariharan, Yao, Fred, 10:159 EATING DISORDERS women. Dean, 9:155 CYTOMEGALOVIRUS INFECTIONS Eating disorders: 1. anorexia nervosa. Mehler, EPIDEMIOLOGY Respiratory distress in a patient with skin le- 1:109. See also letters 4:16 Global expansion of HIV infection and AIDS. sions. Humphrey, Brown, 10:33 Eating disorders: 2. bulimia nervosa. Mehler, Tarantola, Mann, 10:63 2:107 Patterns and predictability in emerging infec- In Primary care of the adolescent patient. tions. Morse, 4:85 Faigel, 4:129 ESOPHAGEAL DISORDERS see GASTRO- D ECG CASEBOOK ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE; GAS- Atrial flutter in a man with mediastinal can- TROINTESTINAL DISORDERS DECISION MAKING IN MEDICINE cer. Hancock, 1:15 ESSAYS Addressing the spectrum of hypercholes- Chest pain and a change in right bundle Barry Marshall and the resurrection of Jo- terolemia. Grundy, Mazzaferri, 6:43 branch block. Hancock, 2:53 hannes Fibiger. Weisse, 9:105 Approach to the patient with migraine. Chest pain and ST-segment elevation in a Closer. Morowitz, 5:37 Raskin, Baringer, 2:93. See also correction, young man with cancer. Hancock, 5:31 Long and the short of it. Weisse, 2:49 3:166 Dyspnea and tachycardia in a young man after Long Island and Rome. Morowitz, 3:25 Caring for the terminally ill. Bascom, Tolle, acold. Hancock, 6:29 Menthol cigarette use in African Americans. Cassel, 5:75 Hypothermia, slow pulse, and an unusual Richardson, 8:22H Deciphering polycythemia. Landaw, Williams, QRS complex. Hancock, 11:25 Salty language is confusing. Segal, 10:81 3:155 Irregularly irregular cardiac rhythm in a man Thermal underthoughts. Morowitz, 1:23 Diabetes mellitus: 1. improving control in with a pacemaker. Hancock, 9:29 Vermiforms. Morowitz, 7:33 type I diabetes. Burge, Schade, Mazzaferri, Is the premature beat a capture or an echo? Where have all the patrons gone? Laster, 11:81 Hancock, 12:33 7:90 Diabetes meliitus: 2. managing type II disease. Sharp, sticking chest pain in a man witha ETHICS. MEDICAL Burge, Schade, Mazzaferri, 12:51 pacemaker. Hancock, 8:21 Cardiac transplantation: costs and ethics. Management dilemmas in prostate cancer. Tachycardia in a 60-year-old man. Hancock, Sekela, Berk, Gallagher, Blomquist, Thomp- Bruskewitz, Carbone, 1:79 10:15 son, Engelberg, 2:127 Management issues in asymptomatic carotid Unusual rhythm after cardiac surgery. Han- Our obligations to the terminally ill. Olivero, stenosis. Caplan, Baringer, 10:93 cock, 3:19 1:36 Managing the patient with intractable asthma. Weakness and a slow pulse in a 40-year-old EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE Martin, Resenow, 4:61 woman. Hancock, 7:19 Evidence-based medicine: the Cochrane Col- Persistent cough: causes and cures. Rosenow, Wide complex tachycardia in cardiogenic laboration. Ramirez, 4:11 Briggs, 9:121 shock. Hancock, 4:25 EYE DISORDERS Sifting the causes of microscopic hematuria. EDITORIALS Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: current therapy. Kasinath, Stein, 7:99 Beyond problem-solving. Berczeller, 1:9 Hollingsworth, 6:61. See also letter 10:36 Steps in the management of low back pain. CHD: When medical therapy fails. Coodley, Case in point: scleromalacia perforans. Oliv- Kuritzky, Brunton, 8:109 2:13 ero, 3:99 DEPRESSION CPR: a plea for patient selection. Combs, 7:13 Photophobia and thickened eyelids in a Diabetes, weight loss, and