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HIGH ORDER APPROXIMATION FOR THE BOLTZMANN EQUATION WITHOUT ANGULAR CUTOFF LINGBINGHEANDYULONGZHOU 7 1 Abstract. In order to solve the Boltzmann equation numerically, in the present work, we propose a 0 newmodelequationtoapproximatetheBoltzmannequationwithoutangularcutoff. Heretheapproxi- 2 mateequation incorporatesBoltzmanncollisionoperatorwithangularcut-offandtheLandaucollision n operator. As a first step, we prove the well-posedness theory for our approximate equation. Then in a the next step we show the error estimate between the solutions to the approximate equation and the J originalequation. Comparedtothestandardangularcut-offapproximationmethod,ourmethodresults 0 inhigherorderofaccuracy. 2 Keywords: homogeneous Boltzmann equation, long-range interactions, hard potentials, high order ap- proximation. ] P AMS Subject Classification (2010): 35Q20,35R11, 75P05. A . h 1. Introduction t a 1.1. The Boltzmann equation. Our interest is to consider the numerical method for the spatially m homogeneous Boltzmann equation with long-range interaction in the case of hard potentials. Here, the [ spatialhomogeneitymeanstheunknownfunctionis assumedto beindependent ofthe positionvariables. In this case, the Boltzmann equation reads: 1 v (1.1) ∂ f =Q(f,f), 7 t 9 where f(t,v) 0is the distributionfunction ofcollisionparticleswhichattime t 0 movewithvelocity 6 v R3. The≥Boltzmann collision operator Q is a bilinear operator which act≥s only on the velocity 5 ∈ variables v, that is, 0 . 1 def Q(g,h)(v) = B(v v ,σ)(g′h′ g h)dσdv . 0 ZR3ZSS2 − ∗ ∗ − ∗ ∗ 7 Here we use the standard shorthand h = h(v), g = g(v ), h = h(v ), g = g(v ) where v , v are given 1 ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ : by ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ v i v+v v v v+v v v X (1.2) v′ = ∗ + | − ∗|σ , v′ = ∗ | − ∗|σ , σ SS2. 2 2 ∗ 2 − 2 ∈ r a ThenonnegativefunctionB(v v ,σ)inthecollisionoperatoriscalledtheBoltzmanncollisionkernel. Ic0to≤sisθθa=l≤whaπ2|yvvs−−,avvi∗∗s.es|,,uσhmi|vve.−−dWvvt∗∗o|it,dhσeoipu≥etnl0do,sofson−orlyfog∗otehnne|ervwr−ailsivet∗yB|,awnceadnmh|bavvey−−vvra∗∗es|ps,luσamic.eedWtbheyaitnittBsro(svdyum−cmev∗teh,tσrei)zaenidsglsfeourpvmapro:iratbeldeθinththroeusgeht B¯(v v ,σ)=[B(v v ,σ)+B(v v , σ)]1 . − ∗ − ∗ − ∗ − h|vv−−vv∗∗|,σi≥0 Here, 1 is the characteristic function of the set E. E 1.2. Assumptions on the collision kernel. We consider the collision kernel satisfying the following assumptions: (A-1) The cross-sectionB(v v ,σ) takes a product form of • − ∗ B(v v ,σ)=Φ(v v )b(cosθ), − ∗ | − ∗| where both Φ and b are nonnegative functions. (A-2) The angular function b(t) is not locally integrable and it satisfies • K 1θ 1 2s sinθb(cosθ) Kθ 1 2s, with 0<s<1, K 1. − − − − − ≤ ≤ ≥ 1 2 L.HEANDY.ZHOU (A-3) The kinetic factor Φ takes the form of • Φ(v v )= v v γ. | − ∗| | − ∗| (A-4) The parameter γ verifies that 0<γ 2. • ≤ We remark that under assumption (A-2), we have A d=ef b(cosθ)sin2θdσ < . 