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History of Religions 2012 - 2013: Vol 52 Index PDF

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History of Religious Il. TITLES Anointing Phrases and Narrative Power: A Tang Buddhist Poetics of Incantation Death and Beyond in China Demeter, Myths, and the Polyvalence of Festivals The Evangelization of Freed and Slave Black Africans in Renaissance Spain: Baptism, Marriage, and Ethnic Brotherhoods God’s Shadow: Occluded Possibilities in the Genealogy of “Religion” “Holy Church is not able to recognize her”: The Virtues and Interpreta- tion in Marguerite Porete’s Mirror Missionary Encounters in China and Tibet: From Matteo Ricci to Ippolito Desideri Origin Myths: Susano-o, Orikuchi Shinobu, and the Imagination of Exile in Early Japan Pregnant Words: South Asian Buddhist Tales of Fertility and Child Pro- tection Religious Repertoires and Contestation: A Case Study Based on Buddhist Miracle Tales Saving Face: Navigating Land Mines with Ritual Politeness in Iran Spreading the Sofra: Sharing and Partaking in the Bektashi Ritual Meal “Tandrusti Deen ka Kaam Hai”: Health as a Matter of Religion in Book 9 of Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s Bahishti Zewar Ill. BOOK REVIEWS Davip BrakKE, The Gnostics: Myth, Ritual, and Diversity in Early Chris- tianity (Karen L. King) STEFFEN DOLL, /m Osten des Meeres: Chinesische Emigrantenménche und die frithen Institutionen des japanischen Zen-Buddhismus (Dieter Schwaller) Frep M. Donner, Muhammad and the Believers: At the Origins of Islam. (Paul R. Powers) JOHAN ELverskoG, Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road (Ronit Yoeli- Tlalim) RICHARD Gompricu, What the Buddha Thought (John Clifford Holt) KENNETH W. HoL_toway, Guodian: The Newly Discovered Seeds of Chi- nese Religious and Political Philosophy (Kuan-yun Huang) Wu Hun, The Art of the Yellow Springs: Understanding Chinese Tombs (Stanley K. Abe) JAMES JOSEPH KEARNEY, The Incarnate Text: Imagining the Book in Refor- mation England (Gary Kuchar) WILLIAM KostLevy, Holy Jumpers: Evangelicals and Radicals in Pro- gressive Era America (Alexander Pavuk) JEFFREY J. KripaL, Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (Hugh Urban) 432 Index to Volume 52 Sonya Lee, Surviving Nirvana: Death of the Buddha in Chinese Visual Culture (Stanley K. Abe) Sara L. McCuintock, Omniscience and the Rhetoric of Reason: Santar- aksita and Kamalas‘ila on Rationality, Argumentation, and Religious Authority (Dan Amold) Wiiuiam W. McCorkte Jr., Ritualizing the Disposal of the Deceased: From Corpse to Concept (Margaret Gouin) EuGenio MENEGON, Ancestors, Virgins, and Friars: Christianity as a Local Religion in Late Imperial China (Gail King) AmirA MITTERMAIER, Dreams That Matter: Egyptian Landscapes of the Imagination (Valerie J. Hoffman) Craic A. Monson, Nuns Behaving Badly: Tales of Music, Art, and Arson in the Convents of Italy (Dyan Elliott) Paut Kocor Nietupskt, Labrang Monastery: A Tibetan Buddhist Commu- nity on the Inner Asian Borderlands: 1709-1958 (Charlene Makley) CynTHIA Packert, The Art of Loving Krishna: Ornamentation and Devo- tion (James McHugh) IRINA PapKova, The Orthodox Church and Russian Politics (Sonja Luehr- mann) CuarLes Price, Becoming Rasta: Origins of Rastafari Identity in Jamaica (Barry Chevannes) GapriELA Ramos, Death and Conversion in the Andes: Lima and Cuzco, 1532-1670 (Gonzalo Lamana) CuHar.otre Scumip, Le Don de voir: Premiéres représentations krish- naites de la région de Mathura (André Couture) Sonia Sitva, Along an African Border: Angolan Refugees and Their Divi- nation Baskets (Laura S. Grillo) Nurit STaber, Yeshiva Fundamentalism: Piety, Gender, and Resistance in the Ultra-Orthodox World (Pinchas Giller) Tony K. Stewart, The Final Word: The Caitanya Caritamrta and the Grammar of Religious Tradition (Joel Bordeaux) Ivan StrENSKI, Why Politics Can’t Be Freed from Religion (Kathryn Lof- ton) Guy G. Stroumsa, A New Science: The Discovery of Religion in the Age of Reason (Michael Stausberg) ANN Taves, Religious Experience Reconsidered: A Building-Block Ap- proach to the Study of Religion and Other Special Things (Charles Taliaferro) MANnueEL A. VAsquez, More than Belief: A Materialist Theory of Religion (Tim Murphy) MicuaeL J. Wacsu, Sacred Economies: Buddhist Monasticism and Terri- toriality in Medieval China (Wendi L. Adamek) Micuac L. WATER, Buddhism and Empire: The Political and Religious Culture of Early Tibet (Lewis Doney) Davip Gorpon Wuite, Sinister Yogis (Hugh B. Urban) History of Religious Loa WILLIAMSON, Transcendent in America: Hindu-Inspired Meditation Movements as New Religion (Stuart Ray Sarbacker) SHO Yamapa, Shots in the Dark: Japan, Zen, and the West (John R. McRae) BENJAMIN E. ZELLER, Prophets and Protons: New Religious Movements and Science in Late Twentieth-Century America (Mikael Rothstein)

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