depression. Papp, Evidence-based medicine: the Cochrane Col- healthy-appearing nurse. Tschen, Tschen, Na- Larry, Mazzaferri, 3:41 laboration. Ramirez, 4:11 telson, Fred, 2:73 DERMATOLOGIC DISORDERS see SKIN DISOR- Implantable glucose sensor: tool for glycemic DERS control? Updike, 3:15 DIABETES It is easier to recall a defective car than a de- Diabetes, weight loss, and depression. Papp, fective law. Laster, 11:9 F Larry, Mazzaferri, 3:41 Lyme disease overdiagnosis: causes and cure. Diabetes mellitus: 1. improving control in type Sigal, 5:13. See also letters 8:35 FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS I diabetes. Burge, Schade, Mazzaferri, 11:81 Making drugs work against HIV. Sande, Eating disorders: 1. anorexia nervosa. Mehler, Diabetes mellitus: 2. managing type II disease. 8:11 1:109. See also letters 4:16 Burge, Schade, Mazzaferri, 12:51 Other things. Powers, 10:11 Eating disorders: 2. bulimia nervosa. Mehler, In Eating disorders: 2. bulimia nervosa. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: is anticoagula- 2:107 Mehler, 2:123 tion justified? Aboaf, Wolf, 12:11 Primary care of the somatizing patient: a col- Emphysematous cystitis. Hariharan, Fred, Resistant bacteria in nursing homes: a ratio- laborative model. Lipsitt, 6:77 5:148 nal approach. Nicolle, 6:11 FUNGAL INFECTIONS Implantable glucose sensor: tool for glycemic What SUPPORT really means. Markson, Ophthalmoplegia and palatal necrosis in a control? (editorial) Updike, 3:15 Clark, 9:11 man with diabetes. Fred, Hariharan, 12:87 144 Hospital Practice December 15, 1996 G HEART DISORDERS HYPOTHERMIA Atrial systolic failure in a 46-year-old man. Hypothermia, slow pulse, and an unusual GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE Seki, Sonel, Fucci, 6:177 QRS complex. Hancock, 11:25 Medical therapy of GERD: current state of the Cardiac transplantation: costs and ethics. art. Johnson, 10:13 Sekela, Berk, Gallagher, Blomquist, Thomp- Persistent cough: causes and cures. Rosenow, son, Engelberg, 2:127 Briggs, 9:121 Case for postmenopausal hormone therapy. GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS see also Speroff, 2:75 ULCER DISEASE CHD: When medical therapy fails. (editorial) IATROGENIC DISORDERS Bloody diarrhea years after resection of a rib. Coodley, 2:13 Acute renal failure in an elderly man taking Lamelas, D'Agostino, 4:42 Homocysteine as a risk factor for arterioscle- warfarin. Larry, Falkenhain, Mazzaferri, In Eating disorders: 2. bulimia nervosa. rosis. Kuritzky, 3:37 5:119 Mehler, 2:120 Is it time to say yes to antioxidants? Kuritzky, Calcium channel blockers and hypertension: Endoscopic ultrasound: improving GI diagno- 9:96 1. new trials. Townsend, Kimmel, 7:125 sis. Savides, 6:107 Large pulmonary arteries in an asymptomatic Is the premature beat a capture or an echo? Linear hepatic gas shadows in a woman with elderly woman. Fred, Hariharan, 4:123 Hancock, 12:33 acute abdominal pain. Hariharan, Fred, Management issues in asymptomatic carotid Jaundice and extreme hypercholesterolemia 1:37 stenosis. Caplan, Baringer, 10:93 after a stroke. Fred, Hariharan, Doucet, Maintenance strategies in Crohn's disease. Modern management of heart failure. Steven- Mehta, 9:33 Sachar, 1:99 son, 3:103 Persistent cough: causes and cures. Rosenow, Multiplicity of bowel problems. Luchsinger, HEMATOLOGIC DISORDERS Briggs, 9:121 Martinez, 7:27 Chest