2 SS2 ∞ The solutionsofthe Boltzmannequation(1.1)havethe fundamentalphysicalpropertiesofconserving R the total mass, momentum and kinetic energy, that is, for all t 0, ≥ f(t,v)φ(v)dv = f(0,v)φ(v)dv, φ(v)=1,v, v 2. ZR3 ZR3 | | Moreover, there exists a quantity called entropy satisfying the Boltzmann’s H theorem, which formally is d flogfdv = Q(f,f)logfdv 0. −dtZR3 −ZR3 ≥ 1.3. Existingresults,motivationsanddifficulties. Thewell-posednessofthespatiallyhomogeneous π/2 Boltzmannequationwithangularcut-off,thatiswhen sinθb(cosθ)dθ < ,hadbeeninvestigatedby 0 ∞ manyauthors. Forthehardpotentials,Arkeryd[8]andMischler-Wennberg[20]establishedtheexistence R anduniquenessofthesolutionsinweightedL1 space. Recently,Lu-Mouhotin[14]extendedtheresultsto thespaceofnon-negativemeasurewithfinitenon-increasingkineticenergy. Forthewell-posednessofthe spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cut-off, we refer to [10] and the references therein. As for the regularity theory of the equation, we refer to [18] for the analysis of the positive part ofthe collisionoperatorandthe propagationofsmoothnessinthe caseofangularcut-offandreferto [2], [4], [13] and [19] in the case of long-range interaction. Forany 0<ǫ √2, letbǫ =b1 , andQǫ be the operatorassociatedto the angularcut-off kernel Bǫ(v v ,σ)= v≤ 2v γbǫ(cosθ).sTinhθ2a≥tǫis, − ∗ | − ∗| Qǫ(g,h)(v)d=ef Bǫ(v v ,σ)(g h g h)dσdv . ′ ′ ZR3ZSS2 − ∗ ∗ − ∗ ∗ Then the angular cut-off Boltzmann equation (1.3) ∂ f =Qǫ(f,f) t is well-posed(see [12]). And moreover if f and fǫ are solutions to the Boltzmann equation (1.1) and the cutoff Boltzmann equation (1.3) with the same initial datum f respectively, then one has 0 f =fǫ+O(ǫ2 2s). − The cut-off Boltzmann operator Qǫ omits all grazing collisions and then results in an error of order 2 2s. We emphasize that the cutoff Boltzmann equation (1.3) is not a good approximation to the − Boltzmann equation (1.1) as the singularity parameter s approaches to 1. The effect of grazing collisions has been studied extensively, and we refer to [5] and [9]. It is proved that the limit of concentrating grazingcollisions leads to the Landaucollisionoperator. Mathematically, if denote b = b1 , and let Q be the operator associated to B (v v ,σ) = v v γb (cosθ), ǫ sinθ2≤ǫ ǫ ǫ − ∗ | − ∗| ǫ according to [9], we shall have (1.4) ǫ2 2sQ (f,f) Q (f,f) .ǫ3 2s f 2 , || − L − ǫ ||L1 − || ||Hγ5+12 where the Landau collision operator Q is defined as L def Q (g,h)(v) = a(v v )[g(v ) h(v) g(v )h(v)]dv . L v v v ∇ ·{ZR3 − ∗ ∗ ∇ −∇ ∗ ∗} Here the symmetrical matrix a is given by v v (1.5) a(v)=Λv γ+2(I ⊗ ), | | − v 2 | | where Λ is a constant. This motivates us to compensate the omission of grazing collisions by Landau operator. Specifically, we consider the operator (1.6) Mǫ(g,h)d=efQǫ(g,h)+ǫ2−2sQL(g,h), HIGH ORDER APPROXIMATION FOR THE BOLTZMANN EQUATION WITH CUTOFF 3 and propose our approximate equation, (1.7) ∂ f =Mǫ(f,f). t If f˜ǫ is the solution to equation (1.7), we will prove (1.8) f =f˜ǫ+O(ǫ3−2s). That is, by adding Landau operator to the cutoff Boltzmann equation, we increase the order of error from 2 2s to 3 2s. The accuracyof approximationofthe Boltzmannequation(1.1) by equation(1.7) − − remains even if the singularity parameter s goes to 1. Another motivation for studying equation (1.7) is the recent development of numerical methods. We believe that our approximate equation can be solved numerically. Inthisregard,seenextsubsectionforadetaileddiscussion. Weemphasizethatthesolutions ofourapproximateequation(1.7)alsohavetheabovementionedproperties,namely,conservationofmass, moment, energy