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History of War Hitler at War - 5th Edition 2022 PDF

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HHIITTLLEERR N E W WWAARR AT EXPLORE THE RISE AND FALL OF HISTORY’S GREATEST MONSTER ln a o t i it g i d i D E THIRD EDITION FIFTHPRINTED IN EDITIONTHE UK 12.99£ DEFINING MOMENTS MAJOR BATTLES STRATEGIC MISTAKES HITLER WAR AT Chronicling the life and crimes of one of history’s greatest monsters, Hitler at War looks at the Führer’s early years, his remarkable rise to power and his attempts to conquer Europe. Discover the ten moments that defined Hitler’s life, including his first days in the Nazi Party, the ruthless ‘Night of the Long Knives’ and his final hours in the Führerbunker. In-depth features offer insight into some of the key battles and military moments of World War II – from the early successes of Hitler’s ‘blitzkrieg’ strategy and his plans to invade Britain to the doomed decision to take on the might of Stalin’s Russia and the Third Reich’s last stand in Berlin. We also explore Hitler’s leadership style and its impact on the war, as well as the strategic mistakes that would ultimately lead to his demise and the downfall of Nazi Germany. HHIITTLLEERR WWAARR AT Future PLC Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, BA1 1UA Editorial Editor Dan Peel Designer Steve Dacombe Compiled by Charles Ginger & Briony Duguid Senior Art Editor Andy Downes Head of Art & Design Greg Whitaker Editorial Director Jon White Cover images Alamy, Getty, Rex Photography All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and respected Advertising Media packs are available on request Commercial Director Clare Dove International Head of Print Licensing Rachel Shaw licensing@futurenet.com www.futurecontenthub.com Circulation Head of Newstrade Tim Mathers Production Head of Production Mark Constance Production Project Manager Matthew Eglinton Advertising Production Manager Joanne Crosby Digital Editions Controller Jason Hudson Production Managers Keely Miller, Nola Cokely, Vivienne Calvert, Fran Twentyman Printed in the UK Distributed by Marketforce, 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HU www.marketforce.co.uk Tel: 0203 787 9001 History of War: Hitler at War Fifth Edition (HWB4489) © 2022 Future Publishing Limited We are committed to only using magazine paper which is derived from responsibly managed, certified forestry and chlorine-free manufacture. The paper in this bookazine was sourced and produced from sustainable managed forests, conforming to strict environmental and socioeconomic standards. The paper holds full FSC or PEFC certification and accreditation. All contents © 2022 Future Publishing Limited or published under licence. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the publisher. Future Publishing Limited (company number 2008885) is registered in England and Wales. Registered office: Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA. All information contained in this publication is for information only and is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Future cannot accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. You are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers directly with regard to the price of products/services referred to in this publication. Apps and websites mentioned in this publication are not under our control. We are not responsible for their contents or any other changes or updates to them. This magazine is fully independent and not affiliated in any way with the companies mentioned herein. Future plc is a public Chief executive Zillah Byng-Thorne company quoted on the Non-executive chairman Richard Huntingford London Stock Exchange Chief financial officer Penny Ladkin-Brand (symbol: FUTR) www.futureplc.com Tel +44 (0)1225 442 244 Part of the bookazine series CONTENTS 40 08 HITLER’S DEFINING MOMENTS Explore the key events of Hitler’s life THE EARLY YEARS WORLD WAR II 20 C REATING A MONSTER 40 HITLER AT WAR How Hitler’s formative years shaped him Hitler’s leadership style and its impact on WWII 28 T HE RISE OF EVIL HITLER 50 BLITZKRIEG: HITLER’S LIGHTNING WAR From riots to repression – how Hitler came to power The Nazi war machine brings Europe to its knees 56 HITLER’S BATTLE FOR BRITAIN Hitler gets his first taste of military defeat 62 INSIDE ROMMEL’S AFRIKA KORPS What was life like under the Führer’s ‘Desert Fox’? 