pain in a woman who bruised easily. Weakness and a slow pulse in a 40-year-old Nonulcer dyspepsia: pathophysiology update. Javeed, Javeed, Javeed, Rezai, 10:163 woman. Hancock, 7:19 Quigley, 2:141 Chronic bruising in a 40-year-old woman. IMAGING TECHNIQUES see DIAGNOSTIC NSAIDs and the gastrointestinal mucosa. Hariharan, Fred, 6:157 TECHNIQUES Wolfe, 12:37 Deciphering polycythemia. Landaw, Williams, IMMUNIZATION Recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding in a 21- 3:155 Adult immunizations: how are we doing? year-old man. Gerdis, Hirth, Twersky, 5:51 Diffuse hyperpigmentation in a man with dia- Eickhoff, 11:107 GENETICS, MEDICAL betes. Hariharan, Fred, 11:45 IMMUNOLOGIC DISORDERS Chest pain in a woman who bruised easily. Unraveling bleeding problems in midlife Approach to the patient with chronic ur- Javeed, Javeed, Javeed, Rezai, 10:163 women. Dean, 9:155 ticaria. Kanwar, Greaves, 3:175 Genetic counseling for familial cancer risk. HISTORY TAKING see DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES Emerging roles of nitric oxide in inflamma- Weitzel, 2:57 HIV tion. Lyons, 7:47 Leg pain and kidney disease in a 38-year-old Global expansion of HIV infection and AIDS. Fever, rash, and angioedema after a course of man. Hariharan, Fred, 7:119 Tarantola, Mann, 10:63 allopurinol. Yale, Yale, Mann, 3:92 GERIATRICS HIV-infected man with cough and black spu- Idiopathic anaphylaxis: a purely internal reac- Assessing competing risks in treating the el- tum. Wang, Green, Rodriguez-Barradas, tion. Patterson, Lieberman, 7:47 derly. Welch, Albertsen, Wasson, 11:155 12:122 Medical emergency long after an automobile Cardiovascular risk factors in the older adult. Hyperglycemia in an AIDS patient taking accident. DeMasi, Matfin, 11:13 Kannel, 11:135 megestrol. Pimentel, Santos, Arastu, Cowan, In Recurrent miscarriage: causes and man- Resistant bacteria in nursing homes: a ratio- 4:27 agement. Chung, Yeko, 5:161 nal approach. (editorial) Nicolle, 6:11 Making drugs work against HIV. (editorial) Transcription factors and inflammatory dis- GYNECOLOGIC DISORDERS Sande, 8:11 ease. Barnes, 6:93 Case for postmenopausal hormone therapy. Modeling AIDS in a mouse. Mosier, 9:41 INFECTIOUS DISEASES see also HIV; specific in- Speroff, 2:75 New strategies to combat HIV drug resistance. Jections Human papillomavirus types and cervical Richman, 8:47 Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: current therapy. cancer. Apgar, 2:39 In Patterns and predictability in emerging in- Hollingsworth, 6:61. See also letter 10:36 Unraveling bleeding problems in midlife fections. Morse, 4:89 Case of pneumonia with extrapulmonary women. Dean, 9:155 Rapidly progressive deafness in a young manifestations. D'Agostino, Brown, 2:34 woman. Hariharan, Yao, Fred, 10:159 Catheter-associated Staphylococcus aureus Unexpected nephropathy. Gamouras, Brown, bacteremia. Gold, Karchmer, 9:133 5:43 Early treatment of herpes zoster. Tyring, H Young man with an illness mimicking HIV in- 7:137. See also letter 10:42 fection. McDonald, Marino, 4:190 Human ehrlichiosis: more trouble from ticks. HANTAVIRUS HOMOCYSTEINE Walker, 4:47 Patterns and predictability in emerging infec- Homocysteine as a risk factor for arterioscle- Infection, infidelity, and informed patients. tions. Morse, 4:85 rosis. Kuritzky, 3:37 Kuritzky, 5:117 HEADACHE HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY Knee pain, swelling, and effusion after Approach to the patient with migraine. Case for postmenopausal hormone therapy. arthroscopy. Bhagat, Ahmed, Lovelanet, Berg- Raskin, Baringer, 2:93. See also correction, Speroff, 2:75 er, 1:48 3:166 In Osteoporosis: taking a fresh look. Barzel, Lyme disease overdiagnosis: causes and cure. HEALTH CARE see also ISSUES IN HEALTH 5:62 (editorial) Sigal, 5:13. See also letters 8:35 CARE; MANAGED CARE; PRIMARY CARE HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA Management of Helicobacter pylori infection Adult immunizations: how are we doing? Addressing the spectrum of hypercholes- in ulcer disease. Cave, Hoffman, 1:63 Eickhoff, 11:107 terolemia. Grundy, Mazzaferri, 6:43 Man with"shrub leg.” DeMasi, Brown, 1:58 Assessing competing risks in treating the el- Jaundice and extreme hypercholesterolemia Medical emergency long after an automobile derly. Welch, Albertsen, Wasson, 11:155 after a stroke. Fred, Hariharan, Doucet, accident. DeMasi, Matfin, 11:13 Assessing medical information. Slawson, Mehta, 9:33 Middle-aged woman with back and flank pain. Shaughnessy, 8:103. See also letter 10:42 HYPERGLYCEMIA Cruz, Perazella, Mahnensmith, 9:193 Cardiac transplantation: costs and ethics. Hyperglycemia in an AIDS patient taking mege- Multiplicity of bowel problems. Luchsinger, Sekela, Berk, Gallagher, Blomquist, Thomp- strol. Pimentel, Santos, Arastu, Cowan, 4:27 Martinez, 7:27 son, Engelberg, 2:127 HYPERPIGMENTATION Ophthalmoplegia and palatal necrosis in a Caring for the terminally ill. Bascom, Tolle, Diffuse hyperpigmentation in a man with dia- man with diabetes. Fred, Hariharan, 12:87 Cassel, 5:75 betes. Hariharan, Fred, 11:45 Patterns and predictability in emerging infec- Evidence-based medicine: the Cochrane Col- HYPERTENSION tions. Morse, 4:85 laboration. (editorial) Ramirez, 4:11 Back pain in a 43-year-old man. Archer, Recognizing post-polio syndrome. Bartfield, Our obligations to the terminally ill. Olivero, Young, Mazzaferri, 8:104 Ma, 5:95 1:36 Calcium channel blockers and hypertension: In Recurrent miscarriage: causes and man- Paying attention to gender in the medical in- 1. new trials. Townsend, Kimmel, 7:125 agement. Chung, Yeko, 5:160 terview. Olson, Malzer, 10:153 Calcium channel blockers and hypertension: Resistant bacteria in nursing homes: a ratio- Understanding drug addiction: implications 2. safety issues. Epstein, 12:93 nal approach. (editorial) Nicolle, 6:11 for treatment. Leshner, 10:47 HYPERTHYROIDISM INFLAMMATION What SUPPORT really means. (editorial) Treatment options for hyperthyroidism. Emerging roles of nitric oxide in inflamma- Markson, Clark, 9:11 Wartofsky, 9:69 tion. Lyons, 7:47 Hospital Practice December 15,1996 145 INFLUENZA MCOs and Medicaid: a good combination. Case in point: metastatic carcinoma of the In Patterns and predictability in emerging in- Molina, 4:111 prostate. Fred, Hariharan, 3:76 fections. Morse, 4:96 Most cost-effective health care. Fromer, 2:46 Case in point: multinodular goiter and papil- ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE Negotiating managed care contracts. Belzer, lary carcinoma. Olivero, 4:33 Physician's role in controlling health care 3:33 Chest pain and ST-segment elevation in a costs. Prashker, 12:109 Patient satisfaction surveys. Collins, 11:39 young man with cancer. Hancock, 5:31 ISSUES IN MEDICINE