and entropy dissipation. Inthe currentpaper,we study the well-posednessof equation(1.7) andthen give the erroranalysis of theapproximateequation(1.7)andtheoriginalBoltzmannequation(1.1). Therearetwomaindifficulties inthecurrentpaper. Oneistoshowtheexistenceofanon-negativesolutiontoequation(1.7). Weproceed by constructing a sequence of convergent non-negative functions with its limit being the solution. Since we consider hard potentials (γ >0), there will be an increase of weight at each iteration. Observing the coefficientbeforetheweightincreasedtermisstrictlyless1,weprovethat,onawholelevel,theincreased weight is limited. The other difficulty is related to the estimate of the error function Fǫ as defined in R (4.1). Again, weight increase problem happens here and another problem is no sign information of Fǫ. R We circumvent the problem of lacking sign information by writing the equation of error function in a suitable way. The weight increase problem is dealt with by carefully separating the integration region such that either the increased weight is eliminated or the coefficient before the weight increased term is controlled as desired. 1.4. Existing numerical results and future work. Our approximate equation contains both the angular cut-off Boltzmann operator Qǫ and Landau operator Q . Numerical methods of the Boltzmann L equationandLandauequationhavebeeninvestigatedextensively. ThemostfamousoneisKac’sprogram. Kacstartedfromthe Markovprocesscorrespondingto collisionsonly, andtry to provethe limit towards the spatially homogeneousBoltzmannequation. For Kac’sprogramapproximatingBoltzmannequation, we refer to the recent work [15] and the references therein. In [15], the authors proved the propagation ofchaosquantitativelyinanabstractframeworkbyprovingstability andconvergenceestimates between linearsemigroups. Theythen appliedtheirresults toprovethe propagationofchaosofKac’sprogramin thecasesofhardspheremodel(B(v v ,cosθ)= v v )andtrueMaxwellmolecules(B(v v ,cosθ)= − ∗ | − ∗| − ∗ b(cosθ)). As for particle system approximating the Landau equation, we refer to [8] and the references therein. The authors in [8] provedquantitatively the propagationof chaos for a N-particle continuous drift diffu- sion process under the cases of Maxwell molecules (γ =0) and hard potentials (0<γ 1). ≤ As one can see from above,the Boltzmann equationcorresponds to the limit of jump processes,while the Lanau equation corresponds to the limit of continuous processes. If we are to numerically solve our approximate equation (1.7), we need some jump-diffusion processes. Actually, the method in [15] is general and robust to deal with mixture of jump and diffusion processes. As shown to be successful in [16], the authors considered the Boltzmann equation for diffusively excited granular media, used jump- diffusion processes to approximate it, and then proved the propagation of chaos. The jump part is the Boltzmann operator with an integrable kernel, while the diffusive part is a Laplace operator. We know thatthe Landauoperatorbehaveslike the Laplaceoperator,exceptwith somecompensationtoconserve energy. Intherecentwork[7],theauthorsreplacedthesmallcollisionsbyasmalldiffusiontermtoapproximate the Kac equation without cutoff, and successfully built a stochastic particle system to approximate the solutionoftheKacequationwithoutcutoff. TheKacequationisaone-dimensionalcaseoftheBoltzmann equation. Thanks to the above breakthroughs, our approximate equation (1.7) has great potential to be solved numerically. In our future work, we will build a particle system based on equation (1.7) and prove the propagationof chaos. 