72 UNTIMELY FORAY INTO THE BALKANS Mussolini forces Hitler into a costly intervention 76 HITLER VS STALIN: OPERATION BARBAROSSA Hitler meets his match on the Eastern Front 6 “ALTHOUGH HITLER SURVIVED THE ATTRITION OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR, HIS EXPERIENCE OF WARFARE – AND PERHAPS MORE IMPORTANTLY, OF SURRENDER – WOULD HAVE A LASTING IMPACT” 90 106 H ITLER’S DEATH CAMPS HITLER’S REVENGE: ARDENNES The Final Solution to the Jewish Question The Third Reich’s final offensive 96 118 G REAT BATTLES: KURSK GREAT BATTLES: BERLIN Defeat edges closer for the Führer Hitler’s last stand and the end of the Third Reich 76 118 END OF AN ERA 126 T WILIGHT IN THE FÜHRERBUNKER The Führer’s final moments in his Berlin bunker 134 H ITLER’S GREATEST STRATEGIC MISTAKES Explore Hitler’s biggest military blunders 140 W HAT IF… HITLER TOOK MOSCOW? How a Soviet defeat would have changed history 7 10 HITLER’S 10 DEFINING MOMENTS DEFINING HITLER’S MOMENTS From his first days in the Nazi Party to his final days in a Berlin bunker, discover the key events that defined Hitler’s life 8 HITLER’S 10 DEFINING MOMENTS W hen a third child was born War I, his experience of warfare – and perhaps hadn’t nudged a briefcase with his foot in July to Alois and Klara Hitler more importantly, of surrender – would have a 1944? There are times during which Hitler’s in a small town in Austria- lasting impact. The rise and fall of the Führer destiny depended on the actions of others, Hungary on 20 April 1889, is well documented and has been studied from Neville Chamberlain’s willingness to nobody knew that the baby by countless historians since his death in appease Germany and avoid war to Rommel’s – named Adolf – would grow up to become 1945. However, Hitler’s path to power – from disobedience and retreat from El Alamein. history’s most infamous villain. Rebellious revolutionary to politician to dictator – was not There are also key moments during which and strong-willed as a child, he harboured predestined. Had some of the key events in Hitler’s twisted ideology was developed, dreams of becoming an artist, but he clashed Hitler’s life turned out a little differently, the from his first meeting with the fledgling Nazi with his father and did poorly at school. Like history of Germany, Europe and the whole world movement to his order that sent millions to the many of his generation, he found himself in may have gone down another path. extermination camps. the trenches of the Western Front and served Some events depended on pure luck. What Discover ten landmark moments that as a dispatch runner in the German Army. if a bullet had been aimed slightly to the left defined Hitler’s life – without them, history may Although Hitler survived the attrition of World during the Beer Hall Putsch? What if a colonel have been very different. “HITLER’S POPULARITY ROCKETED DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION WHICH FOLLOWED THE WALL STREET CRASH” 9 GHIRTELAETR ’BSA 1T0TL DEESFINING MOMENTS HITLER JOINS THE NAZIS 12 SEPTEMBER 1919 HITLER MAKES FIRST CONTACT WITH THE POLITICAL PARTY THAT WOULD HELP FORGE HIS TWISTED IDEOLOGY “THE FUTURE FÜHRER FOUND While in hospital recovering from a gas attack in group which promised to avenge the defeat of the trenches of the Western Front, Lance Corporal November 1918 and, rather than reporting on the HIMSELF AMONG A GROUP Adolf Hitler heard the news that Germany had DAP, Hitler became a signed-up member and was accepted defeat in the Great War. He saw his quickly recognised as a superb orator. WHICH PROMISED TO AVENGE country’s capitulation as a stab in the back, the Hitler soon rose through the ranks. He designed result of a conspiracy by shady forces controlling the banner for the now-renamed National Socialist THE DEFEAT OF NOVEMBER 1918 the government, and that it must be atoned for. German Workers’ Party – a black swastika on The only question was how to do it. Retained by a white circle on a red banner – and became a AND, RATHER THAN REPORTING the German Army and trained as an intelligence full-time publicist for the Nazis upon his discharge agent, 29-year-old Hitler was sent to infiltrate from the army. After some internal squabbling, he ON THE DAP, HITLER BECAME A the German Workers’ Party (DAP), a right-wing replaced Drexler as chairman in 1921, winning the organisation committed to national recovery. vote by a margin of 533 to 1. SIGNED-UP MEMBER” Anton Drexler, leader of the DAP, thought that Within two years he had shifted from an agent Germany had been corrupted by Jews, Marxists of the government to the leader of the party that and capitalists, and Hitler soon fell under Drexler’s would smash the government, and much of Europe spell. The future Führer found himself among a with it. Hitler – seen here on the right – felt let down by Germany’s surrender in the war Above: Hitler’s membership card of the fledgling DAP, which would later morph into the Nazi Party Above: Anton Drexler, first leader of the DAP, had more influence than any other on the birth of Hitler’s political ideology 111000

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