Pharmaceuticals in the era of cost-contain- Diabetes, weight loss, and depression. Papp, Assessing competing risks in treating the el- ment. Bischof, 12:77 Larry, Mazzaferri, 3:41 derly. Welch, Albertsen, Wasson, 11:155 Retraining specialists for primary care. Endoscopic ultrasound: improving GI diagno- Calcium channel blockers and hypertension: Scherger, 11:24D (1995). See also letters sis. Savides, 6:107 1, new trials. Townsend, Kimmel, 7:125 2:35 (1996) Genetic counseling for familial cancer risk. Calcium channel blockers and hypertension: Should you sell your practice? Collins, 9:93 Weitzel, 2:57 2. safety issues. Epstein, 12:93 MANAGEMENT UPDATE Human papillomavirus types and cervical Current treatment options in psoriasis. cancer. Apgar, 2:39 Phillips, 4:155 Management dilemmas in prostate cancer. Genetic counseling for familial cancer risk. Bruskewitz, Carbone, 1:79 K Weitzel, 2:57 Photophobia and thickened eyelids in a Management after a first myocardia! infarc- healthy-appearing nurse. Tschen, Tschen, Na- KIDNEY DISORDERS tion. Flapan, 5:133 telson, Fred, 2:73 Acute renal failure in an elderly man taking MARFAN SYNDROME Respiratory distress in a patient with skin le- warfarin. Larry, Falkenhain, Mazzaferri, Acute chest pain in a tall, thin woman. Powell, sions. Humphrey, Brown, 10:33 5:119 Gamouras, 6:33 Respiratory distress, weakness, and elec- Middle-aged woman with back and flank pain. METABOLIC DISORDERS trolyte abnormalities. Christopher, Gamouras, Cruz, Perazella, Mahnensmith, 9:193 Case in point: Wilson's disease. Hariharan, Matfin, 12:20 Recalcitrant UTI in a patient with multiple Fred, 8:22J Sickness index. Kuritzky, 1:35 sclerosis. Pusztai, Choudhry, 3:63 Confusion and nausea in a man who appeared NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS Renal failure after two myocardial infarctions. to be drunk. Breckenridge, Larry, Mazzaferri, Approach to the patient with migraine. Mahfood, Brown, 8:25 2:47 Raskin, Baringer, 2:93. See also correction, Sifting the causes of microscopic hematuria. Former hockey player with knee and calf pain. 3:166 Kasinath, Stein, 7:99 Patel, D'Agostino, 9:17 Early treatment of herpes zoster. Tyring, Leg pain and kidney disease in a 38-year-old 7:137. See also letter 10:42 man. Hariharan, Fred, 7:119 Recognizing post-polio syndrome. Bartfield, MIGRAINE see HEADACHE Ma, 5:95 L MORNING REPORT Stroke in a young woman with a history of Acute chest pain in a tall, thin woman. Powell, gonorrhea. Solis, Ebright, 6:140 LANGERHANS’ CELL GRANULOMATOSIS Gamouras, 6:33 NITRIC OXIDE Bloody diarrhea years after resection of a rib. Bloody diarrhea years after resection of a rib. Emerging roles of nitric oxide in inflamma- Lamelas, D'Agostino, 4:42 Lamelas, D'Agostino, 4:42 tion. Lyons, 7:47 LIPIDS AND CHOLESTEROL see HYPER- Case of pneumonia with extrapulmonary NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS CHOLESTEROLEMIA manifestations. D'Agostino, Brown, 2:34 NSAIDs and the gastrointestinal mucosa. LIVER DISORDERS Former hockey player with knee and calf pain. Wolfe, 12:37 Fever, rash, and angioedema after a course of Patel, D'Agostino, 9:17 NOSOCOMIAL DISORDERS allopurinol. Yale, Yale, Mann, 3:92 Liver-lung connection. Parker, Brown, 3:54 Catheter-associated Staphylococcus aureus Jaundice and extreme hypercholesterolemia Man with “shrub leg.” DeMasi, Brown, 1:58 bacteremia. Gold, Karchmer, 9:133 