1.5. Notations and main results. Let us introduce the function spaces and notations which we shall use throughout the paper. 4 L.HEANDY.ZHOU For integer N 0, we define the Sobolev space • ≥ HN = f(v): ∂αf <+ , k v kL2 ∞ (cid:26) |αX|≤N (cid:27) where the multi-index α=(α1,α2,α3) with |α|=α1+α2+α3 and ∂vα =∂vα11∂vα22∂vα33. For real number m,l, we define the weighted Sobolev space • Hm = f(v): D m lf <+ , l kh i h·i kL2 ∞ (cid:26) (cid:27) where v d=ef (1+ v 2)12, and a(D) is the pesudo-differential operator with symbol a(ξ) defined h i | | by (a(D)f)(v)d=ef 1 ei(v−u)·ξa(ξ)f(u)dudξ. (2π)3 ZR3ZR3 We also introduce the standard notations • 1 kfkLpq = ZR3|f(v)|phviqpdv p, kfkLlogL =ZR3|f|log(1+|f|)dv. For the ease of no(cid:0)tation, let us defin(cid:1)e a new norm for any ǫ,l>0 and m N as: ǫ,m,l • ||·|| ∈ f 2 d=ef f 2 +ǫ2 2s f 2 , || ||ǫ,m,l || ||Hm+s − || ||Hm+1 l l If m=0, we simply write instead of . If m=l=0, we simply write instead ǫ,l ǫ,0,l ǫ ||·|| ||·|| ||·|| of . Then for any ǫ 1, 2 . ||·||ǫ,0 ≤ ||·||Hlm+s ≤||·||ǫ,m,l ≤ ||·||Hlm+1 Let us define the symbol Wǫ(ξ) by • Wǫ(ξ)= ξ s1 +ǫ s1 , h i |ξ|≤1ǫ − |ξ|>1ǫ which comes from the coercivity estimate of the cut-off Boltzmann operator Qǫ. For any f,g L2(R3), we denote by f,g the inner product of f and g. • ∈ h i By a.b, we mean that there is a uniform constant C, which may be different on different lines, • such that a Cb. We write a b if both a.b and b.a. ≤ ∼ We do not bother to distinguish a function and its value at a point. For example, we do not distinguish weight function l and the value v l it takes at a point v. h·i h i We recall Young’s inequality for use in future. For a,b 0 and p,q >1, with 1 + 1 =1, there holds ≥ p q ap bq (1.9) ab + . ≤ p q As a result, for any η >0, we have the basic inequality (1.10) ab ηap+(pη)−pq bq. ≤ q We also recall the Gronwall’s inequality. For any a,b R, and a function y defined on R satisfying + ∈ dy a+by(t), dt ≤ then a (1.11) y(t) y(0)ebt+ (ebt 1). ≤ b − There is also an integral type of Gronwall’s inequality. Let y,α,β be functions defined on R . If β is + nonnegative and for any t>a 0, y satisfies ≥ t y(t) α(t)+ β(r)y(r)dr, ≤ Za then t t (1.12) y(t) α(t)+ α(r)β(r)exp( β(u)du)dr. ≤ Za Zr If, in addition, the function α is non-decreasing, then t (1.13) y(t) α(t)exp( β(r)dr). ≤ Za HIGH ORDER APPROXIMATION FOR THE BOLTZMANN EQUATION WITH CUTOFF 5 Before stating our main results, let us give the definition of φ which is related to the weight function: φ(0,l)=2l+5; (2l+4)(2+s) 2l φ(s,l)= − ; (1.14) φ(1,l)=max φ(s,sx(l)),y(l) ; { } φ(m,l)=max u(m,l),φ(m 1,z(l)), m 2, where  { − ≥ 2l+7 1 s γ x(l)= − (l+ ); s − s 2  3x(l) (s+2)l (1.15) yz((ll))==2l+71−+−ls+7; ; s We begin with the first result concernus(mth,el)p=ro(pmag+at2io)nz(ol)f−the(mm+om1e)ln.ts and smoothness for the solution to our approximate equation. Theorem 1.1. Let φ : N R R be the function defined as in (1.14). Let N N and l 0. If f + 0 × → ∈ ≥ ∈ L1 HN withq φ(N,l),then (1.7)admitsanon-negativeanduniquesolutionfǫ inL ([0, ];L1 HN) q∩ l ≥ ∞ ∞ q∩ l and morevover there exists a constant C, depending only on f and f , such that for any t 0 || 0||L1q || 0||HlN ≥ and ǫ small enough, (1.16) fǫ(t) C+ f ; L1 0 L1 || || q ≤ || || q t+1 (1.17) fǫ(t) 2 + fǫ(r) 2 dr C( f , f ). || ||HlN Zt || ||ǫ,N,l+γ/2 ≤ || 0||L1q || 0||HlN Remark 1.1. The result of Theorem 1.1 is also true when ǫ = 0, which corresponds to the propagation of moments and smoothness of solution of the original Boltzmann equation (1.1). The last two theorems describe the error between solutions of the Boltzmann equation and our ap- proximate equation. Theorem 1.2. Let l 0 such that (4)2l 2s(l s) 24−2sπK and 2l s (γ + 2) + γ. Suppose f L1 H5 with≥q φ(5,2l+γ+π12−). Let−f and≥fǫ bAe2solutions to≥the1B−osltzmann equation (1.1) 0 ∈ q∩ 2l+γ+12 ≥ and the approximated equation (1.7) with the same initial datum f respectively, then we have for any 0 t 0, ≥ (1.18) ||f(t)−fǫ(t)||L12l ≤C(f0,t)ǫ3−2s, where C(f ,t) is a constant depending only on f , f and time t. 0 || 0||L1q || 0||H25l+γ+12 Let us introduce the definition of ψ: ψ(0,l)=2l+γ+17; (1.19) (ψ(m,l)=l+γ+10, m 1. ≥ and ϕ: ϕ(0,l)=φ(5,2l+γ+17); (1.20) (ϕ(m,l)=max ϕ(m 1,z(l)),ρ(m,l) , m 1. { − } ≥ Then we have: Theorem1.3. LetN Nandl 0suchthat(4)2l+5 2s(2l+5 2s) 25−2sπK and2l+5 s (γ+2)+ γ. Let ψ,ϕ : N R ∈R be fun≥ctions defined aπs in (−1.19) and−(1.20≥). SuAp2pose f L1≥H1−Ns+5 with × + → 0 ∈ q ∩ ψ(N,l) q ϕ(N,l). Let f and fǫ be solutions to the Boltzmann equation (1.1) and the approximated equation ≥ (1.7) with the same initial datum f respectively, then we have for any t 0, 0 ≥ (1.21) f(t) fǫ(t) C(f ,t)ǫ3 2s, || − ||HlN ≤ 0 − 6 L.HEANDY.ZHOU where C(f ,t) is a constant depending only on f , f and time t. 0 || 0||L1q || 0||HψN(+N5,l) 1.6. Plan of the paper. In section 2, we state three estimates (upper bound, coercivity, commutator) of the operator Mǫ. Section 3 is devoted to the well-posedness theory of our approximate equation, namely, uniqueness and existence of non-negative solution. In the last section, we prove the high order convergence of solutions between the Boltzmann equation and our approximate equation. 2. Estimates of the collision operators In this section, we state three estimates of the operator Mǫ, as defined in (1.6) which will used frequently in next sections. We begin with upper bound of the collision operator. Theorem 2.1. Suppose the collision kernel B satisfies the Assumption (A-1)-(A-4), and Qǫ is the collision operator associated to the collision kernel Bǫ. Let w ,w R with w +w γ+2, a ,a 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 ∈ ≥ ≥ with a +a = 2s and b ,b 0 with b +b = 2. Then for smooth functions g,h and f, the following 1 2 1 2 1 2 ≥ estimate holds uniformly with respect to ǫ: (2.1) |hMǫ(g,h),fi|.||g||L1γ+2+(−w1)++(−w2)+(||h||Hwa11||f||Hwa22 +ǫ2−2s||h||Hwb11||f||Hwb22). Proof. For the cut-off BoltzmannoperatorQǫ, as in[11], for any w ,w R with w +w γ+2, there 1 2 1 2 ∈ ≥ holds (2.2) |hQǫ(g,h),fi|.