after a stroke. Fred, Hariharan, Doucet, Medical emergency long after an automobile Mehta, 9:33 accident. DeMasi, Matfin, 11:13 Liver-lung connection. Parker, Brown, 3:54 Multiplicity of bowel problems. Luchsinger, O Primary biliary cirrhosis. Jones, Ansari, Martinez, 7:27 6:173 Renal failure after two myocardia! infarctions. LUNG DISORDERS see also ASTHMA Mahfood, Brown, 8:25 OBESITY Acute chest pain in a tall, thin woman. Powell, Respiratory distress in a patient with skin le- Sleep apnea: underdiagnosed and undertreat- Gamouras, 6:33 sions. Humphrey, Brown, 10:33 ed. Phillips, 3:193 Patterns and predictability in emerging infec- Respiratory distress, weakness, and elec- OBSTETRICS tions. Morse, 4:85 trolyte abnormalities. Christopher, Gamouras, Recurrent miscarriage: causes and manage- Persistent cough: causes and cures. Rosenow, Matfin, 12:20 ment. Chung, Yeko, 5:157 Briggs, 9:121 Unexpected nephropathy. Gamouras, Brown, Unusual cause of fatal postpartum embolism. Respiratory distress in a patient with skin le- 5:43 Gevirtz, Malik, Subhedar, Khoury, Kaminsky, sions. Humphrey, Brown, 10:33 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Flomenbaum, 3:135 Respiratory distress, weakness, and elec- Recalcitrant UTI in a patient with multiple OSTEOPOROSIS trolyte abnormalities. Christopher, Gamouras, sclerosis. Pusztai, Choudhry, 3:63 In Case for postmenopausal hormone thera- Matfin, 12:20 MYCOPLASMA INFECTIONS py. Speroff, 2:77 Woman with “atypical” atypical pneumonia. Case of pneumonia with extrapulmonary Osteoporosis: taking a fresh look. Barzel, 5:59 Koretz, Long, Blanc, 7:161 manifestations. D'Agostino, Brown, 2:34 LYMPHOCYTES MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION Modeling AIDS in a mouse. Mosier, 9:41 Calcium channel blockers and hypertension: 2. safety issues. Epstein, 12:93 P Chest pain in a woman who bruised easily. Javeed, Javeed, Javeed, Rezai, 10:163 PALLIATIVE CARE Management after a first myocardial infarc- Caring for the terminally ill. Bascom, Tolle, tion. Flapan, 5:133 Cassel, 5:75 MALARIA Renal failure after two myocardial infarctions. PANCREATIC CANCER Rupture of the spleen in a Centrai American Mahfood, Brown, 8:25 Diabetes, weight ioss, and depression. Papp, immigrant. Rubio, Berkman, 1:89 Stroke prevention: the emerging strategies. Larry, Mazzaferri, 3:41 MAMMOGRAPHY McCrory, Matchar, 3:123 PAPILLOMAVIRUS Understanding mammography findings. Human papillomavirus types and cervical Friedman, 7:117 cancer. Apgar, 2:39 MANAGED CARE PARASITIC INFECTIONS Administrative and health policy training for N Liver-lung connection. Parker, Brown, 3:54 residents. Bischof, Plumb, Nash, 8:93 PEDIATRICS Gag clauses in managed care. Brunton, 5:118 NEOPLASMS Primary care of the adolescent patient. Faigel, Introduction to HEDIS. Sennett, 6:147. See Advances in the treatment of plasma cell dis- 4:127 also letters 8:41 eases. Comenzo, 8:67 PHARMACOLOGY Managed care approaches to diabetes melli- Bloody diarrhea years after resection of a rib. Making drugs work against HIV. (editorial) tus. Fore, 7:115 Lamelas, D'Agostino, 4:42 Sande, 8:11 146 Hospital Practice December 15, 1996 New strategies to combat HIV drug resistance. Endoluminal therapy with endovascular Unusual cause of fatal postpartum embolism. Richman, 8:47 grafts. Silberzweig, Cynamon, Marin, Bakal, Gevirtz, Malik, Subhedar, Khoury, Kaminsky, Pharmaceuticals in the era of cost-contain- Rozenblit, Sprayregan, Veith, 1:123 Flomenbaum, 3:135 ment. Bischof, 12:77 Irregularly irregular cardiac rhythm in a man THYROID DISEASE see ENDOCRINOLOGIC DIS- PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP with a pacemaker. Hancock, 9:29 ORDERS Haunting memory of a trauma patient. Elder, Sharp, sticking chest pain in a man with a TRANSPLANTATION Vasconez, McKee, Minder, Wright, Kaak, Eng, pacemaker. Hancock, 8:21 Advances in the treatment of plasma cell dis- Engelberg, 7:147 PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS eases. Cornenzo, 8:67 Paying attention to gender in the medical in- Making sense of schizophrenia. Flaum, 11:51 Cardiac transplantation: costs and ethics. terview. Olson, Malzer, 10:153 PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS see also DE- Sekela, Berk, Gallagher, Blomquist, Thomp- PLASMA CELLS PRESSION son, Engelberg, 2:127 Advances in the treatment of plasma cell dis- Primary care of the somatizing patient: a col- TRAUMATIC ASPHYXIA eases. Comenzo, 8:67 laborative model. Lipsitt, 6:77 Sudden, persistent facial discoloration after POISON CONTROL chest trauma. Fred, Hariharan, 9:100 Confusion and nausea in a man who appeared to be drunk. Breckenridge, Larry, Mazzaferri, 2:47 R POST-POLIO SYNDROME U Recognizing post-polio syndrome. Bartfield, RHEUMATOLOGIC DISORDERS see ARTHRI- Ma, 5:95 TIS; SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS ULCER DISEASE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Management of Helicobacter pylori infection Adult immunizations: how are we doing? in ulcer disease. Cave, Hoffman, 1:63 Eickhoff, 11:107 UROLOGIC DISORDERS see also PROSTATE Ss Medical emergency long after an automobile CANCER accident. DeMasi, Matfin, 11:13 Emphysematous cystitis. Hariharan, Fred, Most cost-effective health care. Fromer, 2:46 SCHIZOPHRENIA see PSYCHIATRIC DISOR- 5:148 In Stroke prevention: the emerging strategies. DERS Recalcitrant UTI in a patient with multiple McCrory, Matchar, 3:128 SCREENING AND TESTING sclerosis. Pusztai, Choudhry, 3:63 PRIMARY CARE Genetic counseling for familial cancer risk. Primary care of the adolescent patient. Faigel, Weitzel, 2:57 4:127 Management dilemmas in prostate cancer. Retraining specialists for primary care. Bruskewitz, Carbone, 1:79 V Scherger, 11:24D (1995). See also letters PSA: to screen or not to screen. Kuritzky, 2:35 (1996) 6:145 VACCINATION see PREVENTIVE MEDICINE PROBLEM PATIENT, THE SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES VASCULAR DISORDERS Atrial systolic failure in a 46-year-old man. Infection, infidelity, and informed patients. Back pain in a 43-year-old man. Archer, Seki, Sonel, Fucci, 6:177 Kuritzky, 5:117 Young, Mazzaferri, 8:104 Breast swelling after pacemaker placement in Stroke in a young woman with a history of Endoluminal therapy with endovascular an elderly woman. Crooks, LaRossa, 7:173 gonorrhea. Solis, Ebright, 6:140 grafts. Silberzweig, Cynamon, Marin, Bakal, Chest pain in a woman who bruised easily. SKELETAL AND JOINT DISORDERS see BACK Rozenblit, Sprayregan, Veith, 1:123 Javeed, Javeed, Javeed, Rezai, 10:163 PAIN Homocysteine as a risk factor for arterioscle- Fever, rash, and angioedema after a course of SKIN DISORDERS rosis. Kuritzky, 3:37 allopurinol. Yale, Yale, Mann, 3:92 Approach to the patient with chronic ur- Leg pain and kidney disease