||g||L1γ+2s+(−w1)++(−w2)+||h||Hwa11||f||Hwa22. Again from [11], we have (2.3) Q (g,h),f . g h f . |h L i| || ||L1γ+2+(−w1)++(−w2)+|| ||Hwb11|| ||Hwb22 Patching together the above two estimates, the estimate (2.1) follows accordingly. (cid:3) We now turn to coercivity estimate of the operator. Theorem 2.2. Suppose the collision kernel B satisfies the Assumption (A-1)-(A-4), and Qǫ is the collision operator associated to the collision kernel Bǫ. Suppose function g is nonnegative and satisfies (2.4) g + g < , || ||L12 || ||LlogL ∞ then there exists constants C (g) and C (g) depending only on g and g such that 1 2 || ||L11 || ||LlogL (2.5) Mǫ(g,f),f C (g) f 2 C (g) f 2 . −h i≥ 1 || ||ǫ,γ/2− 2 || ||L2γ/2 Proof. For the cut-off Boltzmann operator Qǫ, with a similar argument as in [1], one has Qǫ(g,f),f C (g) Wǫ(D)f 2 C (g) f 2 . −h i≥ 1 || ||L2γ/2 − 2 || ||L2γ/2 For the Landau operator Q , by [6], there holds L (2.6) Q (g,f),f C (g) f 2 C (g) f 2 . −h L iv ≥ 1 || ||Hγ1/2 − 2 || ||L2γ/2 The coercivity estimate (2.5) follows by noting that ||Wǫ(D)f||2L2γ/2 +ǫ2−2s||f||2Hγ1/2 ∼||f||2ǫ,γ/2. (cid:3) In the last, we move to commutator estimates. We first give the commutator estimate of the cut-off Boltzmann operator Qǫ as a lemma. Lemma2.1. Supposethecollision kernelB satisfiestheAssumption(A-1)-(A-4),andQǫ is thecollision operator associated to the collision kernel Bǫ. Let N ,N R and l 0 with N +N l+γ, and let 2 3 2 3 ∈ ≥ ≥ N = N + N +max l 1, l 2 . Then for smooth functions g,h and f, the following estimate 1 2 3 | | | | {| − | | − |} holds uniformly with respect to ǫ: (2.7) |hQǫ(g,hhvil)−Qǫ(g,h)hvil,fi|.||g||L1N1||h||HNs2||f||L2N3. Proof. One may refer to [4] for a proof. (cid:3) The next lemma is the commutator estimate of the Landau operator Q . L HIGH ORDER APPROXIMATION FOR THE BOLTZMANN EQUATION WITH CUTOFF 7 Lemma 2.2. Let N ,N R and l 0 with N +N l+γ. Then for smooth functions g,h and f, 2 3 2 3 ∈ ≥ ≥ the following estimate holds true: (2.8) Q (g,h v l) Q (g,h) v l,f ΛC(l) g h f , |h L h i − L h i i|≤ || ||L1γ+3|| ||HN12|| ||L2N3 where C(l)=max 2l2+12l,20l 2l2 . { − } Proof. We define as usual the following quantities in 3-dimension: 3 3 b (z)= ∂ a (z)= 2Λz γz , c(z)= ∂ a (z)= 2Λ(γ+3)z γ. i j ij i ij ij − | | − | | j=1 i,j=1 X X Hence the Landau operator Q can be rewritten as: L 3 3 3 Q (g,h)= (a g)∂ h (c g)h= ∂ [ (a g)∂ h (b g)h]. L ij ij i ij j i ∗ − ∗ ∗ − ∗ i,j=1 i=1 j=1 X X X Then we have 3 D(g,h,f;l)d=ef Q (g,h v l) Q (g,h) v l,f = a g,f∂ (h v l) f v l∂ h . L L ij ij ij h h i − h i i h ∗ h i − h i i i,j=1 X It is easy to check v v ∂ (h v l) v l∂ h=l v l 2(v ∂ h+v ∂ h)+l v l 2[(l 2) i j +δ ]h. ij h i −h i ij h i− i j j i h i− − v 2 ij h i Thus we have D(g,h,f;l) = l g f v l 2[ a (v v )(v ∂ h+v ∂ h)]dvdv − ij i j j i ZR6 ∗ h i i,j − ∗ ∗ X a (v v )v v +l(l 2) g hf v l−2 i,j ij − ∗ i jdvdv − ZR6 ∗ h i P hvi2 ∗ +l g hf v l 2 a (v v )dvdv . − ii ZR6 ∗ h i i − ∗ ∗ X Considering the following facts 3 3 a (v v )v ∂ h= a (v v )v ∂ h=( h)Ta(v v )v =( h)Ta(v v )v , ij i j ij j i − ∗ − ∗ ∇ − ∗ ∇ − ∗ ∗ i,j=1 i,j=1 X X and 3 a v v =Λv v γ(v 2 v 2 (v v )2), ij i j | − ∗| | | | ∗| − · ∗ i,j=1 X and a =2Λv v γ+2, ii | − ∗| i X we arrive at D(g,h,f;l) = 2l g f v l−2( h)Ta(v v )v dvdv ZR6 ∗ h i ∇ − ∗ ∗ ∗ v v γ(v 2 v 2 (v v )2) +Λl(l 2) g hf v l−2| − ∗| | | | ∗| − · ∗ dvdv − ZR6 ∗ h i hvi2 ∗ +2Λl g hf v l 2 v v γ+2dvdv − ZR6 ∗ h i | − ∗| ∗ d=ef I +I +I . 1 2 3 Thanks to a(v v )v 4Λ v γ+3 v γ+2, | − ∗ ∗|≤ h ∗i h i 8 L.HEANDY.ZHOU we have I 8Λl g h f , | 1|≤ || ||L1γ+3|| ||HN12|| ||L2N3 provided N +N l+γ. Similarly, if N +N l+γ, there holds 2 3 2 3 ≥ ≥ I 8Λl g h f . | 3|≤ || ||L1γ+2|| ||L2N2|| ||L2N3 With the help of the fact v v γ(v 2 v 2 (v v )2) | − ∗| | | | ∗| − · ∗ 2 v γ+2 v γ, v 2 ≤ h ∗i h i h i we have I 2Λl l 2 g h f , | 2|≤ | − ||| ||L1γ+2|| ||L2N2|| ||L2N3 provided N +N l 2+γ. Patching together the above estimates, if N +N l+γ, we have 2 3 2 3 ≥ − ≥ D(g,h,f;l) Λmax 2l2+12l,20l 2l2 g h f . | |≤ { − }|| ||L1γ+3|| ||HN12|| ||L2N3 (cid:3) In the end of this section, we state the commutator estimate of the operator Mǫ. Theorem 2.3. Suppose the collision kernel B satisfies the Assumption (A-1)-(A-4), and Qǫ is the collision operator associated to the collision kernel Bǫ. Let N ,N R and l 0 with N +N l+γ, 2 3 2 3 ∈ ≥ ≥ and let N = max N + N +max l 1, l 2 ,γ+3 . Then for smooth functions g,h and f, the 1 2 3 {| | | | {| − | | − |} } following estimate holds uniformly with respect to ǫ: (2.9) |hMǫ(g,hhvil)−Mǫ(g,h)hvil,fi|.||g||L1N1(||h||HNs2 +ǫ2−2s||h||HN12)||f||L2N3. Proof. The commutator estimate (2.9) follows from lemma 2.1 and 2.2. (cid:3) 3. Well-posedness for approximate equation (1.7): existence and uniqueness Inthissection,wewillshowthat(1.7)admitsanon-negative,uniqueandsmoothsolutioniftheinitial data is smooth. To do that, we separate the proof into three steps. In the first step, we prove that the linear equation to (1.7) admits a non-negative and smooth solution. Then in the next step, by using Picarditerationscheme,wegetthewell-posednessresult. Inthefinalstep,weimprovethewell-posedness result by applying the symmetric property of the collision operators. 3.1. Well-posedness of linear equation to (1.7). Throughout this subsection, ǫ > 0 is a fixed but small enough number. In the following, we construct a non-negative solution to the linear equation: ∂tf =Qǫ(g,f)+ǫ2−2sQL(g,f) (3.1) (f t=0 =f0. | Let us define two operators: Qǫ+(g,h)d=ef Bǫ(v v ,σ)g′h′dσdv , ZR3ZSS2 − ∗ ∗ ∗ Qǫ (g,h)d=ef Bǫ(v v ,σ)g hdσdv = (g)h. − ZR3ZSS2 − ∗ ∗ ∗ L Then we have Qǫ =Qǫ+ Qǫ , so we call Qǫ+ the gain operator and Qǫ the loss operator. − − − We first give a proposition, which shall be used in both the current section and the next section. EPr(θo)p=osivtio2ncos32.1θ.+Levt p2s≥in22,θn. S=upp|vvo−−svve∗∗|ω,uis=the|vvv++evvc∗∗t|o,rjsu=ch|uut−h−a((uut··nnσ))nn=|,chos=θn+|vsi|n2|θvω∗|,2t−he(nvt·hve∗r)e2,hoalndds h i 2 h ∗i 2 p θ θ (3.2) v 2p v 2p v 2p(1 cos2p )+ v 2psin2p +p(E(θ))p 1h(j ω)sinθ ′ − h i −h i ≤ −h i − 2 h ∗i 2 · 1 +( max 2p−3,1 p(p 1)+2p−1) v 2p−2 v 2p−2sin2θ. 2 { } − h ∗i h i HIGH ORDER APPROXIMATION FOR THE BOLTZMANN EQUATION WITH CUTOFF 9 Proof. It is easy to check v 2 =E(θ)+h(j ω)sinθ. By Taylor expansion, we have ′ h i · v 2p = (E(θ))p+p(E(θ))p 1h(j ω)sinθ ′ − h i · 1 +p(p 1)(h(j ω)sinθ)2 (1 κ)(E(θ)+κh(j ω)sinθ)p 2dκ. − − · − · Z0 d=ef M +M +M . 