in a 38-year-old HIV-infected man with cough and black spu- ticaria. Kanwar, Greaves, 3:175 man. Hariharan, Fred, 7:119 tum. Wang, Green, Rodriguez-Barradas, Current treatment options in psoriasis. Management issues in asymptomatic carotid 12:122 Phillips, 4:155 stenosis. Caplan, Baringer, 10:93 Hyperglycemia in an AIDS patient taking mege- Fever, rash, and angioedema after a course of Recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding in a 21- strol. Pimentel, Santos, Arastu, Cowan, 4:27 allopurinol. Yale, Yale, Mann, 3:92 year-old man. Gerdis, Hirth, Twersky, 5:51 Jaundice and extreme hypercholesterolemia Respiratory distress in a patient with skin le- VIRAL INFECTIONS after a stroke. Fred, Hariharan, Doucet, sions. Humphrey, Brown, 10:33 Early treatment of herpes zoster. Tyring, Mehta, 9:33 SLEEP DISORDERS 7:137. See also letter 10:42 Knee pain, swelling, and effusion after Sleep apnea: underdiagnosed and undertreat- Patterns and predictability in emerging infec- arthroscopy. Bhagat, Ahmed, Lovelanet, Berg- ed. Phillips, 3:193 tions. Morse, 4:85 er, 1:48 SPLENIC DISORDERS VOCAL CORD DYSFUNCTION Middie-aged woman with back and flank pain. Rupture of the spleen in a Central American Managing the patient with intractable asthma. Cruz, Perazella, Mahnensmith, 9:193 immigrant. Rubio, Berkman, 1:89 Martin, Rosenow, 4:61 Photophobia and thickened eyelids in a SPORTS MEDICINE healthy-appearing nurse. Tschen, Tschen, Na- Clearing athletes for sports participation. telson, Fred, 2:73 Scarpinato, 4:120. See also letters 7:44 WwW Recalcitrant UTI in a patient with multiple STAPHYLOCOCCAL INFECTIONS sclerosis. Pusztai, Choudhry, 3:63 Catheter-associated Staphylococcus aureus Recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding in a 21- bacteremia. Gold, Karchmer, 9:133 WARFARIN PROPHYLAXIS year-old man. Gerdis, Hirth, Twersky, 5:51 STRESS MANAGEMENT IN EMERGENCY CARE Stroke prevention: the emerging strategies. Rupture of the spleen in a Central American Haunting memory of a trauma patient. Elder, McCrory, Matchar, 3:123 immigrant. Rubio, Berkman, 1:89 Vasconez, McKee, Minder, Wright, Kaak, Eng, WILSON'S DISEASE Stroke in a young woman with a history of Engelberg, 7:147 Case in point: Wilson's disease. Hariharan, gonorrhea. Solis, Ebright, 6:140 SUICIDE Fred, 8:22J Unusual cause of fatal postpartum embolism. In Primary care of the adolescent patient. Gevirtz, Malik, Subhedar, Khoury, Kaminsky, Faigel, 4:132 Flomenbaum, 3:135 SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Woman with “atypical” atypical pneumonia. Young man with an illness mimicking HIV in- Koretz, Long, Blanc, 7:161 fection. McDonald, Marino, 4:190 Young man with an illness mimicking HIV in- fection. McDonald, Marino, 4:190 PROSTATE CANCER Case in point: metastatic carcinoma of the T prostate. Fred, Hariharan, 3:76 Management dilemmas in prostate cancer. TERMINAL CARE see HEALTH CARE Bruskewitz, Carbone, 1:79 THROMBOEMBOLIC DISORDERS PSA: to screen or not to screen. Kuritzky, Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: is anticoagu- 6:145 lation justified? (editorial) Aboaf, Wolf, PROSTHETIC DEVICES 12:11 Breast swelling after pacemaker placement in Stroke prevention: the emerging strategies. an elderly worman. Crooks, LaRossa, 7:173 McCrory, Matchar, 3:123 Hospital Practice December 15, 1996

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