1 2 3 For the last term M , we have for any κ [0,1]: 3 ∈ 1 κ E(θ)+κh(j ω)sinθ ( v 2+ v 2)(1 − sin2θ) · ≤ h i h ∗i − 4 v 2+ v 2. ≤ h i h ∗i Together with h2 v 2 v 2, we arrive at ≤h i h ∗i 1 M3 p(p 1) v 2 v 2( v 2+ v 2)p−2sin2θ (1 κ)dκ ≤ − h i h ∗i h i h ∗i Z0 − 1 max 2p 3,1 p(p 1) v 2p 2 v 2p 2sin2θ. − − − ≤ 2 { } − h i h ∗i For the term M , we have 1 θ θ (3.3) ( v 2cos2 + v 2sin2 )p h i 2 h ∗i 2 kp p θ θ θ θ v 2kcos2k v 2(p−k)sin2(p−k) + v 2(p−k)cos2(p−k) v 2ksin2k ≤ k {h i 2h ∗i 2 h i 2h ∗i 2} k=1(cid:18) (cid:19) X θ θ θ v 2pcos2p + v 2psin2p +2p v 2p 2 v 2p 2sin2 . − − ≤ h i 2 h ∗i 2 h i h ∗i 2 Combining M ,M ,M , we arrive at (3.2). (cid:3) 1 2 3 We begin with an equation which shall be used to construct solution to the linear equation to (3.1). Lemma 3.1. Let g,h 0 be smooth functions. Suppose fǫ is the solution to the following equation ≥ ∂ f =Qǫ+(g,h) Qǫ (g,f)+ǫ2 2sQ (g,f) t − − L (3.4) − (f t=0 =f0 0. | ≥ Then fǫ(t) 0 for any t 0. ≥ ≥ Proof. Denote fǫ =min 0,fǫ 0, then we have fǫ =0, and t=0 − { }≤ −| d 1 dt(2||f−ǫ||2L2)+ZR3L(g)(f−ǫ)2dv =ZR3Qǫ+(g,h)f−ǫdv+ǫ2−2shQL(g,fǫ),f−ǫi. Since g,h 0 and fǫ 0, it is clear that ≥ − ≤ Qǫ+(g,h)fǫdv 0. ZR3 − ≤ By the definition of Q , we have L Q (g,fǫ),fǫ = g ( fǫ)Ta(v v ) fǫdvdv L h −i −ZR6 ∗ ∇ − − ∗ ∇ − ∗ +Λ(γ+3) v v γg (fǫ)2dvdv ZR6| − ∗| ∗ − ∗ d=ef I +I . 1 2 Sinceaisapositivesemi-definitematrix,wehaveI 0. Byassumption(A-2),thereholds bǫ(cosθ)dσ 1 ≤ SS2 ∼ ǫ−2s. Therefore, there exists ǫ >0 such that, for any 0<ǫ ǫ , s ∗ ≤ ∗ R 1 ǫ2 2sI (g)(fǫ)2dv. − 2 ≤ 2ZR3L − Finally, we arrive at d 1 1 ( fǫ 2 )+ (g)(fǫ)2dv 0. dt 2|| −||L2 2ZR3L − ≤ 10 L.HEANDY.ZHOU Thus fǫ(t) =0 for any t 0, which implies fǫ(t) 0 for any t 0. (cid:3) L2 || − || ≥ ≥ ≥ Now we are ready to construct a solution to the linear equation (1.7). Lemma 3.2. Let l 4,T > 0 be real numbers. Suppose the non-negative datum f H5 ≥ 0 ∈ l+3γ/2+10 ∩ L1 with f >0. Suppose g(t,v) is a non-negative function satisfying l+5γ/2+16 || 0||L1 T M = sup g(t) + g(t) dt< and m= inf g(t) >0, 0≤t≤T|| ||H25l+3γ+22∩L1l+5γ/2+16 Z0 || ||L1l+7γ/2+16 ∞ 0≤t≤T|| ||L1 then (3.1)admitsauniquenon-negativesolutionf inL ([0,T];L1 H5 ) L1([0,T];L1 ). ∞ l+5γ/2+16∩ l+γ+10 ∩ l+7γ/2+16 Proof. Define a sequence of approximate solutions fn n N by { } ∈ f0(t)=f , for any t 0; 0 ≥ (3.5) ∂tfn =Qǫ+(g,fn−1) Qǫ−(g,fn)+ǫ2−2sQL(g,fn), n 1 − ≥ fn =f . t=0 0 | According to the previous lemma, we have fn 0. ≥ Step 1: (Uniform Upper Bound) Step 1.1: (Uniform Upper Bound in L1) l In this step, we shall use the energy method to get the uniform upper bound of L1 norm of fn with l { }n respect to n. Applying the basic inequality (1.10), for any η >0, there holds 1 v v γ (v 2+2v v + v 2)γ2 ((1+η)v 2+(1+ )v 2)γ2 | − ∗| ≤ | | | || ∗| | ∗| ≤ | | η | ∗| 1 (1+η)γ2 v γ +(1+ )γ2 v γ. ≤ h i η h ∗i Also one has (3.6) v′ l (1+ v 2+ v 2)2l v l+2l v l−2 v l−2+ v l. h i ≤ | | | ∗| ≤ h ∗i h i h ∗i h i Thanks to the above two facts, we obtain (3.7) Qǫ+(g,fn−1)(v) v ldv = bǫ(cosθ)v v γg fn−1 v′ ldvdv dσ ZR3 h i ZR6ZSS2 | − ∗| ∗ h i ∗ ≤ (1+η)γ2Aǫ||g||L1||fn−1||L1l+γ 1 +(1+ η)γ2Aǫ||g||L1l+γ||fn−1||L1 +C(l,γ,η)Aǫ g fn 1 , || ||L1l|| − ||L1l where Aǫ = bǫ(cosθ)dσ. It is easy to check SS2 R v γ = (1+ v v +v 2)γ2 (1+(1+ 1)v 2+(1+η)v v 2)γ2 h i | − ∗ ∗| ≤ η | ∗| | − ∗| 1 (1+ )γ/2 v γ +(1+η)γ/2 v v γ. ≤ η h ∗i | − ∗| That is, for any η >0, there holds v γ (3.8) v v γ h i η−γ/2 v γ. | − ∗| ≥ (1+η)γ/2 − h ∗i Then we obtain Aǫ (3.9) ZR3Qǫ−(g,fn)(v)hvildv ≥ (1+η)γ/2||g||L1||fn||L1l+γ −η−γ/2Aǫ||g||L1γ||fn||L1l. For the Landau operator, referring to [6], there holds (3.10) Q (g,fn)(v) v ldv lΛ g fn v v γ v l 2( 2v 2+l v 2)dvdv L − ZR3 h i ≤ ZR3 ∗ | − ∗| h i − | | | ∗| ∗ lΛ g fn +(4l+2)lΛ g fn . ≤ − || ||L1|| ||L1l+γ || ||L14|| ||L1l

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